Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 73909 shoes&pattens9
73909 shoes&pattens9 49 Shoemaking and cobbling the shoe. A third option, suggested by Richardson (
shoes&pattens1 11 Shoes from London sites, 1100-1450 5 Early/mid 12th-century ankle-shoe. Scalę 1:3
shoes&pattens9 Shoes from London sites, 1100-1450 19 One of the ankle-shoes, although taller, is ve
shoes&pattens1 31 Shoes from London siłes, 1100-1450 longest are associated exclusively with the ad
shoes&pattens4 Shoemaking and cobbling In most villages of the realm there is some dresser or worke
shoes&pattens2 62 Shoes and Pattens 96 ChilcTs toggle-fastened boot (mid 14th-century). The main pi
shoes&pattens9 79 Shoemaking and cobbling CD CD CD 112 Embroidered decoration. a: Detail of vamp se
shoes&pattens0 80 Shoes and Pattens 114 Embroidered decoration. Detail of vamp stripe on an ea
shoes&pattens3 Sizes and wear patłerns: social inferences seems to shrink by no morę than c.5 per c
shoes&pattens2 Shoes in art and literaturę The purpose of this finał chapter is to bring to-gether
shoes&pattens0 120 Shoes and Pattens Invoices and inventories give some idea of what the wealthier
shoes&pattens1 APPENDIX IThe excavations The footwear described in this volume came from ten separa
41109 shoes&pattens1 Shoes from London sites, 1100-1450 appearance and construction it is remarkabl
42556 shoes&pattens8 88 Shoes and Pattens Moss from thirty-six different shoes was ex-amined, and i
14740 shoes&pattens6 66 Shoes and Patłens 100 Front-laced ankle-shoe (late 14th-century). The upper
15981 shoes&pattens2 22 Shoes and Pałłens 32 Late 13th-century ankle-shoe. Scalę 1:3 approx. Ludgat
65945 shoes&pattens5 55 Shoemaking and cobbling 88 Drawstring ankle-shoe (early 13th-century). Esse
70626 shoes&pattens