Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 41891 tmta 6 41891 tmta 6 Basic doublet 4a _ 4. Basic doublet, mid 14th century onwards a. The tmta6 21 sp - 21. Finished sleeve draft Tracę the draft (Fig 20), turn it over altmta6 6. Two-stage seams These give a fiat, fully-enclosed finish for linens and lightweight wools.20253 tmta6 Materials Outer fabric - use medium or lightweight woollen materiał or worsted; in a go21878 tmta6 Fashionable gown12. Fashionable gown, end 14th/early 15th century This was the last com74989 tmta6 Main garments This second layer is worn over the linens. Both men and women wore a co t79838 tmta6 Ma king up Make up any piecings on the outer fabric and lining. Lay the two layers with75192 tmta6 Platę 16. Woman in overkirtle, c.1440, Flemish Background figurę from the painting, wea79721 tmta6 r 21. Sleeve for Fig 18 A tapered sleeve with pleats at the shoulder, drafted in two sttmta6 5 6. Front On each side in turn, as for the Back, smooth the materiał horizontally across thetmta6 Threads The thread used by a medieval tailor depended on the task. Plain woollen cloths couldtmta6 Surcotes Surcote is used here to describe a rangę of early outer garments worn over a main tmta6 75cm SELYEDGES 11. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 9 Front - Rule a CF linę. Lay the Front botmta6 rGowns The gown, or houppelande as it was also called through much of the period, first appeatmta6 6. Chaperon, mid 15th century, Pis 12,19 a. The finał development of the ho37877 tmta6 4. Separate hose, 1200-1500 The foot styles are interchangeable: they could also have stmta6 Main garments This second layer is worn over the linens. Both men and women wore a co te of stmta6 5 6. Front On each side in turn, as for the Back, smooth the materiał horizontally across thetmta6 21 sp - 21. Finished sleeve draft Tracę the draft (Fig 20), turn it over altmta6 6. Two-stage seams These give a fiat, fully-enclosed finish for linens and lightweight wools.Wybierz strone: {
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