Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla changebar 115 Changes in chemism of the Łabuńka r.iver.. 6. From comparison of indices deterHydrological conseąuences of human action.. Later years brought considerable changes to forest cover11 Anthropogenic changes in the suspended.. 1987; Babiński and Klimek 1990; Babiński 1992; Łajczak 1130 T. Wilgat et al. technical works is thus the same as that induced by changes of soil management.134 T. Wilgał et al. drying, a change in hydraulic gradients and a shift of ground-watersheds. The z13 Anthropogenic changes in the suspended.. DATA USED AND CALCULATION METHODS Analysis of the presen15 Anthropogenic changes in the suspended.. 2. Stage initiated by intensive regulation works on the 19 Anthropogenic changes in the suspended.. Fig. 7. 5-year running means of annual suspended load21 Anthropogenic changes in the suspended.. channel and this river stretch has been recognized as th23Anthropogenic changes in the suspended.. particularly in its upper stretch. The resultant increase25 Anthropogenic changes in the suspended,.. tributaries, have been obtained using eąuations for the27 Anthropogenic changes in the suspended.. and 1990 by 30% and is now only 2,700,000 t yr-1. Concur29Anthropogenic changes in the suspended. Knighton A.D., 1989, Riuer adjustment to changes in sedimeGEOGRAPHIA POLONICA 68,1997ANTHROPOGENIC CHANGES IN WATER CONDITIONSIN THE LUBLIN AREA Zdzisław83 Anthropogenic changes of water conditions.. An increasing number of inhabitants, as well as the d85 Anthropogenic changes of water conditions... In 1506 a contract was signed for the building of a 87 Anthropogenic changes of wałer conditions.. 1975). Significant changes also occurred in the riverGEOGRAPHIA POLONICA 68,1997ANTHROPOGENIC CHANGES IN THE SUSPENDED LOAD TRANSPORTATION BY AND SEDIMEN91 Anthropogenic changes of water conditions.. maps of 1955 and 1992, occurred in an area of about 693 Anthropogenic changes of water conditions.. To document long-term trends for flow changes, a curvWybierz strone: [
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