Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla colours (6) skanuj0019 5 COLOURS - KOLORY Znajdź szczegóły, którymi różnią się oba jabłka. Pokoloruj jabłka naFig2 Figurę 32 Iinages for Flashing Coloursfluterby (1) FLUTTERBY INSTRUCTIONS NOTĘ: i = in Suggested card colour: o = out 7. * * * 19 Lfontanelis (1) FOUNTAIN INSTRUCTIONS 1) WATER Iridescent White NOTĘ: Suggested card colours; Stg3 (2) .iPuente de Motet Simbologia/Key colour 5 I fiii gTT :\ ifj $ł 51 *!* - m p 1 pGEMB02 L J NOTES:r ^ Fragment with heraldic devices. German, 14th Cen tury. ColourGEMB03 T n r ^ BAG, German, 14th century. Coloured silks in brick stitch on linen.GEMB07 a / ® ^FRAGMENT, GERMAN, 14th eentury. Coloured silks in brick and satin stitches on liGEMB10 / Altar Cushion, German, late 14th Cen tury. Coloured silks on linen. Victoria and Albert MuGEMB11B Notes: Bag, German, late 14th Century. Plied white linen thread, and coloured silks in 1. GEMB11 Bag, German, late 14th Century. Plied white linen thread, and coloured silks in satin stimg057 (53) PRACTICAL TATTINGEDGING B_ I see this child’s pinafore worn over a dark-coloured, long-sThe Crusaders show thcmsclves in theii truć colours.KIF80 EmrA A PI Air UD BRAID Materials 6 sbutites or 3 needles threads rn 3 cołours equiva!cnt to NKIF85 LltffcKTY A ł-RHH WEB-LIKE DESIGN Materials t or 2 shuttles tbreads of selected colours and wkoniec (4) — Over 1000 innovative new designs for the home, all illustrated ilace+borders+2 LACE BORDERS INSTRUCTTON5 NOTĘ", i = in o = out Suggested ccrd colours: Anylace+borders+2 NOTĘ’, i = in o = out fJ5u,LACE BORDERS INSTRUCTIONSSuggested ccrd colours:Arvy m337F Aragonese fashion; notę the wooden buttons down the front and coloured woollen fringes at hem skanuj0019 5 COLOURS - KOLORY Znajdź szczegóły, którymi różnią się oba jabłka. Pokoloruj jabłka naWybierz strone: {
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