Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla REIDER PART 160 REIDER PART 160 150 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist laxity at thc MCP joint and notes the angle that the dREIDER PART 142 132 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist Figurę 4-48. A, Opposition of the thumb. B, Lack of noREIDER PART 1 02 ELSEYIERSAUNDERS An Imprint of Elsevier The Curtis Center 170 S. Independence Mail REIDER PART 1 03 This book is dedicated with love to my brothers, Ronald and Jeffrey.REIDER PART 1 05 Roderick Birnie, MBBCh, MMed, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery Section ofREIDER PART 1 06 ł iREIDER PART 1 07 Humań anatomy only changes at the glacial ratc of evo-lution, but our knowledge of REIDER PART 1 09 Acknowledgments The lead author would like to recognize the following individuals fREIDER PART 1 13 Terms and Techniques Bruce Reider The body of this book is dividcd into chapters, eREIDER PART 1 14 2 ^ Chaptfr 1_Terms and Tcchnigues c D Figurę 1-1. The anatomie pREIDER PART 1 15 Chapter 1_Terms and Technigues 3 confusing owing to the forearms ability to rotatc REIDER PART 1 16 4 Chapter 1 Terms and Techniqucs Figurę 1-2. A, Genu valgum. B, Genu varum. neck anREIDER PART 1 17 Charter 1_Terms and Technigues 5Gait One of the most valuable components of the musREIDER PART 1 18 Figurę 1-4. The normal gait cyde (right foot). A, Heel strike. B, Foot fiat. C, MidREIDER PART 1 19 Figurę 1-5. Planes and axes of movement. A and B, Coronal piane. C and D, Sagittal REIDER PART 1 20 8__Chapter 1_Terms and Technigues Figurę 1-5, cont d. Eand F, Tran$ver$e piane. areREIDER PART 1 21 Chaptek 1 Tcrms and Technigues Figurę 1-6. Pa i red motions in the shoulder. A, FleREIDER PART 1 22 10 Chapter 1 Terms and Techniąues Figurę 1-7. Use of the goniometer to measure elboREIDER PART 1 23 Chapter 1_Terms and Tcchnigues 11 Figurę 1-8. Tests of ligamcntous laxity. A, ElbowREIDER PART 1 24 12 Chapier 1__Terms and Technigues_ the appropriate joint against the force of gravWybierz strone: {
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