Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 82570 The Knitters Bible8
82570 The Knitters Bible8 C R E AT I V E OPTIONSintarsiaTwisting yams together Once you’ve jomed in
The Knitters Bible 8 GETTING STARTEDGettingStarted This section contains all the technicjues you nee
The Knitters Bible0 CHOOSING YARNS Whcn selecting yam for a particular garmcnt or acccssory, b
The Knitters Bible1 boucle yam fur effect yam multicoloured and chunky chenille yarns mohair y
The Knitters Bible5 LOOPED KNIT A border of looped knitting makes a mock fur fabric for thc collar&
The Knitters Bible8 on LU U 0 1 U • U z cd O _J Q_ X LUMITRED SQUARES Another patchwork knitting te
The Knitters Bible4 KNITTING A GARMENT Order of knitting... The wntten instructions take you throug
The Knitters Bible 2 KNIT AND PURL STITCHES King Charles BrocadeMoss Stitch Diamonds Moss Stitch Rib
The Knitters Bible2 CABLE STITCHES Circle Cable Ripple and Rock Braid Cable Abbrcviations: CMI. - s
The Knitters Bible5 CABLE STITCHES ■ i Heart Cable Abbrcviations: M3 - (k 1 ibl. k I) into ncxi si.
The Knitters Bible7 LACE STITCHES Lace Mesh Y»**jfcr* *iv ►m ^ Zig Zag Lace Vine Lace Zig Zag Mulli
The Knitters Bible3 LACE BAGS Knitted in a 4ply mcrccrized cotton, thcsc dainty lace bags can be fi
37973 The Knitters Bible 1 KNIT AND PURL STITCHES PyramidDouble Basketweave Pennant Multiplc of 7 si
47622 The Knitters Bible8 to LU U O X u u z od O —i Q_ X LU EDGINGS Edgings can be added to garmcnt
48176 The Knitters Bible2 LACE STITCHES Diamonds Leaf Patterned Lace Ladder Lace Muliiplc of 8 sls
50520 The Knitters Bible4 m UJ U 0 1 U O z cd 0 01 XKNITTING A PATTERNED GARMENT Increasing and dec
10419 The Knitters Bible4 TEXTURE STITCHES gatheong stitch Sfcp Stitch p on RS row. k on WS ro*s k
13002 The Knitters Bible4 PROJECTSINTARSIA CUSHION Tliis cushion was inspired by thc colours and fo
21288 The Knitters Bible6 u t GETTING STARTED| INCREASING STITCHES Increasing one stitch (inc i) Th
22440 The Knitters Bible9 Weaving in yarn In an mtarsia design, you will get a lot of ends of yarn
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