Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla S5006679
S5006651 ■ .... - i
S5006652 ARGINON THEStudies in European Cultural Interaction 7th Century BC - 1 st Century AD D
S5006653 Copyright © by the Instttut* of Archaaology and Ethnology of tho Pollsh Acodemy of Sciences
S5006654 JULU EMILOV, Changlng paradlgms: Modern Intarprotatłona of Caltlc ralds In Thrac*
S5006655 Professor Zenon Woźniak with his wife surrounded by his former students Sitting (from the l
S5006656 Bibliography of Zenon Woźniak Abbreviat>ons AAC Ada Arcbaeołagsca Carps&wca Arc
S5006657 10 B&tography af Zenon Woźniak 22. Wynid badań w Mogfte (Nowa Hula),
S5006658 Blbllography of Zenon Wożniak 11 Blbllography of Zenon Wożniak 11 58. Chr
S5006659 12 Bibliography of Zenon Wożniak 1977 94. Formy do wytopu krążków mennicz
S5006660 Blbllography of Zenon Wożniak 13 Produktivkr8fte und Gesellschaftformationen in vor-kapital
S5006661 14 Blbllography of Zenon Wożniak 1991 157. (Review) L. Morawiecki, Mennic
S5006662 Blbllography of Zenon Wożniak 15 183. Cmentarzysko wczesnoprzeworskie w
S5006663 The earliest types of eastem-Celtic glass omamentsMaciej Karwowski Artefacts dated to the s
S5006664 164 MachJ Karwowski (Flgs 1. 3a-b). Bracelets of Group 15 aro usuałły fairty massive and ma
S5006665 Fig. 3. Bracetets of Group 15 from Dorotheum sale (a) and Nowa Cerekwią (b), and bracelets
S5006667 166 Mactoj Karwowski The remaining face-beads come from territories out-side that of La Tón
S5006668 168 KwwowWP Usts List 1. Bfcilm of Group 15 (Map fig. 2): 1. Aleksandrowie©. Poland (unpubl
S5006669 170 Madej Karwowski ĆIMBULEVA Z. 1964; Novoołkrtta elinlstlCaska grobnltsa 61 Ne$eb r. Arkh
S5006670 La Tene settlement in Upper Silesia:An outline Marek Bednarek At the beginning of the Earty
S5006671 180 Marek Bednarek 180 Marek Bednarek i Fig. 1. Upper Silesia. Map of Ceitic setflement&nbs
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