English, Intermediate Grammar Questions answers

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1. a (want)
2. a (would)
3. c (could)
4. a (is)
5. b (don't)
6. c (was)
7. d (find)
8. b (came)
9. a (would do)
10. d (know)
11. a (ask)
12. b (will come)

Expressions with no, not, any, none

1. a (no)
2. b (not)
3. a (no)
4. d (none)
5. a (no)
6. c (any)
7. c (any)
8. b (not)
9. c (any)
10. a (no)
11. c (any)
12. d (none)

Future Verb Forms

1. d (I'll go)
2. c (she's going to run)
3. b (I'm having)
4. d (starts)
5. a (does the train leave)
6. b (am going to go)
7. c (will be)
8. c (They are going)
9. d (will you do)
10. d (are going to build)
11. b (We are meeting)
12. a (will have)


1. d (really)
2. d (so)
3. b (rather)
4. b (absolutely)
5. c (perfectly)
6. d (far)
7. a (too)
8. b (rather)
9. d (such)
10. d (too)
11. a (such)
12. c (so)

Is There A Missing Word?

1. c (do)
2. b (to)
3. d (the)
4. b (of)
5. c (be)
6. d (to)
7. d (the)
8. b (more)
9. a (______)
10. a (______)
11. c (the)
12. a (______)

Mixed Verb Tenses

1. a (was watching)
2. c (are you doing)
3. d (knew)
4. b (have)
5. b (get)
6. a (have ever had)
7. a (waiting)
8. b (had told)
9. b (have seen)
10. c (are finishing)
11. c (comes)
12. b (is sleeping)

Modal Verbs

1. b (Can)
2. c (must)
3. c (should)
4. a (might)
5. b (Could)
6. d (mustn't)
7. d (must)
8. d (would)
9. a (can't)
10. a (would)
11. c (mustn't)
12. b (should)

Past Simple / Past Continuous

1. d (was watching)
2. a (had)
3. a (had)
4. b (was watching)
5. c (was walking)
6. a (reading)
7. d (rushed)
8. c (rang)
9. b (left)
10. b (trying)
11. c (was waiting)
12. c (were having)

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1. d (myself)
2. a (me)
3. c (yours)
4. a (you)
5. c (him)
6. d (mine)
7. d (your own)
8. b (mine)
9. b (their)
10. d (yourselves)
11. c (him)
12. d (them)

Question Tags

1. d (aren't)
2. b (didn't)
3. b (won't)
4. a (did)
5. a (do)
6. c (wasn't)
7. d (do)
8. c (won't)
9. a (isn't)
10. c (haven't)
11. b (isn't)
12. a (can)

Relative Pronouns / Relative Clauses

1. a (who)
2. d (_____)
3. d (whose)
4. c (which)
5. d (where)
6. b (that)
7. d (_______)
8. b (when)
9. a (who)
10. b (that)
11. c (whom)
12. c (whose)

Say, Speak, Talk and Tell

1. c (speak)
2. d (talk)
3. b (say)
4. b (speaking)
5. c (says)
6. b (tell)
7. b (tell)
8. a (tell)
9. a (tell)
10. b (tell)
11. a (saying)
12. d (talk)

So, Such, Too, Very, Much

1. c (too)
2. d (such)
3. a (so)
4. b (very)
5. d (too)
6. b (too)
7. b (very)
8. c (so)
9. d (very)
10. b (such)
11. c (too)
12. b (much)

Some, Any, Every, None

1. a (anything)
2. d (something)
3. b (Some)
4. c (something)
5. a (everything)
6. c (somewhere)
7. b (any)
8. d (anything)
9. b (anyone)
10. a (anywhere)
11. a (nowhere)
12. b (Nothing)

Spot The Wrong Word

1. b (am)
2. d (of)
3. a (on)
4. c (the)
5. d (buy)
6. b (to)
7. a (she)
8. d (an)
9. c (was)
10. b (the)
11. a (all)
12. a (if)

Structures with 'Before'

1. a (go)
2. c (long)
3. d (my time)
4. a (know)
5. c (bed)
6. c (yesterday)
7. d (was)
8. d (left)
9. b (meals)
10. c (now)
11. a (time)
12. b (gets)

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To Be or Not To Be?

1. c (being)
2. b (been)
3. a (been)
4. b (to be)
5. c (being)
6. a (being)
7. c (been)
8. d (be)
9. d (to be)
10. c (been)
11. a (been)
12. c (to be)

When, While, As, During

1. d (when)
2. c (during)
3. a (while)
4. b (as)
5. b (While)
6. a (when)
7. c (while)
8. c (during)
9. b (when)
10. d (as)
11. c (during)
12. a (while)

Who, What, Which, Where...

1. c (what)
2. b (who)
3. b (why)
4. d (whose)
5. c (that)
6. a (what)
7. d (what)
8. a (who)
9. c (which)
10. b (which)
11. d (where)
12. b (when)


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