Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla CCF20130211 021 CCF20100212 000 ^udeuyre S*A ObUcu^c- poLcx ch 5Xoj:cWo fZ(^reu/^c2jŁQ..^J i H xŁ+q Ł - W &nCCF20100212 004 a) iZj ? oas;c i-jL (fioSYldt-Sin2/. )<ł Y ~ SirAX -t |c^5 xd&CCF20100213 001 Ofa^ASSi O-*5 t %ĘgrCt9W + p jXs‘4li) • Z.CCF20100213 002 fif.-T-4- AA ■ <^<2 kJ&tJaJytAs - (,?&)*& f ^-t(4 y<. )=AoWi.‘ CCF20100213 003 ■/Apj*±- o y?ptfca#-, »krt*K&cJe. ■ł=®(X *“ oy. J) / /j D*4,CCF20100216 002 10 English Phonetics and Phonology vii) The lips are important in speech. They can bCCF20100216 005 2 The production of speech sounds 13 Cardinal vowel no. 1 has the symbol [i], and isCCF20100216 006 14 English Phonetics and Phonology i (example words: ‘bit’, ‘pin’, ‘fish’) The diagrCCF20100216 007 2 The production of speech sounds 15 een primary and secondary Cardinal vowels is a CCF20100223 001 tree, free, green, spleen, seen, ąueen, speed, feed, need, sea, tea, pea, flea, mealCCF20100223 003 cavity than for Polish o, (2) it is morę open, i.e. the space between the back of thCCF20100223 005 Fig. 21. Englńti [u:), lougue poation Fig. 2Z Position of the lipsCCF20100223 006 Worda with [ju:]: musc, musie, lunę, lunie, cube, cubic, due, duty, new, newest, HunCCF20100223 008 3y6: ■ Lnng central e, Le. (a:] Fig. 28. Poation of the lips Fig. 27. English (»:), CCF20100223 012 The main difference between English and Polish diphthongs, and at the same time łhe CCF20100223 014 Notę 4. Also [k] | and [ei] ahould be differentiated: plan piane man main can cane CCF20100223 015 Contrasting pairs with [ai]CCF20100223 017 3. Diphthongs ending in {-a]: [ia, ea, ua, oa] Fig. 39. English diphthongs [ia], [eaCCF20100224 000 Lista lektur obowiązujących na zajęciach z Kultury języka i wypowiedzi (prowadząca zCCF20100224 001 Danuta Buttler i in., Kultura języka polskiego, t. 2, Zagadnienia poprawności leksykWybierz strone: [
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