Torg Infiniverse Magazine 10

By the time you read this, Earth should etrated the personal arms market, Ka-
have seen and survived another Opening nawa seeks to expand its niche. A ve-
Day of baseball season. We hope. We are hicles book is also in the early plan-
going to keep looking at the clouds, just in ning stages.
CONTENTS case. We have a slew of adventure pro-
posals, and a few rough drafts in house.
Crystal Ball Time
Central Valley Gate and the Temple of
Torg s schedule is moving along its
Rek Pakma are two proposals which
Rumors and News ....... 2
normally bumpy path. Here we look
have received on-acceptance contracts,
through the mists of time to the far
the break from the gate in the arduous
Villains of Terra............ 3 future (1992). As we haven t written
race to publication.
any time travel rules yet, you can imag-
Paris Jaz is a proposal for a full-
ine how accurate these projections are.
Dispatches ..................... 7
blown campaign book on Paris. It ap-
If you see any glaring gaps, any prod-
pears that Jean Malraux has decided
ucts we are not doing that you abso-
Your Letters ................. 11
enough is enough. A raging battle is
lutely must have, now is the time to let
fought is Paris Liberte. The book de-
us know. If you want to sway the
Herald Messages ........ 12 tails Paris, the dangers of its neighbor-
editors of West End about the content
hoods, the street gangs, the politicians,
of one of the products below, write us
and should have maps galore.
The Infiniverse Update brings the
The Tharkold Sourcebook is under
Possibility Wars up to date. It will
contract. It becomes the first source-
contain material from Infiniverse, so
book produced because of Infiniverse
you will have seen some of it before.
play and pleas. Believe it or not, we
But several thousand Torg players have
thought the Tharkoldu were through
no idea what you guys have been do-
when they were defeated in the Soviet
ing. You have changed the Possibility
Wars through your responses to dis-
A Storm Knights Guide to the Possibil-
patches, rumors, and adventures. Your
ity Wars is Lou Prosperi s name for the
notes and herald messages have
Contributors This Issue:
character handbook. More detailed
changed product decisions and added
Greg Farshtey, Greg Gorden, Bill
ways of building characters, new rules,
depth to the Infiniverse. We think it
Smith, Ed Stark; not them again!
fancy background material & looks
has been an exciting experiment; we
like a solid proposal.
want to let others know how it is work-
Nigel Findley has more tech up his
ing. Originally planned as a 64-page
sleeve. First up is a heavy weapons
book, we now think this will just shoe-
catalog. Having successfully pen-
horn itself into a 128-pager.
Daniel Scott Palter
Associate Publisher:
Steven Palter
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
Rumors and News
3. A relatively bloodless conquest support for Nippon involvement in
irst Indication reports on
of Libya has left Mobius in even greater the United States. True (15).
the newest batch of ru-
control of the world s oil supply.
mors to which you have
The Wrap Up: Issue #6
E Cyberpapal agents are rumored to be
responded. Continuing Re-
1. The Links, a New York street
operating in the conquered area. True
port updates the rumors gang, have burned a gospog field in
Central Park, enraging the edeinos.
as more responses come in. The Wrap
4. Provins, a village in the French
Drops slightly to True (19).
Up gives you the tally after the rumor
province of Champagne, has become
2. Mercurius, a Nile villain who is a
has reverberated throughout the In-
the central meeting place of the oppo-
master of disguise, has infiltrated a
finiverse for about three months. The
sition to the Cyberpapacy. True (21).
Storm Knight cell in Memphis, and is
wrap up will be the last report for that
5. Core Earth areas are seeing a
betraying its members to Mobius.
rumor in Infiniverse. rapid rise in NRRAs (Non-Realm Resi-
Holding at True (15).
As most of you have probably al- dent Aliens) as these people flee the
3. A transformed giant vampyre is
ready noticed, last month s Infiniverse strife in their homelands. Many na-
stalking Scotland, attacking both Light
rumor results were in error. True (40). tions welcome the new arrivals openly,
and Dark forces. Still barely False (12).
Our apologies to all of you. but there are rumors of riots and op-
4. Mysterious huge samurai who
pression of the new immigrants. True
are almost impervious to pain are help-
Rumor Report
ing the Yakuza crack down on street
6. Hantu Limited, the only major
The results are given a true or false,
gangs who refuse to follow the crime
independent Nippon corporation, has
followed by a parenthetical number.
family leadership. Finishes at True (21).
struck back at the Kanawa empire.
That number represents the strength
5. LeRoux, an Ayslish magician
They have even begun a campaign to
of the truth or falsehood throughout
posing as a priest, roams France,
expose  Ryuchi Kanawa as a High
the Infiniverse. For example a
preaching against the machine-based
Lord. True (23).
statement which is false (15) is false
rule of the Cyberpope. Malraux has
unless the gamemaster decides to test
Continuing Report: Issue #7 ordered his capture. Drops to True
the statement; on a roll of 15 or better,
1. Uthorion s possession of Thorfinn (17).
the statement is actually true. Roll
Bjanni commonly known. Assassina- 6. Dr. Paul Stabert, a Victorian sci-
again on 10 and 20 when testing the
tion plans in the making. True (17). entist, has transformed himself into a
truth or falsity of a reported rumor.
2. Unusual rise in radiation levels monstrous hybrid of Other and hu-
near Siberian site of mysterious explo- man. He is unarmed and extremely
First Indication: Issue #8
sion of 1908. Japanese and Cyberpapal dangerous. Climbs to True (15).
1. The House Liandar, a small but
agents may be investigating. True (19).
valiant ally of Light, has been accused
3. Entertainment industry respond-
(perhaps wrongly) of slaughtering Ice
ing to war effort, including the popu-
Nomads in Aysle s home cosm. False
lar Five Realms role-playing game. Ty
Gardner planning to run against Den-
2. Nippon has been investing in real
nis Quartermain for President. True
estate in the western United States
and supporting the U.S. struggle
4. Subliminal messages placed in
against Baruk Kaah  in return for
movies by Kanawa subsidiary. Ichi
sharing intelligence information. An
Enterprises trying to build popular
impressive True (35).
The Villains of Terra
hen the Mystery Men dis- plished by tampering with the brakes
on their car in such a way that it re- TOUGHNESS 11
covered that their old foe,
sembled normal wear and tear. In one
Dr. Mobius, had escaped
evening, he set fires at his home, the
Evidence analysis 12, find 14,
to another cosm, there to
school he had attended, and the hospi- scholar (criminology) 11, trick 13
pursue his mad dreams of conquest,
tal in which he was born, effectively
the heroes wasted no time in pursuing
destroying all records of his existence.
Science (chemistry) 11, test 12
him. Now they battle the Nile Empire
Now for all practical purposes a man
High Lord throughout the Middle East
with no identity, he became Conun- Charm 13, persuasion 15, taunt 12
and Africa, alongside Storm Knights
drum, a master criminal whose signa- SPIRIT 11
from Core Earth and other realms.
ture, strangely, became crimes with- Intimidation 13, reality 15
But what of the world they left be- out any clues left behind.
Inclination: Evil
hind? Abandoned by its most power- Even with the relatively primitive
Possibilities: 21
ful protectors, Terra has become a play- police science (seen from a Core Earth Powers: dispersal, adventure cost 5,
ground for costumed villains and their
perspective) of Terra, Conundrum s value TOU+10, DEX -4 penalty when
violent gangs, and the heroes who re- career might have ended quickly had in use (see page 70 of The Nile Empire).
main on that beleaguered planet are
he not encountered the Silent Partner, Conundrum s dispersal power has a
hard-pressed to contain their evil.
a mysterious man of apparently un- stymie flaw  if he is unmasked, he is
Thus, the Mystery Men have asked
limited means who outfits and ad- stymied anytime he uses his power
that any Storm Knights who have the
vises pulp villains in exchange for a until he gets the mask back on or the
courage should travel to Terra, there
small percentage of their take. He pro- scene ends. The flaw is worth three
to challenge some of the most insidi- vided Conundrum with a black Possibilities when invoked.
ous foemen ever to darken a rogue s
bodysuit woven from a special  weird Equipment: black bodysuit and
gallery. Mystery Men founder Dr.
science material that would leave no mask; dispersal grenades, blast ra-
Alexus Frest has built a gizmo similar
fibres behind at a crime scene. In addi- dius 0 5/10/15. These have the dis-
to the one he constructed on Terra,
tion, the Silent Partner gave Conun- persal power at a value of the target s
which will allow Storm Knights to
drum the formula for a chemical solu- TOU+10. Duration of the attack is a
pass breach the barrier between cosms.
tion that would bestow the dispersal number of rounds equal to the target s
But the machine will only work once
power upon him. Finally, he gave him raw Toughness. The grenades are ef-
before being destroyed by the ener- instructions on how to create dispersal fective against both organic and inor-
gies unleashed, so Knights who go to
grenades using the formula. ganic matter, and Conundrum nor-
Terra must be prepared to search out
Combined with his own natural mally carries four on a job. Conun-
Mobius maelstrom bridge while there
abilities, the potion and costume al- drum must be to solid to throw a
to have any hope of returning.
lowed Conundrum to slip in and out grenade.
Among the villains currently stalk- of crime scenes unnoticed. His fear of Description: Mystery Men files list
ing Terra are:
capture leads him to carefully elimi- Conundrum as probably being in his
nate all possible clues after commit- late 20s, cunning and intelligent. He
ting a crime, making him extremely tends toward theft rather than mur-
difficult to track down. Though the der, but has been known to kill with-
Mystery Men have frustrated a num- out compunction when in danger of
As a child, the man who would one
ber of his schemes, they have never being captured.
day become Conundrum was consis-
caught him, nor even learned who he
tently blamed for acts he had not com-
is behind his ebony mask.
mitted, and brutally punished by his
parents. This had the combined effect Conundrum
of embittering him toward all author- True Identity: Unknown Dr. Matthew Kent was a highly suc-
ity, and leaving him with a pathologi- DEXTERITY 13 cessful police psychologist when he
cal fear of apprehension and punish- Dodge 16, lock picking 14, maneu- decided there was more profit to be
ver 15, missile weapons 16, stealth had on the other side of the law and
Conundrum s first criminal act was
17, unarmed combat 14 assumed the mantle of Mind-Master.
the murder of his parents, accom-
No one had realized that his triumphs Equipment: Mind-Master carries a trained a new group of pilots. With the
with hardened criminal patients police-issue .38 revolver, damage value aid of the Silent Partner, Schmidt re-
stemmed from a head injury he had 14, ammo 6, range 3 10/25/50 built his private air force and has re-
suffered as a child which left him with Description: Mind-Master hides cently renewed his attacks on the cit-
the power to cast illusions into the behind a facade of respectability, and ies of Terra.
minds of others. Kent was able to trans- uses his position in the police depart-
The Raptor
mit comforting images to patients ment to gain hot tips about payroll
True Identity: Klaus Schmidt
when they behaved correctly, and shipments, valuable museum exhib-
frightening ones when they did not. its, and the like. He is not above using
Acrobatics 12, dodge 13, fire com-
For a while, Kent experimented his illusions to attempt to frighten
bat 14, melee weapons 13, missile
with manipulating his patients into foes to death.
weapons 15, prestidigitation 12,
committing crimes for him, but found
unarmed combat 13
second-hand evil lacked the thrill he
The Raptor
desire. Eschewing violence, he em-
barked on a criminal career in which
Klaus Schmidt was an aerial ace PERCEPTION 16 (13)
he pitted the power of his mind and
during the last of Terra s World Wars. Air vehicles 19, find 17, scholar (air
illusions against the minions of the
Decorated by his government and combat techniques) 18, tracking 17,
lauded by his people as a hero, Schmidt trick 18
Of all the Mystery Men, only Dr.
thoroughly enjoyed his newfound MIND 10
Frest has been able to consistently re-
fame. Test 11
sist the power of Mind-Master s illu-
Unfortunately, as people learned CHARISMA 10
sions. The villain has made numerous
more about Schmidt, they grew less Charm 12, persuasion 12
attempts to kill Frest, but failed each
enamored of him. He was a gambler, a SPIRIT 9
time. Now that the scientist has left
wastrel, and, it soon turned out, a Intimidation 10, reality 12
Terra, Mind-Master is bent on destroy-
murderer: during a crucial bombing Inclination: Evil
ing all of Frest s inventions that re-
mission, Schmidt had shot down one Possibilities: 16
main behind.
Powers: super-attribute applied to
of his own squadron so that he could
Mind-Master Perception, adventure cost 3
be the first to hit the target (and reap
Equipment: 9mm Luger, damage
True Identity: Dr. Matthew Kent the attendant glory).
value 15, ammo 8, range 3 10/25/40;
DEXTERITY 10 Reviled by the press and cast aside
Dodge 12, fire combat 12, maneu- by the public, an angry Schmidt de- dagger, damage value STR+3/17;
Gu88-Herusent, speed value 400/250/
ver 11, stealth 11, unarmed combat cided to use his talents to make war on
15, TOU 18, pass. 2  armament, four
11 society and reclaim the notoriety he so
STRENGTH 10 cherished. Schmidt fashioned a cos- .55 Onslaught machineguns, damage
value 26, ammo 8, range 3 250/1k/
TOUGHNESS 10 tume for himself, consisting of his old
2k, .30 Khaifu machinegun, damage
PERCEPTION 13 aviator s uniform with a mask attached
value 25, ammo 11, range 3 250/1k/
Evidence analysis 15, find 14, trick to the helmet, then assembled a gang
2k, bombs (4), damage value 25, burst
17 of crooked barnstormers. Together
radius 0 3/8/15
MIND 17 (14) they broke into a military base and
Description: The Raptor is an arro-
Science (psychology) 19, test 18, made off with six Gu88-Herusents
gant, egotistical man, who desires at-
willpower 19 ( terror hawks ).
tention, positive or negative, above all
CHARISMA 12 The citizens of Terra s large cities
else. The sky is his element, and he
Charm 14, persuasion 14, taunt 13 soon came to fear the frightening
specializes in daring aerial maneuvers
SPIRIT 11 scream of the Gu88s. As  The Raptor,
designed to catch an opponent off-
Intimidation 13, reality 14 Schmidt demanded ransom payments
Inclination: Evil from various Terran metropolises, and
Possibilities: 25 when the municipal governments
Typical Flock Pilot (11)
Powers: Mind-Master has the illu- failed to pay, he and his Flock made
sion power, adventure cost 6, value
strafing runs down midtown streets,
Dodge 9, fire combat 9, melee weap-
MIN+2 (see page 71 of The Nile Em- bombed train stations and radio tow-
ons 9, missile weapons 9, unarmed
pire). He also has one super-attribute,
ers, and reduced defiant citizens to
combat 9
applied to Mind, for an adventure cost
cowering sheep.
of 3. Mind-Master has a stymie flaw 
The Raptor s reign of terror was
if one of his targets shakes off an illu- temporarily halted when  Diamond
sion in the round it is cast, Mind-Mas- Jack Murphy took to the air in a plane
Air vehicles 13, trick 11
ter is stymied until the scene ends, or
of his own devising and shot down
he successfully casts an illusion on
half of the Raptor s Flock. Schmidt
Test 9
that target.
returned to his secret base and over
the coming months recruited and
Charm 8, persuasion 8
use of her amphibious talents, coming
Intimidation 9 Dodge 10, energy weapons 12, ma- to the attention of Cerebrum in the
Additional Skills: two at +1 adds neuver 10, melee weapons 11,
Inclination: Evil stealth 12, unarmed combat 10
Possibilities: some (40) STRENGTH 9
True Identity: Margaret Allen
Equipment: K08 pistol, damage
value 15, ammo 8, range 3 10/25/60;
Dodge 15, maneuver 15, melee
dagger, damage value STR+3/17;
Evidence analysis 16, find 14,
weapons 16, stealth 14, swimming
GU88-Herusent (see above)
scholar (criminology) 14, trick 15
17, unarmed combat 15
STRENGTH 15 (12)
Hypnotism 15, test 15, weird sci-
Lifting 16
The Syndicate
ence 18
Charm 13, persuasion 13, taunt 14
Find 10, tracking 12, trick 10
Formed to be an evil counterpart to
Intimidation 13, reality 13
the Mystery Men, the Syndicate of Sin
Survival 11, test 11
Inclination: Evil
was forced to drop its plans for re-
Possibilities: 28
venge when the Mystery Men van-
Charm (13), persuasion (13)
Powers: mind-reading, adventure
ished from Terra. The Syndicate took
cost 5, value MIN+5, range 25 meters
advantage of their absence to go on a
Intimidation 12, reality 11
(see page 72 of The Nile Empire). The
crime spree, only to be challenged by
Inclination: Evil
power comes with a shock flaw  if a
the Stellar Squad, a group of former
Possibilities: 15
mind-reading attempt fails, Cerebrum
sidekicks who joined together when
Powers: swimming, water breathing,
takes a shock point per round until he
their mentors departed to pursue
and one super-attribute applied to
makes a successful effort, the target
Mobius. Led by Kid Mystico (who
Strength, total adventure cost 8 (see
who resisted him is killed, he falls
mistakenly believed his guardian, Dr.
pages 73 74 of The Nile Empire). Swim-
unconscious, or the scene ends. This
Mystic, to be dead), the Stellar Squad
ming and water breathing have left Bar-
flaw is worth three Possibilities when-
encountered the Syndicate during a
racuda with a roll again vulnerability to
ever applied.
bank job, and were murdered in cold
flame or heat attacks. This is worth six
Equipment: silver-headed cane,
blood by the villains.
Possibilities when invoked, unless she
damage value STR+4/19; Synapsitron,
Flushed with this victory, the Syn-
takes no damage from the attack, in
damage value 0, ammo 12, range 3
dicate of Sin has gone on to bigger and
which case it is worth three Possibili-
10/40/50. The Synapsitron does not
better crimes, and none of Terra s re-
cause any direct physical damage, but
maining solo heroes have been able to
Equipment: trident, damage value
instead scrambles the electrical im-
stop them. The Syndicate occasionally
pulses in the target s brain. Anyone
breaks down into teams when on a
Description: Margaret Allen was,
struck by a blast from this weapon has
at one time, a very beautiful woman.
his Perception and Mind-related skills
The Syndicate s membership var-
But the treatment which gave her her
reduced by -3 for five minutes. At the
ies, but the core of the group includes:
powers left her with scaly skin and
end of that time, all skill levels will
gills. She is extremely sensitive to
Cerebrum return to normal.
taunts about her appearance, suffer-
Description: Cerebrum is middle-
ing an automatic stymied result in any
Leader of the group, a  weird sci-
aged, and vastly prefers planning
round where a successful comment is
ence genius and accomplished mind-
crimes to taking an active part in them.
made about her looks.
reader. His ability to sense disloyal
He tries to stay in the background
thoughts in his allies has allowed him
during combat, but keeps within range
The Mammoth
to quash rebellions quickly. In addi-
of his mind-reading ability.
tion, though he is not the combatant
A circus strongman caught in the
some of his fellows are, he is able to
Barracuda explosion of a  weird science research
use his power to anticipate his
center who suddenly discovered he
Once she was a petty thief named
opponent s actions and move to
had the power to grow up to 18 feet in
Margaret Allen, until the Silent Part-
counter them. Cerebrum s chief
height. His strength and toughness
ner hired her as the subject for a ge-
weapon is his Synapsitron, which
increased as well, and he became an
netic experiment. When it was over,
scrambles the mental processes of his
unstoppable juggernaut until finally
she had the ability to breathe under-
laid low by the Guardian. Cerebrum
water, enhanced strength and swim-
coordinated his escape from jail and
ming ability. She pulled a series of
offered him a position in the Syndi-
True Identity: Professor Angus
bold thefts on the water making full
cate, which he gladly accepted. Alterox immense destruction. Along with
Mammoth, he is the raw power of the
True Identity: Sam Bascombe
The Mammoth
Syndicate, and his talents are most
True Identity: Wolf Menkenkopf
Acrobatics 13, dodge 13, fire com- frequently used to blast holes in bank
bat 14, lock picking 12, long jump- vaults.
Dodge 11, melee weapons 12, un-
ing 12, maneuver 13, melee weap-
armed combat 14
ons 13, stealth 12, unarmed combat
STRENGTH 13 True Identity: Richard Lang
Lifting 15 DEXTERITY 11
TOUGHNESS 11 Dodge 12, energy weapons 14, ma-
PERCEPTION 8 neuver 12, unarmed combat 12
Find 9, trick 9 STRENGTH 10
Land vehicles 11, trick 13
Test 11, willpower 11
CHARISMA 9 Find 10, scholar (electronics) 11,
SPIRIT 11 trick 10
Charm 15, persuasion 16, taunt 14
Intimidation 14, reality 12 MIND 9
Inclination: Evil Test 11
Intimidation 10, reality 11
Possibilities: 13 CHARISMA 9
Inclination: Evil
Powers: grow, adventure cost 5,
Charm 10, persuasion 10
Possibilities: 15
value STR+7, TOU+7
Powers: chameleon power, adven-
Description: Mammoth considers
Intimidation 12, reality 11
ture cost 5, value CHA+5 (see page 69
Cerebrum and Alterox his best friends,
Inclination: Evil
of The Nile Empire).
and will react violently to any attempt
Possibilities: 15
Equipment: .22 revolver, damage
to harm them. He and Raze hate and Powers: electro-ray, adventure cost
value 12, ammo 6, range 3 10/15/25;
distrust each other. 4, value STR+10 (see page 70 of The
brass knuckles, damage value STR+3/
Nile Empire). Raze has a roll-again vul-
17; stiletto, damage value STR+3/17
nerability to water-based attacks. This
Description: Alterox is suave,
is worth six Possibilities when invoked,
Gifted with the ability to instantly
charming, and can talk his way out of
unless he takes no damage from the
change his appearance, Alterox made
virtually any situation  or at least
attack, in which case it is worth three.
a fair living as a con artist until Cere-
confuse his opponent long enough to
Description: Raze is a young, hot-
brum showed him much more profit-
plunge a stiletto into his back.
tempered man, who has vowed ven-
able uses his power could be put to.
geance not only on Terra s costumed
Alterox s successful impersonation of Raze
heroes, but on the Silent Partner as
Kid Mystico in the midst of the battle
Capable of absorbing electrical en- well. Richard Lang had been Margaret
with the Stellar Squad contributed a
ergy of any kind and discharging it Allen s lover, and hates what  weird
great deal to the eventual defeat of the
through his hands, Raze is able to cause science has done to her.
Dispatches and Rumors
abilities is successful, they will go on
Intimidation 10, reality 9
to  haunt government facilities and
Inclination: Evil
financial centers, wreaking havoc in
Possibilities: 5
D Core Earth. Equipment: K08 pistol, damage
value 15, ammo 8, range 3 10/25/60;
bulletproof vest, armor value TOU+4/
13, -1 to all Dexterity-based actions;
Dodge 10, missile weapons 14, un-
invisibility belt, value 17, adventure
armed combat 10
Strange happenings have been re-
cost 2, duration one minute; illusion
ported in Florida in recent days. Al-
device, value MIN+2, adventure cost
though the ActionLand theme park is
4, duration equal to power value (see
closed for renovation, neighbors re-
page 71 of the Nile Empire Sourcebook).
Evidence analysis 13, find 13, lan-
port bizarre happenings on the grunds
Critical Event: The Knights must
guage 14, scholar (master criminal)
in the middle of the night. Lights
stop the Imagineer and his henchmen.
15, tracking 14, trick 15
come on, music plays, and rides start
The modus operandi of the villains is
running. When the authorities arrive,
to create illusory figures based on the
Test 15, weird science 17, willpower
however, everything is quiet once
characters in the park to distract oppo-
nents, and then, using their invisibil-
Last week, park security decided to
ity power, to dispatch their foes in
Charm 17, persuasion 17, taunt 18
set a trap for the pranksters. Several
gruesome ways appropriate to the
guards disguised themselves as work-
theme of the park.
Intimidation 14, reality 16
ers and hid throughout the park when
If the Knights defeat the Imagineer
Inclination: Evil
everyone went home. According to
and expose his connections to Mobius,
Possibilities: 15
observers, the lights came on, the music
Equipment: invisibility belt, value they get a Good result (6 or above). If
played, and then gunshots and screams
17, adventure cost 2, duration one the Knights fail to defeat the villains,
were heard. The next day, the guards
minute; K08 pistol, damage value 15, they get a Bad result (2 or less).
bodies were found, mangled in grue-
ammo 8, range 3 10/25/60; five  acid-
some ways. One had been run over by
cream pies, damage value 23, range
a roller coaster, another had had the
1 3/5/10; long red cloak; red mask;
park s receipts safe dropped on his
The Japanese government is inves-
red body armor (TOU +3/11); illusion
head. One more had died from hor-
tigating the appearance of a creature
device, value MIN+2, adventure cost
rible burns when a custard pie laced
on the island of Mikurajima. The beast
4, range 1,000 meters, duration equal
with sulfuric acid was slammed into
is over five meters tall and has been
to power value (see page 71 of The Nile
her face.
terrorizing the island s 200 residents.
Empire Sourcebook).
Security cameras picked up noth-
The government is slowly evacuating
ing but the guards movements and
Henchmen (2)
the island, but poor weather is ham-
demise  no villains were in evidence.
pering efforts. The Storm Knights have
It was as if they were fighting imagi-
Dodge 12, fire combat 12, maneu-
been summoned by a wealthy Tokyo
nary foes.
ver 11, stealth 13, unarmed combat
scientist, who wants them to discover
The true story behind these events
the origins of the creature and capture
is that Dr. Mobius has decided to ex-
it (preferably alive).
pand his influence into the United
The Storm Knights will have to char-
States while Baruk Kaah is occupied
ter a boat or plane to get to the island
by the war with Nippon. His agents,
Find 11, trick 12
and will face opposition from local
led by the mysterious villain
officials. Upon arriving at the island,
Imagineer, engineered the breakdown
Test 12, willpower 12
they will find that only about twenty
of the park, and they are now causing
people have been left behind. The
the  strange happenings with  weird
Charm 9, persuasion 9, taunt 9
Storm Knights are made welcome if
science devices. If this test of their
they offer to save the people from the creature has four limbs, all used for there are even controls that appear to
monster. walking, and a huge tail with a poison govern how long a person would stay
Asking a few questions reveals that stinger on the end. Its maw is lined in the past.
a team of Kanawa operatives landed with oversize teeth. With careful The Knights must first break into
several days ago, and headed toward exploration, the characters may the lab containing the  Time Machine,
the cliff s on the southern part of the correctly conclude that the cave and then defeat a group of shock troop-
island. If the Storm Knights follow the network of the Land Below connects ers who guard the machine. They
trail, they will find that all but one of most of the realms on Core Earth. believe the device is real.
the investigators was killed by the crea- If the device is activated, each ob-
Critical Event: Defeating and cap-
ture. The surviving Kanawa agent will server may make a Perception or evi-
turing or killing the werligar nets the
explain that they were exploring some dence analysis roll. A total of 14 will
Knights a Good result (6 or above) 
caves when the beast attacked. The allow them to figure out that the per-
failure to stop the werligar is a Bad
creature left them for dead and wan- son in the booth was not transported
result (2 or less).
dered away. to the past, but utterly vaporized.
The creature, a werligar, is a new Weird scientist Ari al-Kesar has re-
arrival from the Land Below and has mained with the device to ensure that
taken residence in the caves, occa- the Storm Knights enter. Al-Kesar has
The Storm Knights are summoned
sionally venturing outside for food. If fallen out of favor with the High Lord,
to Memphis, Egypt by a longtime ally,
the Knights investigate the caves, they although he is unaware of this. He has
who explains that the mad High Lord
will encounter the creature very just been assigned to  the project and
Mobius has finally perfected a time
quickly. If they prefer to wait, it will has not had a chance to examine it.
machine. Several agents have been sent
emerge in a couple of days and head Once he takes a close look at the ma-
to December of the year 1941 to assas-
for the town. chine, he will realize it s an elaborate
sinate Winston Churchill. Once the
If the Knights defeat the beast and trap and try to escape before the Storm
Core Earth time line has been altered,
decide to investigate further, they may Knights injure or kill him.
the resulting invasion of England by
get lost in the caves for a lengthy pe-
Germany will allow World War II to
Ari al-Kesar
riod of time, encountering a signifi-
continue for several more years. Mo-
cant number of monstrosities.
bius is preparing his armies for global
Maneuver 8
conquest once the  time ripple catches
up to the present. He believes that the
other High Lords and the nations of
Unarmed combat 17 PERCEPTION 14
Core Earth will be paralyzed with dis-
STRENGTH 19 Evidence analysis 16, find 16,
TOUGHNESS 16 scholar 15, trick 15
The time machine has been built
inside a weird science research center
Tracking 9, trick (8) Science 17, weird science 17
(see pages 46 52 of The Nile Empire).
Every item of scientific interest has
Survival 9, test (12) Persuasion 13, taunt 12
been removed except for the time
machine, which is a huge monstrosity,
Charm (16), persuasion (21), taunt Intimidate 9
taking up the entire R&D building.
(14) Inclination: Evil
Numerous wires, coils and unidentifi- Goals: To serve Dr. Mobius and
able devices are hanging from the
become renowned as one of the
Intimidation 11
many appendages of the machine.
greatest scientists who has ever lived.
Possibilities: none
The  time machine is actually a
Natural Tools: shell, armor value
Nile Shocktroopers (15)
trap set for unwary Storm Knights.
TOU+3/19; bite, damage value STR
See 49 of the World Book.
Any character who sees the machine
+3/22; tail whip, damage value STR
Equipment: KK81 semi-automatic,
can make a weird science skill total.
+2/21; poison stinger, damage value
damage value 19, ammo 24, range 3
On a result of 15 or higher, she is able
Description: The Werligar is a crea- to figure out that the device is actually
a booth containing seven disintegra-
ture created by the reality flux in the
Critical Event: If the Knights suc-
tion rays, each having a damage value
initial days of the Possibility Wars. It
cessfully break into the lab and deter-
of 35.
survived for some time in the caves by
mine the device is a trap, without
feasting on weaker creatures, but even- The booth is designed so that it can
losing one of their number to it, they
only hold one Storm Knight at a time,
tually it discovered an opening to the
get a Good result (6 or above). If the
who must be working the controls.
surface and went searching for other
Knights fail to break into the lab, or
prey. The creature has very good ol- Mobius has gone to great lengths to
lose one or more Storm Knights to the
deceive the unwary  there are  chro-
factory senses, but minimal sight.
device, they get a Bad result (2 or
nological controls, indicating dates
The werligar is over five meters tall,
and times the user can travel to, and
with red interlocking shells. The
tion. The monsters he contemplates
bringing down to the Orrorsh realm
are ones the Gaunt Man had left be-
Conjuring futures in Aysle are soar-
hind to dominate his cosm in his ab-
ing. Dwarven traders are suspicious 1
sence. If Thratchen s ploy succeeds,
that something may be going wrong
the Orrorsh realm will erupt in chaos
and hire the Storm Knights to find out
The federal government in Hous-
and bloody violence that will make
the truth behind the market surge.
ton faces a new threat. A radical new
the present situation seem like a holi-
The Storm Knights discover that a trio
movement is calling for mass seces-
of investors are directing this bur- sion and the formation of a new Con-
geoning growth. Two are operatives
federate States of America. The most
of Nippon Tech, and will be using the
vocal secessionist group, Legacy of
profits to finance Nippon oil drilling
the Confederacy, claims the federal
Australian extremists may have
in the North Sea and other manufac- government is too incompetent and
been responsible for a bomb planted
turing operations in Aysle. The
unstable to hold the union together,
in an NRRA (Non-Realm Resident
Nippon agents are quietly sending
and feel the Southern states should go
Aliens) camp which killed over 250
out assassins to kill off moderate and
their own way once more.
immigrants from Orrorsh. A terrorist
low- level conjurers to continue driv- The idea of a new Confederacy is
group calling itself  Australians for
ing up the value of those remaining.
quickly gaining widespread support
Genetic Purity (AGP) is suspected.
The final investor is more of a mys- because it is widely believed that the
The Australian government has been
tery man, and is, in fact, a Cyberpapal
Houston government and the Delphi
threatened with similar bombings
agent. He is also encouraging the as- Council are inefficient and on the brink
from groups such as  The Red
sassination of conjurers, but has se- of collapse. Critics point out that the
Knights and AGP, and it is believed
cretly established a new school of
United States has made minimal gains
that a secret branch of government,
magic in the northernmost region of
while the enemy still dominates a large
similar in power and intent to the
Norway. The school will accomplish
part of the country. The Alabama and
Delphi Council, may be created to con-
two objectives:
Georgia legislatures are considering
tain domestic problems.
1) When the new mages enter the
bills to withhold all Federal revenues.
The existing government is natu-
Aylish economy, they will cause the
Delphi Council operatives have
rally resisting such an action. They are
bottom to fall out of the conjurer s
been reassigned to Atlanta to observe
afraid of declaring martial law, for
market (leading to huge losses for Nip- a rumored secret meeting to organize
fear of an armed coup, but there have
a new government. The Council is con-
been rumors of secret agencies being
2) The new mages are being so in- sidering a nationwide crackdown to
set up to work for the government, but
doctrinated as to feel fanatic loyalty to
control the secessionists and  any other
outside its regulations. Many of the
Uthorion, which will give the Dark
organization or body that would en-
agents employed are supposedly
High Lord a great advantage in the
danger the health and future of the
Storm Knights from other realms.
long term. The school currently has
On the surface, the Australian gov-
over 300 students.
ernment seems to be doing its best to
The gamemaster should feel free to
control the situation. However, major
make this dispatch a long term
corporations are reportedly looking to
adventure, or even have the Storm Storm Knights in Orrorsh have ven-
relocate as other extremist groups are
Knights fail to find out about the tured over to the cosm of Orrorsh in an
predicting large scale food riots, mas-
Cyberpapacy s involvement. If the attempt to stem the flow of Victorian
sive unemployment and outbreaks of
plan succeeds, Aysle will see an immigrants. It is believed that they
disease due to unsanitary living con-
incredible shift of power almost have met with some success after con-
ditions. More and more opposition
overnight. versations with important scholars and
leaders have started to vanish from
businessmen. The Storm Knights re-
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
public view, some never to return,
portedly gained access through an
must find out the cyberagent s plan,
others coming back and renouncing
unguarded bridge on Java.
probably by going to Norway and dis-
their former radical views.
However, Thratchen, the  regent
covering the school. If they are able to
High Lord, is unhappy with this de-
warn the Ayslish about the plot (and
velopment. Already confronted by a
supply proof) and protect the good
hostile Darkness Device and beset by
conjurers, they get a Good result (6 or
An edeinos Storm Knight has been
other High Lords, the techno-demon
above). Any other result is Bad (2 or
sighted driving through the ruins of
is taking action. He has sent minions
Detroit on a souped-up Harley
back up the bridge to destroy those
Note: If the Knights somehow are
Davidson. Calling himself  Elvis, he
Knights and to bring down even more
able to protect the Ayslish mages but
has taken to imitating  the King of
horrific monsters from the cosm.
make both the Cyberpapacy and Nip-
Rock and Roll  in his own special
Specialists believe that Thratchen
pon take a bath in the market, then
way. The only thing he truly knows
may have gone insane with despera-
they might get a bonus  perhaps a
about Elvis is what he has read in old
reward from Pella Ardinay.
newspapers like the Meteor and Teen tribute of 10 million crowns. Mobius that they encountered a huge glowing
Age Trivia. plans to use the England as a spring- cylinder, with a myriad of cybernetic
He carries an electric guitar on his board for a future invasion of the attachments of an alien nature. They
back (with a battery pack, of course), Cyberpapacy. If Ardinay resists, the claim to have been summoned to the
and gives impromtu concerts at device will be activated immediately. cylinder, at which time their VX selves
edeinos villages and resistance com- House Daleron has learned of the grew neural jacks, several cybernetic
munities alike. His strange manner device and is planning to pledge its tentacles and other horrific attach-
amuses the war-weary denizens of loyalty to Mobius in exchange for the ments. The cylinder extended and re-
the Living Land and he has gained right to govern Aysle. Manfred formed one of its limbs, connecting
quite a following. Daleron feels that he would be better with the lost soul. The victims reported
Although he appears to most to be suited to govern the realm, and would being linked with several other souls
a buffoon, Baruk Kaah, for one, is tak- provide ample resources and man- in Purgatory, all of them united in
ing him seriously. Though the new power to aid in Mobius many thought and perception. Visions of
Elvis seldom indulges in acts of vio- schemes. horrible creatures tormenting souls in
lence, his songs have had the effect of Ardinay has publicly expressed a what appeared to be heaven flooded
reclaiming some of the people under willingness to negotiate with Mobius their minds. The cylinder transformed
Kaah s yoke of oppression. The Storm and House Daleron, but is secretly into a flailing monster, and a voice
Knights who find him will be able to incensed. She has not only called boomed, it seemed, from everywhere,
accelerate the stelae-ripping process upon all trusted Storm Knights to go  I am your salvation and damnation! I
dramatically if Baruk Kaah doesn t and destroy the device, but she is ru- am pleasure beyond eternal torment!
find him first. A major record label is mored to have put out a Queenswrath Necrar has risen!
reportedly trying to sign him to a multi- on Manfred Daleron. She would like Anyone encountering such a chip
album deal. nothing better for her birthday than will find its personality paranoid and
the leader of House Daleron s head self-destructive. The chips will have
on a pike. all skills reduced by one add and the
chip will attempt to kill anyone who it
Mobius is threatening to use his
gains domination over. Spirit chip
aquatic star (Infiniverse #8) to kill all
manufacturers seem unable to detect
Aylish born in the month of Asten. Spirit chips from GodNet Purga- chips of this nature, and rumors indi-
Envoys sent to discuss terms of sur- tory are reporting the existence of en- cate that the Cyberpapacy may cease
render with Lady Pella Ardinay will tities from The Deep. Several chips
Spirit chip production until the mys-
demand that she turn over control of from the factories in Avignon report
tery can be solved.
the realm to Mobius agents and pay a
Your Letters
Can a character with
ously mess with the plans of any of the someone who starts running a cam-
pulp powers use them in
High Lords, as they could no longer paign today or next year would prob-
A the GodNet? If I built an
bring anything from their home realms ably want to start with the beginning
invisibility gizmo using
across until a bridge was reestablished. of the Possibility Wars and continue
a cyberdeck as the housing, would
from there. They could buy back is-
that increase the deck s stealth rat-
With all the shifting stelae bound- sues of Infiniverse and plug the up-
ing? What would the modifier be for
aries, the maps in the worldbooks/ dates into their campaign in sequence.
Keta Kalles and Egyptian miracles
sourcebooks are already becoming We try to be as thorough as possible
performed inside the Cyberpapacy?
pretty obsolete (and we re not even a in our  Realm Update section of In-
If a realm s maelstrom bridges are
year into the Possibility Wars yet)! finiverse. If you are keeping up with
destroyed, what would happen to the
How about putting out an all-realms them, then you should be on track &
update toward the end of this year for now.
 J. Higginbotham
listing the major changes, and maybe
Litchfield Park, AZ
doing them as annual supplements? If a character is under the effect of
Obviously there wouldn t be much the Cyberpapacy miracle Fanaticism
If a Nile hero somehow found her-
long-term appeal (who d want a  91 and then receives a flurry from Drama
self within the GodNet (a scary thought
supplement in  93?) unless you in- Deck card play, does she receive any
in and of itself), she would find that
cluded a couple of adventures/new additional actions that round?
her powers worked  to some extent.
ideas?  Tony Perkins
Nile powers are part of that person, so
 Steve Tanner Layton, UT
would be part of that person s VX self.
S. Glamorgan, UK
However, certain powers would be
Yes and no. (Don t you just love
ineffective within the GodNet  the
We are planning to do an update of those definite answers?) Say the char-
super Attribute of Strength, for example-
the Possibility Wars soon. Currently, acter under the effect of the Fanaticism
illusions would work, however, as long
we are trying to decide when the best miracle has it working for three rounds.
as the hero had that as a power.
time for its release would be. We That means, for the next three rounds,
Devices, however, would have to
would like to get all the sourcebooks she has an automatic flurry regard-
be left behind when the decker enters
for all the realms out first, and then less of what the Drama Deck says.
the GodNet. The Nile hero, like every-
consider the letters and responses from If a flurry result should come up
one else, would have to obtain pro-
all our Infiniverse subscribers. At the during those three rounds, the player
grams to increase the stealth of the
present time, the update would be a would enjoy the benefits of that con-
deck. A gizmo like you describe would
synopsis of events since the war be- flict line result in addition to the re-
only work outside the Net. See The
gan, plus updates on the realms, plus maining effects of the Fanaticism
GodNet supplement for further infor-
new stuff and new adventure hooks. miracle. A player with a three round
mation about the GodNet.
The plan will probably be changing flurry from a miracle would then have
As for using Keta Kalles or Egyptian
even as you are reading this. Torg was four flurry rounds. This will be fair to
miracles inside the Cyberpapacy: it
designed to be a dynamic, ever-chang- the Knights and the game master, but
can be done, but it is difficult. The
ing game that kept the characters in will prevent silliness like four sepa-
difficulty modifiers are listed on page
the campaigns moving forward. The rate full actions in one round (followed
67 of The Cyberpapacy Sourcebook, but
game system remains the same, but by the playing of a haste card, most
here they are anyway:
the campaign simulates real time. In likely).
this way, the Possibility Wars are af- Keep in mind, though, that other
Keta Kalles: Increase the DN by 7
fected by events described by our In- Drama Deck cards could affect the
Egyptian: Increase the DN by 5
finiverse subscribers. miracle in another way. A hero setback
As for the maelstrom bridges, as
I wouldn t worry about the appeal would probably cause the miracle to
long as the Darkness Device remains
of an  update after future updates stop working entirely.
within the realm and still has stelae
were produced. To you, someone who
surrounding it and feeding it Possibil-
began playing Torg near or at the  real Now that Uthorion has been ren-
ity energy, the realm remains intact.
time beginning, updates would need dered powerless, what happens to
However, this situation would seri-
to be current to be useful. However, Aysle? Does Ardinay succumb to the
Herald Messages
In the Cyberpapacy, Cardinal de Payen The obese  Doctor Zap, a confused A joint Soviet-Sudanese thrust into the
has established a Data Cathedral in Dteppe Nile hero, succeeded in fighting off a band Nile Empire has yielded spectacular suc-
(primary data path to Roven, secondary of MarSec agents, but only by acciden- cess. With the aid of the Soviet Psychic
to Atratnes and St. Wandrille). The Car- tally immolating one of his compatriots. Group, six stelae were deactivated. In
dinal has taken several Kanawa factories retaliation, Mobius has had four psychics
and  converted them to the Cyber- A British corporation called Arbor Inc. murdered by Nile assassins. In other
papacy, instantly making Dteppe a major has been recruiting Storm Knights for developments, commandos from
producer of holy cyberware. strikes against the High Lords. Opera- Battlegroups Wu Han and Sesetek have
 Sean Holland tions planned in Orrorsh and captured Crete and Cyprus.
Oregon City, OR CyberFrance. Where do the corporation s  Patrick Flanagan
loyalties lie? Freehold, NJ
Iberian Storm Knights beware!  Stephen Kenson  Viking settlements in Scandinavia
No one expects the Spanish Inquisi- Merrimack, NH suffer under Plague.
tion!  Mental hospitals hold captive Storm
 Tony Perkins Lady Pella Ardinay, in the name of the Knights.
Layton, UT Realm of Aysle, sends her warmest wishes  Indonesian Boat People reach Aus-
to Karinna Wave-Runner of the Uvwe tralia.
Attention is being turned towards and the valiant Storm Knight Kevin  Quartermain links to Japanese Con-
space. Several large objects have appeared Middleton on the occasion of their forth- glomerate revealed.
(the largest appears to be 8,000 km in coming marriage.  This week s top headlines
length) near Earth s orbit. Each appar-  Steve Tanner
ently acts as a hardpoint for a new reality. S. Glamorgan, UK S/W/M Storm Knight still seeks sen-
The High Lords are silent! sitive, intelligent S/W/F. Must enjoy
 Scott Shafer It is believed that lottery tickets for Weird Science, moonlit walks on the
Glenmont, OH such contests as (Canadian) 649 and beach, and grinding High Lords into a
Wintario, the Irish Sweepstakes and sev- mangled, bloody pulp. Ability to reload
A Nile hero whose costume resembles eral American lotteries are being manipu- quickly a plus. No freaks.
a large rabbit has obtained an invisibility lated by the Kanawa Corporation &
belt. He fights crime under the nom de  John M. Kamane
guerre of  Harvey. Ottawa, Ontario Canada
whispers of the Darkness Device, forc- Oh, and by the way  you re deal- Is there a way to get back issues of
ing the Storm Knights out of that realm ing with a Dark High Lord who has Infiniverse?
until he can gather the necessary power the habit of leaving one body and pos-  Mark Carnes
to bring to bear upon her, or what? To sessing another, and he usually has a Phoenix, AZ
be honest, the PC Storm Knight hadn t contingency plan ready in case of de-
expected to do so well but then a few feat. So maybe your Knights should be As a matter of fact, there is. We will
Eternity Shards have been a great deal certain to post a guard when they sell back issues, from Issue #2 on, of
of help as of late. camp, hmmm? Infiniverse to anyone who wants them
 Duane R. Tant at a cost of two dollars an issue. If you
Fairfax, VA Get someone to do a sourcebook on are interested in purchasing back
the Land Below. issues, please send a check or money
Um, ahh, yeah, Duane & I just bet
 Gregory W. Detwiler order to:
they have.
Williamsburg, PA
To tell you the truth, Uthorion in- West End Games
volving himself in and losing a reality Okay. Sales Department
storm, not to mention being trans- Actually, the first draft of just that R.R. 3 Box 2345
formed, caught us at WEG completely product currently being revised by Honesdale, PA 18431
by surprise. And Ardinay? Well, gee, the author, and the final draft is ex-
maybe she will  go over if Uthorion pected on our collective desk in a mat- Honesdale, PA 18431
is gone. You know, maybe you d bet- ter of weeks.
With your order, please include a
ter keep us posted on the situation &
clear listing of which issue numbers
you would like. We are sorry, but
copies of Issue #1 are not available
(except on this site).


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