
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle - Higher Aspects
of Relationship

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle - Higher Aspects of Relationship

Certain basic concepts underlie every phase of the Science of
Contact, and without them there would be no basis for any effort to master this science.
Please grasp this fact. There are three which must always be borne in mind:1. The
medium through which the thought currents or impressions (from no matter what source) must
pass in order to make an impact upon the human brain is the planetary etheric body.
This is fundamental in its implications. This etheric vehicle makes all relationships
possible, because the individual etheric body is an integral part of the vital body of the
planet. This vital body is the medium also of all instinctual reactions, such as an animal
will evidence when danger is around. The closer that this etheric body is interwoven (if I
may use such a word) with the dense physical vehicle, the clearer will be the instinctual
reaction - as in the illustration which I have given and which is based upon millennia of
such reactions; the greater also will be the sensitivity and the more aptitude will there
be for [115] telepathic contact and recognition of the higher impressions. It might also
be added that the etheric body of a disciple or even of an advanced person can be so
handled and dealt with that it can reject much that might otherwise impinge upon it, pass
through it or use it as a channel. This training is automatic; evidence of it can also be
seen in the ability which the human mechanism possesses to tune out all contacts and
impressions that it may not need, to which it is so accustomed that they do not even
register, and all that it deems undesirable or not fit for consideration. The reason that
true telepathic contact between minds is not more prevalent is due to the fact that few
people think with an adequate clarity or with the energy required; they do not create
true, concise or powerful thought-forms or - if they do - these thought-forms are not
correctly directed towards the intended objective. When a man is a disciple and
deliberately seeks to be impressed by his soul, by the Master or by the Spiritual Triad,
the task of the impressing agent is relatively simple; all the disciple has to do is to
develop right receptivity, plus an intuitive intelligence which will enable him to make
correct interpretations, and to recognize also the source of the communication or
This brings
us to the second basic concept:
2. Sensitivity to impression involves the engendering of a magnetic aura upon which
the highest impressions can play. This I dealt with (in some measure) in the preceding
section. It should be borne in mind that the potency of the magnetic aura which envelops
all human beings is to be found at present in four [116] areas of substance; these four
areas are close to four major centers. When the individual is strictly low grade and is
predominantly animal in nature, then the majority of impacting impressions will reach him
automatically through the sacral center; such impacting impressions (as you can well
imagine) will be heavy and yet dynamic; they will have reference to all that concerns his
physical being, his physical appetites, and his physical comfort or discomfort. There are
however, today, relatively few persons in proportion to the planetary population who use
the sacral center as the major registering organ. The magnetic aura (when this is the
case) is relatively small; all the tendencies of this tiny aura are downward in nature,
and all impressions (which cannot possibly come from a higher source than the man himself)
work down through the aura of the sacral center. Most of the impressions are therefore
purely instinctual in nature and little or no thought is involved; there is evidence,
however, of what can be understood as aspiration even if it is not what a true aspirant
might regard as spiritual in nature.
average, though still unthinking, human being works through his astral body and, because
he is there polarized, works through his solar plexus center - etherically and primarily.
All impressions find entrance into the aura via the area around that part of the etheric
vehicle. It is through this major center that the ordinary medium works, receiving
impressions and communications from astral entities or from the animated astral forms to
be found in the glamors created by humanity.
Forget not, nevertheless, that true aspiration is essentially an astral product or
reaction; all [117] aspirants - in the early stages of their slow reorientation - work
through the solar plexus center, and thus only gradually focus the lower energies there,
prior to their transmutation and elevation to the higher center, the heart center. There
are certain disciples who work deliberately upon the astral plane, under instruction from
the Master of their Ashram, in order to reach such neophytes and thus to impress them with
the knowledge and the subtle information needed for their progress. No Master works in
this manner, and the Masters have therefore to use certain of Their disciples in this
service. Such disciples direct the desired impression to the solar plexus area of the
magnetic aura. This magnetic aura has another point of entry in the region of the throat
center, utilizing it as the recipient of higher impressions. This center or area of energy
is largely used and vitally activated by those who are the creative workers of the world;
they have necessarily made a direct contact with the soul and are therefore wide open to
those intuitive ideas which are the source of their creative work. According to the
success they have in such creative production, and according to the beauty of their work,
will be the impression they thereby convey to other men. Curiously enough, the new and
peculiar forms of art which delight some people and which outrage the sense of beauty in
others are largely solar plexus creations and are therefore not of a truly high order. In
a few of them - a very few - the throat center is involved.
magnetic aura around the head is that which is truly sensitive to the highest impressions
and is the point of entry to the head center. Upon this I need not enlarge; all that I
have taught you is [118] related to the awakening of this highest center, prior to the
aspirant's becoming a member of the Kingdom of God. The ajna center is not involved
and it will remain for several more centuries the agent of directed impression and not the
objective of such impressions.

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