Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla REIDER PART 215 REIDER PART 215 Chaptf.r 7_Lower Leg, Foot, and Anklc 275 Figurę 7-40. A, Forefoot abduction. By FoREIDER PART 215 Index 375 Fracture(s) (Continued) of lumbar spine, 360t of pelvis, 199t oREIDER PART 288 348Chapter 9 Lumbar Spinc Figurę 9-15. A-D, Lumbar and sacral dermatomes. (A and C,REIDER PART 2 55 Chaptek 6 _ Knee 215 CVl . Figurę 6-25. A, Single leg stance during normal gait. B,REIDER PART 292 352_Chaptf.r 9_Lumbar Spine Figurę 9-20. Assessing L5 motor function. A, Extensor hREIDER PART 211 Chapter 7 Lower Leg, Foot, and Ankle 271 Chapter 7 Lower Leg, Foot, and Ankle 271 7REIDER PART 115 Figurę 4-6. Mucouscyst. swelling is soft and puffy. The PIP joints are also common REIDER PART 2 01 Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh John M. Martell The pelvis is a complex bony structurc that REIDER PART 2 02 162 Chaptkr 5_Pclvis, Hip, and Thigh Figurę 5-1. A, B, and C, Anterior aspect of thREIDER PART 2 03 The tensor fascia lata is a superficial muscle that arises from the anterior portioREIDER PART 2 05 Chapter 5_Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh 165 insert into the superior pole of the patella aREIDER PART 2 06 166__Chaptf.r 5__Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh fold. These folds, which are formcd as the REIDER PART 2 08 168 Charter 5_Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh Figurę 5-6. A, B, and C, Posterior aspect of iREIDER PART 2 09 Chaptf.r 5_Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh 169 Figurę 5-7. Distal posterior thigh with resisREIDER PART 2 11 Charter 5_Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh 171 Figurę 5-9. Figure-four position brings out thREIDER PART 2 12 172_Chaptkr 5_Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh Figurę 5-12. Measuring a functional leg lengthREIDER PART 2 13 Charter 5_Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh 173 Figurę 5-13, cont d. soles of the patient’s feREIDER PART 2 14 174_Chapter 5 Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh A B Figurę 5-15. A, SimulateREIDER PART 2 15 Chapter 5_Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh 175 lower limbs by inspecting the standing patientREIDER PART 2 16 176__Chapter 5_Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh Figurę 5-19. Normal standing position. examinWybierz strone: {
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