Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla rulespage6
rulespage10 STRATEGYI Figurę 5. The player in this example will need to reorganize his Power Structu
rulespage3 AlignmenŁ There are ten possiblc polilical alignments. li is easier lor a Group to contro
rulespage5 Automatic Failure. A roli of 11 dr 12 rcsulls in automat-ic failure ot the attack. no mat
rulespage6 Co.ntin.ued Spending. The attacker and defender can eaeh go back and forth, putting in mo
rulespage10 STRATEGYI Figurę 5. The player in this example will need to reorganize his Power Structu
rulespage5 Automatic Failure. A roli of 11 dr 12 rcsulls in automat-ic failure ot the attack. no mat
44345 rulespage2 BASIC RCILESI_ Ii ii is a Specjał eard, the player keeps it. He may place ilObject
45866 rulespage6 Co.ntin.ued Spending. The attacker and defender can eaeh go back and forth, putting
rulespage10 STRATEGYI Figurę 5. The player in this example will need to reorganize his Power Structu
rulespage2 BASIC RCILESI_ Ii ii is a Specjał eard, the player keeps it. He may place ilObject of the
rulespage3 AlignmenŁ There are ten possiblc polilical alignments. li is easier lor a Group to contro
rulespage4 A tarci willi ho Power cartnol attack. A few Groups have transferable power onJy (Power 0
rulespage5 Automatic Failure. A roli of 11 dr 12 rcsulls in automat-ic failure ot the attack. no mat
rulespage6 Co.ntin.ued Spending. The attacker and defender can eaeh go back and forth, putting in mo
rulespage7 Interference A player may interfere in un utlack. eitherby helping the ailacker or by opp
rulespage8 When a Group is transferred to another player, its pup-pets (if any) must go with ii. alo
rulespage9 ADVANCED ROLESI These optional mles will provide you with many new ways ol play ing lllum
72708 rulespage9 ADVANCED ROLESI These optional mles will provide you with many new ways ol play ing
36135 rulespage7 Interference A player may interfere in un utlack. eitherby helping the ailacker or
rulespage3 AlignmenŁ There are ten possiblc polilical alignments. li is easier lor a Group to contro
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