Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla APC 13 08 27 02 0 3d APC 13 08 27 02 0 3d would like + to - inf = want (specific preference) e.g. I would like APC 13 08 27 46 0 3d ♦ forget + to - inf = not remember e.g. / have to go out I forgot to buy aAPC 13 08 25 44 0 3d Notę: The past perfect continuous is the past BL ^ ^ equivalent of the APC 13 08 25 04 0 3d The past simple is used for actions which happened in the past and arAPC 13 08 25 58 0 3d • for an action which happened in the past and may be repeated. e.g. APC 13 08 25 35 0 3d We use the futurę continuous: a) for an action which will be in progress aAPC 13 08 25 51 0 3d ♦ be due to + lnfinitive (timetables). e.g. Their fAPC 13 08 25 12 0 3d 10 Jack was about to have dinner when his boss called. point Jack waAPC 13 08 25 29 0 3d Infinitive/ The -ing form/ Too Enough/Participles Ken and Nancy enjoy gardAPC 13 08 25 31 0 3d ♦ after: be + the first/second, etc./next/last/best, etc. e.g. He was APC 13 08 25 47 0 3d ♦ after the verbs: hear, listen to, notice, see, watch, and feel to dAPC 13 08 27 47 1 3d ♦remember + to - inf = not forget e.g. Didyou remember to tell Sam about tAPC 13 08 27 49 3 3d ♦ mean + to - inf = intend to e.g. She means to buy a new car soon. mean +APC 13 08 27 55 6 3d ♦ try + to - inf = attempt, do one s best e g. We tried to move the heavy APC 13 08 27 58 8 3d ♦ be sorry + to - inf = apologise for a present action e.g. I m sorryAPC 13 08 27 00 9 3d ♦ like + to - inf = think that sth is good or right to do e.g. / likeAPC 13 08 27 04 1 3d ♦ be afraid + to - inf = the subject is unwilling to do sth e.g. He iAPC 13 08 27 07 2 3d be afraid of + -ing form = (the subject is afraid that what is descriAPC 13 08 27 09 3 3d ♦ begin, start, continue, propose, bother, intend We never have two -APC 13 08 27 14 6 3d Too has a negative meaning. It shows that something is morę than Wybierz strone: {
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