Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla APC 13 09 05 07 6 3d
APC 13 09 05 07 6 3d Futurę He will The parcels Perfect have will have delivered been the
APC 13 09 05 18 6 3d ♦ We use must to give strong advice. Compare the examples: e.g. You
APC 13 09 05 25 6 3d b) when the action itself is morę important than the person who carri
APC 13 09 05 35 6 3d ♦ We use by + agent to say who or what carries out the action. We use
APC 13 09 05 44 6 3d go down: (int) 1) be reduced, 2) (of the sun / moon) set 2. Let’s sit and
APC 13 09 05# 00 6 3d 1. The accountant went ..........over..............the receipt book to try
APC 13 09 08! 07 6 3d Every - Each ♦ Every and each are used with singular countable nouns.
APC 13 09 02 50 6 3d cut down: (tr) 1) cause to fali by cutting, 2) (int) reduce sth How c
APC 13 09 02# 07 5 3d We use the following nouns with uncountable nouns to show quantity: a piec
APC 13 09 02# 38 6 3d ♦ nouns which refer to objects that consist of two parts, such as: tr
APC 13 09 02# 49 6 3d We can use one day to refer to the futurę, e g. One day, you will regret t
APC 13 09 04 58 6 3d (BUT to be at sea = to be sailing), etc. e.g. Let s go to the beach. We sp
APC 13 09 05 01 1 3d e.g. I could/was allowed to go to parties when I was young. (I was allowed
APC 13 09 05 03 3 3d ♦ Can/Could/Will/Would you...? We use this structure to ask someone to do
APC 13 09 05 04 4 3d f e.g. CanAA/ill you get me a glass of water? (informal) Could/Would
APC 13 09 05 08 7 3d e.g. Can/Could/May I have a piece of that cake, please? We normally r
APC 13 09 05 14 2 3d ♦ We use shall in questions when we are asking for suggestions or ins
APC 13 09 05 16 4 3d ♦ should/ought + present infinitive = I advise you to/You had better
APC 13 09 05 23 0 3d Expressions Similar to Modal Verbs ♦ Be supposed to + lnfinitive (= should
APC 13 09 05 33 4 3d e.g. The Austrian racing driver is likely to win the race. It is like
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