Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla kolibry I (1)
Kolibri K TEST - Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 Action Edit CD Floppy Help APM 1.2 SUN 1319 Kolibri OS ue
kolibryII (1) Kolor Nazwa (Numer) Zestaw L. krzyżyków L.
kolibry II (10) Plain-Cappcd(Małe) Fuli Crpsseg Symbol
kolibry II (1) Broad-Tailed (Małe & Female) Design found on pages 3 & 4. Fuli Crosses
kolibry II (3) Stitching Dimensions: 110w x 86h on 14 ct. = 7 7/8” X 6 1/4” The Color Key for this d
kolibry II (6) Stitching Dimensions: 123w x 92h on 14 ct. = 8 W x 6 5/s” 7 J ca peltę Crcws Dcsiyps,
kolibry II (7) Gray area indicates a three stitch overlap.Rubv-Throated(Małe) Fuli Crosses Symbol Co
kolibry II (9) Blue-Throated(Małe) Fuli Crosses Svmbol
kolibry I (1) SYMBOL LIST Jse one Strono o: the toilowing color tor Oross Stitch. x U. Groen Tnrc.^o
kolibry I (2) CHART Thi» chart docfi not rcorwnt tho fłnithcd %*i+ oI thls
kolibry w kwiatach II (4) mm lib7T-T .o o o ii ąTaTiiI
kolibry w kwiatach I (1)
kolibry w kwiatach I (5) 0000000* 0 000???. 0 4 xxx V ai j j ij j j j j t? j j j Mjr 
kolibry w kwiatach (3) © © ;©iu # # # O O U #### DO->^^^OOtf ^###000000# te###000##>P i*:£^###
kolibry w kwiatach (4)
kolibry w kwiatach (5) 2>MJl White yarn 2002 not used for stitching Blue yarn 741 not used fo
kolibry w kwiatach (7)
kolibry w malwach counted cross stitch 16671Hummingbirds’ BlissFrame Size: 5" x 7" (13xl8c
kolibry w malwach (1) SORT YOUR COLORS Identify your colors by comparing them in daylight and checki
kolibry w malwach (2) Next, add the details as descnbed, using the number of strands indicated by th
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