Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 86207 tmta!2 86207 tmta!2 13. Large horns, mid 15th century Each horn is madę from a shorter inside section and aZdj?cie147 (2) te* Ni^UB r.itf* i**) — tmta * ranką, % «—» i im^wwiA vh traadi nwrt^*, ję J^froz 6 23 Pergamano Cołourful Parchment 13. Fleur de lis Traclng ► Tmta gdd (22Tt: roz 6 23 Pergamano Cołourful Parchment 13. Fleur de lis Traclng ► Tmta gdd (22Tt: tmta8 7. Outer garments - cotehardies WormarYs cotehardie, later 14th century MerYs cotehardies, setmta5 b. Distance x-y is about 1.5 cm, reflecting a larger Top arm. Sleeve head is 43 cm, Top arm 3tmta6 21 sp - 21. Finished sleeve draft Tracę the draft (Fig 20), turn it over altmta4 Methods The working methods you choose will depend on the degree of authenticity you want in tmta5 From a distance it makes little difference whether details such as buttonholes, edge-stitchintmta6 6. Two-stage seams These give a fiat, fully-enclosed finish for linens and lightweight wools.tmta7 Setting in simnle sleeves 6- Pin and stitch the sleeve seam, catching in thtmta1 LiningLining, Fig 12, PI 1 The lining is normally cut to the same shape as the outer layer oftmta3 Materials a. Tabby or plain weave Most textiles in the Middle Ages were madę by specialised ctmta8 Modern fashion linens are rather flimsy compared with the durable shirtings of the past, so&ntmta1 Planning and cutting a shirt or smock The pieces are simple in shape, so the following instrutmta 4 Doublets The doublet almost certainly began as a military garment, the close fit making a sectmta 9 Platę 8 Back view of doublet This shows the characteristic V-back of the collar, sometimes matmta5 10 10 70 cm SELVEDGES 70 cm 20 cm10. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 8 The Back and Front, fotmta9 Frock (or tunic) Many outdoor workers wore a garment which seems rel-ated in cut to the gown,tmta2 o o LU > C/ł 4 SELYEDGES 4. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 2 The patterns are shown on 15Wybierz strone: {
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