Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla greka0 greka 2 MI verbs: present AIACOMI TI0HMI IHMI SEND1 [UNITgreka 4 El Ml be (unit 10), EIMI go’ (unit 23), 0HMI say (unit 20).Plus: OIAA know (irregulargreka 5 THEgreka 7 We distinguish finite and infinite forms. Finite forms are those with personal endings (I, ygreka 8 Non-finite forms If you conclude that a form is non-finite, there are two possibilities: Thegreka 9 Greek verbs predominantly show the following types of stems [And this is helpful to know becgreka0 Conditional Sentences in Greek Greek has various types of conditional sentences ( conditionagreka2 The Consonant Declension, aka Third Declension Consonant declension II. Contractions and othgreka2 The Consonant Declension, aka Third Declension Consonant declension II. Contractions and othIMGY23 (3) 146 Z. KRASIŃSKI: IRYDION TUBERO. Idźmy! Zdarte z szyi Greka łupy ślubuję zawiesić w twoipage0138 136 PLATON. szalo duszę ówczesnego Greka. Zastanawiając się nad różnicą charakterów narodowpage0148 I46 PLATON. warto zbijać1). Sycylia miała tyle ponęt dla ówczesnego Greka, przedstawiała tygreka 1 greka 1 greka 2 MI verbs: present AIACOMI TI0HMI IHMI SEND1 [UNITgreka 3 Unit 13 Aorist forms, with some additions from latergreka 3 Unit 13 Aorist forms, with some additions from latergreka 4 El Ml be (unit 10), EIMI go’ (unit 23), 0HMI say (unit 20).Plus: OIAA know (irregulargreka 5 THEgreka 6 AORIST: SlGMATIC AND PSEUDO-SlGMATIC (AKA WEAK, AKA FIRST), AND THEMATIC (AKA STRONG, AKAWybierz strone: {
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