Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla Stahl67( bmp
Stahl67 bmp The Role of Models in Theoretical Biology1Walter R. Stahl Department oj Biometrics, Or
Stahl67 bmp 166 WALTER R. STAHL 193 194 195 196 197 197 198 198 199 200 201 202 203 204
Stahl67 bmp THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 167 possible the rational classification of
Stahl67 bmp 168 WALTER R. STAHL entire field of cybernetics. Westcott (1960) emphasizes the proble
Stahl67 bmp THE BOLE OF MODELS IN THEOBETICAL BIOLOGY 169 whole problem of symbolic conceptualiz
Stahl67 bmp 170 WALTER R. STAHL Consider a small-scale test model of a new type of turbinę, which
Stahl67 bmp THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 171 that performance measurements on the mod
Stahl67 bmp 172 WALTER R. STAHL TABLE I Mathematical Similaeitt Criteria for Variotjs Types of Mod
Stahl67 bmp 173 THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGT TABLE I (Continued) Type of Model Natu
Stahl67 bmp 174 WALTER R. STAHL C. Mathematical Naturę of Modeling Invariants The different variet
Stahl67 bmp THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 175 if, whenever a relation holds between co
Stahl67 bmp 176 WALTEE R. STAHL numerical or Computer analyses based on physical eąuations which i
Stahl67 bmp THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLO"tY 177 that considerable useful informati
Stahl67 bmp 178 WALTER R. STAHL a dimensionless criterion associated with the Poiseuille flow law.
Stahl67 bmp THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 179 thirty to fifty numerical parameters, mo
Stahl67 bmp 180 WALTER R. STAHL of the entire cardiovascular system based on dozens of eąuations f
Stahl67 bmp THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLO..Y 181 adenosine triphosphate (ATP) systems ha
Stahl67 bmp 182 WALTER R. STAHL titative greenhouse studies on the effects of water, light intensi
Stahl67 bmp THE BOLE OF MODELS IN THEOKETICAL BIOLGJY 183 Examples of dimensionless numbers approp
Stahl67 bmp 184 WALTER R. STAHL B. Artificial Kidney The artificial kidney is very dissimilar in a
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