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f13 8 New Project Information 3 ISAPI Extension Wizard will create a new skeleton project with the f
f14 16 E New Project Information AppWizard will create a new skeleton project with the following
f14 36 Creale New Class Class information Name: |CFilterDlg Base
f16 6 E3 New Project Information AppWizard will create a new skeleton project with the following
f17 11 Adding a Class a IDDJDPTIONS is a new resource. Since it is a dialog resource you probably wa
f17 12 a Creale New Class Class Information Name: |COptionsDialog Base class: CDialog
f17 1 E3 New Project Information AppWizard will create a new skeleton project with the following
f19 2 New Project Information m AppWizard will create a new skeleton project with the following
f2 1 *■1 Microsoft Developer Studio - QSEND Edit View insert Build Jools Window Help New...
f2 53 Web Favorites Nąme: Microsoft Corporation For Developers Only Visual C++ New... Edit... V
f25 1 New Sound Please indicate new sound format and length. Bits 8 bit ♦ 16 bit Channels Sampling r
f28 4 Creale New Class Class information Name: | CD ierollD ataPathProperty Base
f3 15 Adding a Class a IDD_NEWDIALOG is a new resource. Since it is a dialog resource you probably w
f3 16 Creale New ClassSI Class information Name: |CNewDialog Base
f31 2 New Project Information 3 AppWizard will create a new skeleton project with the following
f40 18 Netscape: Timecast: The RealRudio Guide IISI Location: http: //ww .timecast .com / New Sire
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