Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla P1200443 P1200411 (2) SWORDS. WAGON-GRAYES. AND THE BEGINNING OF THE EARLY IRON AGE IN CENTRAL EUROPE* This aP1200412 (2) The early datę of the Wehringen grave is mainly justified by the bronze wagon Tutings wP1200413 gress of rescurch. Howcver, the reeent Siudy of British swords by C. Burgess and I. Col-quhP1200414 w uh B chapes. Gundlingen swords couid have scabbards with eithcr A or B chapes. Kossack noP1200415 Tłm fypołogy ha* betn deńaed mainly by rcferencc to pubfished materiał, and the fint drtaihP1200416 fffflMf Mf Mrff ! IM I WMMM • MUflHH IM v|«W »( •» MMtlllWt llf BMVM willP1200417 Simpic scmi-lunatc razom wcrc found in iwo Giindlingen sword graves, from La-Rochc-Pot, wilP1200418 H Potlcry A large numher ot gruvcs has bccn found with Gilndlingen swords assnciutcd włth pP1200419 Demmelsdorf. Klcntnice 78. Bobingcn. Wcichcring. Slcinkirchen. Chaveria 16, Ner-micr. Sln/cP1200420 13. Hallstatt grave 299. Dotringen tumulus 11, Weichering tuniulus 2, Kissing, Cha-veria tuP1200422 73f; 1971. cat nas 556. 565. 573. 665. 667. 669. cal. no. 672 U a NortherP1200423 BIBLIOGRAPHY Abełs. B.-L 1985a: LinSchwcrtlund von der Heumschenburg in Kronach-Gehiilz. DaP1200424 Kossack. G. 1957: Zur C hronologie der altcren Hatlstattzcit (Ha C) im baycrischen AlpcnvorP1200425 Torbragge. W 1965: /w in der GberpiaU. II. Die Funcie unci FundpUttre in P1200427 Sinrni l ig 5 i h» dlilrilniiluii uf bronił IIhIUiiiii iwonl* • ClrclMi OOmlllnioi iwordi, P1200428 aBóat-shapeda I Neulwus (A 4)1 IPrullsbirkig (A 1)1 jBuchenbach/ /Frankfurter (Stad twa Id 11192 P1200404 (2) w Problemy socjotopografii osad ludności kultury luiyckiej Odsłonięte w trakcie b24655 P1200405 (2) 1 Miłkowice, stan. 19, studnia nr 53. pas N, z zachowanymi na dnie* naczyniami, f26350 P1200417 Simpic scmi-lunatc razom wcrc found in iwo Giindlingen sword graves, from La-Rochc-Po34361 P1200413 gress of rescurch. Howcver, the reeent Siudy of British swords by C. Burgess and I. CWybierz strone: [
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