Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla REIDER PART 133 REIDER PART 133 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist 123 Figurę 4-32. Active wrist flexion. far as possible (FiREIDER PART 142 132 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist Figurę 4-48. A, Opposition of the thumb. B, Lack of noREIDER PART 102 ELSEYIERSAUNDERS An Imprint of Elsevier The Curtis Center 170 S. Independence Mail REIDER PART 103 This book is dedicated with love to my brothers, Ronald and Jeffrey.REIDER PART 105 Roderick Birnie, MBBCh, MMed, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery Section ofREIDER PART 106 ł iREIDER PART 107 Humań anatomy only changes at the glacial ratc of evo-lution, but our knowledge of REIDER PART 109 Acknowledgments The lead author would like to recognize the following individuals fREIDER PART 113 Terms and Techniques Bruce Reider The body of this book is dividcd into chapters, eREIDER PART 114 2 ^ Chaptfr 1_Terms and Tcchnigues c D Figurę 1-1. The anatomie pREIDER PART 115 Chapter 1_Terms and Technigues 3 confusing owing to the forearms ability to rotatc REIDER PART 116 4 Chapter 1 Terms and Techniqucs Figurę 1-2. A, Genu valgum. B, Genu varum. neck anREIDER PART 117 Charter 1_Terms and Technigues 5Gait One of the most valuable components of the musREIDER PART 118 Figurę 1-4. The normal gait cyde (right foot). A, Heel strike. B, Foot fiat. C, MidREIDER PART 119 Figurę 1-5. Planes and axes of movement. A and B, Coronal piane. C and D, Sagittal REIDER PART 120 8__Chapter 1_Terms and Technigues Figurę 1-5, cont d. Eand F, Tran$ver$e piane. areREIDER PART 121 Chaptek 1 Tcrms and Technigues Figurę 1-6. Pa i red motions in the shoulder. A, FleREIDER PART 122 10 Chapter 1 Terms and Techniąues Figurę 1-7. Use of the goniometer to measure elboREIDER PART 123 Chapter 1_Terms and Tcchnigues 11 Figurę 1-8. Tests of ligamcntous laxity. A, ElbowREIDER PART 124 12 Chapier 1__Terms and Technigues_ the appropriate joint against the force of gravWybierz strone: {
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