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Fig East West Figurę U The Quarter Banners of Fast and West
Fig South North Figurę 12 rhe Quarter Banners of North and South
hotornot?min Banners Comments & Pic tur es Unapcroved Comments Unapproved Pictures Apprcwed
m1445 bacheliers could carry a pennon, usually a long streamer, sometimcs forked at the ends. Cheual
m231 ‘Knight of the Clement family receiying the sacred French banner from St. Denis . Th
m337 It was kept, together with Royal banners, in Reims cathedral, and was used only in defence of
m75 the order, and the banner was black and white. The Order of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem
m75 J " Spanish knight of the early i2th century with a shield and banner based on illustratio
m75 J " Spanish knight of the early i2th century with a shield and banner based on illustratio
18552 TME7 O BANNER, BeTTY see oppositeBalder the Braye Prophecy łins it chat thc dcath ot" No
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