jak mierzymy

background image

Name _________________________ Date ______________


How Do You Measure…

Match the correct measuring tool with the item that needs to be measured.

measuring spoons

small scale


tape measure

a sick child

a bag of apples

flour for a recipe

the length of a house

background image

Name _________________________ Date ______________


12-inch ruler

liquid measuring cup


measuring tape

the weight of a person

the length of a book

the circumference of

a basketball

milk for a recipe

background image

Name _________________________ Date ______________


Answer Key: How Do You Measure…

measuring spoons

small scale


tape measure

a sick child

a bag of apples

flour for a recipe

the length of a house

background image

Name _________________________ Date ______________


12-inch ruler

liquid measuring cup


measuring tape

the weight of a person

the length of a book

the circumference of

a basketball

milk for a recipe


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