Chapter 14 Going too far part 4

-- Chapter 14 - Going too far part 4 --

Aido shrank back from the look in Kaname’s eyes. All vampires looked dangerous when they were angry or aroused; Kaname was no different. But the dark aura that emanated from his body, you could see it… almost taste it and it froze Aido to the spot.

I’m dead… I’m dead… I’m dead… these two words ran ceaselessly around in his petrified brain as he stared up at the furious pureblood.

What the hell were you thinking, Aido?” hissed Kaname as he stared down into the terrified blue eyes. He didn’t bother to ask how Aido knew about Zero being a vampire. “Surely you know better than that!”

Kana – Kaname-sama, I’m sorry! I didn’t…” Aido broke off as Kaname’s hand made sharp contact with his cheek, sending his head whipping sharply to the side. Kaname slapped him again, backhanded this time and whipping the younger vampire’s head to the other side. Tears of pain welled up as Aido bit his already bleeding lip. Kaname knew how to slap, all right. No bones were broken – although they felt like it - but his cheeks absolutely stung, his eyes felt like they were about to pop out from their sockets, and his ears were ringing.

Aido inhaled shakily, staring at the floor, feeling his classmates’ slightly horrified and sympathetic gazes on him. He was dimly conscious of a certain surge of relief that at least, that ex-human and that Cross girl did not get to witness his utter humiliation. Wouldn’t Kiriyu have loved to see this…

Look at me.”

Aido swallowed miserably and forced his head up. Where’s your pride, damnit? Show some backbone here…! he chastised himself.

What happened, Aido?” Kaname looked liked he’d calmed down a little but the still crimson eyes that glared down at Aido said he wasn’t at all close to being forgiven at any time soon.

Aido could feel blood trickling down from the corner of his lip but he didn’t dare lift his hand to wipe it, or look away from that compelling gaze. He swallowed painfully, knowing both his cheeks were red from shame and from the stinging slaps Kaname had dealt him. Despite that, he wasn’t angry with the pureblood. He knew he’d brought this down on himself. Damn his impulsive nature…

I – I was angry… with Kiriyu” mumbled Aido in a miserable tone, resisting the urge to give a most unmanly sniff.

The dark eyes were unflinching as they bored into Aido and the tousle-haired blond was glad he hadn’t bothered to lie. Kaname would’ve known immediately if he wasn’t anything less that painfully and scrupulously honest.

Why?” asked Kaname. Quietly.

Aido opened his mouth and shut it again. It had started with such a silly reason that he was completely loathe to even mention it. Still…

He – he told me off…” Aido said, then faltered as the dark eyebrows lifted in mild surprise. “Du-during class changeover…” Aido trailed off again, knowing he didn’t need to say more. All the Night Class students were well aware of his large fan base in Cross Academy and how much he adored the attention of the star-struck Day Class girls who lined up daily to catch a glimpse of him.

Kaname sighed soundlessly. So this was caused by that terse exchange between Aido and Kiriyu earlier…

And I – I was also angry that he’d slighted you, Kaname-sama… just now…” Aido finished, looking down again and sounding like he’d rather be anywhere other than here, doing anything other than being subjected this inquisition by a still furious Kaname, and right in front of everybody else.

Kaname’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. He didn’t actually bear the younger vampire any personal grudge. He knew full well what Aido was like – rash, impulsive… It was sometimes difficult to remember that underneath the playboy arrogance mixed with his obvious genius, Aido was actually much younger than most of the other Night Class students. Kaname also knew the high regard Aido had for him, and how he was inclined to take offense at anyone who treated the pureblood with less than total respect. And unfortunately, within the compounds of Cross Academy, that meant Kiriyu…

And now, there was the matter of Aido’s actual punishment to consider… Kaname hated doing this. Meting out punishment of any sort went sorely against his gentler nature. He was a pureblood and he didn’t have to answer to almost anyone, he was the Moon Dorm Leader and would never be questioned on any orders he chose to give or any punishments he meted out to the Night Class students – an agreement he made with Cross when the Academy started. But he still disliked having to scold or discipline any of the students under his care.

Aido however, had deliberately, or accidentally, disclosed one of Cross Academy’s biggest secrets and Kaname had to make absolutely sure it went no further from this room. He had to impress this fact on all the students here tonight. Make sure they knew exactly what they would get if they even thought of talking about this anymore. So Aido had to be punished.


Again, the blond head came up and Kaname almost smiled as he saw Aido’s slumped shoulders straighten up in an attempt to take his punishment like a man.

Today is Friday. For the whole of next week, Monday to Friday, you will rake up all the leaves in the Moon Dorm front and back gardens. Starting at noon. Without a hat or umbrella or any form of protection from the sun. You may however, wear a shirt.”

After a final warning look at Aido, whose mouth and shoulders had sagged in disbelief and dismay – midnight being the somewhat equivalent of three in the morning for vampires – Kaname turned back to the other equally stunned students. “We cannot let this secret leak out. Please do not speak anymore of this matter to each other. If you still have any concerns or questions, you may see me privately.”

He listened to the varied mutterings of “Yes, Kaname-sama” before inclining his head gracefully, saying “It’s almost time for our lessons. Perhaps we can have the cake and wine back at the Moon Dorm after our classes tonight.”

It was a nicely worded hint and immediately, some of the students started wrapping back the cake, food and wine. The others started moving the tables and chairs back to their original positions. Aido had disappeared but no one noticed or bothered to mention this.

Takuma approached Kaname then hesitated. The pureblood turned to him. “Yes, Takuma?” he asked quietly.

The Assistant Dorm Leader nodded. It was as good a time as any to speak, under the cover of the general noise of the furniture being moved. “I’m sorry I could not stop this” Takuma apologised but Kaname brushed it aside. “Aido and Kiriyu together make for a rather… explosive… situation” said Kaname, his lips twisting a little. There was a moment of silence, then he asked “Yuuki – was she hurt?”

Both vampires were still speaking very quietly, just in case their words could still be overheard. “No, Yuuki-chan’s fine, other than the slight cuts on her wrist. Aido was just… teasing her, I think… ”

Kaname nodded thoughtfully. Takuma saw the unspoken question and answered it. “And Kiriyu-kun didn’t do or say anything to provoke Aido, either…” murmured Takuma. “Well, other than that insult to you…” he added, being completely honest.

The two vampires looked at each other for a moment, then Kaname smiled. “Thank you” he said quietly.

- o -

The next week was quite truly the longest and worst week Zero had ever experienced. He still saw Yuuki of course, in class, during the class changeover, when they patrolled the grounds and at mealtimes… but it was different now.

A wall had sprung up around Yuuki that he couldn’t penetrate. For one thing, she’d finally learnt to hide her emotions and the large warm chocolate eyes that always made Zero feel as if she could see right into his soul were now… blank. Expressionless. They let in nothing and they told him nothing.

She also spoke to Zero only when absolutely necessary and never looked at him directly when she did, but at a an invisible spot just above his left shoulder. He tried, of course, numerous times, to speak to her about that night… but his words would stick in her throat when she looked past him, giving him the impression that he was even less worthy than smallest insect that crawled on the ground. And each time she did so, his aching heart broke just a little more.

On Saturday, the day after the incident, the Chairman noticed the rather abnormal silence during dinner. His jovial remarks, usually responded to by Yuuki and ignored by Zero, were strangely ignored by Yuuki and responded to half-heartedly by Zero. The older man tried to probe a little but had to give up when neither responded.

On Sunday, the Chairman went out to meet an old friend from his hunter days, for dinner. Yuuki had spent the whole day either in her room, or in the Sun Dorm with Yori. Zero did his usual chores, helped out at the stables, then wandered back to the main building as dusk fell but Yuuki had had an early shower and disappeared into her room for the night, with a sandwich as her dinner. Zero tried knocking on her door, received no reply, and ended up fixing dinner for himself that went mostly uneaten. He’d never had a more miserable weekend.

On Monday, the Chairman couldn’t help but notice the stony silence as he walked into the kitchen to find Zero and Yuuki eating breakfast and ignoring each other. Well, Yuuki ignoring Zero at least. Concerned, the older man tried to talk to Yuuki but she brushed aside his questions with blithe unconcern, fooling no one. Knowing he would be questioned next, Zero quickly made himself scarce.

That night, the Chairman decided to corner Zero as soon as Yuuki was busy in the kitchen clearing up after yet another awkwardly silent dinner. The older man could not fail to notice that Yuuki was still giving Zero the cold shoulder and that both of them had eaten very little. He turned to Zero, who was already halfway out of his chair.

Zero, wait a minute..”

The younger man froze, then slowly sat back down, staring at the table, his expression carefully neutral.

The Chairman sighed. “Look at me please…” He waited until Zero reluctantly looked up, his eyes bleak, his face tense and pale.

What’s happened with you and Yuuki?” asked his Father, gently.

The gentle tone almost undid Zero but he kept stoically silent, looking down at the table again, not knowing how to answer.

Did you two have an argument? A – fight, maybe?” the Chairman asked next.

Zero swallowed and looked up to find his Father’s eyes on him, alert and watchful. His glance slid away. “Yeah…” he muttered.

Even though he had more of less suspected it, the older man’s eyebrows still shot up. This was surprising – Yuuki adored her adopted brother and he knew for a fact Zero practically worshipped her in return, regardless of the couldn’t care less facade he normally put on in public. He also recalled the rather sweet picture they’d made sleeping on the living room sofa a couple of weeks ago during that heavy thunderstorm, Yuuki half sprawled on top of Zero and his arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders.

The Chairman found himself phrasing his next question carefully – it probably had something to do with Kaname - but Zero was faster than him. Muttering something about pending assignments and upcoming exams, he escaped to his room. He knew this would only make his Father more suspicious of him but Zero was past caring what anyone thought.

He was in his own private hell.

The one he’d brought down on himself.

- o -

On Tuesday, Zero discovered he wasn’t the only one trapped in hell. Since Yuuki’s new lunch partner was Yori, he’d wandered around during his lunch break, his heavy scowl clearing a path for him as if by magic as the Day Class students kept well out of his way.

Without conscious thought, he realised his steps had carried him to the Moon Dorms. Carelessly sweeping his gaze over the quiet compound, Zero saw someone in the front garden who appeared to be raking up fallen leaves. His first thought was that it was the gardener, although he knew for a fact that the cheerful man in his mid-forties normally preferred working in the cool hours of the morning. But there was something very familiar about that head of tousled blond curls…

Zero took a few steps closer and stopped by the fence, gaping at the sight of a red-faced Hanabusa Aido, studiously but unskilfully raking up leaves. He was actually spreading more than he collected and his cursing was even audible from where Zero stood. The young vampire noble was perspiring heavily, dressed in a white long sleeve T-shirt and cotton trousers. He wasn’t wearing a hat or even a pair of sunglasses. Zero shook his head slightly at the never before seen side of Aido – was the sunburnt look in now?

Sensing someone was looking at him, Aido paused in his earnest attempts, then looked up to squint at Zero, his eyes watering in the bright sunlight. His already flushed cheeks deepened as he encountered the latter’s surprised gaze and he bit his lip before bursting out “What’re you looking at?”

Something about the angry and mortified look on the playboy vampire’s face… Zero realised that Aido would’ve been one of the last Night Class students to wake up before the sun went down. To get up at midday, stand out in the hot sunlight sans hat or any form of protection, just to rake leaves, of all things…

Zero shoved his hands in his trouser pockets, careful to keep within the shade of a nearby tree. Possibly due to the depressed state he was in, he couldn’t even find it in himself to be rude or sarcastic to the heavily perspiring vampire noble, still clutching the rake. Kaname knew how to pick his punishments, and surprisingly, Zero even felt a small surge of sympathy for Aido – how strange. It must be due to the hellish state he was in right now…

How long is this going to continue?” asked Zero quietly, after a moment of slightly awkward silence between them.

Aido continued to eye him suspiciously before he answered. “One week, until this Friday…” He hesitated, then asked “Are you going to let them know? The – the Day Class girls, I mean…” He bit his lip as Zero kept silent.

Then, it was Aido’s turn to be surprised as the other vampire shook his head, then turned to go.

After a moment, Aido spoke up “Hey… Kiriyu…”

Zero turned back to face the younger vampire. “Tell Yuuki… I’m sorry” said Aido in a rush, causing Zero to stare at him in surprise. “I mean it… and I – I didn’t mean to blurt out your secret either…” he continued.

Zero took a step closer and realised that the blue eyes were serious and sincere. He hesitated, then nodded silently.

Aido nodded in return and frowned a little. The ex-human looked absolutely miserable, like he was expecting to be sentenced to death at any minute. Aido wasn’t sure why - even the sight of him being punished, and his apology didn’t seem to have helped.

Hey, you OK?” he asked curiously. Zero was looking at the ground but he looked up at the question, amethyst eyes blazing with pain, guilt and sheer wretchedness. Aido dropped the rake in surprise and while he was bending down to retrieve it, Zero had walked off.

Surprised, the young vampire noble gazed after him, before returning his attention to the fallen leaves again, swiping absently at the sweat that trickled down his face. He’d tried summoning up his ice powers but under the glare of the sun, it took up too much of his precious energy…

That evening, Aido was unceremoniously woken up by a series of sharp jabs in the ribs by his room mate and cousin. He groaned sleepily - it seemed like he'd just fallen asleep two seconds ago. He uttered a louder and more heartfelt groan as Kain dropped something heavy on him. Aido opened his eyes a little and squinted at the large hardcover book lying on his bare chest.

Wha - …” he mumbled, before blinking his bleary eyes to focus on the book title – “Gardening Made Easy”. Aido glared up at Kain. “Hey, that hurt…” he complained, even as he sat up and started leafing through the book - there was sure to be a chapter on raking leaves...

Kain grinned unrepentantly at him. “I got it from the library” he explained. “Actually, someone dropped it on top of my notes while I was at the washroom…” he added, shrugging carelessly as he walked back to his bed, missing the startled look on his cousin's face.

- o -

On Wednesday, it finally occurred to Zero that he would be in big trouble if Yuuki decided not to give him any more of her blood. He could get fresh blood elsewhere, he knew – the Chairman, for one… if he didn’t shoot him on sight, knowing what he’d done, that is – but it was more than just her blood, it was the closeness with Yuuki he would miss, how he could hold her as tight and as close and as long as he wanted, how his mask of indifference just crumbled before her and enabled him to say things he meant rather than sarcastic or rude remarks he said in front of others, how the love and understanding in her eyes, the gentle tone of her voice, the tender way she held him made him believe that he was more than just an ex-human turned vampire, more than just a pesky brother, sometime, even more than just a friend…

By this time, practically every single Day Class student and even a few of the more perceptive Night Class ones knew there was something going on between the two School Prefects. That moody one, Zero Kiriyu, was forever trying to get Yuuki’s attention, and she was steadfastly ignoring him pointedly. Even Yori had started to look rather distressed, trying to get her friend to patch things up. Couldn’t she see how much Zero was hurting? Everyone else could…

Yuuki, you need to talk to him” she said during their lunch break. They were both sitting at one of the tables in the school cafeteria, and just like the past couple of days, Yuuki was occupied with pushing the uneaten food around her plate. She was starting to look rather peaky.

No!” Yuuki’s tone was adamant, at odds with the listless way she toyed with her food.

Why not?” asked Yori curiously. Then, as her friend kept silent, she added “I mean, look at Zero-kun, he’s so miserable! Talk to him already!” The person in question was walking past them, hands shoved deep in his trouser pockets. His fine silver hair half hid his eyes but Yori could seem them trained on Yuuki, his face grim and his eyes bleak.

I can’t!” Yuuki’s voice was a loud agonised whisper and Yori was startled to see a sudden flash of what looked like embarrassment and confusion in those large brown eyes.

I can’t…” Yuuki whispered again, looking down once more. Yori bit her lip as she stared at the bowed head of her friend. It was obvious something had happened between them both, and she didn’t know what it was. All she knew was that both of them were both hurting and miserable.

Kaname noticed as well but surprisingly enough, he couldn’t pry it out of Yuuki either. Although she responded readily enough to his comments, he also saw a slight reserve in her normally expressive eyes. She politely but firmly denied that anything had happened between her and Zero and even found the strength to turn away from Kaname before he could see her blush at her bare faced lie.

- o -

On Thursday, Zero couldn’t stand it anymore. He knew he’d screwed up any chance he ever had with Yuuki but he made up his mind he wanted to get through to her. He didn’t care if she hated him, he just wanted her to look at him, really look at him, dammit, when he said what he wanted to say. Not… look at him like he didn’t exist. Like she didn’t care about Zero Kiriyu anymore…

He cornered her as the last of the Day Class girls sullenly went back to their dorms and the Night Class has settled in classes for their lessons.

Yuuki…” he began only to see her walking back to the main school building. He strode after her, long legs catching up easily.

What?” she asked. Coldly. Even disdainfully. Pain exploded in his aching heart at her tone.

Yuuki… please! We – we can’t go on… like this…” Can’t you see I’m dying here…? his heart cried silently.

She stopped then before slowly turning around to face him. Zero stopped breathing. But again, Yuuki’s gaze was… empty… as she gazed fixedly on an invisible spot above his left shoulder. “If you want my blood, come to my room an hour from now…” she said serenely to the invisible spot. Without waiting for his reply, she turned around and walked on towards the main building.

Zero stood there, staring at her, suddenly weak-kneed that Yuuki had actually spoken to him. Even though she still hadn’t looked at him. A part of him sagged in devastating relief that she didn’t hate him enough to deny him her life-giving blood… and it stirred the bloodlust in him to know he would be getting it soon… but it was only a very small part of him. He knew he’d hurt her and it looked like a wound far too deep to ever heal… too deep for forgiveness. Sudden tears blurred his vision and he blinked, dashing his hand angrily across his eyes. He inhaled sharply, squaring his shoulders. Well, at least Yuuki had said she’d see him… it was a chance to make things right… and he prayed he would know how to.

-- End --


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