Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla Creative Doughcraft1
Creative Doughcraft1 DOLPHIN Join the strips to the dolphin s body, leaving a 6mm (/in) in be
Creative Doughcraft3 11Tractor You can hang this colourful tractor up anywhere in the home. It woul
Creative Doughcraft4 DOUGHCRAFT DOUGHCRAFT Salt dough 100g (4oz) plain flour 50g (2oz) table salt&n
Creative Doughcraft5 TRACTOR Roli a smali marblo-size bali of dough and push a cocktail stick
Creative Doughcraft6 DOUGHCRAFTMaking the driver, pig and sheep To make the driver, roli a finger-s
Creative Doughcraft7 fes* TRACTORFinishing the tractor I used bright primary coiours to give the tr
Creative Doughcraft9 12Country plant pot Any plant would look attractive in this pot. The country s
Creative Doughcraft0 DOUGHCRAFT DOUGHCRAFT Bread dough 50g (2oz) white bread without the crusts /
Creative Doughcraft3 Heart and dove mobile This delicate mobile will attract attention in any
Creative Doughcraft5 *• •* • HEART AND DOVE MOBILEMaking the mobile top Divide The bread dough int
Creative Doughcraft6 DOUGHCRAFTDecorating the mobile top To make the mobile shapes Roli out some pi
Creative Doughcraft7 HEART AND DOVE MOBILE Assembling the mobile To make the beads, cut twelve pmk
Creative Doughcraft9 14ParachuteMan This parachute man would look great hanging from a ceiling in a
Creative Doughcraft 0 DOUGHCRAFT Salt dough 225g (807) plain flour 10Og (4oz) table salt 10Oml
Creative Doughcraft 1 t PARACHUTE MANMaking the parachute man To make the legs, cut a piece of dough
Creative Doughcraft 2 DOUGHCRAFT Make buttonholes on one side of the jacket with a cocktail stick.&n
Creative Doughcraft 3 t PARACHUTE MAN Make a smali scarf from a strip of thinly rolled out dough. Pu
Creative Doughcraft 4 DOUGHCRAFT Bakę at temperaturę 120nC (2 50°F or Gas Mark A) for about fiv
Creative Doughcraft 5 t PARACHUTE MAN Fold the long piece of cord in half. Tie the ring in the
Creative Doughcraft 7 15 Sun and bumble bee mobile This mobile is easy and fun to make. Th
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