Chapter 14 Going too far part 3

-- Chapter 14 - Going too far part 3 --

Yuuki’s heart was still beating faster than usual when they reached the main building and her feet were starting to hurt from the quick pace Zero had set for them. She was now feeling angry at the fact that she’d actually been a little… scared… there at the party, for a moment, before Kaname had returned.

"That Aido - he just had to go and spoil everything, hadn’t he?” she fumed as they walked down the corridor towards their rooms. She also hadn’t wanted to return so soon – after all, she’d gone to the trouble of dressing up… “Otherwise, we could have stayed a while longer…”

It probably wasn’t the wisest thing to say under the circumstances and Zero stopped walking and rounded on her immediately, his heartbeat still reacting a little to the tension-filled scene of a few minutes ago at the party. “Stay longer?” he echoed disbelievingly. “How long did you want to stay there, Yuuki?” he demanded. "Until we get thrown out by Kuran?”

Yuuki inhaled sharply. “Kaname-sempai would never do that, Zero!” Throw them out – it was unthinkable! He would never do that… well, maybe escort them politely out - but not thrown out, surely…

Frowning, she unwrapped Kaname’s handkerchief from her wrist, the small cuts from Aido’s nails had already stopped bleeding.

Zero saw the cuts. He folded his arms across his chest and glared at her. The little idiot…! She still thinks she’s safe in a roomful of vampires! Vampires with aroused bloodlust no less. “You do realise that each and everyone of those creatures at that party is a vampire, Yuuki? All except yourself?” he said evenly. Do you even realise you are prey… to them?! he left this last sentence unsaid, but all the same, it hung in the air between them.

His scornful tone rankled Yuuki – of course she knew that, she wasn’t stupid! She placed her hands on her hips and glared right back at Zero. “Of course I know that!”

"And you do realise you could’ve gotten bitten after that stupid stunt Aido pulled?” Zero was fully aware of the danger Yuuki was in, even if she wasn’t – he couldn’t have missed the crimson hue glowing in each pair of eyes that had stared back at them if he’d tried. Hell, he should know, shouldn’t he? He, Zero Kiriyu, was one of them!

Yuuki tossed her head. “Kaname-sempai would never allow it, you know that…”

Zero almost snarled with frustration – Yuuki was being deliberately obtuse about the whole thing. His hands clamped down onto her shoulders, shaking her briefly and none too gently. “Kuran wasn’t there, damnit!”

"He’d been called away… it wasn’t his fault!” said Yuuki hotly, so angry she almost didn’t feel Zero shaking her. He inhaled sharply – he should’ve known Yuuki would defend Kuran to her dying day…

"You always take his side, don’t you?” he asked and he couldn’t stop the bleak tone from creeping into his voice, his hands falling back to his sides. Where does that leave me, Yuuki? he added silently.

"No, I don’t” said Yuuki at once. “But you’re always blaming him for everything!”

Zero was stunned speechless. Always? Always? Since when had he started… no, he did not blame the pureblood leader for everything, did he? He was just… just... Just jealous.

Jealous of how confident and self-assured Kuran always was.

Jealous of the excited smile that lit up Yuuki’s face whenever she saw him.

Jealous of the soft blush that shaded Yuuki’s cheeks whenever Kuran smiled at her.

Jealous of they way Kuran pulled her into his arms as they danced just now.

Jealous of the willing way Yuuki melted into the pureblood’s tender embrace, as though she’d completely forgotten how his arms had felt. As though she’d completely forgotten what she’d said about his embraces…

"Why, Zero? Why?” asked Yuuki, angry tears starting to fill her eyes. She hated it whenever Zero made sarcastic remarks about Kaname-sempai. And she hated it when the pureblood did the same. Because she cared about both of them. And she didn’t even know why she and Zero were fighting in the first place. Needling - yes. Bantering - sure. Trading fond insults – definitely.

But… not outright fighting, surely? It was so… pointless, really…

Zero swallowed hard, still staring at Yuuki. She really doesn’t know, does she? he thought numbly. Yuuki really doesn’t know how I feel about her… maybe I should just tell her…

Yuuki saw the flickering emotions in Zero’s still reddened eyes and she softened despite herself. “Why, Zero…?” she asked again. Why are we even fighting like this?

Zero pushed aside the real reason. “Because he’s a vampire, Yuuki! They all are!”

Yuuki frowned. It wasn’t Kaname-sempai’s fault he was born a vampire, surely? Anymore than it was Zero’s fault he was made one… hey, how could Zero accuse Kaname-sempai when…

"You should talk, you’re one of them!” she shot back at Zero, forgetting what she’d said a moment ago about it all being pointless.

Zero didn’t back down an inch. “Yes, Yuuki. Yes, I am a vampire. I AM one of those blood-sucking creatures damned to hell. So be careful.”

In the stunned silence that followed, broken only by their somewhat ragged breathing, Yuuki stared at Zero, hearing the pain in those tersely spoken words. Seeing the torment reflected in the eyes staring straight into hers. Then she looked away, almost burned by the heat radiating out from Zero’s pain-filled eyes.

Yuuki didn’t know what to say then but she did remember what she was supposed to have given him. “You need blood, Zero… come on” she said softly. They’d stopped right in front of the main bathroom and Yuuki pushed open the door now, her other hand reaching for his. Zero shook it off before stalking into the bathroom and shrugging off his school jacket with angry movements.

Yes. No matter how much he lashed out at her, in the end, it always came down to the same thing – he needed her. He needed Yuuki’s blood. And he needed Yuuki. Pure and simple.

Yuuki didn’t say anything when Zero shook off her hand. She just stepped in and closed the door behind her. She’d barely turned around when Zero reached out and locked the door.

The resultant click sounded ominously loud in the bathroom and Yuuki frowned up at him. “Zero?” she said. “Why did you – ” She broke off startled, dropping the handkerchief as Zero took a step forward, crowding her against the wall. He linked his fingers with hers and pinned her hands on either side of her head against the cool wall tiles.

"Uh, Zero?” was all Yuuki managed to squeak out before Zero dipped his head and claimed her lips in a heated and angry kiss. It wasn’t anything like their sweet first kiss at the night of the dance. It wasn’t anything like the passionate one they’d shared in her room after Yuuki’s nightmare when he’d accidentally nicked her lip with his fangs. It wasn’t anything like the other two kisses they’d shared either.

It was rough. Hurtful. Yuuki’s lips were parted and Zero took advantage of her surprise to invade her mouth roughly with his tongue, pressing his lips hard against hers, not stopping even when both his fangs pierced her lower lip. Yuuki could suddenly taste her blood but she wasn’t sure where exactly was she bleeding from – she couldn’t even breathe properly to begin with. She gasped for breath when Zero finally pulled away, glaring down at her.

He was furious. And the scent and taste of her blood on his lips made his bloodlust flare sharply.

Yuuki’s wide eyes focused dazedly on Zero’s lips stained with her own blood and on his partially visible fangs before he swooped down again, releasing one of her hands to tilt her chin up and to the side in a precise, sharp movement. Before Yuuki had time to take more than a surprised breath, she felt Zero’s hot breath on her neck and he had bitten down hard on the madly beating pulse at the base of her throat without warning.

"Oooh…!” gasped Yuuki, tears of pain filling her eyes. Zero’s fangs had sunk deeply into her flesh and it hurt. He sucked hard at her neck, drinking angrily, hungrily, pressing her harder against the wall, his hand still holding her chin up.

Yuuki was too surprised for a moment to even think of moving. Was Zero that angry? Was he pushed that far? she wondered. And as he continued drinking from her, she realised something else – if he kept this up, he would take too much from her. And she knew he would never forgive himself for that.

A low growl escaped Zero’s throat as he pressed closer and the sound drew a shiver from Yuuki – that sound he made… it was almost… feral… And she could feel he was very aroused as well.

"Zero…?” she said, her voice shaking slightly. “Zero, please… not too fast, you’ll make me dizzy…” she pleaded. And don’t hold me like this… she cried silently.

Zero was furious - with Yuuki. And very hungry for blood – for Yuuki’s blood. And very aroused as well - for Yuuki.

His fangs still buried in her flesh, he released her chin and reached behind her back. His hand found the zipper of her dress and pulled it down impatiently. It got stuck halfway and he yanked it down hard, actually causing the delicate material to rip away from the zipper. Yuuki gasped in indignant surprise against his ear – was her precious dress torn? What the hell did Zero think he was doing?!

Zero released her other hand now and pushed down the bodice of her dress together with the strapless bra she wore, baring her to her waist and completely open to his heated gaze. Yuuki looked at him, shock written all over her face as his shaking fingers claimed her breasts carelessly.

A part of Zero knew he wasn’t behaving rationally. It was strange… unexplainable… inexcusable. He normally wasn’t like this, he was always very careful and gentle around Yuuki. He’d stop whenever he felt he had pushed her too much. But now, he couldn’t seem to control his desire or his bloodlust and he let her struggle further while he sated his thirst at her bleeding neck once more.

Yuuki felt his lips moving from her neck down towards her breasts, leaving a bloody trail on her pale skin. She exhaled shakily at the feel of that hot mouth on her nipple again, shivering as he sucked her almost painfully deep inside his mouth, tongue playing wickedly with the hardened sensitive tip. Yuuki twisted against him helplessly and moaned. “Ze-Zero, please… stop…” Unfortunately, her voice sounded like she didn’t want him to stop…

Long tormenting moments later, Zero had thoroughly ravished both her breasts and left them swollen, aching and smeared with blood, thankfully, from the bite at her neck, although a couple of scratches from his fangs were also starting to show up on the creamy pale skin. Yuuki was squirming as very unfamiliar and strange feelings started coursing through her, all heading downwards - past her breasts, past her stomach, further down.

Zero’s hips had started thrusting against her hard and left her in no doubt of his straining arousal. Yuuki was getting scared. This wasn’t at all like the Zero she knew. He’d never been rough with her. Zero was always gentle… kind… tender… But now he was angry and hurting her… No, this couldn’t be happening, she refused to believe it!

Her thoughts splintered when Zero reached under her skirt and tried to pull down her lace panties, ripping it away in his haste. The tearing sound made Yuuki freeze and she couldn’t move as she felt Zero’s searching hand between her thighs. What was he doing?

She shivered uncontrollably, she didn’t exactly know what Zero thought he was doing, but he… really should… stop… it… She squirmed against him, trying to free herself, panting against his neck and making Zero growl deep and low in his throat. He captured her mouth once more, drawing blood again with his fangs. Tears of pain, confusion and heaven only knew what started to flow freely from Yuuki’s eyes as Zero’s mouth and hand wrecked havoc on her body and senses. She yelped when Zero pulled away from her bleeding lips and pounced again on the pulse at her neck, the twin wounds still bleeding slightly. He bit her again.

"Zero…” Yuuki gasped. “Please - please stop…” Zero appeared not to have heard her and she started panicking. Wait – a thought flashed into her spinning mind. The charmed bracelet on her left wrist! And the tattoo on Zero’s neck! Touching her bracelet to it would immobilise him immediately. The Chairman had given her the bracelet in his study after Zero had bitten her the first time and she still remembered the charm’s devastating efficiency when demonstrated at that time.

Yuuki quickly swung her left arm up, aiming for Zero’s tattoo, sheer desperation lending her speed but in the end, he was still faster. Even with his face buried in her neck, he somehow knew what she was about to do and his right hand closed around her wrist, fingers sliding instinctively under the chain of the bracelet. Yuuki gave a small cry of alarm as Zero ripped the bracelet from her wrist, breaking the links and leaving abrasions on her delicate skin. He tossed it behind him and Yuuki heard the soft clink as the ruined bracelet hit the far wall before falling to the floor.

Yuuki was past scared by now. “Zero?” she breathed, her eyes shut tight, her voice trembling. “Zero, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, OK? Please… please don’t hurt me…” her voice trailed off as she choked back a sob.

For a moment, it seemed like Zero hadn’t heard her. Then he lifted his mouth from her neck, his body trembling violently against hers as he breathed raggedly, trying to control himself. Finally, he lifted his head to look into her eyes.

"Yuuki?” Zero said hoarsely as his shocked gaze took in her tear drenched eyes, bleeding and swollen lips before they travelled down to her still bleeding neck. Zero swallowed convulsively, his eyes widening even more. He stepped back, letting Yuuki sag against the wall in relief as his stunned gaze followed the trail of blood from the base of her neck to her breasts and swollen nipples.

Finally, he dragged his gaze up to hers again, stark anguish and guilt reflected in the amethyst depths. “Oh God - I – I did this…?” he breathed, reaching out a shaking hand to cup her cheek, his thumb running lightly over her swollen lips. Shit. “I – I’m sorry, Yuuki…”

Yuuki closed her eyes but relieved tears spilled out anyway and she started shivering in reaction.

"Yuuki?” the scared note of concern in Zero’s voice made Yuuki open her eyes slowly. “It’s OK, Zero…” she whispered tearfully.

"No. No, it’s not. It is not OK. You should slap me for this, you should hate me…” Zero whispered, agony in his eyes and in his shaken, anguished voice. He’d felt her shiver and that caused a fist of pain to twist in his heart. Why had he behaved like that? And to Yuuki, whom he loved most in the world?

Yuuki smiled tremulously. “I should… but I won’t slap you” she whispered back. “And you know I can’t hate you either…” She cupped his cheek reassuringly with her still trembling hand and he placed his own one over it. Pulling her hand away from his cheek, he stared at it, his face paling even further as he caught sight of the abrasion where the bracelet had bitten into her skin. Dimly, he remembered snatching off the trinket and flinging it behind him, out of her reach, taking away her only means of defense against him.

Dear God, how he must have scared her…

Lightly, Zero ran his thumb over the cut as he looked up and started to apologise again. Yuuki pressed gentle and trembling fingers against his bloodstained lips. "Don’t say it again… please…” she whispered, knowing he was hurting as much as she was. Zero nodded painfully, swallowing again.

They stared at each other, reading pain, regret and forgiveness in each other’s eyes. Zero hesitated for a moment, then he dipped his head again and kissed Yuuki. It was a soft gentle kiss of humble apology at the horrible way he’d treated her and Yuuki accepted it as such, her eyes closing as her lips parted willingly. She also wanted to erase the memory of the past few minutes and overwrite that uncaring brutal kiss with this sweet and gentle one, even though it was still flavoured with the coppery taste of her own blood.

But the kiss remained gentle for only a few seconds before passion grew and the kiss heated up. Zero’s arms closed around Yuuki’s shoulders, hers, around his waist. He dipped his head to gently kiss and lick the deep wounds he’d created at the base of her neck as his shaking hands found her breasts again. This time, he cherished their sweet weight gently and his thumbs stroked her sensitive nipples with tender care, making Yuuki moan softly against his mouth. She wanted to touch Zero as well and her trembling hands undid the buttons of his school shirt before reaching in to slide her soft palms over his smooth shoulders and toned chest, making him sigh with pleasure.

Zero bent his head further, using his tongue to clean off the trail of blood he’d left on her skin until he reached her breasts. He licked off the blood from her nipples before gently taking each one into his mouth again in turn. Yuuki’s breath hitched repeatedly in her throat as she arched against his mouth and started squirming. She was starting to feel rather… uncomfortable… in certain places that she couldn’t even mention.

Zero’s hands encircled Yuuki’s slender waist, lifting her up further against the wall, his hips keeping her there. He dipped his head and worshipped her breasts again lovingly with his lips and tongue, causing Yuuki to cradle his head in shaking hands and hold him close as she moaned deep in her throat.

Still keeping her pinned against the wall, Zero pulled up her skirt. Yuuki’s soft moans turned into a sharp gasp, her eyes snapping open as she felt Zero’s hand nudging her thighs apart. Not roughly this time but purposefully. Oh God, he was going to touch her? There?!

"Uh – Ze-Zero? What are – aaah…!” Yuuki ended her protest on a groan as Zero’s questing fingers searched and found. Glided and stroked. His touch made Yuuki shiver helplessly and her soft moans against his ear incited him to continue with what he was doing. Yuuki twisted against him, frightened and aroused at the same time, almost sobbing as her innocent mind spun helplessly without any coherent thought.

Zero’s mind was spinning as well. He could feel Yuuki’s readiness, he could smell her arousal as sharply as he could his own. He was past caring whether she loved him or not, he only cared that she wanted this as much as he did.

Pressing the palm of one hand against Yuuki’s stomach to keep her pinned to the wall, Zero kissed her again, his other hand frantically undoing his trousers. The dark material fell past his slim hips to pool around his ankles and he pressed up against her again, exulting in the feel of his naked flesh against Yuuki’s. He wanted her badly.

Yuuki was trembling violently in Zero’s embrace. Pinned against the tiled wall, feet dangling above the floor, she grasped his shoulders, panting, her fingernails digging into the muscled flesh as his hand reached down again and his thumb continued to do unimaginable things to her. Then his hand slid to her knee, pulling it up. Zero angled his hips and started pushing up against Yuuki. She gasped again as he started to push slowly into her.

Yuuki’s eyes widened in complete shock – oh God, he wasn’t… he couldn’t be… but there was no denying the hard alien fullness starting to fill her, stretch her. Zero’s breathing was loud, harsh and ragged against her ear, his heart hammering wildly against hers, his naked chest slick with sweat against her breasts.

No – no, she didn’t want this, thought Yuuki. Well, she did but not - not now. This was all happening too sudden, too fast… they weren’t even a couple, for goodness’ sake… She tensed up, her breath coming in painful gasps.

Zero was trembling violently with the effort not to slam hard into Yuuki – she was so damn tight and he actually felt he might explode before he went any further. He paused to inhale deeply before continuing to push forward and upward as slowly as he could. Something stopped him. He paused again for a couple of seconds, his heart slamming in his chest, before trying once more. There was… something… there that prevented him from fully entering her. Zero gritted his teeth and pushed harder, making Yuuki whimper. He heard it but it didn’t register in his lust fogged brain and he pushed up again, harder.

Yuuki’s sharp cry of pain, the sudden slash of her nails across the back of his shoulders, the bite of her teeth on his skin and the way she held herself stiffly in his arms finally registered.

Zero stopped moving, panting. “Y-Yuuki…?” he asked hoarsely.

"It… it hurts…” whimpered Yuuki against his shoulder as she dug her nails even deeper into his flesh. “Zero, please… please don’t… Please stop…” she whispered shakily then started to sob. The entire experience had been rather too much for her and despite how her body was feeling, she just wanted it all to stop. Now.

Yuuki’s words brought Zero to his senses faster than a bucket of cold water thrown over him. Dear God - what had he been on the verge of doing? What was he thinking?

His heart hammering in his throat as a fiery ball of dread started sinking in his stomach, Zero slowly eased out from her, lowering her gently to the floor. Yuuki’s legs couldn’t hold her anymore and she slid down the wall to collapse on the tiled floor, sobbing quietly.

Zero stared down at Yuuki’s bowed head as she wrapped trembling arms around herself. His mind now in agony over what he’d almost done, he whispered "Yuuki…?” She shook her head, not looking at him. He wanted to say something, do something but he couldn’t think beyond the pounding aching need of his own body, too far gone to stop it and already on the brink of satisfaction. Muttering a fervent curse, Zero swung away from Yuuki and hurried to the toilet bowl a few feet away.

Yuuki blinked and raised her head hesitantly, realising Zero had moved away from her. His back was towards her now and he was… he was… Yuuki actually stared for a few moments before her stunned brain told her exactly what Zero was doing, even though the jerky hand movements and harsh panting breath were quite… self-explanatory.

For a second, sheer curiosity prompted Yuuki to push herself up and lean sideways, straining to see what Zero was doing. He froze suddenly, his other hand clenched into a tight fist against the wall as he bent over and groaned. Silvery liquid arched away from him into the toilet bowl and a strange musky scent reached Yuuki’s nose. Her cheeks flushed even more - that sound Zero had uttered, it was as if he were in pain…

Zero was completely helpless in the throes of ecstasy that claimed his body and long shivering moments passed before the shudders turned to trembles and his breathing slowed down and quietened. Exhaling rather shakily – the fact that he’d been kissing and caressing Yuuki instead of simply imagining her had made this session more profound than his other ones - Zero wiped sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand before turning back to Yuuki.

Immediately, she shrank back against the wall, automatically hugging herself again to shield her naked chest. Zero met her gaze and took a step forward. He stopped warily when Yuuki gasped, shaking her head slightly, her eyes moving from his hips to his face and back again.


Silently, she stared at him, her eyes huge. Haunted.

"Shhh, it’s OK, it’s all right…” Zero said softly, coaxingly, slowly reaching his hand out to Yuuki. She stilled, staring at his hand as if it were a poisonous snake about to strike but she didn’t move away. Zero closed the gap between them and knelt down slowly on her left, his left hand pressing her head gently to his chest, his other hand rubbing her naked back in soothing gentle circles until he felt her relax against him. Then he reached under her skirt again, fingers seeking.

Yuuki stiffened, colour high in her cheeks as she looked up at him. “Zero…?” she breathed, inhaling sharply as his fingers started stroking her again, re-igniting the fire he’d started earlier. “Wh - what…?” His touch was very gentle now and that made her pause uncertainly.

"Hush…” Zero murmured. He was very new at his, but instinctively, he kept his gaze on her flushed face, watching closely for the subtle signs that would tell him if he was doing it right. “Help me, Yuuki” he whispered. “Tell me if you like - this…” he added as he starting stroking her more firmly. Her involuntary moan told him she did and a feeling of intense triumph rippled through him as he watched Yuuki close her eyes, mewling softly and shifting restlessly against him. Her movements grew more agitated and Zero knew she was close to satisfaction, feeling the swollen fullness against his now slicked fingers, his nostrils full of her musky scent of arousal, driving away his own.

Then Yuuki tensed, exhaling sharply, her eyes opening wide to stare straight into his own for a heartbeat before her hand flew to his, trapping him tightly against her as shudders of pleasure wracked her body, making her shiver violently. Yuuki shut her eyes tightly, gasping and panting as her body shook helplessly, almost frightened at the intensity of feelings she’d never before experienced.

Long seconds passed as the tremors subsided with exquisite slowness, Yuuki burying her hot face in Zero’s chest as he kept his arm around her, rocking her silently. After a while, Zero slowly removed his hand from under her skirt and Yuuki looked up to see him licking his fingers clean, savouring her intoxicatingly sweet scent. Her mouth fell open - Zero caught her shocked look and stopped immediately, like someone caught in the act of stealing. Yuuki uttered an embarrassed moan as her gaze locked onto the moisture still glistening on Zero’s fingers. He lowered his hand and they stared at each other for a long moment.

Zero didn’t know what to say - the experience, even though separate, had been shocking enough for both of them.

Then Yuuki’s wide eyes, still wet from her recent tears, still hazy with sated desire, started to fill with an emotion that made Zero’s heart suddenly drop to the bottom of his feet.


He knelt there, stunned, as Yuuki suddenly tore herself away from his embrace, scooting backwards until she hit the wall, staring at him as if he’d suddenly sprouted horns. Oh God oh God oh God, she’d actually let Zero – Zero! – touch her. There – there!

"Yuuki…” Zero reached out for her but froze to the spot when she flung up a hand as if to ward off a blow, flinching.

She actually flinched…! She’d never before…

Zero stared at Yuuki in shock, seeing the fear now dominating and overriding any other emotion in her eyes. She was watching him like a rabbit trapped in the glare of a hungry serpent and he felt sudden despair, deeper and stronger than the moment he knew the pureblood’s bite had turned him into a vampire…

A soft sob escaped from Yuuki before she clapped her hands over her mouth. “No… Zero… oh God no…” she whispered, tears welling up and spilling over her cheeks before she whirled around and got up unsteadily, making for the door. She twisted the doorknob frantically in her trembling hands, her sobs growing louder when the door refused to open. Finally, she remembered it was locked. Throwing a panicked glance over her shoulder at a stunned Zero, Yuuki finally managed to unlock the door and wrench it open. Zero just stared up at her numbly as she uttered a choked cry of relief and ran down the corridor towards her room. He heard the slam of her door and even the resultant click as she locked it.

Silent tears gathered in Zero’s pained amethyst eyes and slowly fell unheeded down his pale cheeks. He’d only seen fear in Yuuki’s eyes once – when he’s first bitten her – and even then, it had been more shock than fear. This was different, she’d looked at him as if he were a beast that had violated her. There was true fear in her eyes and he wanted to die. Never, never had Yuuki looked at him like that. Not when he was shouting at the Day Class girls, not when he was glaring at her, not when he was scolding her, no, not even when he’d once tried his best to frighten her in the garden storeroom.

Still on his knees, Zero bent forward and rested his forehead on the cool wall tiles. He done something irreversible – he’d lost Yuuki’s love and her trust in him…

Heedless of his nakedness, Zero knelt there as if in penance, shivering with cold, before the sounds of the Chairman returning from his late night meeting roused him. Mentally, he pulled himself together and stood up, wincing from kneeling so long on the hard tiles. He flushed the toilet and quickly looking around to ensure the bathroom had no telling bloodstains. Yuuki’s ruined bracelet winked at him from the floor and he went over to pick it up, pain tearing through his heart again.

Poor Yuuki – she’d tried to stop him the first time… he remembered her distressed look after touching the bracelet to his tattoo the first time in their Father’s study and knew how desperate she must have been to resort to this but he’d torn it away from her. And when he’d come to his senses, he’d only wanted to comfort her. And it had ended up like this – Yuuki fearing him.

Clutching her bracelet in his hand, Zero escaped to his room and sank onto his bed, wondering if Yuuki was still crying in her room. His heart clenched painfully tight in his chest. This was what the Chairman had been afraid of… Zero groaned and buried his face in his hands once more.

And he’d done it.

He’d broken that trust.

Zero shut his eyes tightly, jamming the heels of his palms hard against his closed lids. I would do anything… anything… to reverse what happened… he thought wretchedly.

-- End --


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