PoznanPasek Feb May 2012 v3 0 i Nieznany

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Product, Process, & Business Integration

Poznao – Feb. 20 – May 31, 2012

Prof. Zbigniew J.Pasek – University of Windsor (Canada)

Dr inż. Paweł Pawlewski – Politechnika Poznaoska

Course Rationale and Objectives: Globalization creates both an opportunity and a challenge for manufacturing
companies. For established companies the opportunity is to sell products in any place on the globe, and enhance
the sales with the aid of the Internet. The challenge is to succeed in a turbulent business environment, in which
competitors have similar opportunities.

Globalization and the Internet originate another type of opportunity – to form start-up companies for durable

goods that are utilizing the Internet to enhance their sales (entrepreneurship). Since the core of such start-ups is
the innovative product, this course emphasizes creativity in designing products and touches on preparing simple
business plans.

There is a third possibility that unifies the two previous opportunities – to form a new subsidiary (or a division)

inside a large corporation to produce a new product within the company’s line of products. The challenge is similar
to that in forming a start-up, but it is easier in the finance aspect –– if the product is appealing, the corporation will
invest the resources.

This course aims at analyzing the technical and business dimensions of different manufacturing paradigms,

and emphasizing the integration between engineering and business:

Developing innovative products having the variety to satisfy customers’ tastes and preferences in
different regional segments

Developing a production processes and corresponding supply chains that have a production capacity
adaptable to market demand

Developing responsive business models that take advantage of market opportunities and enhance
customer relationships.

Main Course Topics

1. Manufacturing Paradigms

Mass production, lean production, mass customization and personalized production.
Models and principles of these paradigms.

2. Product Design in Global Environment

Creativity in product design. Design for Mass-Customization.
Modular architecture in product design.

3. Manufacturing Systems & Supply Chains

Dedicated, flexible, and reconfigurable systems and machines.
Supply chains for global markets.

4. Business Issues

Agile, reconfigurable enterprises. Responsive business models. Workforce empowerment.
Finance models. Preparation of simple business plans.

Materials & website

1. Class slides
2. Class videos
3. Selected reading

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Course Requirements
We work in teams of four (4) students; whenever possible each coming from a different background (e.g.,
engineering, business, industrial experience, etc.).

There will be a student background survey before the class, that enables us to form teams.

The team assignment is to form a start-up company that produces a new innovative product that
fits mass-customization markets
at a global scale.

The team will

Describe the products and its design,

Elaborate on the manufacturing system to make the product, and

Prepare a simple business plan (report) that includes:

(a) market analysis,
(b) product design,
(c) layout of the production system and/or its supply chain
(d) strategic plan and company organization, and
(e) finance issues.

Additional requirements will be defined in class as needed.

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Feb. 20

0:45 h

Intro and overview.


0:45 h

Engineering & globalization.

0:45 h

Engineering paradigms.

0:45 h

Engineering career paradigms. Entrepreneurship.

0:45 h

Studio 1: Teamwork & communication. Company identity.

Feb. 21

0:45 h

Product invention strategies.


0:45 h


0:45 h

Studio 2: Paradoxical products. Product concept.

Feb. 22

0:45 h

Personalized consumer products. Design tools: QFD & Pugh matrix.


0:45 h

Design tools: QFD & Pugh matrix.

0:45 h

Studio 3: Information search & patents

Feb. 23

0:45 h

Product development & commercialization.


0:45 h

Manufacturing processes & systems.

0:45 h

Studio 4: Manufacturing process selection & design.

Feb. 24

2:00 h

Review I: Product concepts + company identity


0:45 h

Test I


0:45 h

Manufacturing equipment and automation.


0:45 h

Production systems and networks. Capacity and Inventory.

0:45 h

Studio 5: Making the product: process, volume, cost.


0:45 h

Management: from project, through operations to strategy


0:45 h

Continuous improvement: Lean manufacturing and 6 sigma.

0:45 h

Studio 6: Process flow.


0:45 h

Supply chain management and logistics.


0:45 h

Global manufacturing strategies.

0:45 h

Studio 7: Supply chain (beer game)

2:00 h

Review II: Product manufacturing


0:45 h

Test II

May 22

0:45 h

Organizational structures of enterprises.

0:45 h

Financial planning. Business plan.

0:45 h

Customer experience.

0:45 h

Product marketing.

May 29

0:45 h

Studio 8: Business plan review.

0:45 h

Studio 9: Customer experience design.

May 31

2:00 h

Review III: Final presentations


0:45 h

Test III

- Student presentations

- Studios (hands-on group work)

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Feb. 20

8:00 – 8:45

0:45 h

Intro and overview.


8:45 – 9:30

0:45 h

Engineering & globalization.

9:45 – 10:30

0:45 h

Engineering paradigms.

10:30 – 11:15

0:45 h

Engineering career paradigms. Entrepreneurship.


0:45 h

Studio 1: Teamwork & communication. Company identity. LG1


0:45 h

Studio 1: Teamwork & communication. Company identity. LG2


0:45 h

Studio 1: Teamwork & communication. Company identity. LG3

Feb. 21

11:45 – 12:30

0:45 h

Product invention strategies.


12:30 – 13:15

0:45 h



0:45 h

Studio 2: Paradoxical products. Product concept. LG1


0:45 h

Studio 2: Paradoxical products. Product concept. LG2


0:45 h

Studio 2: Paradoxical products. Product concept. LG3

Feb. 22


0:45 h

Personalized consumer products. Design tools: QFD & Pugh matrix.



0:45 h

Design tools: QFD & Pugh matrix.


0:45 h

Studio 3: Information search & patents. LG1


0:45 h

Studio 3: Information search & patents. LG2


0:45 h

Studio 3: Information search & patents. LG3

Feb. 23


0:45 h

Product development & commercialization.



0:45 h

Manufacturing processes & systems.


0:45 h

Studio 4: Manufacturing process selection & design. . LG1


0:45 h

Studio 4: Manufacturing process selection & design. . LG2


0:45 h

Studio 4: Manufacturing process selection & design. . LG3

Feb. 24


2:00 h

Review I: Product concepts + company identity



0:45 h

Test I



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