Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 69509 Paradiddle Power1 69509 Paradiddle Power1 tam■■ I i i i i i i iiiii i In exercises 14 through 17 below, the left handParadiddle Power 3 Introduction Paradiddle Power is a study of the many applications of single, doubParadiddle Power5 o o HH sd : BD TEA- « J J X 1 L r- 1 RLRRLRLLRLRRLRLL 22 o ox_x_ XXXITR r~ Paradiddle Power2 In the last two exercises on this page (19 and 20), the left hancl crosses over tParadiddle Power 6 Part 5: Jazz Fills With Triple Paradiddles In Triplets Here again, notę that only47450 Paradiddle Power4 Morę rhythmically interesting and complex bass drum figures are incorporate49262 Paradiddle Power4 Part 4: Rock/Funk Patterns With Triple Paradiddles In the following rock/fu13828 Paradiddle Power9 IPart 2: Snare Drum, Two Rack Toms, Large Tom Part 2 uses double paradiddle18436 Paradiddle Power5 I I | IPart 4: Rock/Shuffle Patterns With Double Paradiddles In patterns 1 77259 Paradiddle Power3 I I I V i i vAli fills in patterns 6 through 10 use double-paradiddle stick81238 Paradiddle Power3 I I 1 I I I IIn exercises 12 through 1 7, the left hand crosses over the ri42569 Paradiddle Power 5 ■ ,____0 C*7 ż; & & 0 0 mm 0 0 •43271 Paradiddle Power4 Part 5: Jazz Fills With Double Paradiddles In 16th Notes In the following jParadiddle Power7 I I INotę the addition of the ghost notę on the second partial of the third triplParadiddle Power5 SECTION 3: TRIPLE PARADIDDLESRLRLRLRR-LRLRLRLLPart 1: Snare Drum, Smali Tom, LargParadiddle Power8 Part 2: Snare Drum, Two Rack Toms, Large TomPart 2 features triple paradiddles or58394 Paradiddle Power8 Part 2: Snare Drum, Two Rack Toms, Large TomPart 2 features triple paradidd17865 Paradiddle Power9 1 Part 3: Double Paradiddles In 16th Notes With Cross-Sticking The next two19816 Paradiddle Power8 The same bass drum patterns used on the previous pages are used in exercise19974 Paradiddle Power 7 Part 2: Snare Drum, Two Rack Toms, Large Tom Part 2 uses single paradiddlesWybierz strone: {
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