Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla APC 13 09 08 22 0 3d APC 13 09 08 10 9 3d • a/the/this/that + noun + of + possessive e.g. She s a colleague of minę.APC 13 09 08 23 4 3d We use reflexive pronouns: ♦ with verbs such as behave, bum, cut, enjoy,&nAPC 13 09 08 25 5 3d e.g. Sara (subject) has taught herself how to play the guitar. You loAPC 13 09 08 28 6 3d ♦ with the preposition by when we mean alone:1) without APC 13 09 08 37 9 3d Notę: 1)Wedonotuse reflexive pronouns with the verbs concentrate, feeAPC 13 09 08 39 0 3d 2) The verbs dress, wash and shave are not normally followed by a refAPC 13 09 08 54 5 3d ♦ to refer to an idea we are about to mention. e.g. Li sten to this. It s APC 13 09 08 56 6 3d ♦ to introduce oneself on the phone or to introduce people. e.g. Helio? TAPC 13 09 08 04 1 3d ♦ when speaking on the phone to ask who the other person is. e.g. WhAPC 13 09 08 47 9 3d ♦ We use a singular verb with compounds of some, any and no. e.g. There isAPC 13 09 08! 00 9 3d Elsę ♦ The adverb e/se means other, different , or morę . It is used aftAPC 13 09 08! 07 6 3d Every - Each ♦ Every and each are used with singular countable nouns.APC 13 09 08! 44 1 3d Z We use each when we are thinking of people or things separately, oAPC 13 09 08 20 1 3d ♦ Too many is used with plural countable nouns. It has a negative&nbsAPC 13 09 08# 06 4 3d A few means not many, but enough. e.g. There are a few hotels in this townAPC 13 09 08# 13 6 3d Few means hardly any, almost nonę and can be used with very for emphasis. APC 13 09 08# 48 2 3d Little means hardly any, almost nonę and can be used with very for emphasiAPC 13 09 08 23 1 3d ♦ during - while/as during + noun = in the time period e.g. We learnt seveAPC 13 09 08 58 9 3d ♦ We use as if/as though + past tense when we are talking about an unAPC 13 09 08 42 7 3d Any and its compounds are also used with negative words such as withoWybierz strone: [
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