
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle - Telepathic
Sensitivity - A Normal Unfoldment

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle - Telepathic Sensitivity - A Normal

XIII. Telepathic Sensitivity - A Normal UnfoldmentYou
will have noticed that I have given no instructions as to the art of developing telepathic
sensitivity. The reason is, as I told you before, that this sensitivity should be, and
always is, a normal unfoldment when the disciple is correctly oriented, completely
dedicated and learning decentralization. If it is a forced process, then the sensitivity
developed is not normal and carries with it much difficulty and future danger. Where the
disciple is concerned, release from the constant consideration of personal circumstances
and problems leads inevitably to a clear mental release; this then provides those areas
of free mental perception which make the higher sensitivity possible. Gradually, as
the disciple acquires true freedom of thought and the power to be receptive to the
impression of the abstract mind, he creates for himself a reservoir of thought which
becomes available at need for the helping of other people and for the necessities of his
growing world service. Later, he becomes sensitive to impression from the Hierarchy. This
is at first purely ashramic, but is later transformed into total hierarchical impression
by the time the disciple is a Master; the Plan is then the dynamic substance providing
the content of the reservoir of thought upon which he can draw. This is a statement of
unique and unusual importance. Later still, he becomes sensitive to impression from
Shamballa, and the quality of the Will which implements planetary Purpose is added to the
content of his available knowledge. The point which I seek to make here, however, is the
fact of the existence of a growing reservoir of thought which the disciple has created in
response to the many [95] varying impressions to which he is becoming increasingly
sensitive; the ideas, concepts and spiritual objectives of which he is becoming aware are
steadily being formulated by him into thoughts with their appropriated thought-forms, and
upon these he learns to draw as he seeks to serve his fellowmen. He finds himself in
possession of a reservoir or pool of thought-substance which is the result of his own
mental activity, of his innate receptivity, and which provides the material for teaching
and the "fount of knowledge" upon which he can draw when he seeks to aid other
essential point to be grasped is that sensitivity to impression is a normal and natural
unfoldment, paralleling spiritual development. I gave you a clue to the entire process
when I said that

to impression involves the engendering of a magnetic aura upon which the highest
impressions can play"

I would
have you give the deepest consideration to these words. As the disciple begins to
demonstrate soul quality, and the second divine aspect takes possession of him and
controls and colors his entire life, automatically the higher sensitivity is developed; he
becomes a magnet for spiritual ideas and concepts; he attracts into his field of
consciousness the outline, and later the details, of the hierarchical Plan; he becomes
aware eventually of the planetary Purpose; all these impressions are not things which he
must seek out and learn laboriously to ascertain, to hold and seize upon. They drop into
his field of consciousness because he has created a magnetic aura which invokes
them and brings them "into his mind". This magnetic aura begins to form itself
from the first moment he makes a contact with his soul; it deepens and grows as those
contacts increase in frequency and become eventually an habitual state of [96]
consciousness; then, at will and at all times, he is en rapport with his soul, the second
divine aspect.

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