Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla F00574 003 f003
F00574 003 f003 Cłuiescent incomplete DNA repair © Elsevier. Boon et al.: Davidson
F00574 001 f003 Normal rangę © Elsevier. Boon et al.: Davidson s Principles and Practice of Medici
F00574 003 f002 A Receptors Ugand, e.g hormones• G-protoin-couplod receptors e.g. Adrenoceptors Neur
F00574 003 f005 First mutationDDEOCttCrc First mutation Normal /_ epittielium — — Basal lamina -
F00574 003 f006 Aj Normal karyotype ^5/ [BjAbnormal karyotype e.gtrisomy21U)l • i_
F00574 003 f007 □ oo 0 d. 50 y Małe. female. unknown sex Clinically affected (specify condition in k
F00574 003 f008 Father Mother Autosomal inheritance (gene on chromosome 1-22) 00_sS Dominant inherit
F00574 003 f009 100% Contribution to phenotype Penetrance threshold (disease manifests) © Elsevier.
F00574 003 f010 Therapy Approaches Some problems Gene therapy Replacement of defective or therapeuti
F00574 004 f003 Classical pathway | |Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) pathway] Mannose-binding lectin bi
F00574 006 f003 Mcningcs Neisseria meningitidis Strep. pneumoniae (esp. in head injury) Ha
F00574 009 f003 Paracetamol overdose > 75 mg/kg body weight_ł_ Measure paracetamol level in blood
F00574 011 f003 An overgrowth of normal/near-normal cells without invasion would be benign (e.g
F00574 012 f003 OętoVdta( nv4o u<yi©Tae pa *_ ton-ov>ovfl i. a<Svwan Opo<i ov
F00574 013 f003 Jaundice Viral hepatitis Bacteraemia Acute endocarditis Optic fundi Retinal can
F00574 017 f003 IN Urea OUT IN Creatinine OUT Reduced excretion •RENAL FAILURE • Competition for
F00574 020 f003 Tyrosinc HO O ch2-ch-cooh ł NH, Monoiodotyrosine (MIT) I nh2 o
F00574 024 f003 Myeloblast Promyelocyte Myelocyte— Metamyelocyte Red bloocf Neutrophil celi Early
F00574 026 f003
F00574 003 f004 Normal seąuence DNA mRNA Amino acid Point mutations [a] Mis-sense DNA mRNA Amino aci
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