Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 37987 Tatting china6
37987 Tatting china6 «*■$«£***. *« «| ar * (B * tt 4- ii <ł- A & i&srj tft *Mż UH# I. 94
37987 Tatting china6 «*■$«£***. *« «| ar * (B * tt 4- ii <ł- A & i&srj tft *Mż UH# I. 94
Tatting china6 «*■$«£***. *« «| ar * (B * tt 4- ii <ł- A & i&srj tft *Mż UH# I. 94
img045 (60) PRACTICAL TATTINGEDGING C This pattern is worked in two rows. It does not really matter
img055 2 PRACTICAL TATTINGEDGING A I madę this little dress purely as an example for this book, out
img057 (53) PRACTICAL TATTINGEDGING B_ I see this child’s pinafore worn over a dark-coloured, long-s
img059 2 PRACTICAL TATTINGEDGING C_ This is another very simple little edging, which is madę using n
img064 (44) PRACTICAL TATTINGCOLLAR B_ This pattern is quite straightforward to work. The lozenge-sh
img070 (43) PRACTICAL TATTINGMATA This little mat has a rather cheąuered history. I started making i
img082 2 PRACTICAL TATTING Insertion This insertion has virtually the same pattern as the edging,
KIF74 NH£DL£ TATTING There are rwo rcchniqucs rcferrcd ro as nccd 1 Y7iIr a necdlo Durine the nine
img002 Reąuirements:Tatting Skills assumed: The reader should bc able to tat at a beginner level, in
img003 Easy Celtic Patterns These patterns require only beginning tatting skills. They should be eas
Tatting china13 m » as i •*. « Ronnxo j I! -■U (DflfclHIft ®*Cł*«*
12047 Tatting china3 S& BttlMS*. *tt«^-iffl«ł>l54-4<h-^tt»)«W«ttffł. 91
img009 Celtic Hearts Edging I just LOVE to doodle with tatting, and the hearts were a surprise outco
Easy Tatting (14) Large Rosette Begin with center ring like IB (page 6) madę with large picots. Ring
Easy Tatting (31) Fig. 4. 6. Smali ring (3 = 3 = 3 + 3) Join to picots of thi
Easy Tatting (7) Tatted Earrings Use any color beads and thread. The beads should have a hole large
77815 img047 3 PRACTICAL TATTINGEDGING D_ This pattern is much simpler than it looks. You will need
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