Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla P5140017
P5140084 Sciatica is an inflammation to the sciatic nerve which is generally associated with Iow bac
P5140001 Copyright & Trademark Information Copyright © 2003 by Kenzo Kasę. Ali rights
P5140005 About the authors Kenzo Kasę, D.C. Bom in 1942. After he graduated from Meiji University he
P5140006 Table of Contents Introduction Corrective Application Techniques Mechanical Correction 
P5140007 INTRODUCTFON The Corrective Application Techniques are a continuation in the development of
P5140008 Properties of Kinesio Tex Tape Skin Preparation Selection of Kinesio Strip Type Kinesio Tex
P5140009 patient, place the base in as close an ana-tomical position as possible. Make surę to rub t
P5140010 "Fan" Strip Application The Fan Strip is applied with the patient in a stretched
P5140011 surę are examples of subtle changes mitted from the Kinesio Tex Tape to the superficia
P5140012 Mechanical Correction Application Technigues Application of Y Technigue Application of Y Te
P5140013 Lay down the tails of the Y with no ten-sion as the patient moves through a fuli rangę of m
P5140014 Fascła Correction Application Techniąue Useof faseta correction technigue to reposition fas
P5140015 The space correction is applied to create more space directly above an area of pain, i
P5140016 Space Correction Application Tectinigii^g Fascia Corrections used for Space Correction Addi
P5140017 Ligament/Tendon Correcttim Ligament/Tendon Correcttim Kinesio Tex Tape is applied for ligam
P5140018 Functional CorrectionTendon Correction Application Technigue Use of tendon correction techn
P5140019 Functional Correction Application Technigno Use of functional correction techniąue to assis
P5140020 Lymphatic Correction The lymphatic corrcction is used to assist iii the removal of edema by
P5140021 Kinesio Te Otpc u hen applied using the łymptuHn: itmvflaa technkfua effects lymphatic 
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