Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 70303 mbs 017 mbs 065 MY BREATH ING SYSTEM exhalation comprise, each of them. two abdominal move-ments—four in allmbs 067 MY BREATHING SYSTEM The Great Mistake of Swedish Drill. As already mentioned, we ought to usmbs 068 MY BREATHING SYSTEM I think I was the first author who prescribed exactly, in each single cxmbs 069 M BREATHING >Y>IKM phy.sicai culture, it is no wonder that the death-rate from consumpmbs 071 MY BRKAI HING SYSTEM How the Heart is often Injured. It inay be useful to discuss this mattembs 073 MY BREATHING SYSTEM Even if the heart has been weakened by athletics badly per-formed, it ismbs 082 MY BREATHING SYSTEM portant, if everyone, from childhood, were to perform this five minutes’mbs 090 MY BREATHING SYSTEM EXERCISE No. 3. Fuli breatbing during twisting of trunk to alternate sidmbs 098 MY BREATHINT. SYSTEM EXERCISE No. 7. Fuli breathing during twisting and leaning to alternatembs 100 MY BRKATHING SYSTEM EXERCISE No. 8. Fuli breathing during arm-raising sideways and subsecjuembs 104 !ji. II 1 oKUI I r l*«»!loK AlłlHiMIN.M. I IIAI MION | |(.mbs 105 PART III.CHAPTER I HINTS FOR ATHLETES So many Knglish atliletes freąuently incur trouble witmbs 108 MY UKKATIIING SYSTEM cther etfective exercises, are, thereforc, still morę appropriate here.mbs 111 MY BREATHING SYSTEM practised until it can be periormcd unconsciously. I havc never seen thimbs 117 MY BREATHING SYSTEM six strokes, with the result that bcfore lialt a minutę had passed, tkeymbs 124 MY BREATHING SYSTEM be found invaluable froin the point of view of increasing the rangę of embs 125 MY BRFATHING SYSTEM thus be performed vcry quickly, which is often necessaiy, but it is realmbs 127 MY BKIlATHING SYSTKM ideał breathing should bring every part of tlie lungs into actirity. Bumbs 128 “MY SUN-BATHING ANDFRESH-AIR SYSTEM” Tht famous nut hot $ latcst wofh on health and body ctNano27 10 017 I §g|gg| ęron* dofciadme -w mieKu iSoięWnu. ęrarómi ioTOCTnT^ <y&Wybierz strone: [
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