Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla tmta7 tmta7 Setting in simnle sleeves 6- Pin and stitch the sleeve seam, catching in thtmta7 Head-wear Men s hats and caps, p. 188 Men s hoods, p. 192 Women s linen head-dresses, p. 197 43144 tmta7 Hose Men s hose developed from short stockings to waist-high tights (joined hose), wh42667 tmta7 Body linens - braies, shirts & smocks Body linens were regarded as a different kind46607 tmta7 Women s linen head-dresses This section includes the kerchief, wimple, fillet and tailetmta7 22 SP 20 cm 22. Sleeve for larger armhole This method of adapting the sleeve Błock from Fig 2tmta7 Platę 3. Partly buttoned mitten sleeve In wear the buttons would puli to the ends of the butttmta7 Sleeveless surcotes - These were commonly worn from about 1300 (Fig 3). At first they aptmta7 cut away to show the doublet collar as well. Even the earliest men s gowns were usually tmta7 21b SP b. Stage 2 Adding fullness to the sleeve head and I wrist I On a fresh piece of paper 35492 tmta7 1 1 Basic kirtle 2. Basic kirtle, iater 14th century onwards The shape follows the pers36803 tmta7 8. Waist darts At waist level, form and pin the spare materiał into h37016 tmta7 Checking the fit - Check up the back of the leg and mark the shape of the top edge. Mertmta7 Hose Men s hose developed from short stockings to waist-high tights (joined hose), while wotmta7 8. Waist darts At waist level, form and pin the spare materiał into horizontmta7 22 SP 20 cm 22. Sleeve for larger armhole This method of adapting the sleeve Błock from Fig 2tmta7 Setting in simnle sleeves 6- Pin and stitch the sleeve seam, catching in thtmta7 Platę 3. Partly buttoned mitten sleeve In wear the buttons would puli to the ends of the butttmta7 Body linens - braies, shirts & smocks Body linens were regarded as a different kind of cltmta7 Planning and cutting The basie cote consists of the body, which is foided along the shoulder Wybierz strone: {
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