Torg Infiniverse Magazine 20

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
Volume 1, Number 20 C A M P A I G N G A M E February, 1992  $2.00
More upcoming product news from including how to get from here to
the House of Torg: there without getting gutted by
gangslaves or gored by ghuls.
This month means double-barreled
June brings the Delphi Council
excitement from West End, with the
CONTENTS Worldbook, by Bill Smith and Robert
releases of the Tharkold sourcebook
Maxwell. Along with updates on
and Shane Hensley s devastating
what s been going on in the Core Earth
Temple of Rec Stalek. Between the two
nations since the war began, this vol-
Rumors and News ....... 2
of them, the Possibility Wars will never
ume will include new world laws,
be the same.
new templates, two (count  em, two)
March leads Storm Knights straight
Essence of Faith ............ 3
new types of magic, and diagrams of
into Los Angeles, the City of Demons,
major Core Earth cities where adven-
where Nippon and Tharkold go toe-
Dispatches ..................... 7
ture awaits.
to-talon. It s a city where, sometimes,
In the meantime, plotlines are fly-
you have to  walk with the silver de-
Your Letters ................. 11
ing fast and furious around the WEG
mon, like it or not.
editorial offices. In the months to come,
April, as we ve been proclaiming
Herald Messages ........ 12 the Possibility Wars will be shifting
for some time, is the month of Infini-
into high gear. The unsettled situation
verse Update. Here s a chance to catch
in Orrorsh is communicating itself
up on all that s been happening in the
throughout the world, and all the High
Possibility Wars, including many
Lords will be looking to grab what-
never-before-announced events! This
ever they can before (dum da dum
is also a good chance to show your
dummm) the Gaunt Man returns (yep,
friends all they ve been missing by not
ol Sunken Eyes will be back sometime
in  92. Makes you feel all warm and
In May, we return to LA with Dan
Contributors This Issue:
gooey inside, doesn t it?).
Greenberg s Los Angeles Citybook. Learn
Stephen "I've got this story here"
all the secrets of that war-torn city,
Crane, Greg "Where's Smitty?"
Farshtey, Bill "Are you sure you
want to stand there?" Slaviscek, Ed
Stark, and a hot prospect from the
minor leagues
Daniel Scott Palter
Associate Publisher:
Steven Palter
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
Rumors and News
2. Elves in Finland and Sweden have know she s lying, but whether the
irst Indication reports on
voted to split off from the Dark forces people of Orrorsh are falling for it is
the newest batch of ru-
and establish their own territories. another matter. Flips to False (11).
mors to which you have
Happy Independece Day  it s True
responded. Continuing
The Wrap-Up: Issue #16
Report updates the rumors as more 1. Pharaoh Mobius  stag movie
3. Jakatts develop new and more
star? Don t forget the popcorn  it s
responses come in. The Wrap Up gives
powerful miracles. True (16).
True (16).
you the tally after the rumor has rever-
Continuing Report: Issue #17 2. Orrorshan occultist in Aysle try-
berated throughout the Infiniverse for
1.  Anglach Dornorin, Aysle s ing to make monstrous versions of
about three months. The wrap up will
 Day of Night and Night of Day, may magical creatures (necrolepus
be the last report for that rumor in
see the honorable become corrupt, if vampirum?) One vote put it over the
Uthorion has his way. Jumps to True top  True (13).
(17). 3. Baruk Kaah s support dwindling
Rumor Report
2. VX images of Knights Templar in the Living Land, and the edeinos
The results are given a true or false,
making life in the GodNet difficult for tribes appear ready to embrace a new
followed by a parenthetical number.
the Inquisition. Gosh, guess so  it s leader. Finishes at a whopping True
That number represents the strength
True (20). (60).
of the truth or falsehood throughout
3. Grumbling in Magna Verita about 4. Jean Malraux scrambling to keep
the Infiniverse. For example a
Malraux s absence as social discon- public support on his side at home,
statement which is False (15) is false
tentment and rumors of revolution but his international policy in Quebec
unless the gamemaster decides to test
begin to surface. Leaps to True (19). has been remarkably successful. Holds
the statement; on a roll of 15 or better,
4. Tharkoldu occultech device un- at True (35).
the statement is actually true. Roll
earthed in the Soviet Union, and ra- 5. Hachiman Arms making spec-
again on 10 and 20 when testing the
diation levels indicative of a second tacular profits, but backlash has re-
truth or falsity of a reported rumor.
invasion. Yipes  True (50). cently started because Hachiman will
5. Nippon Tech ninjas believed to sell to anyone. Sabotage and outright
First Indication: Issue #18
have transported the Comaghaz virus attacks have occurred. Jumps to True
1. Brazilian workers of Japanese de-
back to Japan, possibly leading to even (45).
scent have been recruited for the
more intrigue and mistrust. Dead heat, 6. Gang warfare and refugees make
workforce of Nippon Tech, but have
but True (11). life difficult in Los Angeles. A spree of
encountered a great deal of prejudice
6. Madame K., an Orrorshan serial killings in the city is worrying
and some are carriers of the Comaghaz
spiritualist, claiming to have contacted the local authorities. Doesn t move
virus. Starts at True (15).
the spirit of Lord Byron Salisbury. We much  finishes at True (16).
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
Essence of Faith
by Stephen Crane
arena, seeking room to maneuver, and sky could not dim his spirits. The hunt
suddenly found his adversary ap- had gone exceedingly well. A large
The unearthly shriek
proaching him. herd of wilvit had been sighted and a
echoed off the sheer walls
The elder, a large, palely colored good many of them taken. He could
of the narrow defile as the
ravagon, swung his long wings to the still hear the squealing of the beasts
young ravagon ducked under the
fore. Instead of striking again at the and smell the hot lifeblood gushing
swipe of viciously curved talons. With
smaller creature, he continued to flap forth; feel their flesh tear and separate
the rustling of vast wings, the elder
his wings and hurled himself forward around his talons & but more intoxi-
ravagon regained his balance, shrieked
and above the young ravagon. He cating even than that was the news he
again and drove forward with another
swiped at the younger s face with his brought to his mentor.
devastating slash, attempting to shred
clawed feet, just missing the eyes as The hunter caught a final updraft in
the face from his opponent.
his talons were deflected by bony his huge wings, slowing his descent,
Dodging to his left to avoid the
ridges. then touched down securely on the
terrible claws, the young one stumbled.
The elder descended quickly, and rough sill of rock. He folded down his
He fluttered his wings to regain his
turned to face his foe. He struck next great wings, cloaking himself, then
balance, then felt a searing pain in his
for the younger s throat, but only suc- bounded around an outcropping of
side as the elder s follow-up slash
struck home. He staggered back, at- ceeded in slicing through the outer craggy stone toward an opening in the
layer of roughly textured skin as his cliffside. As he approached he saw a
tempting to clear away the haze that
sought to claim his vision. His ex- feet lost their purchase in the coarse crowd of ravagons around the portal
posed ribs glistened white, contrast- soil. He immediately righted himself and heard a commotion from within.
and turned to face his opponent. A large, lightly colored ravagon  it
ing sharply with the red-hued skin
The young ravagon lurched back a was Karuzok!  stormed out of the
surrounding the wound. The elder
creature flapped his huge wings for- number of paces, trying to put some dwelling as the flock of creatures dis-
space between himself and the older persed before him. He turned to con-
ward and tore at the younger s legs
antagonist. The elder circled his ad- tinue his angry speech, ranting at some-
with the cruel hooks that lined the
edge of the scaled pinion. Dark rivu- versary slowly, savoring the pain he one the young ravagon could not yet
had inflicted. He preferred to prolong see, but suspected he knew too well.
lets of blood streamed down to the
the agony. A deep clicking rasp came  You are tzufak, not tzullat! You will
ground, hissing as they seeped into
rumbling out of his throat  a answer for this outrage; that I will see
the dry soil.
ravagon s equivalent of an evil grin. to. This blasphemy will not go unpun-
Folding his wings down in front of
The bleeding ravagon fought to ished!
himself for protection from the hooks
regain his equilibrium. He knew he The angry ravagon turned again
and claws of his antagonist, the
younger ravagon scrambled back to- must concentrate on his efforts if he and, noticing the young one approach-
were to survive this encounter; his ing, fixed him with a disdainful glare.
ward the wall of the deep, rocky gorge.
innate savagery could carry him only Then he turned and leaped off the
He needed time to think, or he would
so far. His foe was a fierce warrior, a edge of the rock shelf, and with a
not come through this clash alive.
veteran of many raids, while he was mighty flapping of his expansive
He was an average specimen of
merely a fledgling. As he struggled to wings, soared up into the cheerless
ravagonhood, tall, barrel-chested, his
focus his energies, he became aware of grey sky.
long thin neck holding his bony skull
the throbbing of his wounds and the The young one approached the en-
seven feet above the ground. His long,
sound of the blood rushing in his ears trance to the cliff dwelling. The other
scaled wings were still wrapped
& ravagons, hesitating to get too near to
around his body. He unfurled them to
that which drew Karuzok s anger, still
give himself more freedom of action,
* * *
moved out of his way only grudg-
and the sharp, hooked spurs along
& the sound of the wind rushed by
ingly. He paused at the doorway, his
their edges scribed shallow grooves
his ears as he approached the cliff face
claws resting upon the rough-textured
into the rough ground.
that was the village of Verakor. His
wall, then entered the cool, dark lair,
The young ravagon looked around
glistening eyes picked out the ledge as
which had been carved from the inte-
and saw he had stumbled into a nar-
he banked in his approach for landing.
rior of the sand-colored cliffs.
row and cramped portion of the gorge.
He was ecstatic. Even the lowering
He sprinted toward a wider area of the
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
The sight which met his eyes caused  Yes, szilvaravok  the essence of come to lead us to greater glories in
him dismay. The cavern was in disar- Ravok  runs strong in us. It is the life Ravok s name. His power and vicious-
ray. Many of the furnishings were force of our world. It is what raises us ness mark him as such. He is ravagon
upended and scattered about. In the above animals and makes us masters in all but appearance.
midst of the chaos, a battered figure of our world. Szilvaravok gives us the The younger nodded his agreement
was rising to its feet, blood trickling power to carve our own destiny from as he spoke.  Vaza! He is indeed
from a crisscross of slashes across its the many possibilities that lie before Irishantza. And that is why I have
chest. It was Skorit, his mentor and the us. The essence of Ravok gives us the come here directly from the hunt.
village s tzullat. Karuzok had dared power, and we control that power with While seeking prey in the Dark Hol-
do this to a priest of Ravok! the spirit of Ravok. lows we encountered a scouting party
The young ravagon felt a cold anger  That spirit is our intelligence  from the town of Uskorab. Word has
build in him. Skorit had obviously been the ability to understand our nature. reached them from further down the
hurled about the room, causing much While many other creatures are sav- Long Gorge that Parok and his Flock
of the damage in the process. The young age in nature, we ravagons are the fly this way! He seeks followers to join
one hurried to his side to steady him Chosen of the Scourge because we the Flock in a holy war to purge the
and spoke angrily,  Karuzok dares have the capacity to appreciate our weak and seize fresh szilvaravok. Ru-
much; you are tzullat. He must be savagery. It is only we Chosen who mor has it that Sallsboratza himself
brought before the council! can revel in the shredding of flesh, the will lead this hunt, even flying to new
Skorit winced, as much from his worlds!
memory of Karuzok s last comment as The awe in the young ravagon s
from the pain. The pale ravagon had voice was apparent. His mentor could
The infirm did not pro-
named him tzufak  a passive prey not help but add,  And you wish to fly
creature  a reference doubly insult- with them.
vide much sport as they
ing to a ravagon. Skorit had earned his  Yes, came the eager reply,  I long
were dispatched.
position by demonstrating his strength for the chance to honor Ravok, and
and viciousness, as did any ravagon this hunt will bring much honor on
with a name. He hissed in anger and him. But & I have no name. Parok
bitterness,  Karuzok wields much seeks warriors, not striplings.
snapping of bones and the shedding
power in the council. They will do With a touch of tenderness unchar-
of blood. It is what sets us apart from
nothing against him. acteristic of a ravagon, Skorit said,
the beasts.
 They must listen to this. He has  You will earn your name, hunter;
 Together, the essence and spirit of
assaulted a speaker of Ravok. opportunities fill this world. Ravok
Ravok grant us power. That is why we
 No, my friend, I am afraid they knows when it is right that you should.
can sense the essence of Ravok in oth-
have no respect for me. The Denyers As for Parok s Flock & there will be
ers, and when the strong eliminate the
hold sway on council. other hunts, other wars.
weak, Ravok gifts them with the
Skorit staggered a bit, then regained  If it must be, then vaza, so be it.
szilvaravok of the vanquished.
his balance. He stood half a head taller The hunter vented his disappointment
Skorit paused to ease his battered
than his supporter. The smaller on the remnants of a shattered table.
body into a more comfortable posture,
ravagon bent down and righted a stool He shredded it with his gleaming tal-
then continued,  The tales are told of
made from the dark, rubbery flesh of ons until nothing remained of the table
other creatures with the essence of the
the kornaf tree. He helped Skorit to sit, except a forlorn pile of twisted shav-
Scourge, but until now they have only
then spoke again. ings  much like his hopes and
been tales. The arrival of such a being
 How can they be so blind? dreams.
causes dread in the hearts of some; this
Sallsboratza is clearly one of Ravok s  Perhaps, at least, when the council
threatens their status as the Chosen.
true prophets. He is the sixth beholds the might assembled under
They have not the vision to see a
Irishantza. He has demonstrated the the banner of Sallsboratza, they will
grander design. Ravok tests us. It is
power of Ravok many times. see the error of their ways and accept
our duty to recognize the Irishantza
 That is true, young hunter, he has him. Then Karuzok can be made to
when he comes. Those who deny a
indeed performed feats worthy of pay.
true prophet are not fit to exist and
Ravok the Scourge. But the Denyers Skorit s mood lightened at that.
must be cast down. Our faith in Ravok
hold that he cannot be a true Irishantza  Yes, with the power of Parok and his
and his Irishanti makes us stronger
because he does not come to us wear- Believers behind us we can enforce the
than our foes.
ing the form of the Chosen of the will of Ravok and pledge our village to
 Five Irishanti have come to lead
Scourge. If he does not look like a Sallsboratza. Then shall Karuzok see
us. Those who could not accept them
ravagon, he cannot lead us, they say. who is the more mighty.
were destroyed by the faith of the
 But looks do not determine fitness The hunter s dark eyes gleamed at
Believers. Two more Irishanti are to
to live, it is the spirit that grants us life. the thought. He uttered a low hissing
come before we are finally allowed to
There are the tales of other creatures rasp of pleasure, the spoke.  I must go
join with Ravok in his holy Scourge.
chosen by Ravok and graced with his now, and see to the disposition of the
This Sallsboratza is the sixth Irishantza,
essence. hunt. I will return tonight, to help you
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
with this mess, and to plan for Parok s would earn him his name, and could slaughtering pens loomed before him,
arrival. not be a part of that quest. stretching up to the blackening sky
Skorit flexed his wings and at- In these troubled times it seemed like dark menacing claws. He halted
tempted to rise, but the pain of his Ravok the Scourge was too occupied his descent with a flurry of massive
wounds made him think better of it. to dispense Tests. One could not cre- wings and touched down heavily, his
He remained seated, his clawed pin- ate a Test; that could only be provided taloned feet tearing furrows into the
ions scraping against the debris on the by Ravok. A Challenge could be is- soft granular surface of the canyon
floor.  Yes, go. Some rest will help me sued, but Challenges were just a ritu- floor.
heal. We shall talk again this evening. alized method of eradicating the weak. The young ravagon proceeded to
The Unnamed ravagon strode out There was no honor gained in dispos- the gate giving entrance to the com-
of the dwelling and onto the rock ledge. ing of the unfit. If the challenged plex of pens, and passed through the
Without breaking stride, he continued ravagon were to prevail, however, that shadowy claws encompassing the
out over the brink, and his enormous would demonstrate his strength and area. As the huntleader it was his duty
wings lifted him into the air. He glided spirit in the face of certain doom, and to supervise the slaughter and dispo-
silently down to the holding pens in be a feat worthy of a name. But rarely sition of the prey. He found his hunt-
the lower levels. Skorit s residence was did one survive a Challenge. ing companions, located the pens
high on a rocky outcropping of the True Tests were scarce. With the which held their catch and gave the
canyon wall. From this height he could coming of Sallsboratza, they were even hunters their instructions. They began
see the expanse of the village. It was an more scarce, as local altercations were their work with pleasure, gutting and
extensive cluster of dwellings ranged dismembering the wilvit with their
across the walls of the canyon, looking strong, clawed hands. The young one
like a series of fungal growths clinging gained some respite from his inner
It is only we ravagons
to the decaying bark of a tree. turmoil as he bent to his task, losing
who can revel in the
Some of the dwellings were built himself in the rending and shredding
out from the rock face, while others of the animals flesh and relishing the
shredding of flesh, the
were carved into the living stone itself. scent of the fresh blood as it coursed
snapping of bones and
Terraced ledges and sills connected from their severed arteries and spilled
many of the dwellings on the same the shedding of blood. over his hands.
level. There were no stairs or ledges The moons had begun to rise by the
connecting the various levels  what time the hunters work was concluded.
need of such contrivances when every The young leader sent the hunters on
forgotten, subsumed in the more gen-
resident of the village could fly? their way to distribute the kill, then
eral religious dispute concerning the
Those who could not  they were cleansed himself. His work tonight
authenticity of the Irishantza. The
too weak to continue their existence. was done, and he had promised Skorit
number of raids among the towns and
One of the ravagons sacred duties he would return to help him. He
villages of the Long Gorge had de-
was to preserve the strength of their launched himself upward, and the
creased dramatically as each ravagon s
race by weeding out the weak and twin moons hung above him as if the
attention was turned increasingly in-
passive. A ravagon who displayed gloomy sky stared down at him with
ward to consider its faith.
weakness, physically or in spirit, could baleful eyes.
Local struggles were now centered
be challenged by others; indeed, must His flight back to Skorit s lair was
in each community, as Denyers and
be. Any ravagon would be eager to more direct than the descent, as his
Believers both attempted to impose
perform its duty; it could enjoy the mind was clearer. His concerns had
their beliefs on the other. Any reli-
thrill of battle and the taste of slaugh- been pushed to the back of his mind
gious dispute was a critical issue, for
ter, as well as serve its faith. Some- while he concentrated on his work.
those found to be on the wrong side of
times, however, it was solely duty; the The taloned feet of the huntleader
the controversy were then considered
infirm did not provide much sport as scrabbled on the ledge before Skorit s
weak in their faith, and always it was
they were dispatched. dwelling, seeking purchase in the
the duty of the strong to eliminate the
The sun was beginning to sink be- rough stone. Folding his wings be-
low the lip of the canyon. Long shad- hind him, he approached the
Perhaps his faith was weak; maybe
ows crawled across the dwellings and entryway, but halted suddenly. His
that was why Ravok chose not to test
outcroppings of the canyon, like evil senses told him that something was
his prowess. He was certain that
fingers clawing their way down to the amiss. No sounds came from within
Sallsboratza was the Irishantza  but
depths of the village. the cave. No light shone from within.
occasionally he caught himself won-
The Unnamed one barely noticed He entered cautiously, pausing just
dering about the Denyers arguments.
the panorama he passed over. His inside the portal to allow his eyes to
Did he truly believe, or was  no, that
thoughts were in a turmoil. He yearned adjust to the murky blackness. He was
way led to confusion and weakness.
desperately to fly with the Warlord. about to call Skorit s name when he
He refused to let himself pursue that
Parok s Flock would be a quest that detected something  something that
line of questioning.
would be spoken of down the ages. filled him with dread. He could sense
As if to put an end to the chaos in his
Yet he had not yet faced the Test that szilvaravok in the dwelling. A ravagon
mind, the crenellated walls of the
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
had very recently released its life es- live to attain a name. As for Parok, he Karuzok s smirking rasp changed
sence. Turning his head to track the will never know that a faithless priest to a full-throated roar, startling the
scent, he found gory confirmation of sought his aid. young one out of his reverie. Jarred
what his senses told him. There was a  No! I cannot remain silent. Skorit back to the present, he sought to re-
body lying crumpled in a corner amid will be avenged by the champion of gain his bearings as the elder creature
freshly shattered furniture. Its wings Sallsboratza. charged.
were twisted and splayed at odd  Impudent stripling! Karuzok With no time to clear his head fur-
angles. It was very clearly dead. snapped, his voice turning black and ther, the young hunter reacted on in-
The hunter approached the angry.  You are determined to fly a stinct. He leaped skyward, with a flick
mangled remains. Turning the cadaver course to your own destruction. of his wings to gain added height. His
over, his worst fears were realized. It The huntleader became angrier leap carried him over Karuzok, but
was Skorit. Blackish blood trickled himself. He no longer cared that he almost as soon as his claws touched
from the tzullat s jaws and seeped from faced the mightiest warrior in Verakor. the ground, Karuzok pivoted to his
the four deep cuts which had almost His voice became deeper and carried right and whipped his wing around.
severed his head from his body. The a hissing undertone of threat.  Then, The force of the swipe sent the hunter
blood gathered in sticky pools around vaza. It is a path I must fly. Ravok wills tumbling. A searing pain tore through
the priest s corpse. As the hunter raised it. his side as his tattered flesh and ex-
his mentor for a better look, the head  I tire of you, pup. You let your posed ribs slid along the sandy ground.
lolled back loosely. mind be weakened by the specious His tumbling ended abruptly when he
The young one let out a long, sepul- teachings of a foolish old priest. Do slammed into the wall of the gorge.
chral shriek, then cried,  He shall pay With a sharp intake of breath he
for this! I swear it on my essence! heaved himself to his feet. Karuzok
 What is there to pay for? a deep, A trio of the shadowy was once more circling him, more
malignant voice hissed from the dark- quickly this time, and each step
creatures descended
ness behind him.  Merely a weakness brought him closer to the huntleader.
silently, then soared into
purged from this world. A minor al- The Unnamed ravagon cast his eyes
tercation; of no import at all, the voice about frantically, but no immediate
the sky bearing their
continued, rasping in the grating way course of action came to him. The Vale
mangled and dripping
that showed a ravagon was amused. of Essence had been chosen for its
The young hunter turned swiftly, configuration. It was a deep narrow
but rose slowly, trembling in his an- gorge which made full flight difficult,
ger.  You! if not impossible. It was chosen to
There stood Karuzok, framed in the make the duel more challenging, rather
you not now see the error of your
opening of the cave. His shadowy than to limit escape, since escape was
ways? The tzullat was weak, else why
wings were folded down in front of something no ravagon would consider.
is he not here now to spout further
him, wrapping him like a dark scaly Even if a ravagon could make it up to
cloak. He stood jauntily, his imposing the canyon s edge, the spectators who
 Renounce your unfaith. Renounce
figure limned by the light of the moons. stood along the rim would cast it back
this false prophet, or pay with your
Karuzok was the most powerful war- down, or hunt it down and rip it to
life when the truth is revealed!
rior in Verakor, and he was arrogant shreds themselves.
The hunter could stand it no longer.
in his strength. The hunter despaired. His doubts
He hurled himself at the larger crea-
The young one was too angry to be about surviving this encounter seemed
ture with a screech of bitterest anger.
afraid.  You cannot get away with destined to become a certitude. His
He slashed at the warrior, but his hand
this. You will be made to pay. faith must without doubt be weak for
was suddenly halted by the crushing
 Again I ask, what is there to pay Ravok to desert him this way. He was
grip of a clawed hand on his forearm,
for? No one will miss a speaker of on the verge of submitting to his oppo-
a grip which threatened to snap his
heresy. I am sure you will find that the nent when a cluster of passing shad-
arm like a dried qesta twig.
council agrees. Now be on your way, ows attracted his attention. He risked
 Vaza, so your choice is made,
little hunter, and mind what you say. a glance upward and saw a great host
Karuzok hissed. He twisted the arm
 There are greater forces than the of ravagons alighting on the rim of the
back and released it, causing the young
council. Parok will see to it that Vale. The throng parted and a tall,
creature to stumble back.
Sallsboratza has his vengeance on all powerfully built ravagon, resplendent
 The mighty hunter strikes & and is
Denyers. in an ornate harness, strode to the
bested by his prey. It seems you are no
 What do you know of Parok? edge to look down on the combatants.
longer fit for this world, Unnamed
Karuzok seemed unsure of himself for It must be Parok! thought the hunter.
beast! I shall inform the council tonight
the merest moment, then recovered Before the next thought could come,
of my Challenge. You I shall see
his brash demeanor.  You speak of he heard a rustle of wings and threw
tomorrow in the Vale of Essence, if
matters that are beyond your concern, himself to the side. Karuzok s talons
you are ravagon enough to face me.
little one. Tend to your little hunts and tore along his left arm, but his last-
* * *
your petty concerns and you may yet
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
minute evasion had prevented the el- He fought an inner struggle to re- look back as a trio of the shadowy
der from ripping his arm to the bone. strain his ecstasy. This battle was not creatures descended silently, then
New pain surged through his arm. But yet over. He knew, though, that he soared into the indifferent sky bearing
instead of increasing his anguish, it must be right. The strength of faith their mangled and dripping burden.
strengthened his resolve. Parok was was his. In accepting Sallsboratza fully,
* * * * *
here. Judging from the Flock that ac- he had received the blessing of Ravok.
He stood before Parok on the large
companied him, the followers of His reflexes were now as good as if he
circular dais and his very being swelled
Sallsboratza were a mighty force. His bore no wounds.
with pride. The ravagon Warlord ap-
despair lifted, and his faith was af- Those who choose not to accept the
proached him. Parok held up a finely
firmed. Irishantza are consigned to oblivion, he
wrought harness, crafted from the
And in that instant, he felt renewed. thought. Karuzok was no different.
wings of Karuzok, his defeated adver-
The blessing of Ravok had been deliv- He would not change his ways, could
sary. From the bottom of the harness
ered onto him. He ignored the throb- not accept the wider view of a new
depended a sturdily worked fringe of
bing in his side and in his arm. A world. His narrow-mindedness
interlocking rings. The harness bore a
lightness filled him, and he felt as if he marked him as weak. The hunter
delicately curved yet wickedly sharp
could fly anywhere, unfettered and would be glad to expunge him from
blade, which was chased with the sigils
unencumbered. He turned to face the world. He feinted right, then stag-
and symbols of Ravok and the
Karuzok, a seething hiss coming from gered back as if had lost his footing.
Irishanti. Parok displayed the harness
deep in his throat. His abdomen was fully exposed.
for the gathered throng to see, then
Karuzok, too, had noticed the new- Karuzok lunged forward, diving
turned to him and spoke.
comers, and sought to dispatch his low to deliver a series of eviscerating
 Young one, you have come far this
opponent quickly. He pushed himself slashes. To the elder s surprise, those
day. In your adversity, you demon-
from the canyon wall and approached slashes never struck home, as his
strated the strength of Ravok. Perform-
the younger creature. young opponent unfurled the scaly
ing your sacred duty, you have
 Now, we shall put an end to this. web of his wings and launched him-
cleansed this world of the weak; for in
The elder beast launched himself self forward and upward to meet
his unfaith, Karuzok was indeed weak.
into the air, seeking to leap over the Karuzok s lunge. The young one s tal-
Parok handed him the harness. As
hunter. The moment before he passed oned feet fastened tightly on the sides
he donned the symbol of his newly-
over the younger ravagon, Karuzok of the elder s head, the sharp claws
earned respect, the Warlord contin-
braked himself with his wings and easily penetrating the bony surface. In
dropped directly in front him. While one continuous motion, the smaller
 Your strength and triumph have
the huntleader looked up vainly to ravagon swung his body down over
proven you are now ready for the next
find his adversary, the elder creature Karuzok s back, at the root of the
stage in your life. You are now a war-
thrust his right hand forward to tear elder s wings, where they could not be
rior of Ravok, and can no longer go
out the younger s throat. brought to bear. He bit deeply into the
Not even lowering his head, the small of the pale ravagon s back, his
 So do we acclaim your name and
hunter reacted. With a snake-like twist- strong jaws easily tearing into the
honor, Ujeratza, he who prevails in
ing of his long neck, the young ravagon tough flesh to rip out the spine. At the
the face of oblivion.
dodged his head to the left and swung same time the young one also reached
 Come now and join us in our holy
a long wing around the thrusting arm around the elder s body to claw at his
crusade for he who leads us in the
to rip at the elder s head with the abdomen, delivering the eviscerating
name of Ravok, he who is named
razor-sharp spurs along the edge of attack Karuzok had hoped to use.
Sallsboratza, the Gaunt One.
the wing. He immediately followed The large ravagon collapsed in a
Ujeratza raised his arms and spread
up by spinning his head and clamping shredded heap. The young victor dis-
his wings out to their full length, then
down with his bony jaws on the elder s entangled himself from the gory pile
let forth a mighty roar, challenging the
forearm, ripping it open to the bone. that had been his opponent, and rose
heavens themselves to confront him.
Karuzok instinctively tore his arm to his full height. The hunter sensed
With a powerful flexing of wings he
away, ripping more flesh and muscle Karuzok s essence as it wafted free of
arose into the sky, followed by the
as the smaller creature bit down even the corpse, and drew it into himself.
gathered Flock who welcomed him to
harder.  Infidel! the pale one rasped He shook out his wings to their full
their ranks. As he flew off to the
through his pain.  You shall die for width, then folded them back down in
celebratory hunt, he thought once more
this affront! front, shrouding himself in their dark
of Karuzok s torn and twisted remains
The young one remained silent, his embrace.
now decaying in some forgotten
small black eyes glistening in their He glanced around the rim of the
chasm. And that was the last thought
bony sockets like fine black pearls. He defile at the grim figures of his fellow
he ever had for his brother.
studied his foe closely, the bitter taste ravagons lining the edge in silence.
of the elder s blood still on his tongue Then he strode out of the arena, under
 a toast to the victory he knew would the cold stares of some of the observers
be his. and the hot glares of others. He did not
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
Dispatches and Rumors
alerted to this plan by overhearing 15
shocktroopers in their cups. The sol- STRENGTH 11
diers were due to be shipped out to the TOUGHNESS 11
D Land Below as part of the reinforce- PERCEPTION 10
ments. Find 12, tracking 13, trick 13
The Knights would be well advised MIND 9
to intervene in this situation  a Survival 11, test 11
Field Major Achmed Tunakakan,
Darooni-dominated Land Below CHARISMA 10
leader of the Nile shocktrooper force
would be a very bad thing, as would Charm 12, persuasion 13, taunt 11
in the Land Below, has transcended.
Wasp Riders serving in the army of SPIRIT 10
Tunakakan has been trying in recent
Dr. Mobius. Faith (Olakaa) 13, intimidation 13, re-
weeks to cement an alliance between
ality 13
Critical Event: The Knights must find
the Nile and a rogue faction of Darooni
Possibilities: 20
a way to shatter the alliance between
Wasp Riders. To accomplish this,
Equipment: Lance, damage value
the Nile shocktroopers and the
Tunakakan ordered the massacre of
STR+5/16; javelin, damage value
Darooni, as well as eliminating Elnes
Leopard tribe children, a strong choice
STR+4/15; javelin venom, damage
Kek as a threat to the Land Below s
for evil which resulted in his achiev-
value 15, but only causes  K or  O
peace. Accomplishing both objectives
ing a possibility rating.
is a Good result (6 or above); failure is
Pulp Power: Animal friend
a Bad result (2 or below).
Kek s Wasp Riders (25)
Field Major Achmed
See page 45 of The Land Below supple-
Beastro rules a European
kingdom made up of
Dodge 14, fire combat 13, heavy weap-
vampyres and ghouls. ons 12, maneuver 12, melee weapons
15, stealth 12, unarmed combat 13
The Storm Knights have received
an urgent message from the Sign of
The bloodshed also convinced the
Six, the militant anti-horror society of
leader of the Darooni group, Elnes
Orrorsh. Members of their organiza-
Find 12, hieroglyphics 11, scholar
Kek, that the outworlders were sav-
tion had traveled to Gaea to find a
(small unit tactics) 14, trick 11
age enough to be her allies. She has
legendary chest of hellegren root, a
amassed a small army of 25 Wasp
rare and powerful herb which is an
Survival 14, test 13, willpower 14
Riders and, backed by shocktrooper
essential part of the true death of Prince
guns, intends to slay Kihiti Dok, leader
Beastro, leader of Rumostria.
of the Darooni army, and seize con-
Beastro is one of the most feared
Faith (Egyptian religion) 13, intimida-
rulers on Gaea, being an undead who
tion 14, reality 14
Kek dreams of an empire spread-
rules a European kingdom made up of
Inclination: Evil
ing far beyond the Misty Gorge, with
vampyres, ghouls, and humans bred
Possibilities: 15
the other Merretikan tribes no more
as livestock. It s widely believed that
Equipment: .45 Colt Auto, damage
than slaves. Tunakakan hopes to see
the assassination of so prominent a
value 16, ammo 7, range 3 10/15/40;
Dok eliminated and a civil war break
Horror might spark a rebellion among
spear, damage value STR+4/16;
out among the Darooni. The Nile
the enslaved humans that could spread
sword, damage value STR+6/18; Nile
forces, backed up by reinforcements
throughout Gaea.
headdress; backpack radio; diary
from above, will then move in and
Unfortunately, the bold monster-
seize control of the gorge. Once the
hunters disappeared shortly after
Elnes Kek
Wasp Riders are under his command,
crossing the Rumostrian border. It is
Tunakakan believes nothing will be
believed that the vampyric authorities
Beast riding 17, melee weapons 17,
able to stop him.
had no inkling of their true identities
missile weapons 17, unarmed combat
Storm Knights in the Nile have been
or mission, so they may have been
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
placed in the pens with the rest of the (a number of Viking ships ply those Charm 14, persuasion 14, taunt 13
 food supply. waters), but the rewards in terms of SPIRIT 9
The only chance to find the cask and plunder have been enormous. Dark Intimidation 15, reality 18
eliminate Beastro lies with these settlements along the east coast of Possibilities: 20
adventurers, which means someone Sweden and the west coast of Finland Arcane Knowledges: air 6, fire 6,
must go to Rumostria and save them. have been particularly hard-hit by the water 6, aquatic 4, avian 2
Although the Sign of Six members are pirates. Spells: fog, lightning, fish eyes, con-
willing to go along, they feel only But not all of those flying the  Jolly jured fireball, Aeluin s water valley, sum-
Storm Knights have the expertise Roger are opposed to the Dark. Cap- mon kraken, create giant avian servant,
necessary to get in, save the captives, tain Terrence Kescivals and his gal- weather control
and escape alive. leon, the Winter Wind, have been al- Equipment: Wheelock dag, damage
ternately sinking Corsair ships and value 13, ammo 1, range 3 5/10/25;
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
firing upon Light villages. Kescivals cutlass, damage value STR+6/18
must rescue the three Sign of Six
is blamed for the burning of the vil- (conjured fireball spell focused within)
members from the Rumostrian
lages of Solvesborg, Simrishamm, and
livestock pens. They will then lead the
Kescival s Crew (75)
Borgholm along Sweden s southeast-
Knights to the cask, and together, they
ern coast.
can destroy Prince Beastro. Ac-
Dodge 9, long jumping 10, maneuver
Kescivals is said to be a most un-
complishing this is a Good result (6 or
9, melee weapons 11, running 9, swim-
usual pirate, seeming to care little for
above). Failing to do so is a Bad result
ming 9, unarmed combat 10
loot, allowing his crew to divvy the
(2 or less).
spoils among themselves. Rather, he
Climbing 9
seems to revel in the terror the pres-
Prince Beastro
ence of his ship sparks in others. His
predations have caused him to be
Beast riding 15, dodge 17, maneuver
Find 10, trick 10, water vehicles 11
hunted not only by Ayslish and Core
15, melee weapons 16, stealth 16, un-
Earth navies, but by the Corsairs as
armed combat 17
Test 8
Pella Ardinay recently issued a
Persuasion 9, taunt 10
queenswrath for Kescivals, with a
200,000 trade reward offered for him,
Find 11, trick 12
Intimidation 9
dead or alive. An additional 100,000
Possibility Potential: some (30)
has been offered for capture of the
Survival 11, test 13
Equipment: cutlass, damage value
Winter Wind. The edict also contained
STR+6/14; pike, damage value
a warning  dark sorcery is believed
Charm (25), persuasion 15, taunt 14
to be connected to the success of the
Winter Wind, and Storm Knights are
Faith (Orrorsh) 12, intimidation 15,
The Winter Wind
warned to beware.
reality 14
Tech 15, speed value 20/12/9, pass.
Possibilities: 16
Critical Event: Capturing or killing
220, TOU 25; cannon (100), Tech 15,
Natural Tools: Claws, damage
Captain Kescivals and taking his ship,
damage value 27, ammo 1, range 25-
value STR+2/16; teeth, damage value
the Winter Wind, is a Good result (6 or
above). Failing to stop his raids is a Bad
Note: The Winter Wind has a fog
Powers: Cold aura, regeneration
result (2 or less).
spell focused into it, which allows
Corruption Value: 30
Kesivals to shroud it in mist when-
Fear Rating: 3 Captain Terrence Kescivals
ever he so chooses. One quarter of the
Perserverance DN: 22 DEXTERITY 14
cannon have lightning spells focused
Description: Prince Beastro is a Acrobatics 15, dodge 19, fire combat
into them.
ghoul who prefers the flesh of the 15, maneuver 16, melee weapons 18,
living. He won his supremacy over running 15, swimming 17, unarmed
Rumostria by besting all rivals in com- combat 17
bat. He views humans as food STRENGTH 12
The intelligence arm of Dr. Mobius
Climbing 13
government has overseen the construc-
tion of an underground complex
codenamed  Tomorrow the World.
Taking advantage of apparent dis- Alteration magic 17, divination magic
Here are areas designed to resemble
array among the Dark forces, Ayslish
15, find 16, trick 19, water vehicles 18
each of the other realms, including
Corsairs have been striking up and
Tharkold and the Land Below, as well
down the Gulf of Bothnia and the Bal- Apportation 14, conjuration magic 14,
as Core Earth. (No efforts have been
tic Sea, and even as far east as the Gulf
test 13
made to duplicate the axioms, how-
of Finland. The risks have been great
ever, due to the disastrous Berofski
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
experiment last year). stalengers, and other Living Land crea- Rumor states that, in the old days
Here Nile agents are trained in how tures made a desperate trek south, on the disk-world, before the Giant
to assimilate themselves into other through Mexico and Central America, Wars, all the dragons of Aysle 
realms before being sent out into the into the Akashan realm. Truly an in- Teutonica, Aysle, Terra, Aquatica,
field. Those effects which cannot oc- credible feat, even if the contingent con- Metallica, and Crotalaria  would get
cur under Nile axioms are duplicated tained an unusual number of stormers. together once every two hundred years
as closely as possible using  weird While this  March for Life appears to discuss & who knows?
science. to have been successful, only one in a Regardless of alliances with Dark
Agents are recruited from all walks hundred of the group made it through or Light, these dragons gathered at
of Nile life, and trainers are often Core Earth and Living Land resistance peace with each other  but, by no
defectors from other realms. While it into the Space Gods realm. It is be- means, the countryside. Dragons re-
would be possible for Storm Knights lieved that these survivors intend to quire great space and sustenance, and
to attack and destroy the complex, appeal to Rotan Ulka in the hopes that their meeting-places quickly turned
they would be better served by he and the other Akashans will help into legendary wastelands. The Isle of
infiltrating it and gathering the Living Land denizens free them- Flame. The Plains of Sucking Sand.
information. selves of both Kaah and Pakken. The Mournful Hills. Is a section of
Scotland soon to be added to the dread
list? Is there any way the legendary
meeting can be stopped?
Tharkold is in Los Angeles. The
The dragons of Aysle are City of Angels is now a battlefield and
a war victim. Frightened residents are
gathering for their Bi-
either digging in or fleeing. Untold With the virtual collapse of the
Century Concordance!
atrocities occur regularly, and few arise American auto industry (due to the
to fight back. presence of the Living Land in Michi-
But, even so, certain factions are gan), Japanese auto imports to this
trying to gain entrance to the city. country have increased sharply. The
Critical Event: If the Knights suc-
Rumor has it that Dr. Mobius has sent Mitusyana Motors Corp., a Kanawa
cessfully infiltrate  Tomorrow the
some of his most powerful Nile vil- subsidiary, has made millions selling
World, they get a Good result and will
lains into the fray. Their orders are cars in the US, despite the shaky con-
learn that Mobius plans a major op-
unclear, but, apparently, the  weird dition of the country s economy.
eration in Algeria, possibly connected
scientist High Lord wants to capture Major cities like Houston have seen
to the unsettled situation in that
Tharkold technology for further ex- Japanese autos offered at major dis-
country s government. Failure to pen-
amination. counts, and many high government
etrate the installation is a Bad result.
The Nile villains, however, are more officials, while condemning the trade
interested in surviving than anything imbalance, continue to drive them.
else. It is possible that a few have What they do not know is that the
joined with the Tharkoldu against newer cars are equipped with bugs
Kanawa and the Race, while rumors that beam conversations taking place
also suggest that a few have under- within back to the Japanese embassy.
gone the transformation and domina- In addition, the autos have self-de-
With Baruk Kaah s popularity at an
tion processes. struct devices which can be triggered
all-time low, it is not surprising that
if the driver becomes too vociferous in
the edeinos are considering finding
his opposition to increased Japanese
new leadership. While Kaah contin-
ues to use Rec Pakken to monitor his
Fire and fury sweep over the hills of
people and quell insurgency, things
Scotland! Is it truth or a carefully-
may be getting out of hand.
crafted fiction? The dragons of Aysle
Rumor states that a substantial expe-
are gathering for their Bi-Century Con-
dition composed of Jakatts, benthe,
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
Your Letters
1. In reality storms such as those
around the Cyberpapacy, is a charac-
Can a reality storm be invoked in If the great ape Ungrosh from the
ter transformed if he loses all of his
the GodNet? Land Below needs that realm s Magic
possibilities, or does he have to be
How close is the Gaunt Man to axiom to support its great weight,
stripped of his reality adds, as in an
breaking free from the maelstrom? could a lone Storm Knight from a realm
invoked storm, before he is trans-
 Sam Thornton with lower Magic axioms (such as
Essex, England Core Earth or Nippon) literally crush
2. When an Ord disconnects in a
him to death by successfully invoking
1. Yes. But remember that a
foreign reality, does he transform?
a reality storm?
Cyberpapal character will enjoy the
3. Regarding the map of the Space
 Greg Detwiler,
home cosm advantage while in the
Gods realm  I thought the reality
Williamsburg, PA
trees were at the center of the mixed
2. Closer than you think & No. If Ungrosh were to be on the
zones they create. Shouldn t all the
losing end of a reality storm, he would
circular mixed zones have reality trees
In the letters column of Infiniverse transform into an equivalent creature
at their center?
#16, you state that Storm Knights may of the winner s reality who would not
4. Can clothing be worn under
not spend a Possibility to gain a roll- be dependent upon magic to sustain
biotech suits that depend on symbi-
again and thereby avoid disconnec- itself.
otic links, or must the suit be worn
tion. Will a Second Chance card work?
under all clothing?
 Randy Wilde 1. Is it possible to have an Akashan
5. How does ammo work for biotech
Long Beach, CA pure zone or dominant zone?
firearms? The info you give in the body
2. How about more info on the Star
Sorry, Randy, but no. Disconnec-
of the text is that the weapon must be
Sphere (other races, maps, what really
fed after every so often. Does it actu- tion is a fact of life when you have
happened to the Mohani?)
realities clashing, and cannot be so
ally need to be fed after every so many
3. Is Sarila evil? The text seemed to
easily avoided.
shots fired or after the stated time
describe someone who just got in over
period, whichever comes first?
her head.
For mental wounds, do you use
 Michael Levay
 Joe Farrell
Mind or Spirit instead of Toughness?
Roscommon, MI
No. Merrick, NY
Also, what happens when you men-
1. Reality storms occurring around
tally  fall unconscious or mentally 1. No, it s not possible to have an
the borders of realms work the same
 die? Akashan pure or dominant zone. Pures
way as invoked storms. All Possibili-
 Mark Siegal, and dominants, by their very nature,
ties and reality adds must be stripped
Schenectady, NY are invasive and transformational, two
before a character transforms.
things which Akashan reality is not.
Mental wounds primarily come into
2. When an Ord disconnects in a
If an Akashan were to become a
realm other than his own, he will even- play when discussing spell backlash.
High Lord, he could impose a twisted
Mental damage is measured against
tually transform due to the natural
version of his reality in such zones, but
the Mind attribute rather than Tough-
process of living in that area.
it would not truly be the reality of the
3. Yes, Mike, the map of the realm in
Space Gods in that case.
If you are KO d by mental damage,
Space Gods was in error. All of those
2. We have played around with the
you are unconscious  and if it was an
mixed zones should have reality trees
idea of a Star Sphere supplement, but
actual KO result, and not just accumu-
in their centers.
have no plans for one as yet. Of course,
lated shock damage, you lose the ar-
4. Symbiotic suits must be worn
if there s enough demand (go ahead,
next to the skin. That s why you gener- cane knowledge used to cast the spell
twist my arm) we could be talked into
for 24 hours or until a miracle of re-
ally can t wear more than one.
freshment is done.
5. Yes, if you tax your weapon by
3. Very insightful, Joe. Whether or
If you die from mental damage,
using up its ammo supply, you may
not Sarila is evil depends on how you
you re dead, plain and simple.
have to feed it earlier than expected.
define  evil. Sarila is an egotist who
Under normal use, the feeding sched-
ule in the text applies.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 20 / February, 1992
believes that the ends justify the means,
no matter who gets hurt. By assuming
Herald Messages
control of the Comaghaz group mind
and using it as she has, she is running
counter to the Akite philosophy she  Burger Rex is really a front for a Sagato:  Master, I don t understand
Nippon Tech operation. The lizboys enter why you didn t kill the Gray Ghost when
professes to follow. Sarila is self-de-
Living Land areas for meat, but they also you had the chance?
luded and very good at justifying her
gun down any of Baruk Kaah s edeinos Kanawa:  Because he is nothing, and
behavior. Keep in mind that the
that they come across. because Mobius hates him. Why crush a
Comaghaz was not created to help the
 Scott Darley, worm when I can use it to bait my hook?
Akashans, but to advance her own
Caryville, FL  Conversation overheard in
career. Kanawa Corporation HQ,
My Storm Knights have triggered a Tokyo
serious diplomatic incident between
If a character uses his world laws
Spain, England and the Middle Eastern Har, mateys! Gemini agents Rampage,
in a foreign realm, he is creating a one-
countries. They recovered the True Cross, Pentacle and  the Kid hijacked a
case contradiction. What if a charac-
to barter it for the Nocturna with Gildao, cybertrain out of Paris and blew
ter is in a foreign realm and uses that
a spiritual debunker who is in fact a rein- Cyberpapal base  Point Versailles into a
realm s world laws  is he creating a
carnation of Mantooth. With the Nocturna, grease spot, crippling the Cyberpapacy s
contradiction? Isn t this the same situ- they hope to prevent Angloch Dornonin supply lines to the gangs and HOGs in
from occurring. Paris. (Massive glory result still failed to
ation as using a tool that the foreign
 Antivackis Christian, kill the living cyber-weapon  Destroyer. )
realm supports, but his personal real-
Bezons, France The Paris streets are now messier than
ity doesn t?
ever before (if that s possible.)
 Jim Ogle,
 Behold the miracle of toxic waste.  Dan Swensen,
Socorro, NM
The Lady of the Lake is dead. East Helena, MT
 An unnamed Core Earth
It s exactly the same, Jim. Using
wizard You never know & Gospog Shuffle
another realm s world laws is a one-
could become a craze &
case contradiction.
 Joe Farrell
No. Merrick, NY
Who the heck is  Kryptos and why
are edeinos worshipping him?
 Christopher Scott,
of CIA headquarters in Langley, VA. what (if anything) it means.
Windsor, MO
As yet, no one has been able to decode As for why the edeinos are wor-
 Kryptos is an actual object, an the encrypted message on the sculp- shipping it, Lanala only knows &
enigmatic obelisk that stands outside ture, and the artist refuses to reveal


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