Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 424192(8592611212551 7716215966858s465573436140 n
424192(8592611212551 7716215966858s465573436140 n ^ometimes tue need "to foXQe% some people fr
386413$5929535478859 7716215966858c6505T5440634 n e greatest danger for most of is not that our aim
399790&3558140382665 7716215966858g9895B8208527 n To be beautiful means to be yourself.
422059(7325631339249 7716215966858s192572765039 n The PAST is where you learned the leSSon The
424951(3461355059010 7716215966858r2697d4839658 n NEVER GIVE UP Go over, go under, go around, or go
426109(3454911726321 7716215966858r268716273127 n Ił you dor ł op tfłer wWV »jou vrtMrł, |0U II ngV
479152 9828505422295 7716215966858q3205 64069911 o Confidence is a must , Happiness is a plus bagern
52281201754143229731 7716215966858v7449w0845585 n Don t change so people will like you. Be your
53918507148822690263 7716215966858x055220181690 n Sometimes all you can do is not think, not wonder
53960507403275998151 7716215966858x130187114770 n Tbankslo^Hiosewhoh^^ youmademesfronger. ThankstQi
53973105909506147528 7716215966858w7074?5910631 n GrowSTRONGER FROMf/THE PAIN DOŃ’T LET IT (Destroy
54058004632812941864 7716215966858w4453?5835057 n &etyivwtn$y cwe; u4fUxdly bcary cund/ emirn^ a
54559408233155915163 7716215966858x423011423704 n YOU JUST HAVE TO Lin YOUR. LIFE NOT CRRING W
57504536031599801985 7716215966858?169091849304 n BEING HAPPY DOESNT MEAN EVERYTHING IS PERFECT. IT
57519112349965503482 7716215966858y377265056877 n Sometimes you just have to die a little insi
292054 7868959284917 7716215966858S323478543416 n When we walk to the edge of all the light we have
296972 8488662556280 7716215966858S511716038739 n howto be wild at heart r 1.J^wyvhoyouare by forgi
298597 7869429284870 7716215966858S3239r7793478 n trustyourself.you know morę than you think you do.
30181410895878982224 7716215966858y0920?7900299 n Be confident. m Too many days are wasted comparing
312504 8487085889771 7716215966858S5087C289140 n WHAT 1S LIFE? TWW 6>AM IT6 T£OM 3 TO P. T=£OM $I
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