14=Beyond the Marius Brothers 6 Ferris Braden

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Beyond the Marius Brothers 6

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Ferris Braden

Ferris Braden was having a bad day … Friends using him as a doorm at, breaking a kid’s heart accidentally , and pretty m uch being kicked all around. What a day to m eet his m ate!
When Ry lan Zeev wanted to check out a coven that was rum ored to take in m ore than vam pires, he had no idea he’d find his m ate surrounded by strangers he isn't sure he can trust.
Onah j ust got back from a several-m onths-long m ission. The last thing he wants is to be sent on an errand with no explanation. But when he finds his m ates because of it, he’s grateful and excited.
All three feel as if fate knew what she was doing when m atching them up, and it’s a good fit. But when tragedy of epic proportions strikes, can the brand-new m ates stick together when they haven’t even had a chance to claim one another?

Note: This book is written in first-person point of view.

G enre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranorm al

Length: 35,437 words

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Beyond the Marius Brothers 6
Joyee Flynn


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Copyright © 2013 by Joyee Flynn E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-159-6
First E-book Publication: January 2013
Cover design by Sloan Winters
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead
is strictly coincidental.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Beyond the Marius Brothers 6

Copyright © 2013

Chapter 1


“Dude, you’re making me look bad,” Jalen hissed to Tyler as they both cut me a glance. “I can do

more than carry shit.”
“Yes but I thought it would be best if you showed off your impressive muscles and strength,” Tyler
teased. “Sweetie, you need to find a nice boy your own age, not a very, very, very old warrior who’s
not your mate.”
“Whatever. Says the guy who sleeps with two men who were practically around when the Ice Age
hit,” Jalen bitched and picked up one of the extra tool belts. “I can be more than the errand boy. I’m
seventeen now, Tyler.”
“Yeah and you want to know what I’ve learned?” Jalen shrugged in that teenage pouting way. Tyler
sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “That the older I get the less I realize I know about
“That’s backwards, dude.”
“No it’s not,” I chuckled as I kept measuring the boards to be cut. “The older you get, the more your
world expands. And then you realize you really don’t know much, so you learn what you can. But then
it will expand again. I’m over a thousand years old and the fae have me realizing I don’t know much
once again.”
I saw Jalen bite his lower lip out of the corner of my eye and then nod. “Okay, I can get that. My
whole knowledge of the world doubled when we left the pack.” I glanced at Tyler and he looked
satisfied but I knew Jalen well enough to know he wasn’t done. “However, I won’t learn anything if
everyone’s always too busy to teach me or just makes me play fetch.”
“Ouch, he won that round, Tyler,” Sydney snickered, shaking her head as she walked by with a
wheelbarrow full of concrete. “Okay, kid. You’re with me. I’ll teach you how to fill in the gaps of
what we just poured of the foundation and make it all even so they don’t have holes in their floor.”
“Oh baby, say it again, Syd,” I purred. “I love a woman who talks construction.”
“Flipping sides?” Emmett asked with a twinkle in his eye. “I remember you playing for the other
“He just likes to tease.” Sydney shook her head as Jalen glanced at me.
“I could help Ferris with cutting the wood for the floors,” he hedged.
“No!” Sydney, Tyler, and I exclaimed, but it was Tyler that went on. “No power tools, kid. I’m not
explaining to Ayden why you’re missing fingers.”
“I’m not a screwup,” Jalen whispered.
“We’re not saying that,” I said gently, realizing he was embarrassed. “We all started with the basics
before moving on. You start small and learn how to do things safely. Then you build on what you

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know, just like we’re building the house step by step.” He didn’t seem appeased so I tried again.
“Emmett is older than you and I wouldn’t let him near the saw either.”
“Fine by me. That thing scares me,” Emmett chuckled before sauntering off.
“Come on,” Sydney encouraged as she gave Jalen a wink. “Everyone loves a man who’s good with
his hands.”
“Okay, yeah, thanks.” Jalen trailed after her, leaving Tyler and I alone.
“He’s got it bad for you,” Tyler said quietly.
“I rescued him from his old Alpha, Tyler. He’s got a little bit of hero worship going on, nothing more.
He’ll grow out of his crush.”
“I hope that’s all it is. After everything he’s been through, I don’t want his heart getting crushed.”
“I know and I don’t want that either. But he’s got to learn in a world where fate gives us mates that
you have to be careful not to fall in love with someone else.” That reply didn’t seem to appease Tyler
so I tried another approach. “We’ve all gotten our hearts stomped on with our first crush, Tyler. It’s a
rite of passage. I’m not leading him on, and I’ve told him several times he’s like a cool little brother.
We can’t do anything else to protect him.”
“Yeah, some mistakes we just have to make on our own,” he agreed. He got back to work as I did.
We started work on Emmett and Travis’s house, digging the foundation, weeks ago. But then the fae
came over and it was all hands on deck to get the fae over here before most of them shipped off to
Greece. Now we were finally back to it and it was going really well and very fast with everyone
At this rate we could get a lot of the houses built on the new development on the land Desmond and
Elena Marius had broken up for smaller houses. Then maybe people could breathe more. Right now
every estate was so crammed with people and belongings like hotels with storage units, I think it was
driving everyone crazy.
“I’ve had it, Travis!” Emmett seethed as he stormed in my direction. “This has to stop or we’re never
going to make it.”
“I said I was sorry,” Travis begged as he trailed after his mate. “I’m trying, Emmett.”
“How do you try to trust me? You either do or you don’t.” Emmett threw his hands up in the air in
frustration but didn’t slow his steps. “You are the most jealous behemoth I’ve ever known.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, I don’t trust them!” Travis argued. I sighed, knowing what was coming
next, just as it always did when we got into this argument.
“I’m going to crash at Ferris’s tonight,” Emmett shot right back.
“No you’re not,” I growled, shaking in anger. Both of them froze and stared at me.
“You don’t want to hang out with me? Why can’t I stay with you?” he asked, completely hurt.
Normally I cared, but I was tired of being everyone’s port in any storm.
“Sure, we can hang out,” I drawled as I threw down my pencil and stood up straight so I wasn’t
leaning over the wood. “As soon as you call me and say, hey, Ferris, just wanted to see if you could
And not, Ferris, I got into a fight with Travis and I need to cool off. Can I come crash with
I’m tired of only getting to see you or mattering to you when you’re fighting with Travis. And
you know what? Stop running!”
“I don’t do that, do I?” he whispered, his eyes wide with shock and worry.
“Yeah. It’s the only time I see you unless I’m coming to help you like now, Emmett. I’m not a friggin
doormat. Either we’re friends or not. You don’t just use your friends to piss off your mate when he’s
upset you or only contact me when you need something.”
“I swear I didn’t mean it like that,” Emmett said quickly, looking distraught. He raced over to me and

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hugged me. “Dude, you’re like my bestie. I’m so sorry I’ve been a jerk. I love hanging with you.
You’re just so busy and there’s so much going on that it’s like a whirlwind crazy show.”
“I get that. But either you care about me or you just know I’ll always help and that’s convenient for
you. It hurts Travis every time you run from him and whatever argument and come crash with me. And
you do it as payback. How do you think that makes me feel? I’m your revenge?”
“I’m sorry,” he sniffled as I pulled him off of me. “I swear it wasn’t intentional. I didn’t realize I was
doing it.”
“I know and that’s why I stayed quiet. I think you need to go see Ayden, Emmett. You’ve got too much
in your past clouding you to work on your present and future. Yes, Travis can be a jealous ass, but
most vampires and warriors are. What happened this time?”
“Some of the fae warriors were flirting with Emmett, saying they liked his sexy curls,” Travis
explained as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “I walked over there, grabbed him, and
kissed him while dipping him. Then I glanced up at them and said he was mated so they could talk,
joke around, but if they touched him, I’d rip their nuts off.”
“And if he keeps doing that, no one will ever like me or be my friend,” Emmett said quietly.
“Go see Ayden. You’re not letting your past go, Emmett. I think Travis is really trying and if that’s
how it really went down, he didn’t do anything wrong. I’d make my mate wear a sign around his neck
saying he was mine I’m that possessive.”
“If I go see Ayden will that make us okay?”
“No, go see Ayden for you and your mating. I guess we can just go from there after you handle what’s
most important. I can’t keep being the one you turn to for help or to hide only, Emmett. It hurts me.”
“I’m sorry, Ferris. I really care about you and you’re like the best friend I’ve ever had. I never, ever
wanted to hurt you.”
I stared into his eyes and saw the blatant honesty in them. “I believe you and that helps.” Emmett
nodded and then walked away with his head hung in shame as he probably went to go find Ayden
right away.
“He really does care about you,” Travis said quietly. “I’ll go to a meeting or training and he always
asks if I saw you, how you are, and what’s new with you.”
“And to me a real friend would ask me that by picking up the phone,” I replied with a sigh. “He only
contacts me or seeks me out when he’s fighting with you.”
“You’re his first friend and he worries he’s going to drive you away by being needy. He’s mentioned
a few times about meeting up with you for dinner but then changes his mind that you’re too busy or got
too much going on. He doesn’t see anything in himself that you’d want to be friends with him.”
“Just like he doesn’t get why you freak out because he can’t see why someone would want to snag him
from you.”
“Exactly,” Travis sighed. “I was a bastard when I saw him in your arms and thought he cheated. I was
wrong and I’ve done everything I could to make it up to him and set it right. He’s forgiven me but he
can’t get past what I said and did. He thinks everyone just sees him as a whore and nothing more.”
“I know. Make sure he talks with Ayden. Since I’ve been living with them and on their protection
detail, I can’t even believe the way he’s helped people. We all have shit in our lives that’s almost
debilitating at times. Hell, my issues with being a doormat and only getting a call when someone
needs help aren’t even because of Emmett. They started long ago, but having him only turn to me when
you guys fight just puts salt in the wound.”
“I feel you, man. I’ve had more people cheat on me than any person should. I know that insecurity
leaks all over us. I just can’t stop it. He’s so hot, so sweet that I keep waiting for someone to steal

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him from me.”
“I get that but if you don’t work past it you will lose him. He loves you so much, Travis. Don’t blow
that because you might not be able to get it back one day.”
“Yeah, I think we need to go talk to Ayden together,” Travis sighed before turning and following after
his mate.
I knew they’d make it. They loved each other. They just needed to communicate better. I’d bet my
entire savings that Emmett had n o clue Travis had ever been cheated on and it was his own
insecurities. I couldn’t make them handle their issues, but maybe Ayden could.
Besides, I had my own and a pit in my stomach of loneliness that almost consumed me daily.
“You okay?” Jalen asked quietly.
“No,” I whispered, shaking my head. “Enjoy being young, Jalen, and just having fun. Getting older
sucks and everything’s more complicated.”
“You forget who you’re talking to,” he chuckled and then gave me a lopsided grin. “I was born into
complicated and fucked up.”
“I know. Which is why you need to enjoy the freedom you have now,” I said gently. “Starting with
hanging out with people your own age. Why don’t you start going to the warrior compound and
hanging out with the teens who train there? They’re not in official training yet but they’ve all
transitioned and work out together. I’m sure you could show them a thing or two about strength and
being badass.”
Jalen shook his head at me and I realized he was upset. I lifted his chin with my hand and my stomach
twisted in knots when I saw tears. “Everyone just tries to get rid of me!” He slapped my hand away
and raced off before I could say anything.
“Fuck!” I shouted, drawing dozens of glances my way. I ignored them, grabbing my backpack and
some water bottles, and I headed towards the warrior compound. I was done working and “helping”
for the day. All I was doing was starting shit on accident and making myself feel like a jerk.
Maybe if I took a nap and started today over it wouldn’t suck. Wouldn’t it be nice if that’s how things
actually worked? Like people got a few mulligans a month to just restart a day.
I was walking along when I heard this soft yowling. I glanced around but couldn’t see anything in the
knee-deep grass on the back of the warrior compound property. Man, we really needed to cut the
damn grass!
Actually, that sounded like a great idea. Something productive, outside… And a solo job. Perfect.
I changed directions to the garages off the side of the mansion for tools, cars guys were fixing up, and
whatnot. Cutting the grass was one of those things that always fell to the side given how much was
going on but I just needed some space from everyone and it sounded like a great idea. Especially
since Brian and Banning had started their compost pile for the vineyard’s crops. They could use a
shitload of grass!
As I kept walking, I swore I felt like someone was watching me. But every time I turned around and
looked, no one was there. I shrugged, wondering if my frayed nerves and lack of being able to handle
anything right then was clouding my instincts. Instead of focusing on it, I pulled out my iPod from my
bag and turned on some Journey. When feeling bad, classic rock always helped.
It took me about twenty minutes to get everything ready to go after I got to the garage. I had to find the
riding mower in the massive garage, check the oil, add gas, get the back part added on to collect all
the grass. It was a massive John Deere that was almost the size of a tractor. As silly as it was, I liked
to drive it. It was a neat toy.
I hopped on, set my phone and water in the cup holders, and cranked up “Separate Ways (Worlds

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Apart)” before turning the mower on. I pulled onto the grass from the gravel and just belted out the
words, not caring if I sounded like a dying animal my voice was so horrible. I needed to get some of
what I was feeling out and if I didn’t have the words, I’d use the ones by Journey.
And just to be a goof because I needed the smile… I decided straight lines were boring. I went here
and there, all over on my way back to the vineyard to drop off the clippings. I’m sure if anyone saw
me they’d wonder if I’d fallen off my rocker but I didn’t give a shit.
When I got there, I stopped singing and turned off the mowing part so I was just driving to the
compost pile, ignoring the stares I was getting. I gave Brian a wave after I shut it down and then took
off my headphones.
“What ya got there?” he asked hesitantly. Oh good, that meant someone had told him I’d been yelling.
“Needed some time to think so I thought I’d mow the warriors’ lawn and bring it for your compost.” I
shrugged as if telling him I didn’t want to talk about it any more than that. He nodded and thanked me
before getting back to whatever he’d been doing.
I unhooked the back, easily picking it up and dumping it on the small pile. When I went to put the
mower back together I heard that yowling again, but louder this time. Glancing around, I saw a small
“Did you guys get a pet?” I called out to Brian. I froze when the animal hissed like it understood me
and didn’t like what I said.
Brian jogged over and started laughing when he got within ten feet. “Ya got too much grass and pollen
up ya nose, Ferris. That not be a normal cat.”
It took me a second to figure out what he was saying and when it hit me, my eyes went wide. “I didn’t
know there were shifters who were house cats.” The little guy hissed again and crept closer. “Not a
house cat? Sorry, buddy, I don’t know what you are then. I mean, you look like a tiny cheetah. You
don’t have to be afraid. No one will hurt you.”
The cat crept closer, stalking its prey… Which seemed to be me.
“Did ya run over its tail with the mower? He looks ready to attack,” Brian asked hesitantly.
I glanced at him to reply and the shifter made its move, leaping onto me and climbing me like a tree. I
was grateful he didn’t use his claws and all, but it was totally bizarre. I pulled him off my shoulder
and held him in my arms. He stared at me and started purring.
“Aren’t you just the cutest thing,” I cooed, trying to get him to relax. I felt the air vibrate around me
and suddenly my arms were full of naked male.
“I’m a jungle cat,” he hissed, his teeth still longer than normal.
“Sure, sorry,” I mumbled, still not able to smell anything other than grass, compost, and probably a
boatload of pollen I’d inhaled. Just as I went to set him on his feet, he wrapped his legs around me
and bit my neck. “Shit! Get him off me!”
Brian raced over and I watched as the guy’s hand changed into a paw and he batted Brian away, his
teeth still in me. Then he lifted his head and stared at Brian. “Back off, Irishman. He’s mine.”
“What?” we both gasped.
“Move away from the compost and you’ll be able to smell me,” he purred as he licked my bite
closed. “You’re mine now and I’ve claimed you.”
“Thanks for asking,” I grumbled as I did as he wanted. When I was about thirty feet away from all the
stinky, I buried my nose in his neck and inhaled. I instantly got hard and my fangs came out. “Mine!”
“Yes.” He shredded my shirt and moaned at the skin-to-skin contact. “All yours, Ferris.”
“What’s your name, kitty? And how do you know mine?”
“Rylan Zeev. I smelled my mate and came to check it out. I’ve been watching you for the past few

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hours to see if you were approachable. I just couldn’t take it anymore and needed you.”
“Could you stop humping my stomach?” I moaned. “I can’t focus when you’re doing that.”
“No. You belong to me!”
“I know, but we need to talk, kitty.”
“After you fuck me for at least a week,” he mumbled as he tried to get my belt off.
“Where’s your stuff? Where did you come from?”
“Really?” he bitched as he leaned back to stare at me incredulously. “I’m throwing myself at you after
having claimed you and you want to talk. Am I ugly or something?” He didn’t wait for me to reply,
letting me go and standing on his feet as he made a frustrated sound.
“No, you’re gorgeous,” I whispered as I got my first real look at him. He was maybe five six, lithe,
with longer brown hair and blond highlights. But it was his orange eyes that held me captive. They
were breathtaking. Not pumpkin color, but not rust either, somewhere in between.
“Then what’s the problem? Why won’t you claim me?” he asked hesitantly as he eyed me over. “Are
you straight?”
“No, I just, give me a second here,” I said as I tried to shake off my lust. I went back to the mower,
grabbed an extra shirt I had out of my bag, and headed towards him.
“I heard vampires were weird with nudity.” He rolled his eyes as he sighed and took the offered shirt,
slipping it on over his head. “Happy? I’m dressed. Now what?”
“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. He was coming on so strong and a little hostile that I had no clue
what to do. “How did you end up here? I mean, we’re out in the middle of nowhere here.”
“I heard about a coven that accepted other supernatural beings so I thought I’d check it out. When I
was driving here, I smelled my mate and pulled over. I shifted and headed this way to investigate.”
“Okay, then why don’t we go get your things and we can take a ride to where I’m staying. We can talk
there and I could use something to eat.”
“Hey, are you all right?” he asked quietly as he moved his hand to my chest. “You look like you’re
going to pass out.”
“Rough day,” I answered as I glanced around and saw every eye was on us. “Can we please go
somewhere private? I was kind of having a meltdown before you showed up.”
“Sure, yeah, I can understand that.” He gave me a half smile and moved his other hand to my chest.
“But I demand a kiss as payment for my patience.”
“I’d like that,” I breathed as I lowered my head. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him flush
against my body. Rylan moaned as our lips touched. Kissing him was like sticking my finger in an
electrical socket without all the nasty side effects. It was charged and so was I now. I wrapped him
back around me, holding his head to mine with my hand as I plundered his mouth.
“Cat!” someone shouted loudly as I heard a flurry of movement. Instantly I turned towards it, moving
Rylan off of me and then behind me. It hadn’t sounded like the good kind of shouting and I wasn’t
going to let anyone hurt my mate.

Chapter 2


It touched me to see my mate, who started out hesitant, jumping right into the connection now.

Plus, he was massive and moved me behind him as if to protect me. Silly vampire.

“Took you guys long enough to figure out I was here,” I drawled as I moved back in front of

Ferris, watching a bunch of wolves come racing towards us. I leaned against his chest and moved his

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arm around me, smiling when he squeezed me tightly. That and his hardon pressing into my back.

“Why didn’t we smell you sooner?” a guy about my height with long auburn hair asked me. “I can

smell Rory from a mile away but you got so close.”

“I can mask my scent until someone’s right on me,” I answered with a shrug. “I got distracted and

let my concentration slip.”
“What are you?” a taller man asked darkly. “And why are you here?”
“Chill, Tyler. He’s my mate,” Ferris answered firmly. “What’s with you guys?”
“Most wolves don’t like cats,” I answered for them. “Lots of packs bitch and fight because we’re
different. It’s stupid and petty. Like it matters or something?”
“Nah, we’re not like that,” the guy with the long hair said, his posture relaxing and then so did
everyone else’s as if following his lead. “We’ve had some attacks from bad guys. Demons and bad
wolves from our old pack so when we smell something strange, we tend to jump into protective
mode. I’m Ayden.”
“Rylan, nice to meet you,” I said, giving him a wave. I heard what he was saying, but I wasn’t about
to move closer just yet. “I heard of a coven that accepted shifters and wanted to check it out. I can’t
stand the way my pack does things.”
“Are they hurting you?” the guy Ferris called Tyler asked gently. “We can keep you safe here.”
“No, nothing like that, but thanks,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “They’re just insufferable asses who
are elitists and annoy me.”
“That means you’re rare,” Tyler said slowly. “The only shifters I’ve heard of being like that think
they’re better than everyone because there aren’t as many of them.”
“You got it.” I pointed to my nose, joking around about him guessing the reason. “I’m a margay.”
“You smell like a fierce, large cat, but you’re just a little kitty?” one guy chuckled.
In a flash I moved out of Ferris’s arms, over to the guy and shoved him as hard as I could. He went
flying and I moved along with him, waiting until he was on the ground before putting my bare foot on
his chest, keeping him down. “Be careful who you pick on, wolf. I’m small but don’t mistake that for
weak or prey.”
“Rylan, that’s enough,” Ferris called out as he jogged over. “The wolves are our friends.”
“I get that but I learned early in life that if a shifter thinks you’re prey, they’ll walk all over you,” I
said, smiling down at the guy struggling to get me off of him. “So I’m going to let him up and pretend
that calling me kitty was his way of understanding I’m faster than him.”
“Yeah, man. No offense meant. I just have never smelled a margay. Your scent made you seem like a
dangerous tiger or something. It just threw me.”
“Fair enough.” I let him up, giving him my back to let him know I didn’t see him as a threat as I
strolled back to Ferris. “So you were saying we should head to your place?”
“Um, I live with Ayden and his mate, and all the wolves,” he said hesitantly.
“Not a problem as long as they don’t treat me like I’m some natural house cat.” I shrugged. I didn’t
have any issue with wolves as long as they didn’t call me kitty, or kitten, or lots of the other
nicknames they liked to give my kind since I was small.
He nodded, watching me curiously as I slipped my hand into his. “I’m sorry I called you kitty.”
“You can call me anything you want, my dear mate,” I said firmly as he led me over to the mower and
grabbed his stuff. “If it’s a term of endearment or pet name from you, I have no issue. Other shifters
calling me it as if to say weak, yeah, I’ll jump all over them and put them in their place.”
“I’ll spread the word to let everyone know not to joke with you,” Tyler drawled. I spun to face him,
keeping my hand in Ferris’s.

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“Right, because if I called you a dog you wouldn’t be all over my ass?” I raised an eyebrow, daring
him to deny it.
“Right, but I’m not a dog. You are a small cat. Don’t assume any of us mean it as offensive if we call
you kitty,” he threw right back.
“Fine, but you know that’s not always true. And even if you were a dog, calling you puppy would be
taken badly. Most large cats look down on wolves for being smaller as wolves look down on us and
lynx shifters.”
“I’ll give you that,” he agreed, his expression softening. “But we’re not like that here. Our Alpha was
a douche of epic proportions and abused us in one form or another. We don’t judge here.”
“I’ll take that under advisement but forgive me for not just blindly accepting that,” I said gently. I
heard a squeal and saw a young boy trying to squirm out of his mother’s arms.
“I want to pet the kitty!” he whined when his mom wouldn’t let him down.
“The kid can call me kitty,” I chuckled as I let go of Ferris’s hand. I walked the few feet to the cute
little guy. “What’s your name?”
“Hi, Mikey. I’m Rylan. Do you want me to shift into a kitty?”
“Yes, please!” he exclaimed, clapping his hands. I gave him a wink and shifted. The wolves probably
tore their clothes when they changed forms but since I shrunk to something smaller, anything I was
wearing just fell to the ground with me. I moved from under the shirt and meowed. “Oh! Pretty kitty!”
“Yes he is,” Ferris said quietly.
The mother set Mikey down and he petted my head and then batted my tail when I flicked it at him. He
giggled and his eyes lit up with joy as only a child’s could. I shifted back and pulled on my shirt when
my mate growled at my nudity.
“Nice to meet you, Mikey. I’ll see you around, okay?”
“Okay, kitty. I’ll find some yarn,” Mikey said with a smile. Actually, it was more like, “O’tay, witty.
I’ew find sme warn.” He was just too cute and everyone couldn’t help but laugh at his antics.
“No yarn,” I teased. “I’m a jungle cat. If you’re really good, I’ll teach you how to climb the highest
trees one day.”
“Where’s Jalen?” Ferris asked Ayden before glancing around the group.
“Don’t worry, Ferris,” the man sighed, shaking his head. “He’s not your mate and you’ve found yours
so go get to know him.”
“Hey, I know Jalen’s not my mate. I’ve made it very clear nothing is there or would ever happen, but
the kid is becoming the little brother I never had,” Ferris snapped. “It’s not wrong of me to ask where
he is when all the other wolves are here and I saw him right before I dumped the grass clippings.”
“He heard you call Rylan your mate, shifted, and took off,” Darcy explained. Seconds later there was
a pained howl off in the distance and my mate’s face fell.
“Oh, Jalen,” he whispered and shook his head. “I swear I’ve never helped along his crush. I thought it
would pass. It’s been a few months since the rescue. I don’t get why he still was trying for more?”
“Wow, don’t you have mirrors wherever you live?” I snickered. Ferris was a stud if I’d ever seen
one. He was six six and at least three fifty of muscular firmness and yumminess, with big light blue
eyes, and short black hair that was just enough to hold on to if I felt the need.
“It’s complicated,” Ayden answered for him. “I’ll text you when I find him and calm him down. I
know you’re like a big bro, but he’s got a bunch of those, Ferris. It’s not good for him now when you
feel that way, he wanted more, and you’re mated.”
“Are you saying I can’t hang out with Jalen? It’s not like we ever went off alone. We’re always in a

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group and he’s curious. I just wanted to help him acclimate.”
“Which is why he’s head over heels for you,” Ayden growled and threw his hands in the air. “He
came from a pack where everyone wanted something from him and abused him. Now there’s a sweet,
hot guy, who saved him, paying attention to him with no agenda or devious intentions. He eats it up.
But you wouldn’t give him more so then the chase was on and—”
“Enough,” I snarled when I saw Ferris’s heart breaking right on his sleeve. “You should have told
Ferris before it blew up if you wanted him to give your brother the cold shoulder. It’s too late now
and shouting at Ferris and humiliating him in public is unacceptable.”
“You’re right,” Ayden conceded. “I’m sorry, Ferris. I just wish we’d handled this differently. Jalen
was just starting to be happy like before our parents died and now his heart is shattered. I’ve got to go
find him.”
“I was just trying to help the kid out,” Ferris whispered, staring at his feet. “He seemed so lost.”
“Hey, let’s get you home,” I said gently as I picked up his backpack. He nodded and let me wrap my
arm around his waist, leading him towards my car.
“It’s not my home. I’m on protection detail for Ayden, Jalen, and their other brother Caven. I live with
“Oh, well, maybe we should look into getting our own place,” I hedged.
“What did I do wrong? Do you think Ayden will report this as misconduct to the High Council?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, I’m sure,” I answered softly as I snuggled up against him. “You’re a
very sweet man, Ferris. I can see that already by the way Jalen running off is tearing you up. I think
Ayden’s got a lot going on and is worried about his brother. I’m sure this will just blow over
tomorrow. You know how teenagers are all hormones and drama.”
“I guess,” he mumbled. We walked in silence until we got to my car. “Admit it. You’ve been thinking
about getting in the car and driving away, forgetting you ever met me and my pile of shit.”
“No,” I gasped, turning and staring at him with wide eyes. “No, Ferris. That didn’t even cross my
mind. It seems you’re having a hard time of things right now. I’m going to help any way I can just as I
know you’d help me get away from my bitch of a pack and acclimate to life here.”
“Of course I would.” He stared at me a moment and then suddenly pushed me up against the car. I
held on to him as his mouth mashed down to mine, his tongue thrusting inside. Of all the emotions
he’d had swirling around in him, I was partial to his passion. Ferris seemed to have a vault inside of
him just waiting to be tapped into.
I knew the perfect man for the job.
“I want you so badly,” I whispered as we parted, his eyes glazed over with lust. “I made that clear
from the moment we met. But I think you need a bit to just breathe. Let’s go eat and talk, okay?”
“Why are you being so nice and changing your tone for me? You were demanding and fierce about
having me right away when you jumped me.”
“And I normally am,” I told him honestly. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not flexible or understanding. I
know what it’s like to be put through the wringer. So just let me help and we’ll fuck all week long in
a few days.” I gave him a wink as I ducked under his arm. I grabbed my keys and clothes where I’d
stashed them on the back tire. I quickly yanked them on and tossed Ferris his shirt.
“You are beautiful, Rylan,” he whispered as we gazed at each other over the top of my car. “I mean,
wow, baby. I just want to kiss every inch of you and find each hot spot.”
“I look forward to it.” I swallowed loudly and hit the fob so the car unlocked. He pulled on his shirt
before getting in the passenger’s seat. I got in and started it up, listening to his directions how to get to
the place he was staying.

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“Thank you.”
“For what?” I asked, startled by his breaking the silence after twenty minutes of just driving.
“For finding me. I know I’m not acting like it but I’m so happy you found me, Rylan. I think I’m in
shock actually.”
I nodded like I had a clue as to what he was talking about, but I didn’t. But then it hit me why he
would have that reaction. “How long have you been looking for your mate?”
“Since I was five,” he chuckled. “As soon as I heard the term and my mother explained it. The idea of
someone just for me, that would always be there for me, love me, I was hooked.”
“I’m glad,” I said, giving him a wink. “But how long ago were you five?”
“Oh, I’m a thousand years old.” Bingo! He’d probably given up hope of ever finding his mate.
“You into younger men?” The moment it was out of my mouth I wanted to smack myself in the head.
Wow, was that heartless after what I’d learned about Jalen’s crush. “I didn’t mean it like that, Ferris.
I meant me.”
“I know,” he said quietly as he took my free hand and raised it to his lips. “Age is just a number to
me. It’s maturity really that matters. How old are you?”
“Yeah, you’re an adult so no problems there,” he chuckled nervously as if not sure it was the right
thing to say. We pulled up to the driveway we needed and I turned in to it.
“I can’t get over how big your coven is. I mean all those estates we passed by, they belong to your
coven, right?”
“Yeah. This is the founding coven of the East Coast so when the vampires settled here, long, long
before it was ‘discovered’ in the history books, they spread out. When humans started coming over
from Europe, everyone just pretended we only beat them by a decade or something.”
“And you’re—oh shit!”
“What’s wrong?” he asked as his head whipped around to look for trouble.
“Can you guys have two mates?” I quickly pulled up to the house and threw my car in park, barely
remembering to shut it off before getting out. Ferris was right behind me, sniffing the air.
“No, but the fae can,” he answered as we both focused on the man standing on the front porch.
“Yes we can,” the man said slowly as he eyed us both over. “I’m sorry to bother you and just show
up. I knocked but no one was home.”
“Can we help you with something?” Ferris asked calmly. I had another idea of how to handle the
situation though. I raced over to the man and jumped him.
“Mine!” I snarled as my teeth extended. I sank them into his neck and drank down his sweet blood.
“Oh fate,” the fae moaned as he held me to him. “Am I your mate?”
“Both of ours,” Ferris answered as I moaned and humped against the large man.
“Hello, hotness,” I purred as I licked his bite closed. “I’m yours. My name is Rylan Zeev and this is
Ferris.” I frowned and glanced at Ferris. “I didn’t get your last name yet.”
“Braden. I’m Ferris Braden.” He extended his hand to the massive fae, his tongue licking his fangs.
“And you are?”
“Onah.” He shook Ferris’s hand, his eyes glazing over with lust.
I shivered at how deep his voice was. I mean hell it was a whole new level of baritone. “I didn’t
even know the fae were real.”
“We just came over from our plane a few months ago. Sorry I didn’t know we were mates. We can’t
tell by scent like you guys can.”
“No worries.” I shrugged and slid down his body.

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“Why are you letting me go?” he growled and wrapped both arms around me. “You said you were
“I am but I don’t think I can live the rest of my life mashed to the front of your body.”
“I don’t see why not,” Onah teased. “I must remember to thank the Queen.”
“You guys have a Queen?” He nodded and I felt like everything I’d known about supernatural beings
was going right out the window. There were fae, they had a Queen, and I was mated to one. Go figure.
“Why do you need to thank her?” Ferris asked curiously.
“She found me reading a bit ago and demanded I shower and dress in a pleasing manner. Then she
had one of her grandson’s security drop me off here, saying I was ordered to come here. She was very
clear that I had to be here at an exact moment and I was to wait until she told me otherwise. She has
the gift of foresight and can see things sometimes. I didn’t make the connection until you said I was
your mate.”
“I’ve met the Queen a few times. Are you on her security detail? I would have smelled you sooner.”
“I was at the first meeting at your warrior compound. That vampire touched my wings.”
“Clove,” Ferris supplied for him. “Right, okay, there were too many people for me to have smelled
you then probably and I didn’t get close. But I have since.”
“After that meeting, I was sent on a mission because I have exceptionally strong tracking magic,” he
explained as he still held on to me tightly. “The Queen explained to me about your demons and asked
me to try and seek them out. I’ve been searching for them for months. I just got back last night. There’s
a big meeting your Council is calling to discuss what I found.”
“Did you find their headquarters?” Ferris asked, his eyes practically bugging out of his head.
“No, but I discovered several nests of them and I learned part of their plans before executing one cell
of them.” Ferris gave the gesture to go on. “They’re kidnapping whole packs of shifters for their
“Oh that’s bad,” I whispered as I glanced between them. “Let me guess. They’re staying away from
the wolves though, right?”
“Yes, they have not threatened or taken any that I’m aware of,” Onah answered with a raised brow.
“You speak as if you know why they would do that.”
“Yeah, wolf blood will make them horny like it does vamps. But certain other shifters affect them
differently. If a demon was to drink from me, they’d be able to go out in the sun until my blood wore
off of them. Granted they’d have one hell of a sunburn but they wouldn’t go up in flames like normal.”
“Holy shit! How could we not know that?” Ferris exclaimed and yanked out his phone. “I need to call
Barnabas immediately. We have no record of that.”
“It’s why some of our kind feel all high and mighty. We have different gifts and abilities. Like my
blood wouldn’t affect vampires like wolf blood does.”
He nodded and held up a finger to hold me off. “Your honor? This is Ferris Braden. I have some
news you need to hear. I’m assuming the Queen has told you what the warrior Onah found out?”
I didn’t even have to lean in to hear what the man was saying. My hearing was excellent. I could hear
a whole conversation a block away as if I was standing right next to the people.
“Yes, Ferris. We’re devising a strategy to go in now at the High Council Estate. We’re taking a quick
break and I thought I’d check my messages. What do I need to know?”
“My other mate is a margay shifter. He says if demons drink certain other types of blood that they can
walk in the sun until the blood is out of their system.”
What?” The man on the phone bellowed. “I need you here right now, Ferris. We need to talk with
this man. We have no knowledge of this.”

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“Will you go talk to the head of our High Council?” I sighed and gestured for the phone. Ferris shook
his head and hissed at me. “This is like my boss’s boss’s boss, Rylan.”
“I know, but we didn’t get around to talking about who I am. This has to be handled correctly, Ferris.
Please trust me.”
“Don’t get mad if he calls you kitty or something because I’ll get fired,” he whispered hesitantly as he
handed it over. I stepped out of Onah’s arms, not sure I could have this conversation as his hard dick
was pressed against my back. I gave them both a wink and put it to my ear.
“This is Prince Zeev of the ruling clan of the margays,” I said, flinching when both my mates went
“Ferris didn’t mention it was you, Prince Zeev. I’m head of the East Coast High Council, Barnabas
Leopold. But you’re basically mating into the family so everyone calls me Bas.”
“Thank you, Bas. I appreciate you dropping the formal bullshit,” I chuckled. “Ferris didn’t know. We
just met, the wolves had some issues, we came back to where he’s staying to relax, and met Onah.
Ferris asked him how come they hadn’t met, he filled us in, and I told them what I knew. That pretty
much sums it all up and why I didn’t get to tell them who I was.”
“Well, sorry to screw up your meeting and blow that door wide open for you,” he said with a sigh.
“Is there any chance you’d come speak with our High Council? We had no knowledge of this.”
“It’s a highly guarded secret,” I groaned as I realized my father was going to be pissed in an epic kind
of way. “Look, I’m not disparaging you guys when I say this, but demons were once vampires. If it
became common knowledge what our blood could do for demons, if they ever turn into one, who do
you think they’d come after first?”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Bas cursed, getting the idea. “Look, I know our coven and to my knowledge it’s
been centuries since any of them have turned demon so I’m confident that wouldn’t happen. However,
the other point you didn’t mention is if people know, the information can be tortured out of them as
“Yeah, that would be safe to say as well,” I agreed, smacking myself in the forehead. “My father is
going to whip me and take away my crown for this. It just came out when my mates were talking about
going to slaughter the demons. How could I not tell them what I knew?”
“You couldn’t,” he said gently. “Look, I’m head of the High Council. So right now only I know. I
won’t tell anyone yet. Let me think on this for a bit on how to handle it. I can’t sit on the information
that demons can go in the sun, but maybe we can change the answer as to how it happens to keep your
kind safe. I’m sure you planned on getting to know your mates but is there a chance you could come to
dinner tonight at my house?”
“Um, yeah, if you warn people I didn’t bring any formal attire. I wasn’t planning on this being a
diplomatic trip. I really just wanted to check out your coven as nobody, not my position.”
“I’d like to hear more about that as well because I bet you have an interesting reason behind that, one
that doesn’t involve spying,” Bas said carefully.
“No, not in the way you mean it,” I chuckled. “I don’t know if you’ve ever met my father, but he’s a
pompous ass, as are most margays. I heard of a coven that accepts all species and I wanted to see it
for myself in the hopes that maybe one day our pack could be like that. I hate all the politics and elitist
bullshit. People are just people.”
“I couldn’t agree more. I have a feeling we’re going to become good friends, Prince Zeev.”
“Please, it’s Rylan, but most just call me Ry.”
“I’ll see you and your mates for dinner then, Ry.” We said our good-byes and hung up. Balls.
“You’re a Prince?” Ferris exclaimed as I handed him back his phone.

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“Yes, and I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, but I didn’t think I should announce that in a group of
strangers. And then you were kind of having a meltdown. I was going to ease you into that news.”
“Are you next in line or something?” Onah asked.
“Yeah, I take over next year.” And that’s when both my mates fainted.

Chapter 3


I groaned as I came back around. Then I wanted to moan in embarrassment. I meet my mate and he

drops a bomb on me, granted, a really, really big one, and I just faint? People were going to take
away my “warrior” title after they heard about this one.

But on the bright side, I wasn’t the only one.

Rylan sighed and squatted down in front of us, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Guys, it’s not like I’m
going to be the King of France. There are only like two thousand margays. Hell, that’s not even
enough to be mayor of a small town in this country from what I hear.”
“In this country? Implying you’re not from here,” Ferris hedged as he got to his feet. I stayed on the
ground. I had a feeling another bomb was coming and since I had farther to fall, being over seven feet
and all, getting back up just yet didn’t seem smart.
“No, I live in Italy.”
“Okay, let’s grab your bag or whatever and go inside. I haven’t had lunch and I need to sit down,”
Ferris mumbled before walking over to the car.
“I’m sorry,” Rylan whispered, looking as if we kicked him in the nuts.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” I said firmly as I stood. “It’s just a lot to take in.”
He nodded and we went over to his vehicle. I still thought it was an ingenious invention and I really
loved driving them. I took his suitcases from the trunk as Ferris grabbed his backpack and then let us
inside. We silently followed him. Rylan shot me a worried glance and I realized he might know more
about why Ferris was acting like this.
I mean, I got being in shock but the way the man moved seemed forced after maybe receiving some
type of rejection. But why? Neither of us were rejecting him. Maybe he looked more dejected actually
as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders.
Very strange.
We walked into a massive kitchen, almost as big as the Queen’s had been at the palace. Just thinking
about it had me sighing. This world was cool, but I had always lived on the other plane, grew up
there… It had been my home.
“Wow, okay, guys, you’re making me want to curl in a ball or run away back home,” Rylan said
quietly a few minutes later as we made sandwiches. “Is being mated to me so bad?”
“No!” we both exclaimed together.
“I’ve been on a mission for months and I haven’t had a chance to even breathe since I got back until
this morning,” I explained gently as I finished making my sandwich. “I’d gotten a chapter into a book
and the Queen came rushing towards me demanding I leave again, so it’s kind of been a whirlwind
day. Add to that, my people just left everything they knew to come onto your plane and it’s
“I saw this kitchen and I realized that I missed my home. I’ve lived there for over a thousand years. I
like your world, I’ve visited often, but nothing replaces home.”

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“And you know I’ve had about as equally a crazy day,” Ferris said gently before shooting me a
glance. “We can get into that later. Let’s just relax, maybe go lie down before we have to go to dinner
at Bas’s house, and just get used to each other’s company.”
Rylan nodded, not really looking appeased. “I know you guys are both much older than me and have
been searching for your mates for a while. But I just have to know something.” He waited until we
both nodded for him to go on. “Are your hearts closed off because you looked too long to no avail? Is
there room for you to let me in?”
“No,” I said as Ferris answered, “Yes.”
“That’s nice and confusing,” he grumbled before biting into his sandwich.
“No, my heart isn’t closed off,” I clarified.
“Yes, there’s room for both of you,” Ferris added as I nodded in agreement.
“Okay, then I can take things slow and let this all digest with you guys.” He gave us a weak smile, as
if not sure what else to say or do. I decided to go with showing a funnier side of myself.
I handed him one of the carbonated beverages I loved. “I’ve never admitted this, but your soda that
you have here makes me feel like a child again. I brought back several cases with me once after a trip
to your world and shared them with my friends. It was the silliest thing I’d done in so long. We
chugged them down and had burping contests and we were so loud the Queen came to investigate.
“She lectured us about behaving like proper warriors, but I saw her slip a can into her pocket before
she left the room. We swore we’d never tell anyone and made a pact to keep the burping day a
“And yet you told us?” Rylan asked, his eyes lighting up and chasing away the sadness.
“You’re my mates. You won’t betray my secrets.” He smiled brightly as did Ferris. Good. On to
better topics then. I bit into my sandwich and we all sat at the counter, glancing at each other and
simply being together.
“Have you tried beer yet?” Ferris asked in between bites. I shook my head and Rylan got a wicked
grin on his lips. “It’s got the carbonation of soda that makes you burp, but it’s also alcohol.”
“Like wine or barley wine?” They both gave me curious looks. “I know you have wine here. The
Queen told me about the vineyard.”
“Yes, but we don’t know what barley wine is,” Rylan hedged.
“It’s very strong,” I chuckled. “It burns when it goes down sometimes and if you don’t eat beforehand
can knock you on your ass after a few glasses.”
“That sounds like whiskey.”
I smiled at Ferris and nodded. “Yes, it’s like the whiskey I’ve had here but stronger.”
“Oh man, don’t let me have any of that then,” Rylan giggled. “I’m a lightweight unless it’s vodka.
Then I might be able to drink you guys under the table. But to answer your earlier question, Onah, yes,
beer is like that. It’s nowhere near as potent as whiskey, more like a light wine but I’m not sure how
strong your wine was where you came from.”
“Not very strong, more like grape juice with a kick.”
“Then beer might be slightly stronger than that to you but somewhere in that range.”
“I’d like to try that very much,” I said with a smile. “Oh, and one of those roller-coaster parks I heard
of. I was at a motel during my mission when Asterio called me, going on and on about this place that
was filled with death- and gravity-defying inventions called roller coasters. They sound quite
ingenious and fun.”
“I’m sorry you had to leave your home but I am glad you’re here. It’s hard to put it into words,” Rylan
said gently. “Like if that didn’t happen, we would have never found you. But that doesn’t mean I

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wanted your people to be uprooted from their home. So yeah, my mind’s swirling to not be grateful.”
“I get it,” Ferris chuckled. “Like I’m happy you came to check out our coven, but not because you said
your people were pompous jerks.”
“Margays are jerks?” I asked with a raised brow.
“We’re one of the rarest shifters,” he explained with a sigh as we finished up lunch. “And for
whatever reason, maybe because we’re small and looked down on by some, most of my people think
that makes us elite or something. It’s stupid really. To me, that makes us vulnerable. The world has
changed severely, even since I’ve been alive. If we don’t start changing our ways, we’ll end up
“And your father doesn’t share your views?” Ferris asked as he stood and picked up our empty
“No, he thinks I’m idealistic and not living in reality. He doesn’t think I know this, but he’s trying to
find a loophole in our laws so he can continue to rule. My father isn’t a power-hungry man, I know
that, and he’s got the best intentions. He doesn’t want me to fail and he thinks I will given how
different our views are about how we should rule our people.”
“So you might not take over next year?” I asked hesitantly, understanding this was a difficult topic.
“Oh no, I will,” he sighed. “The younger generation badly wants me to rule. Some still are like their
parents, thinking we’re so special and all that, but they find most of our practices outdated. Others are
like me and worry we won’t make it much longer as a people if we don’t get our shit together. Those
people are bucking against their parents, just as I am.”
“Wow. Am I glad I’m just a warrior,” Ferris said gently, shaking his head. “I don’t mean just as in
there’s anything wrong with it or I’m not important to my people. I keep them safe. But the job isn’t
complicated. There’s a threat and we handle it. I protect people. It’s cut and dry. The hoops and
finagling you must do daily sounds exhausting.”
“You have no idea,” Rylan agreed.
“How did you leave your home without any guards?” I asked, curious as to why he was wandering
around, unprotected as a member of their royal family.
“We don’t have any. We’re scary fast, faster than just about any shifter so to my people, that means
we’re untouchable.”
“Unless you end up cornered or the numbers are just overwhelming,” I replied, thinking that was a
naive way to look at things.
“Exactly. We can take bigger shifters. Ferris saw how fast and strong I was. That’s not the issue. But
what about humans? We have to have an escape plan in place in case they ever find out about us. And
we know demons are our enemy. But some think since they don’t know what our blood can do for
them, there’s no reason for them to attack us. If they do, it would be like lambs to the slaughter. We’ve
got a lot of money and some think they can just buy anything.”
“Like their way out of trouble,” I clarified. He nodded and rubbed his eyes. “We’ll discuss this
enough tonight at dinner. Personally, I liked Ferris’s idea of a nap and maybe a good-night kiss.”
“That can be arranged,” Ferris breathed as he stared at me. Rylan nodded as well.
We quickly put everything away and cleaned up our mess before I picked back up Rylan’s suitcases
and followed Ferris up to his room. It was very nice, comfortable even. I learned a lot from my mate
just by glancing around.
“You like art,” Rylan said approvingly.
“I like prints of photographs taken from all around the world,” Ferris said, gesturing to the main wall
that his bed was against. There were dozens of different-size frames with beautiful pictures.

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“Margays are a very artistic bunch,” Rylan told us as he set his other bag on the floor at the same time
Ferris and I did. “I have yet to meet one that wasn’t an artist of some type. We always have been.
Open that suitcase, Onah.”
I gave him a curious look but he nodded that it was okay. I set it on the bed and unzipped it, smiling at
what I found inside. “You’re a photographer. This is lovely equipment.”
“Thank you. Yes, my mother gave me a camera when I was a boy and I was hooked. I used to develop
my own pictures before digital and now HD cameras. When things get too trying with my father, I take
a vacation for a week or two and see somewhere new. For all of his faults or the ways we don’t see
eye to eye, he’s always been proud of my talent. The formal dining room in the palace has my pictures
“He brags constantly about the eye his son has for beauty. Every Christmas, he always has an
assortment of pictures I’ve taken that year professionally framed and gives them as presents to his
“You love him,” I said gently as I closed the suitcase and set it back on the floor.
“Is there any way to not love your family?” he chuckled, shaking his head as he sat on the bed. “Yes, I
love my father. We used to be very close when I was younger. I would follow him everywhere,
ditching my studies to learn from him. It wasn’t about being King one day, just that he was so
confident, so respected by all that I was in awe of him.”
Ferris pulled off his shirt and then knelt down to untie his work boots. “When did that change?”
“When I turned eighteen and started exploring life outside the palace. I wanted to see more, see
everything. And when I said I was going to a human college, it all changed. I think my father felt
betrayed that I didn’t want to stand with tradition and keep learning from my tutors. They were
excellent, but I wanted the interaction. I tried to tell him that I felt if I was to understand the world as
he did, then I needed to experience it.”
“I’m sorry, Rylan.” I pulled him into my arms and kissed his head. “It’s hard when we realize we’re
different people than our families.”
“You sound like you know,” he whispered quietly, staring up at me with those orange eyes that just
dazzled me.
“I do,” I chuckled as Ferris moved to the bed and pulled off Rylan’s shirt. “I was the first warrior of
my family, an honor among my kind. But my parents didn’t seem to know what to do with me after
that. It was like we would never have known each other or had anything in common if we hadn’t been
family and I think that left them without a way to relate to me.”
“Where are they now?” he asked as he stared at my chest as I pulled off my own shirt.
“They went on to Greece with some of the others. They wished me well and said they’d visit when I
left our plane before them to go on my mission, but honestly I think they were a little relieved.
Sometimes families do better where they’re far away from each other and only visit occasionally.”
“What about you, Ferris? Do you need to run away from your family time and again?” Rylan asked,
teasing our other mate. I frowned when Ferris looked away from us.
“No, I’ve never had that need.”
Rylan saw it too and we moved to either side of our gorgeous vampire. “I just brought up something
bad, didn’t I?
“You didn’t know and we said we were going to relax. Now’s not the time to discuss this,” he
whispered sadly and started to move away from us.
“Probably not, but don’t shut down on us,” I said gently as I wrapped my arm around him, Rylan
moving to the back of Ferris and plastering his smaller frame to his back.

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“They’re dead, okay? My whole family was slaughtered. I said no to what the demons wanted, and
they all were killed because of it. Today was probably the first time since then I told anyone no since
and no one died, but it blew up in my face still.” He wouldn’t look at us but I saw the fat tears rolling
down his cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” Rylan whispered as he kissed Ferris’s shoulder gently. “You don’t have to say any more.
We needed to know that, but the whole story can wait for another day. Today, we’re going to nap and
let our batteries recharge.”
“I get you guys have issues with your families,” he mumbled as we pulled him to the head of the bed
and slid under the covers. “I’m not trying to be a jerk because I can tell the problems are valid. But
I’d give anything to have a fight with my family because that would mean they were still alive. So I
never know what to say when people talk about family problems.”
“Of course you don’t,” I agreed. “No one would expect you to. We won’t hold your silence against
you.” He opened his mouth but I shook my head. “Rest now. We all need it.”
“Yeah, it’s been a rough day,” Ferris whispered. “I should be doing cartwheels that I found my mates
but I just can’t get my footing. I feel like I’m spinning out of control.”
“Just hold on to me and we’ll keep you grounded,” Rylan said as he scooted back against Ferris. The
vampire nodded and wrapped his arms tightly around our little mate. In turn, I hugged both of them to
me, realizing we might have lots of issues and problems on the horizon, but already we were looking
to each other for comfort when we just met. I took that as a good sign and fell into a peaceful sleep.
* * * *

I woke to a strangled moan and was instantly awake when I realized I wasn’t alone in the bed. It

took me a second to remember what had happened and who I was with. I glanced to Ferris’s face,
seeing the bliss on it with his mouth slightly parted.

“This is the best wake-up ever, baby,” he groaned as he rubbed a lump under the covers over his

groin. Oh!
“Rylan testing the waters on your chemistry?” I asked before throwing back the bedding. Sure enough,
Rylan blinked up at us, smiling as he sucked Ferris’s cock. “Taste good, sweetie?” He nodded and
gave me a wink. “Then I want to taste his plump lips.”
“Yes,” Ferris hissed as he grabbed the back of my head and pulled it down to his. Our lips mashed
together and I felt a shock through my body like I’d never experienced before. I growled my approval
as he let me take charge. But it wasn’t enough. I reached past Rylan and spread Ferris’s legs wide, my
fingers rubbing over his hole. Our little mate got the idea and let some of his saliva drip down to slick
up the way for me.
“May I?” I asked, knowing some bigger guys didn’t like to be breached.
“Yes, but go slow. I’ve never had anyone in me before,” he answered nervously. “Everyone assumes
I want to penetrate them. So after a while I decided to save that for my mates.”
“So considerate,” I cooed as I pushed a finger inside of him.
“Fuck!” he exclaimed and inadvertently thrust his hips up. Rylan choked for a second but recovered
just fine.
“You’re so tight, Ferris. Will you let me take you tonight? I’m dying to be inside of my mate. I think
you’ll like being in the middle of two men.”
“Do you?” he moaned as he stared at me hesitantly.
“Yes. In general I like controlling the pleasure but sometimes I like to let go and be taken.”
“Good, because I won’t always want to bottom,” he sighed. I knew the feeling.
Rylan pulled off Ferris’s dick with a loud pop. “Well I don’t like to top so it works out well. I’m a

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fan of a big cock pounding into my ass.” He reached over and cupped my groin. “Oh yeah, fate
blessed me with two well-hung mates. I do like to ride my partner broncostyle sometimes too.”
“I don’t know what that means,” I grumbled. I’d spent some time in this world over the years, but I
still didn’t know everything about it.
“I like to sit on cock during wild sex.” The little imp gave us a toothy grin before he swallowed
Ferris back down.
“Sounds like fun,” I chuckled and then moaned when he squeezed my dick through my jeans. I quickly
undid them with my free hand and pulled out my cock.
“You want me to take that my first time bottoming?” Ferris asked with wide eyes.
“We’ll go slow but I promise it will fit.” He nodded hesitantly and I decided kissing him until he
couldn’t think right then would be best. I plundered his mouth as Rylan jerked me off. Ferris blew
first, my finger still in his ass, and I followed right after him. We lay there gasping for air, both of us
partially on Ferris.
“Your turn, baby,” he growled after we got the wind back in our sails.
“Oh yeah,” I agreed. Rylan gave a yelp as we moved around so he was on the bottom and we were
looming over him.
“Jesus, you guys are big,” he purred. We practically tore his jeans off of him. I moaned as I got my
first look at his firm little body.
“And you’re perfect.” I kissed him as I fondled his sac, smiling at the happy yowls he made. He really
was part animal. It was quite the change from what I was used to from a bed partner.
“I feel like getting some cream from our kitty,” Ferris said a few moments later. I glanced down and
saw he was licking Rylan’s cock like it was his favorite treat.
“Great idea.” I shimmied down Rylan’s body until it was right in front of me as well. We licked it
together, Ferris’s hand pumping his cock, as I kept fondling his balls.
“Fuck, guys. So good,” Rylan mewled as he spread his legs wider. “Someone fuck me!”
“Not yet. Right now is for play.”
“Fine but I’m getting fucked after dinner if I have to break out the toy I brought with me and do it
“We can help you with that,” Ferris chuckled. We went back to teasing and pleasing him until Rylan
was rambling and pleading for us to finish him.
“Please? I’ve been a good kitty. I made you both happy. Don’t be mean. I need. God, do I need. Oh
fuck, please?”
Ferris gave me a nod and I agreed. We’d tortured Rylan enough. He got to sucking our kitty’s dick as I
lapped as his sac. Rylan let out a loud yowl and blew, his back bowing off the bed at the intensity of
Absolutely breathtaking.
“Shit, I haven’t come like that in a very, very long time,” he said in between gasps for air when he
was spent. “And never from getting head. I’ve been blessed with two very talented men.”
“I’m glad you feel that way,” Ferris chuckled as we moved to lie on either side of Rylan. “Because
after watching that performance, making you come is officially going to become my favorite hobby.”
He glanced over to me. “You agree?”
“Yes, but I’d add on making both of you climax. I think it’s equal in being the prettiest sight in my
“I’m sure I’ll feel the same when I see you,” he said quietly as he took my hand that was lying on
Rylan’s firm stomach. “I was kind of wrapped up in my own orgasm to pay much attention.”

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“If you could have, that meant I hadn’t been doing my job right,” Rylan giggled as he covered our
joined hands with both of his. “I’m so fucking happy I found you guys and not because of the hot play
time. We found each other. Do you know how many never find their mates?”
I shared a look with Ferris that clearly said we both did. Hell, Rylan was only thirty-five. We’d been
looking for a millennium. But I had a feeling they were both going to be worth the wait.

Chapter 4


We quickly got cleaned up, trying our best to behave in the shower. I learned something real fast

though. If we were in a time crunch, no more group showers. It was just too hard… And so was I
when we got out and dressed.

“Teases,” Rylan grumbled as he bent over to rummage through his suitcase. “It could have been a

quickie. No one said you can’t have a quickie with your mate.”

“Yes, but don’t we earn your forgiveness since it was out of such respect for you and our mating

that we didn’t want our first time tasting the bounty of your body and plundering your sweet hole to be
just a quickie?” Onah asked as he moved behind Rylan and rubbed his naked ass. “This feast
deserves several courses the first time we taste it.”

“You should be a diplomat with that kind of finesse,” Rylan moaned and pushed his ass back in

Onah’s big hands. “And I think that might be one of the nicest things anyone’s ever said about me.”
They both glanced to me as if wondering what my response would be.

“I’m not that eloquent,” I snickered as I pulled on some nice suit pants. “I was just going to say

that there’s no way once and a quickie at that would be enough after plundering your firm little body.”

“Just as sweet to my ears.” Rylan shot me a big smile and stepped away from Onah, standing on

his toes and kissing my chin. “It’s the sentiment behind the words, not the words themselves that
always matters, my big, fine warrior.”

“Glad you think so because I tend to blurt shit out but it comes from a good place.”

He nodded his head and I could tell from the look he was giving me that it was okay by him. I knew
Rylan needed a little less conflict in his life, but I was starting to get the impression he might need
some more fun too.
We quickly finished getting ready and climbed into Rylan’s rental. Sure, we could have taken my
SUV but my little mate seemed enamored with the sports car. If it made him smile, I was all for letting
him drive.
“I feel the need for speed,” he joked as he shifted from first to second gear and took off.
Apparently my mate had a wild streak in him. It was subtle of course, but the moment he hit a hundred
miles per hour, I was kinda figuring it out.
“You get us killed and we won’t be able to have sex tonight,” I teased, hanging on to the door tightly.
He was a good driver and it was basically a straight shot down a deserted road, but I thought ninety
would have given him the same thrill without making me want to shit my pants.
We pulled up to Barnabas’s house in record time. They must have heard how fast he’d come down
their drive, because as Rylan parked the car, Bas was smiling from ear to ear as Miles and Digger
“Nice wheels,” Bas joked as we got out and then walked over to them. “You didn’t rent that around
“No, New York,” Rylan chuckled as he shook the man’s hand. “I figured as long as I was coming to

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the States I’d fly in there and make a donation on behalf of my family for the widows’ and orphans’
fund that was started after 9/11.”
“I didn’t think many from your neck of the woods would support that cause,” Digger said carefully as
he extended his hand. “Digger Slane. I’m Barnabas’s mate, and this is our other mate, Miles Juniper.”
“A pleasure to meet you both. Ferris has said nothing but wonderful things about the warriors he
knows and this coven. I’m grateful you invited us to dinner.” He bit his lower lip then when he looked
at Digger. “To answer what you were asking, we lost some of our own when the twin towers went
down, one I knew quite well.
“They were there to branch out their business and had a meeting with a company there. The kicker
was it was supposed to be the day before but their flight got delayed. One survived at first but went
back in to help others and didn’t come back out.”
“I’m very sorry for your loss,” Digger said sadly. “It was a hard day for all and the violence of it just
bewilders me. You never hurt the innocent, never.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Rylan replied. “Anyways, that was a while ago and while it will always be
in my heart, we have more pressing matters today. You all know Ferris, but I wasn’t sure if you know
my other mate, Onah.”
“Yes, he’s been staying with us. My grandmother told me she sent him on an important assignment
today.” Bas laughed as we headed into the house.
“Is not meeting your mates an assignment of the most importance?” a musical voice from a beautiful
woman asked as Queen Magdalena walked towards us.
“Your highness, thank you,” Onah said as he dropped down to one knee. “As confusing as it was, I
never doubted it would be important. I thank you a million times for sharing your foresight with me
and leading me to my mates.”
“Yes, thank you, your highness.” I dropped to one knee as well. While I normally called her by that
title, I was more of a slight bow kind of guy.
“And who is our other guest, my grandson?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow to Rylan. I glanced
at our mate and did a double take at the angry look he was giving us. “I assume you informed him who
I am?”
“He did, but since I am royalty as well, I don’t bow, your highness,” Rylan answered as he took her
hand and kissed it. Then he snarled in our direction. “And neither should my mates now.”
“Oh, I didn’t know,” I said quickly as I got to my feet, Onah staying where he was though.
“She is my Queen, Rylan. I am her warrior and have pledged my loyalty to her. I might be your mate
but I am still her subject.” Onah didn’t look happy he’d been chastised either.
“Of course, forgive me. I should have discussed this with you both on the drive over,” Rylan said,
giving us a tight smile.
“Does it really matter?” I blurted out, not wanting issues already when we’d just been so happy on the
drive over. “We’re not enemies or somewhere unfriendly.” Apparently it did, because they all looked
at me as if I was dense… All except Bas.
“Grandma, this is Prince Rylan Zeev of the ruling clan of margays, heir to the throne,” Bas said
carefully. “And my vote is no, it doesn’t matter. We’re in my house and all friends.” Onah had stood
while this was going on, curiously watching Rylan as if to see what came next.
“Ahh, I guess you didn’t grow up at court,” Rylan replied lightly. “Her highness and I were probably
taught the same thing about showing respect.”
“You never bow to another monarch because it shows you see them as superior to you,” Queen
Magdalena agreed.

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“But she outranks you, right?” Wow, I needed to learn when to shut my mouth. “You’re not King yet.”
“No, but I kissed her hand and gave her an acknowledging head dip,” Rylan answered. “As my mates
the custom would be for you to give a half bow and kiss her hand as well.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, I reacted badly,” he said, his normal smile back in place. “You’re not used to living under a
monarchy. And you are right, my wonderful mate. We are all friends here.”
“Indeed,” the Queen replied with her own smile. “I’m quite partial to Ferris. He was very generous in
giving his time to help my people acclimate to this land. Anyone worthy of him would be honored to
have such a mate.” The implication was clear. Rylan had better appreciate me or have her to deal
I blinked at her in shock, touched by what she said. I wasn’t sure I’d ever had anyone care enough
about me to threaten another person on my behalf.
“And Onah is one of my most trusted, fierce warriors. I always knew the person who fate gave him as
a mate would be very lucky indeed.”
“I’ve been twice blessed. I might be a Prince, but I’m not pompous as some can be. I find most
completely insufferable and I’m grateful at who fate chose for me.”
“Good.” She gave a swift nod and turned to Bas.
“I know the diplomatic game. My father raised me to understand how to navigate the waters, but you
two take it to a whole other level. I’m kind of glad I didn’t grow up that way.” Bas shook his head
and walked away. I wasn’t sure who was more shocked, the Queen or my mate.
We all quickly trailed after him, Magdalena catching up with him before he sat down.
“Forgive me, Bas,” she said quietly as she hugged her grandson. “It’s not just myself I speak for but a
whole people. I gather you like this man from your reaction and I’m glad, but just because he’s your
ally does not make him the fae’s automatically. We can’t be seen as weak ever or it could be to our
“She’s right and that’s why I did the same thing,” Rylan agreed with a sigh. “I meant no offense but
my people aren’t many and we’re small shifters. Lots equate that as being weak. It’s not easy being in
a position as your grandmother and I are. One false move at times and it starts a shit storm of epic
proportions and I’m already going to be in trouble for even being here.”
“Which is why I got upset,” Bas said quietly, kissing the Queen’s cheek before stepping away from
her. “I invited you here because we need your help and you came to give it to us knowing your father
would be furious. I wanted you to feel welcome, at ease with an informal dinner.”
“Then I apologize to you both. I care deeply for Onah and want him to be happy. Ferris too. I didn’t
mean to start trouble.”
“No, you didn’t,” Rylan chuckled as we all stood by our chairs. I noticed he waited until the Queen
and Bas sat before he did as well. I wasn’t sure I got the significance of that, but whatever. “You have
to understand something, Bas. You see someone you know and it’s ingrained in you to ask how
they’ve been, right?”
“Of course. It’s only polite,” Bas agreed as his staff served us some type of soup that made my mouth
water just by the smell.
“What we did in the hallway is as ingrained in us as that. It’s how we were raised. You meet another
leader or royal and you basically sniff their ass to see if they’re friend or foe. You did it to me when
we were on the phone.”
“I didn’t realize I was sniffing your butt then,” Bas giggled. “My mates won’t like that.”
“No, not even remotely,” Miles drawled before eating some soup.

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“We have a spy that’s feeding the demons information. I just needed to feel you out to make sure you
weren’t here for nefarious reasons.”
“You have a spy?” Rylan asked tightly, waiting for Bas to wince and nod. “Great. That makes my
being here that much worse. They could report that we met and suddenly you knew demons found a
way to walk in the sun, even if it’s limited.”
“I told no one about you coming over and I know everyone in this household to be loyal. The fae
haven’t even been here long enough to understand most of what’s going on,” Bas assured my mate. He
nodded, but didn’t seem all that relieved.
“And I told Travis we were going out to eat to celebrate finding each other so he didn’t look for me
later since I’m on the Kappas’ protection detail.”
“Either way, I’m not going to leave you hanging when you need to know this information,” Rylan said
tiredly. “Our blood and several other kinds of shifters don’t affect vampires and demons as the
wolves’ do. Whereas theirs increases strength, endurance, and the libido, ours has double that effect
without the libido part. Only my mate will receive that side effect.”
“Oh goodie,” I chuckled, thinking of the stories I’d heard when Darcy and Ayden had mated.
“Wouldn’t want to miss out on that part.”
“No you won’t,” Rylan agreed, giving me a heated gaze.
“Anyways,” Digger drawled, biting his lip to keep from laughing. “I think we need to talk with Riley.
He’s been working with some of the wolves and Rory to see if there was a way to get that side effect
out of their blood so it would just help us be stronger and faster.”
“I know you didn’t just imply he has a new test subject or blood source,” Rylan said darkly.
“I really just meant that if there is blood like that, some that doesn’t have the libido side effect, then
maybe there’s hope,” Digger replied in the same tone. “But even if I didn’t, would it really be so
wrong to give him a sample of your blood to help save lives?”
“A sample? No, I would agree to that immediately. But you said working with them, implying more
than once, and I won’t be signed up for that.” He turned to me and raised an eyebrow. “You know this
“He’s the coven doctor and a lot like you actually. He went to human medical school because unlike
previous vampire doctors I’ve known, he doesn’t look down on humans. He learned a lot and has
been a huge help in the war against the demons. Riley and another friend of ours, Stefan, invented the
ultraviolet ammunition that kills demons and has drastically cut down on injuries and loss of life for
the warriors.”
“Very commendable,” my mate replied, his expression showing he was impressed. “If Ferris trusts
Riley, then I’m fine with bringing him in on this conversation. As long as he knows it’s to be
confidential and not let it get out that I was the one who provided the—” Rylan’s phone vibrated in
his pocket and he sighed.
“Not a call you want to take?” I asked gently.
“I’d bet my savings it’s my father and given what I’m doing right now and how he’d oppose it, not
really. Excuse me. He worries if I don’t answer.” He stood and pulled out his phone, shaking his head
and confirming he was right. “Hello, Father.”
“Rylan, where are you?” the man asked, his tone panicked. Everyone at the table could hear the
conversation and we were instantly on alert at the tone of the man’s voice. “If you’re on your way
home, you need to run. We’re under attack.”
“What?” Ry gasped, clutching the chair in front of him with his free hand. “Who?”
“Demons. They’ve breached the palace. Son, whatever has transpired between us, you need to know

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I’ve always been proud of you and I love you.”
“No,” he sobbed, falling to his knees. “Get out of there, Father.”
“It’s too late for us. Save yourself and rule our people well. We love you.” There was shouting in the
background and then the line disconnected.
“Hit your panic button,” Miles ordered Barnabas as everyone leapt to their feet. He did and there was
a loud siren blaring. “Your highness, can you open a portal?”
“Yes,” the Queen said immediately. “We need weapons.” I scooped Rylan up into my arms, knowing
full well he’d gone into shock. “I need him coherent to read his mind on where we’re going.”
“I’m here,” Rylan whispered, his gaze snapping to hers. “What do you mean a portal? Why are you
getting weapons? They’re in Italy.”
“Queen Magdalena can open a door to anywhere,” Onah said gently. “This isn’t over yet, baby.”
“Please, just help them and you can have all the blood in my body,” Rylan gushed. I set him on his
feet once we were at the weapons hold they had hidden in the foyer.
“Barnabas, I suggest you start teleporting warriors here where the portal will be. We don’t know how
many invaded them,” the Queen said quietly.
“On it,” he agreed and disappeared. There was a flurry of movement after that. At least two dozen fae
warriors came racing from everywhere in the estate, wanting to know what was going on. Miles filled
them in as Queen Magdalena focused on Rylan.
“Where would they hide in your palace? Where would they go? I need to see the room exactly to open
a door to there.”
“I don’t know,” Rylan whispered, his despair almost debilitating even to me. His eyes went wide
then. “My father has a collection of weapons and swords in his study. I’d go there.” He closed his
eyes and his brows furrowed in thought.
“I have it,” the Queen said quietly before turning to the rest of us who were finishing getting what we
needed. “Follow as you’re ready. Be prepared for anything and if anyone dies I’m going to kick your
backsides in the afterlife.”
“Yes, your highness.” The chorus came back. She chanted something under her breath and a bright
doorway appeared.
“Your stomachs might roll so be careful,” she warned as she went to step through.
“You’re not going first,” Onah growled and moved her aside. I agreed. We went in first. I wasn’t
even going to try and tell Rylan not to come because if it had been my family, nothing could have kept
me away. But then again, I knew how it felt to have demons kill the ones you love.
I walked into the light and my head felt like someone was squeezing it in a vise with the pressure and
change in everything simply by walking through a door. I came out the other side and immediately
rolled to the ground to avoid the demon launching at me. Aiming my gun, I got it before it had a
chance to attack anyone else coming through the door.
“Keep the portal clear,” I shouted to the few of us that were on this side. “Cover fire as they come
“I can do better than that,” Onah growled and shot flames out of his hands. Oh, I wanted to see that
trick later. Unfortunately, there was more than just his shooting fire to be distracted with. There was
blood everywhere and I saw an arm I didn’t want to think about. I would when the bad guys were
dead. Until then, I had to keep my head in the game.
Another dozen warriors came through, along with the Queen, and jumped right into the fray. We
fought our way out of the study and into the hallway. There were demons everywhere. I’d never seen
an attack of this scale, this organized.

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“Die, mother fuckers!” Rylan bellowed as he opened fire on a side hallway that had more demons. I
was impressed how good of a shot my little mate was and that he had such a warrior’s heart. When
we cleared it we saw a small shifter who was clutching his neck. Rylan darted over to him and dove
to his knees. “Where are the others, Ringo?”
The man coughed up blood trying to speak. Oh shit.
“We need help here!” I shouted down the hall. The Queen raced over and touched the man’s throat for
a moment before jumping right back into the fray.
“Ballroom, Prince Rylan. They were going to barricade themselves in the ballroom.”
I grabbed one of the warriors as he went to run by. “Get this man through the portal so he’s safe.” He
nodded and picked the man up, racing back towards the study.
“Lead the way,” Onah said to Rylan as we grouped back together. He nodded and took off, making
sure to run slowly enough that we could keep up. I knew we were all pushing ourselves as hard as we
could. Every second counted.
When we got to the ballroom, whatever barricade they had put up hadn’t held. We walked through the
busted double doors and saw shifters darting around the room, faster than I could even keep up with.
They had that advantage, but it was very obvious they had no weapons training when they went in for
the attack.
We jumped right in and I lost sight of Rylan and Onah as I kept shooting demon after demon. I ducked
one attack when I had to reload my automatic rifle. When I went back to taking aim, I couldn’t get
over how many there were. They were like cockroaches… Kill one and another sprang up. How
could we have had this many vampires turn evil? I didn’t understand it.
Granted, there were millions of vampires across the world, many more than anyone would ever have
believed, but still! There had to be another explanation. Maybe they’d found a way to turn humans?
Another twenty minutes of fighting and the dust settled. I scanned the room to make sure we got them
all and saw Rylan sobbing over a couple of people. Fuck.
“I’m sorry, Rylan,” the Queen said gently as she knelt next to them. “She was too far gone for me to
save and your father was already departed.”
“I know,” he whispered, wiping his eyes. “Thank you for trying and sending in your warriors. At least
we saved some.” He leaned over and kissed each of his parents’ foreheads. “I’m so sorry. I will miss
you both always.” I was shocked when he got to his feet.
“Baby, just take a moment,” I said gently as I pulled him into my arms.
“I can’t.” Rylan looked up into my eyes and shook his head. “My mother said that my brother’s in the
panic room in father’s study. I have to go get him.”
“Okay, sweetie.” I walked back that way with him, wrapping my arm around his sagging shoulders. I
met Onah’s questioning gaze at the doorway to the ballroom and shook my head, letting him know
Rylan’s parents didn’t make it.
“Where are we going?” he asked as he fell in step with us.
“Rylan’s mother told him that she put his younger brother in the panic room before she died,” I
answered quietly.
“Not just younger brother,” Rylan sniffled, shaking his head. “ Baby brother as in he’s not even a year
old. He’ll never get to know his parents now.”
“I’m so sorry, Ry,” Onah said gently. Once we heard there was a baby in the panic room, we picked
up the pace a bit. I mean, not to say we weren’t worried about a kid, I was more worried about my
mate still moving after his parents died. A kid could wait a bit in a secured room. A baby? Not so

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I let him go when we got to the study, watching as our kitty punched in the code in a hidden keypad. A
door I wouldn’t have been able to even tell was there at first glance popped open to reveal a baby
lying quietly in his bassinet, staring up at us with the same bright orange eyes Rylan had.
“Hey, Paolo,” Rylan whispered sadly as he pulled his brother into his arms. “We’re going to go
somewhere safe and get someone to watch over you while I take care of some things, okay? I want
you to be a good boy like you always are and don’t be scared.”
“He must be the world’s best baby to not even have cried during this,” Onah cooed as he ran his
finger down Paolo’s cheek.
“He is,” Rylan agreed. “That doesn’t mean I have any clue how to raise a child, be King, figure out
how to save the rest of my people, and keep us safe, all while just having met my mates and not even
had the chance to complete our claiming of each other. There’s no way one person could handle all
that and the death of my parents. There’s arrangements to be made and I don’t want to stay in this
house now.”
Oh fuck. He was about to lose it.

Chapter 5


I started to hyperventilate as I listed off everything that had to be handled immediately. Paolo

stared at me and his lower lip quivered. “Take Paolo. He’s feeling my distress and I’m not sure I
won’t pass out right now.” Onah took my little brother and instead of taking a second to breathe, I
kept moving. If I kept moving, it wouldn’t overwhelm me.

First thing, we needed to get everyone out of this palace in case more demons came.

I raced back to the ballroom, not even waiting for my mates. All eyes were on me, every single one
filled with sadness and/or tears.
“Everyone pack a bag. We need to leave.”
“What? You would abandon the palace?” Benjio asked me with angry eyes. He was one of the men
who agreed with my father. But he thought I was an idealistic twerp or so he said at the last formal
dinner a few months ago. “You should not be King.”
“But I am!” I bellowed as I stormed over to him. “I am the King now because we weren’t prepared.
This didn’t have to happen! And I’ve lost my family because of it. My father called me to warn me to
stay away, but no, I brought help to save your asses. He said he had faith in me even if he didn’t agree
with me always. We’re not safe here. How do you know there won’t be more demons coming?”
“There can’t be more than all the ones we saw,” he argued, his voice losing some of its conviction
“And what are you going to do if there are? You couldn’t buy your way out of this!” I gestured around
the room to the destruction and chaos. “You want to stay, fine. I can’t make you leave.” I turned to
everyone else. “As your King I am ordering you to pack only what you need for the next few days and
be ready to leave immediately. I won’t lose any more of our people.”
“Yes, your highness,” a friend of mine, Bevin, said firmly. “All hail King Rylan!” The chorus rang out
and it brought tears to my eyes.
“Thank you. I appreciate the support but I can’t handle it yet,” I whispered as I shook my head. “I’m
still processing. Right now, we need to get to safety.”
“Where will we go?” another friend of mine, Cynthia, asked.
“I don’t know yet, but I will make arrangements. Will you please also take my mate to Paolo’s room

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so he can pack some things for my brother?”
“Of course, your highness. I am very sorry for your loss. They will be missed.”
“Thank you.” I reached out and squeezed her hand tightly and led her over to my mates. “Cynthia,
these are my mates, Onah and Ferris. You’ll be safe with them. Pack what you and Paolo need, okay?
I’ll find somewhere for us to stay.”
“Your highness, how many do you have that need sanctuary?” Queen Magdalena asked.
“I have no idea. There were over a hundred who lived in the palace.” I glanced around and saw about
half that number and it was like a knife to my chest. “Fifty to sixty maybe?”
“I suggest you call Elena Marius. She’s on the High Council with my grandson. She would be able to
figure out where you can stay for the night.”
“Thank you, Queen Magdalena. The fae are lucky to have you as their ruler.” She gave me a nod,
letting me know she understood what I was doing. I’d just labeled her as royalty so my people treated
her accordingly.
“You seek help from another species?” Benjio practically spat. “Your father would be—” He didn’t
get to finish. I turned and punched him in the face. He went flying, sprawled on the floor.
“Don’t you dare speak of my father to support your insults,” I growled as I stood over him. “He
shouldn’t be dead. A true supporter of his would have formed a barricade around the royal family to
protect them. But I bet you cowered behind him, didn’t you?” He didn’t answer, but his eyes said it
all. I wanted to hear the words. “Didn’t you?”
“Yes, he was our best fighter.”
“He was your King! You should have been willing to lay down your life for him. Instead I’ve lost my
parents and we’ve all lost probably the best King our people have seen. And yet, you’re still alive
and you provide nothing of value. Go pack and get out of my sight before I shoot you where you
stand. You’re lucky I’m not bringing you up on charges of treason for not protecting your King.”
“Your highness, I have a quick question,” Bevin said gently as he placed his hand on my arm. I
nodded, knowing full well what he was doing. I walked across the ballroom with him, giving Cynthia
a nod to go ahead. Once she left to pack, the others started as well.
“Everyone pair up with one of the margays and make sure they stay safe while they get what they
need,” Onah ordered. They all nodded and broke up for the task.
“Benjio is a sniveling weasel and I can’t say I wouldn’t agree with your assessment of how the fight
went down. He would throw his own mother in front of him to stay safe.” Bevin winced and then
wiped his eyes. “He didn’t but she actually didn’t survive so that was crass.”
“No it’s not,” I whispered as I hugged him. “We’re reeling and haven’t found our footing. Just give
yourself a moment to breathe.”
“Thank you. I just wanted to let you know that there were many who threw themselves in the line of
fire for your parents.” He pointed to the bodies of our dead that were near where my parents lay. “I
tried, Rylan. I really did. But it was my fault. He shoved me out of the way and they got him. I failed
“No, we failed ourselves as a people. We should have been smarter than this. I would never blame
you, Bevin. You’re a good man and a loyal friend. We both know how stubborn Father was and for
all his faults he would have died a thousand times over to protect his people.”
“That he would,” he chuckled. “Thank god he didn’t pass that stubbornness down to you.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m such a pain in the assets.” I knew I was one of the most stubborn men on the planet.
That didn’t mean I wasn’t willing to meet someone halfway. As long as what they were saying made
sense, I was flexible. But I wouldn’t bend on my values for anyone.

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“Your highness, more warriors have showed up,” one of the fae informed Queen Magdalena.
“Would they be willing to help us seal up the palace temporarily?” I asked her as I pulled away from
Bevin. “I think it safest to get everything locked up as best as we can and get out of here. I know it’s
not the best thing since we have many dead, but I won’t risk the rest of my people.”
“Don’t hit me but I think we can make time to make sure their bodies are preserved before we go,”
Bevin said quietly.
“Yes, um, can you, well, yeah, I can’t,” I stuttered as I stared at my friend with tears in my eyes.
“I’ll handle it, Ry. You get us to safety and I’ll take care of this until we can have a service for them.”
“Thank you.” I turned back to the Queen.
“My warriors are yours to command as you need tonight, King Rylan,” she said gently. “But if
someone escorts me to all the entrances, I can fortify the palace with magic so it’s safe for now.”
“Thank you.” I gave her a half bow, letting everyone see how much her help meant to me and my
“Bevin, this is Queen Magdalena. Give her whatever she needs and then go pack.”
“Yes, my King.” He gave a full bow to the Queen of the fae and extended his arm to her like the
charmer he was. I headed back to the portal to see how many more we had coming through to the
“I’m proud of you,” Ferris said quietly as he fell into step with me.
“Why?” I asked, staring at him as if he’d grown another head.
“You were fierce in battle, saw the task that needed to be done, and kept your head. I’ve seen
warriors who have been trained not be that good in a fight. And now? The way you immediately
thought of your brother and your people first and getting them to safety before anything else is
amazing, Ry. You will make a wonderful King and I know your parents will be proud.”
“Thank you,” I whispered. I turned and hugged him, not caring who was around or that we were
dealing with the aftermath of the shit hitting the fan.
“Ferris, are there any wounded? Riley’s on the other side of the portal in case he could help but I
wouldn’t let him come over,” a vampire warrior asked when we broke apart.
“No, there were only a few but Queen Magdalena helped the ones that were able to be saved,” he
answered quietly.
“How many more are here?” I asked, running fingers through my hair as I tried to figure out what to
do next. Then I looked back to Ferris. “Who was I supposed to talk to about sanctuary again?” Then I
glanced back to the warrior. “I’m so sorry. I’m Prince—” I froze and started to shake. “I mean, King
Rylan. My father was killed in the battle.”
“I’m very sorry for your loss, your highness,” the man said gently as he bowed.
“Thank you. You can call me Rylan when it’s just us. I’m not into the whole formal thing unless I’m
there representing my people like I was tonight.” I rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.
“Which you weren’t at. Sorry, I’m kind of all over the place and trying not to have a nervous
“Elena Marius is who the Queen suggested,” Ferris reminded me. “This is one of her sons, Micah.
Riley is his mate.”
“Mother’s on the other side of the portal with Riley. She’s trying to keep him back and my father is
trying to keep her back. She might not be a warrior but she is badass all on her own and wicked
“Well, there’s no need to fight now anyways,” I whispered as I glanced around the room, making sure
not to take in my parents lying there. “It’s over so it should be safe for them. But I’ll go back through

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the portal to speak with them.”
I headed in that direction, not waiting to see if they followed. I just had to keep moving. If I kept
moving, nothing would overwhelm me. I repeated that mantra in my head, knowing full well I didn’t
even believe it.
Once in my father’s study, I stepped back through the portal, ignoring the intense squeezing feeling on
my whole body. And then the nausea as I stepped back into Bas’s house. It was his face I saw first.
“Are they—?” he started to ask, his eyes filling with tears when I shook my head.
“My parents didn’t make it. Half of the people in the palace were killed,” I answered, swallowing
loudly. “Your grandmother is sealing it with magic but I feel we still should find sanctuary. It’s not
safe. Once the demons find out that they didn’t get what they wanted, they’ll be back.”
“What did they want?” a gorgeous woman with kelly-green eyes asked and I saw they were the same
as Micah’s. This had to be his mother.
“Us,” I whispered. “They killed those who fought back but I’m sure the goal was to take as many of us
alive as they could.”
“But why?”
I glanced around and saw all the people standing there. “I will tell you, but not in a group.” She
nodded her understanding but there were so many questions in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Ry. Whatever you need, okay?” Bas said quietly as he hugged me. I bit back a sob and
took the comfort. My people needed this kind of support and I made a quick decision.
“We need sanctuary and as King of the margays, I’m officially requesting permission to join your
coven. We’ll find land and rebuild but no more thinking we can handle this threat on our own. Your
doctor can proceed as we discussed and we will be an asset to your people.”
“I’ll convene the High Council first thing in the morning but as the head of it, I grant you sanctuary,”
Bas replied formally. Then he winced. “But it can’t be in my house. I’m at full capacity.”
“We have dozens of rooms open in our guest wing and your people are more than welcome to them.”
Elena gave me kind eyes, just as my mother’s. I wasn’t even thinking when I walked right over to her
and hugged her, which she returned. “You’ll be alright. We’ll help you find your way, son.”
Bas cleared his throat, getting both our attention. “Councilwoman Marius, this is King Rylan of the
“A pleasure, Councilwoman,” I chuckled, still holding on to her. It was strange but almost as if I was
soaking up her strength.
“Likewise, your highness.” I moved out of her arms and she gave me a sad smile. “I heard you’re
mated to Ferris. He’s a good man.”
“Thank you, Elena,” my mate said with a bright smile. “I’m sure you heard that from everyone who
was at the vineyard. We met our other mate, a wonderful fae warrior named Onah, when Rylan and I
went back to Darcy’s house to talk.”
“That seems like ages ago,” I mumbled, shocked at how much could happen in one day. “We didn’t
even get to finish claiming each other. And now I’m basically a father. What do I know about kids?
How am I going to keep everyone safe? I haven’t even taken my oath as—”
“Breathe, baby,” Ferris whispered and suddenly I was in his arms, being held tightly as I shook. “You
can do this. My strong kitty can do anything, okay? I saw how good you are at all of this today. Onah
and I will be here for you every step of the way. You’re not alone.”
“But they’re gone.” I was fighting so hard to keep the sobs in. I couldn’t break yet.
“I know and I’m so sorry. We’ll help you grieve tonight and we have lots of friends who know tons
about babies. Paolo will be just fine.” I nodded and let him go, turning back to Elena, smiling when

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she was ordering a bunch of men with the same eyes as hers about getting cars over for transport and
rooms to be made ready for my people.
“And lots of food and let’s get a bunch of alcohol in the dining hall,” she added. “These people will
need several stiff drinks after what they’ve been through.”
“I could use one or a dozen,” I agreed, rubbing my tired eyes. “I need to set up a mandatory
conference call with all the heads of our packs. They need to know what’s happened and that the old
ways won’t keep us safe.”
“Is there someone who can do that for you?” he asked gently.
“Yes, my father’s—” I bit my lip and shook my head, the body of my father’s advisor popping into my
head. “No, he was killed.”
“Okay, we’ll figure it out,” he said gently. “Let’s go back and start getting people through the portal.”
“Yeah, good plan.” I thanked Elena and Bas before stepping back through the portal, ignoring the
annoying side effects of it. I was just grateful there was such a thing as a portal and the Queen had
opened one for us.
I winced as I saw warriors collecting the few dead in the study, picking up body parts because they
were ripped to shreds. I turned away and took several deep breaths through my mouth, the stench of
death overwhelming. Ferris guided me out into the hall and I saw over a dozen people from the
palace ready to go and packed as they had been told to do.
“I found us sanctuary with the Marius family. She is a High Councilwoman for the East Coast coven
in America, which is where I met my mates. She has offered us rooms in her home and we will be
protected. She has sons who are warriors and the house is guarded. It’s temporary until we get word
if they’ll allow us into their coven permanently.”
“You want us to move to America and be part of a vampire coven?” Benjio growled. “Are you mad?”
“What other suggestion would you offer?” I shot right back. “We have no local allies. The next pack
or coven is several hundred miles away. The palace was built centuries ago and the location picked
because it was remote. That got half of the people here, including my parents, killed. If Queen
Magdalena hadn’t opened the portal for her warriors to come help, you’d all be dead. We’re alone
and vulnerable here. We can’t continue as we have.”
“Are they nice?” Cynthia asked as she held a sleeping Paolo, several bags and a stroller at her feet.
“Everyone I have met is of the highest caliber of people,” I answered with a smile. “They’ve
welcomed us in our time of need with open arms, risked their own lives to save our people.” I
glanced at Benjio then. “Anyone who mistreats that kindness or acts anything other than a perfect guest
will deal with me. I would see that aggression as a threat to my authority and our alliance with this
coven. The punishment would be severe and swift. I won’t risk their help and kindness because of a
few. Am I making myself clear?”
“Perfectly,” Benjio growled, knowing it was basically directed at him.
“Don’t be scared of the portal. It’s perfectly safe. You’ll feel pressure on your body and maybe a
little nausea but it passes within a few minutes. Councilwoman Marius is setting up transportation to
her home and tonight, we rest. Tomorrow, we start rebuilding. When we know it’s safe, we will bury
our dead and move everything to our new home. I know you’re scared, I am too. We are stronger than
our fear though. We will survive and blossom once again.”
“Thank you for coming to our rescue,” one of the elders of our pack said, letting his gratefulness seep
into his voice. “We wouldn’t have survived the attack. You warned us this might happen, your
highness, and we didn’t listen. We were fools. Whatever you feel is best to make sure our people are
safe, I support.” And with that, he walked right through the portal.

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I internally sighed with relief. Having Jessep on my side was a big help. He held a lot of sway with
the wealthiest families of our people and had been one of my father’s right-hand men.
“Cynthia, wait a moment, I would speak to you in private,” I said quietly. She nodded and followed
me as I walked away from everyone else.
“What’s wrong?” Ferris asked once we were alone by the ballroom.
“I know the portal is safe for adults, but what about a tiny baby?” I whispered as I stared at Paolo. “I
mean, most babies aren’t even supposed to travel on planes. Could it hurt him?”
“I don’t know but that’s a good question. Are there any other children in this pack?”
“There were a few but not babies,” Cynthia choked out.
“No,” I whispered in horror as her meaning sunk in. “How?”
“They went for the children first, saying their blood was the best.” Tears ran down her cheeks. “Your
brother had been with your mother and when she heard the screams from the kids’ movie night and the
people watching them, she raced to the study with the few who’d taken weapons to protect her.”
“All of them?” I felt like the floor was falling out from under me.
“Jenny, Rachel, and Trevor were killed, along with their parents.”
I felt my heart break all over again. Trevor was my best friend’s son. “Chris?”
“No, she was with them,” Cynthia answered. In a flash I turned and punched the wall, every bone in
my hand breaking.
“Rylan, please,” Ferris begged as he pulled me back against him.
“My parents, my best friend, my godchild are all gone, Ferris. They’re all dead.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie,” he whispered as I shook. I glanced up in time to see Onah, Bevin, and the Queen
staring at me with tears in their eyes.
“They went after the children,” I told them, trying to explain. “We lost three under the age of ten.”
“Monsters,” the Queen whispered in horror. “They will not go unavenged. We will kill every last
I nodded and turned back to Paolo when he let out a soft cry. “Is the portal safe for a baby to travel
through? I didn’t know if I should let him through yet.”
“Yes, but it would cause him more discomfort than an adult. If I carry him through, my magic will
make it painless for him.” She gave me a sad smile and held out her arms to Cynthia.
“I trust her with Paolo,” I told Cynthia when she gave me a hesitant look. She nodded and handed
over my brother. “Can you get his and your things through the portal and stay with the Queen? I have
things to wrap up here and then we’ll be over.”
“Are you staying at the sanctuary with us, your highness?” she asked and I glanced at Ferris and Onah.
“I think it’s wise you stay under the same roof as your people. There won’t be any issue if we stay
with the Mariuses tonight as well,” Ferris answered the question in my look.
“Okay, good.” I turned back to Cynthia, exhausted in a way I couldn’t even fathom. “Trust the Queen
and Councilwoman Marius. She’s got a slew of children and I trust her with Paolo. But no one else.
He is heir to the throne now. And I want you to have a guard at all times as well since you’ll be right
there with him.”
“I will assign one of my best to her,” the Queen said as she stroked Paolo’s cheek. “He is
breathtaking, Rylan.”
“Feel free to babysit anytime you want,” I chuckled darkly. “I have no idea what to do with a baby.
I’ve never even changed a diaper.”
“You will learn but your people need you first,” she said gently before walking away with Paolo in
her arms, Cynthia following after.

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“I added the treasury to the Queen’s list,” Bevin told me quietly. “We found a demon in there. I think
he was waiting us out and going to make off with the crown’s fortune.”
“Good thinking.” I nodded and then winced as a warrior carried out one of our dead from the
ballroom. “You’ve found a place for them?”
“Don’t worry yourself about that, your highness. We’re taking care of it,” Bevin answered with a tight
In other words, I wouldn’t like where they were storing the bodies. Then it hit me. To preserve them
until they could be buried, it would have to be somewhere cold… Which probably meant the walkin
freezer in the kitchen.
“Bring everything you take out of the freezer with us. We’ll need the supplies and the vampires
shouldn’t be put out feeding all of us,” I said quietly before turning on my heel and handling what
came next.

Chapter 6


My heart broke for my mate. Such a tragedy he was dealing with. I wasn’t sure what to do besides

simply be there for him and help in any way I could. Ferris must have felt the same because neither of
us would let Rylan out of our sight.

We followed him to his rooms and stood there as he sent messages to the heads of all the margay

packs. Then he packed some things, mostly pictures and some extra clothes. Normally I would have
thought it frivolous to pack pictures considering there was a limited amount of time we should stay
there and hands to carry everything over through the portal… But it was understandable given what
he’d gone through.

I’m sure the image of his parents’ dead bodies was burned into his mind and he’d want to look at

anything that reminded him of happier times.

After that, we made sure everyone was out of the palace and through the portal. Once it was clear

we were the last ones and his orders were carried out, we went through it and ended up back in
Barnabas’s house. The Queen was there with Rylan’s friend Cynthia. She handed over Paolo to the
margay and closed the portal.

“It is no trouble to reopen it,” the Queen said, lying through her teeth. It wasn’t for her, but

keeping it open was draining. I knew that. “The moment you’re ready to start packing up and moving
your people’s belongings here, my warriors will escort them and help bring everything over. We just
had to do the same thing a few months ago when we crossed onto this plane.”

“Thank you very much, your highness,” Rylan said, giving her a tired smile. Then he went over to

Barnabas. “Is your doctor still here? I never got a chance to speak with him.”

“No, he went back home with Micah. They’re helping to get everyone settled. You don’t have to

talk with him tonight, Rylan.”
“I might as well. I have an hour and a half before I have the conference with the heads of the packs.
I’d prefer not to hold it on my laptop. Is there anywhere that has video conferencing that I can use?”
“We have it here but after Desmond Marius saw my setup he wanted one for his own,” Bas answered.
“I’m sure Desmond will let you use it.”
“Thank you for everything, Bas. I’m sorry your kind invitation of dinner was spoiled.”
“I’m sorry why it was,” he said gently. He patted my mate’s shoulder and we headed outside with
Cynthia and Paolo.

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“I don’t feel like driving and the baby shouldn’t be in a sports car,” Rylan mumbled.
“Cynthia can handle holding Paolo and getting a ride over to the Mariuses’,” Ferris said gently. He
opened the door to one of the waiting vehicles. “I’ll drive your rental. You need a moment alone to
breathe, Ry.”
“Yeah, okay,” he agreed and walked over to the car. I followed, carrying most of what he’d brought
over from Italy. Rylan had too much on his plate to have to worry about his bags.
The drive over to the Mariuses’ was quiet. Rylan was doing some things on his tablet that he had
grabbed at the last minute. It made me nervous and after sharing a glance with Ferris, I could tell he
felt the same.
“What are you doing, baby?” I asked after about thirty minutes.
“I remembered hearing Brian and Banning discussing that there was a farm on the east side of their
property that was going up for sale. They said it was too big for them to buy to expand the vineyard
but with all the help they’ve been having, and growing as much as they can to provide local crops for
the extra vampires that are staying at the Dragos estate they need more room.”
“You were eavesdropping on them?” Ferris asked, not seeming too happy about it.
“No, I didn’t care what they were saying and I wasn’t like spying. I knew my mate was close but
there were people everywhere and I was trying to get a feel of what kind of people they were. I
couldn’t just shift back in the middle of unfriendlies once I had found you,” he explained very matter-
of-factly, not glancing up from the tablet. “It didn’t mean anything to me at the time other than that they
were nice and were dedicated to helping others and providing sustenance.”
“And now?” I was curious what our little mate was thinking of doing with a farm.
“And now, I’ve found out that the farm is seven hundred acres. I could buy it for the new palace we’d
need to build here, obviously not of the same caliber as the last one to fit in to the surroundings, and
donate maybe fifty acres to Brian and Banning and work out some kind of deal with them. That should
show the vampires’ High Council that we’re willing to help the community and not just ask for
“I’ve also asked several builders who say they would work in that area to contact me tomorrow to set
up a meeting. I know it’s October but if they work quickly there’s no reason we would have to hold
off construction until the spring. Then we can maybe hire some of the vampires who were displaced
by the attacks or the wolves I saw building that house to finish the inside to our specifications and
“There’s no reason to get humans involved in that. They’d ask too many questions. I need to discuss
all this with Bas and Elena of course, but I feel it’s a good plan.”
“Baby, take a moment to breathe,” Ferris said gently.
“I don’t have time to breathe,” he growled. “I just have to keep moving. If I keep moving and working
the problems my people are facing then it won’t be overwhelming.”
I shook my head when Ferris gave me a worried look. If that’s what Rylan needed to get through
tonight, then we should let him. He was under pressure in a way two warriors wouldn’t understand.
We’d never had a whole species look to us to solve problems and keep them safe.
“We could pay warriors to provide security and implement whatever was needed so we’d be safe
from another attack. Also, after what Bas told me about Riley trying to rework the wolves’ blood for
the libido side effect not to distract them, the answer is our blood. I think donating some here and
there to help keep us safe and make our protectors stronger is an understandable sacrifice. I can sell
that to the packs.”
“Just let us know whatever we can do to help,” Ferris said quietly. I saw Rylan nod but he didn’t say

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anything else the rest of the drive. “We’re here.”
We pulled up to a security gate and Ferris leaned out the window to push the call button, announcing
who we were when asked. The gate buzzed open and he drove up to the mansion, parking out of the
Rylan practically dove out of the car once I was out and raced over to the vehicle Paolo was in. He
yanked open the door and eyed over his brother and Cynthia. I didn’t even think how hard it might
have been for him to be separated from the only remaining family he had after losing his parents.
“I do need something from you both,” he said quietly as we joined him. “I don’t want Cynthia and
Paolo out of your sight. One guard isn’t enough right now. There’s too much at stake.”
“We can’t leave you alone right now, Rylan. Don’t ask that of us. We need to not let you out of our
sight so we know you’re safe.”
He eyed us over and swallowed loudly, realizing we were worried about him. “Okay, but I want
someone you know and trust watching them as well.”
“I trust Zion with my life,” I replied, gesturing to the fae warrior the Queen had assigned the
protective detail to. “I’ve known him for centuries, Ry. He’s a good man and perfect for the job.”
“Please,” he whispered, his eyes filling with tears. “One guard is not enough.”
“I’m tight with Virgil Marius,” Ferris said gently. “I’ll ask him to watch over them as well. He’s got
an extra room in his suite that I’ve crashed in when I’ve come over for dinner and drank too much.
I’m sure given the circumstances he’d let your brother’s temporary nursery be set up there.”
“Thank you,” Rylan breathed as he stood on his toes. Ferris got the idea and kissed our little mate. I
was hurt because I was doing my best as well and not receiving that kind of affection. It was silly and
unwarranted though because moments later he turned and kissed me as well. “I’m sorry I’m being
such a beast. It’s the only way I can keep functioning.”
“You’re fine, Ry,” I promised him as I cupped his cheek. “I don’t know how you’re still moving right
now. I’d be inconsolable and unable to do much of anything if the situation was reversed.”
“No you wouldn’t,” he chuckled, slipping his hand into mine. “You’d do the exact same thing, making
sure you were keeping everyone you could safe before allowing yourself to grieve.”
He had a point and I didn’t want to tell him he was wrong right then so I simply shrugged. We walked
into the house, letting Elena know we were the last of everyone. Rylan checked the time on his phone
and asked for a private meeting with Riley and to speak with Desmond about using his video
conferencing equipment.
“Ferris, you know the way to Desmond’s study. He’s in there filling in other High Councils around
the world on what happened,” she said quietly, aware of all the ears around. “And Caleb said that
whatever your people need you have the help of the vampires in Eastern Europe.”
“Thank you. We will need it,” Rylan replied with a sigh.
“I’ll send Riley to the study.” She went to turn away but he stopped her.
“If you could sneak away and join us as well, I have a proposal for your High Council when they
meet tomorrow that I hope will show the goodwill and community the margays are going to bring to
your coven.”
“Of course.” I could tell she was curious but this wasn’t a conversation for right then. It was the kind
that was best to have behind closed doors.
Ferris led us to the study and we heard Desmond’s raised voice.
“Come in,” he barked out. All of us flinched at that.
“I’ve never heard Desmond yell before,” Ferris mumbled as he opened the door. “Councilman
Marius, King Rylan is here and Councilwoman Marius asked us to come speak with you.” That

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wasn’t really how it went down, but we didn’t know who Desmond had been yelling with.
“Good, maybe we’ll get some answers now that the cat is here,” someone on the monitor said.
“I know you didn’t just speak to a guest in my house that way, David,” Desmond growled. “His is the
King of one of our allies. You will show him the proper respect. I can’t believe after all the years and
everything we’ve seen in battle that you still belittle other races. We’re all part of the same world!”
The name clicked for me and I knew it was the head of the South American High Council.
“Thank you, Councilman Marius,” Rylan said with a head dip. “I’m glad you feel that way especially
when I come prepared to offer a very beneficial deal to your coven.”
“What can the margays give us that we don’t already have?” the guy on the screen asked. He said
margays as if he was saying lesser beings.

“Councilman Marius, I wonder if I might use your conferencing equipment in fifteen minutes. I

have to address all the leaders of the packs and let them know about the attack,” Rylan said smoothly,
ignoring the rude man in the screen. There were several on it. It was what Barnabas had called a
split-screen conference.

“I know you didn’t just ignore me, cat.”

“And I know you didn’t just forget to address me as your highness. I am a goddamn King,” Rylan
bellowed. “I’m not telling you shit. You’re an ass and I wouldn’t trust you with my laundry with that
attitude. People like you are the reason supernaturals are dying out. If we don’t work together, we’re
all dead.”
“You would know. You let your own people get attacked,” the Councilman replied haughtily.
“Come say that to my fucking face and you will see exactly what I’m capable of. We didn’t have
warriors to protect us and I bet you’re nothing without yours.”
“I was a warrior,” the man growled.
“And my mate fought like one, Councilman. He had just as many kills in the fight as any of the others
who went to help,” I said dangerously. “I see now why my Queen denied sending any of our people to
your coven to help protect you.”
“We don’t need the help of the fae.”
“And yet you made a request for it,” I replied, giving a wide smile.
“Enough,” Desmond grumbled. “This conversation isn’t helping anything. David, I’m done talking to
you. I called to fill you in because I respected our time fighting side by side in the days of old when
our covens needed help. But I won’t allow you to speak to the people in my house like this. Maybe
someone else will fill you in the next time something happens but it won’t be me.”
He pushed a button on a remote and the man’s face disappeared.

“As my children would say, that D bag needs to get a clue,” another of the men on the screen

said. “King Rylan, we are all very sorry for your loss. What can we do to help?”

“Nothing at this time but thank you for your concern,” Rylan said, giving another head dip. “I need

to discuss what’s happened with my pack first, they are still unaware about the attack. After that they
may need support in their areas. I’m not sure where you are all at regionally.”

“Those of us who are willing to help will e-mail Desmond and he can give you our locations,” he

answered. “Our thoughts are with you in this tiring time. I agree with what you said earlier. If we
don’t all start banding together the demons will pick us off one coven or pack at a time.”

“If only everyone understood that,” Rylan said sadly. They wrapped up the call and Desmond sat

down in a huff.
“I’m sorry for how David acted, your highness. He used to be a good man, worried about all. But
when he took over his father’s High Council seat, he changed. I don’t know if the power went to his

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head or what but I miss the man he used to be.”
“We can’t help those who don’t want it,” Rylan said gently. “And you have no reason to be sorry. His
words and actions are not yours. I hope you understand why I had to lash back. I didn’t mean to cause
distress in your home.”
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong. I understand the position you’re in.” He sighed and gestured to the
couch in his study. We sat down just as Elena joined us.
“Sorry it took me so long. Riley is on his way. There’s a boy of about ten who keeps hyperventilating
after the attack and Riley doesn’t want to leave the boy just yet,” she explained as she sat on the arm
of Desmond’s chair. “What is this proposal you have for us to bring to the High Council tomorrow?”
Rylan spent the next five minutes outlining in more detail the idea he’d had in the car. He went over
what he’d found, how he planned to implement it, and any points he was flexible on. I was very
impressed with the way he handled the discussion. But I could see it taking a toll on him.
My mate needed a stiff drink and to rest.
“I think it’s a great plan and you have our full support,” Desmond said after they thought about it a
few minutes.
“Yes, it would definitely be beneficial to both parties,” Elena agreed. “Our High Council are good
people, Rylan. They won’t leave you out in the cold. We’ll make this work.”
“Thank you. I appreciate your help,” Rylan said as he checked his phone. “Desmond, I can use your
equipment, yes?”
“Of course. We’ll give you the room,” he replied as he stood with Elena and handed Rylan the
remote. “You know how to use it?”
“Yes, it’s a lot like the system my father had,” he answered quietly. The Mariuses left and Rylan
quickly connected to his conference. He wiped his hands over his face roughly as if preparing himself
for what was to come.
“Prince Rylan, what is so wrong that you give us less than two hours’ notice for—” a man started to
say after dozens of faces appeared on the screen.
“The palace was attacked tonight,” he said, interrupting the man. Several of them gasped in shock. “I
was in America finding my mates when my father called me and warned me if I was on my way home
to run.”
“Your mother and father?” a woman whispered.
“They were killed,” Ry answered, his eyes filling with tears. “The coven I was visiting along with
the Queen of the fae came to our aid but it was too late for them. My brother survived with about half
the people who lived at the palace.” When everyone quieted down, Rylan explained everything, from
having dinner with Barnabas and why he’d been invited to how the Queen got us all there and what
happened after we arrived.
“So where are you now?” the same woman asked, concern in her expression. Then he told them about
bringing everyone back and being granted sanctuary in the coven.
“We’re not safe anymore. Either the demons know about our blood or they just want the strength it can
provide and they’re willing to ignore the libido effect they might think it has like werewolf blood,” he
finished. “We can’t go on as we have, throwing money at any problem that arises. Being stuck in the
old ways got people killed tonight, including my parents. I refuse to do nothing and risk more of our
“What do you want us to do?” the first man asked, tears running down his cheeks and fear in his eyes.
“I respected your father, your highness, you know that. But I agree with what you’re doing and we
will abide by your wishes.”

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“Thank you, Ramon. For now, those who are in remote areas with no other supernaturals in the area,
start packing. We need to move where there would be help if there was to be another attack. I’m
going to rebuild the palace in America, pending the approval of this coven’s High Council. We can’t
stay separate anymore. We have to help and ask for help from our allies.”
“Agreed,” the woman said firmly. “We have connections with the coven here. Do you think we should
ask them for sanctuary as well?”
“Yes, but I will ask, as your King. E-mail me the name and number of who to call. I might have the
Council members here that we’ve befriended help smooth the path to asking. There is one more issue
we need to discuss. Our blood.”
“You want to let the vampires feed from us?” Ramon asked in shock.
“No, not bite us and just take a sip like we’re at their beck and call for a snack. I want to start
implementing blood donations as part of the payment for our protection. There’s no reason we can’t
give a pint every other week or whatever is healthy to keep the men and women strong that will be
assigned to protect us.”
“Agreed, as long as they understand that we’re doing this to help them as they help us, not that we’re
dinner,” the woman said carefully.
“If I may?” Ferris asked hesitantly.
“Everyone, this is my mate, Ferris Braden, one of the warriors of this coven. The mountain of a man
is our other mate, Onah, who is a warrior for the fae.” He turned and winced. “I apologize for not
introducing you both. I’m—”
“Dealing with a great tragedy and making sure your people are safe first before all else,” I said,
interrupting him. “We understand and would never take offense. We’re here for whatever you need,
“Thank you,” he said, getting choked up. “I wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for you both. I’d be
frozen with grief.”
“No you wouldn’t,” Ferris whispered as he pulled Ry into his arms. I joined them, both of us kissing
his head before we focused back on the people on the screen. “What I wanted to say is that in general,
vampires are very respectful of the blood that keeps us alive. I can’t say that about everyone because
there’s always that jerk in the group.
“Especially since yours would make us stronger and faster, giving us a better chance at surviving any
fight we might have to get into, we’d respect that. I might tease Ry that he’s our kitty, because he’s
just so adorable when he shifts. But it’s not a cut against him. I’ve seen how fast and strong he is,
even against other shifters. You guys aren’t weak, at the bottom of the food chain, or simply dinner.”
“Thank you, warrior. That helps ease our minds in this difficult time. I’m not opposed to the idea.” He
focused back on Rylan then. “Is this something you will set up with the vampire leaders as well or we
should handle?”
“I will once I know if we’re allowed to join this coven. I wanted to inform you all about what
happened tonight, discuss what I was planning on doing in the aftermath, and get your feedback on the
“I support you, my King,” the woman said immediately. The others followed suit and Rylan sighed in
relief that they were in agreement.
“I will let you know what is decided tomorrow and what steps are being taken after that. We’re all in
this together and we have to talk as a community. If anyone needs anything, let me know
They all agreed and finished up their call. When it was over, Rylan turned everything off and set

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down the remote.
“Nothing will be the same now,” he whispered sadly. “The palace was our family’s home since it
was built, the symbol of our people and how far we’ve come. I stopped moving. I stopped moving
and it’s too much.”
“Shit, he’s going into shock,” Ferris growled as he swooped Rylan up into his arms. I got the door
and I raced after him. He knew the house and I didn’t. We came barreling through the kitchen door
and Ferris’s head darted around. “I need Riley. He was fine until after the call when everything
started sinking in and I think he’s going into shock.” Desmond raced over to a control panel on the
wall and punched a button, telling Riley to get up here.
“I stopped moving and it’s too much,” Rylan mumbled again as if to prove Ferris’s point again.
“We’ve lost everything and our whole way of life.”
“He just finished with the boy who was having trouble breathing,” Elena said as she gestured us over
and moved to the sink. “He said he was going to get supplies to take a blood sample from Rylan since
he agreed to it.”
I wasn’t sure what she was planning until she turned on the water, pulled out the sprayer, and turned it
on Rylan. Our mate sputtered and struggled in Ferris’s arms.
“There you are,” I sighed in relief. “You were going into shock.”
“Am I not deserving of some shock time?” he asked, his eyes filling with tears. “You couldn’t let me
have a bit to process?”
“Not that kind of shock,” Ferris answered. “Like medical shock, not healthy for you, and really
fucking scary zombie mode.”
“Oh. It didn’t seem like that to me, just everything got a little foggy as what happened tonight played
over and over again in my mind.”
“That would be shock,” a man said as he entered the kitchen. “And the longer you are in it the harder
it is to snap out of it most times.”
“Oh, sorry,” Rylan whispered, shaking his head and then pushing his hair off his face. “I’m okay now.
Well, relatively speaking, I guess.”
“I’m Dr. Riley Johnson. You must be King Rylan,” the man said as he extended his hand. Ferris set
Rylan down and they shook quickly. “I know it’s bad timing and all—”
“No it’s not,” Rylan argued, cutting him off. He started unbuttoning his torn dress shirt and slipped it
off. “You want to kill every last one of those evil fuckers as I do and you have a chance to help us all
with our blood.”
“Oh yeah, I want them to all fry,” Riley said as his fangs slid out. “They slaughtered my family when I
was a boy. Death is too easy for them.”
I saw the look Rylan shared with the doc. They were in complete and total agreement on that one.
They all had to die.

Chapter 7


When Riley was done taking a blood sample from Rylan and my mate got his people all settled

and in their guest rooms for the night, we could finally breathe. I’d already run back to Darcy’s to
pack a few bags and grab Rylan’s stuff, so that was done. One of Onah’s friends had dropped off
some stuff for him so he was all set.

Elena, Desmond, Onah, Rylan, and I, along with most of the other Mariuses and their mates, were

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sitting in the dining room. I had talked Rylan into eating something with the scotch he was intent on
And I was starving since we missed dinner.

“Rylan, stop,” I whispered when he started working on his tablet again, ignoring his food.

“Stop what?” he asked, not even looking at me.
“Stop and breathe,” Onah answered for me, both of us on the same page. “You’ve done everything
you can for tonight and more than I think anyone could fathom you would be able to do given what
you’ve been through.”
“Just one more thing,” he mumbled, shaking his head. “I’m checking to see the price of renting a cargo
plane to get everything from the palace here. There’s too much to be brought through the portal and
that back and forth through it makes me feel sick. It would be easier just to go through it to pack and
help the movers but then to have a plane fly it all over. There’s a landing strip we can use here if we
get accepted into your coven, right?”
“Yes, of course,” Desmond agreed, shooting me a worried glance.
“Enough,” I growled and snagged his tablet. Rylan gave me a dirty look but I saw his lip quivering.
“Don’t. There’s too much to do,” he whispered.
“And it will all still be there in the morning,” I said gently as I set the tablet down out of his reach.
“Just take twenty minutes to eat and relax a bit. Then we’re going to shower and head to bed.”
“I couldn’t possibly sleep tonight.”
“Who said anything about sleeping?” I drawled, wiggling my eyebrows at him.
“You think I’m interested in sex after what’s happened tonight? How can you think me so cold?” he
whispered in horror. That’s not what I’d been going for, obviously. I was more teasing him.
“It was a joke to try and make you smile but there’s nothing wrong with letting your mates distract you
and help you feel something other than loss.” He nodded, realizing he’d hurt my feelings slightly. The
three of us ate in silence while everyone else discussed other issues, getting caught up with each other
and checking in. It was nice. They were a real family who loved each other.
I wanted that one day. Granted, I knew my mates would be there for me, but we didn’t have the
comfort level yet of just being completely at ease with each other.
“I’m going to take a shower alone,” Rylan announced ten minutes later when we got to the rooms in
the residence wing Elena told us we could use. It was an actual suite on the same floor as her sons,
instead of the guest wing that were single rooms and some didn’t have their own bathroom. It was
silly but it made me feel special that she put us by her family.
“Whatever you need, Ry,” I agreed as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I sighed and
sat on the bed, smiling when Onah joined me. Taking a chance, I leaned my head on his shoulder. “I’m
worried about him.”
“I am too but there’s not much we can do beside just be here for him,” he replied as he wrapped his
arm around me. “I can’t even imagine how he’s being so efficient and driven, much less moving after
going through what he did.”
“Yeah, but he’s got people who rely on him and need him. I had no one and no goals after I lost my
family. I basically curled into a ball and cried once I got back to the warrior compound.”
“Are you ever going to tell us what happened?”
“I was planning on it eventually but we all kind of got thrown into the deep end with the attack
tonight.” I sighed when I saw he wasn’t going to let me out of telling him. “I came home from a break
in training after I passed my warriors test. My parents wanted to throw me a big party in my home
coven. It was small and peaceful and everyone truly cared about each other in my coven.

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“I smelled burning when I got close. I kicked my horse into high gear and then jumped off when I saw
some of the houses on fire. I swear I never ran so fast as I did that night to get to my family. Three
demons leapt on me when I entered my parents’ home. They knocked me out but I did some good
damage on them first. I came to tied up and they were toying with my parents and my older sister.
“I told them if they left my family alone, I would go with them and be their personal blood source. I
tried to reason with them that since I was a warrior, my blood was stronger and would make them so
as well. They didn’t buy it. Instead they told me to pick one family member and they would only kill
one if I chose. I said no and they slaughtered them all right in front of me, bathing in their blood.”
“So you know exactly what I’m going through,” Rylan whispered from the doorway of the bathroom.
I’d been so wrapped up in my memories that I didn’t even realize he was there.
“Yes, and I know that if you don’t deal with it a little at a time, it will consume you. At first all I
could do was hunt for the bastards that killed my family and once I was done with that, it was like I
had nothing and my world fell apart.”
“How did you get away?” Onah asked as he rubbed my back.
“They were cocky. The sun was coming soon so they went to ground after drinking about half my
blood. I got out of the restraints, bleeding and exhausted, climbed on my horse, and let him handle
getting me to the other warriors at the compound. I brought back help, we took care of laying my
coven to rest, and then we went on the hunt. Once they were dead I went back to the warrior
compound and basically had a breakdown that lasted six months.
“And even after I snapped out of it I was a shell of a man, grief consuming me. It took me another year
to get back into training so I’d be mission ready.” I looked at Rylan, standing there hesitantly with a
towel wrapped around his waist. “But I didn’t have help or mates, baby. You can’t keep going like
you have and not even take a breath. Your grief will build and fester until you have nothing but an
empty pit inside of you.”
“I don’t know how,” he admitted as he finished drying off.
“It will come if you don’t block it out.” He nodded as we got undressed while he slipped into bed
naked. We joined him, each of us on either side, wrapped around Rylan.
“Is it wrong that I still want to be claimed by my mates right now?” he whispered so quietly I barely
heard him.
I moved so I was looking into his gorgeous orange eyes. “No. You lost family and you’re scared. You
want to make sure you belong somewhere and will be loved. You need the comfort only your mates
can provide you.”
“Yes,” he hissed and spread his legs. I moved between them and grabbed the lube I’d left on the
nightstand just in case. I was dying to claim my mates as well and while I wouldn’t have pushed for it
with what we’d been through, that didn’t mean I wasn’t hoping for it.
I poured some lube on my fingers and handed it to Onah. “Will you take me and claim me, my mate?”
“Oh yeah,” he growled and threw off the covers. He quickly got into position after grabbing the lube
from me, slicked up his fingers, and started stretching me… All while I was getting Rylan prepared.
When we were ready, I pushed into his hole, moaning at how perfect the tightness and fit were.
“Shit,” I hissed when Onah started working his cock into me.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asked as he froze.
“No, just go slow,” I panted, the burning already starting to pass. Damn was he hung like a horse! He
eased in and out of me slowly, opening my body up little by little as Rylan stroked my cheek.
“We’re all together,” Rylan whispered before pulling my head down to his. I moaned and plundered
his sweet mouth. He moaned and Onah bottomed out inside of me. I sighed in relief. He fit. I knew

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logically he would, but when I thought of what he had between his legs penetrating my virgin ass, I
couldn’t help but worry.
“I’m going to just take a sip when you get close,” I told Rylan as we started moving together. He
nodded, mewling and yowling in pleasure as we went.
“Are you okay?” Onah whispered in my ear as he moved a hand under Rylan’s ass.
“Better. It feels good,” I groaned. “You can go faster.”
“Thank fuck,” he growled and shoved back into me on his next thrust. I cried out in pleasure and
couldn’t wait anymore. My fangs slid out and I bit Rylan’s neck. It was hard once I tasted him to only
take a little, but tonight wasn’t the night for a sex-fest. It was all about claiming, passion, comfort, and
remembering we were alive and had found each other.
Rylan screamed my name as he came, his tight hole clamping down on my cock. I lifted my head and
roared out my release, pumping my seed deep into him and inadvertently fucking myself on Onah’s
cock. It was the most pleasurable experience of my life, nothing even coming close to it.
Just as my orgasm was winding down, Onah found his and grabbed my hips roughly, pounding his
release into me. I moaned at the erotic sensation of being filled with my lover’s seed. Dear god in
heaven was it good. Nothing so pure and so full of everything good in life could be wrong.
I never did understand how people could say it went against god. If they’d ever experienced what real
love, a real connection was they wouldn’t judge anyone for what form it came in.
When he was spent, I wrapped myself around Rylan, unwilling to leave his body just yet, but making
sure to keep most of my and Onah’s weight off of him. Onah did the same to me which warmed my
“We did it. You guys can’t ever leave me now,” Rylan sobbed quietly, the stress of the day getting to
him. “I can’t do this alone. You can never leave me!”
“We’re not going anywhere, baby,” Onah said gently. He pulled out of me as I did out of Rylan before
we went back to wrapping our bodies around our smaller mate as we lay on the bed. We held him and
whispered encouraging thoughts and words of love to him as he cried for what felt like hours. Not
because it was annoying or I didn’t want to be there for him.
No, it hurt my heart to see my mate so upset. I was already falling in love with him and Onah, and
their pain was mine.
Rylan cried himself to sleep that night and part of me was simply thankful he slept at all. I curled up
around him, linking my fingers with Onah’s and staring at the man. He was so impressive and kind to
me, the strong silent type who was there for whatever anyone needed.
It didn’t hurt that he was gorgeous on a whole new level either.
* * * *

The next morning Rylan was a wreck. We did everything we could to keep him distracted,

including but not limited to a few blow jobs after dragging him somewhere private. Onah and I
understood. The fate of his people rested with the High Council meeting that morning and the

I was actually relieved when his phone started ringing with calls from contractors and possible

cargo planes to rent. But I winced when my phone rang and I saw it was Desmond’s number.

“I couldn’t get Rylan on the line so I’m assuming he’s on his phone,” he said by way of greeting.

“You need to get him down here to speak to the High Council. It’s not going how we thought it

“What do you mean?” I asked as I motioned for Onah to get the car by driving a pretend wheel.

“They want him to sign an agreement on how much blood his people will provide and make it so if

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things change and they won’t give it, they’re back out on their asses,” Desmond grumbled. “It was
different with the wolves. They’re seen as strong and fast, an asset. The fact that margays shift into a
tiny cat is clouding their judgment. Warn him that this is going to be hairy.”
“On it. Please, Desmond, just stall them and Rylan will be fabulously persuasive.”
“I’ll do my best. Elena’s chewing into them right now.” I hung up with him and grabbed Rylan’s hand,
my mate still talking away on the phone as he looked at me as if I was mad. Just as we got outside,
Onah pulled up with my SUV and we traded spots. He got in the back as Rylan climbed in the front. I
took off as soon as everyone was strapped in and while I wasn’t going a hundred miles per hour as
Rylan had in his little sports car… It was pretty damn close to that number.
“What is going on?” Ry asked me the moment he was off the phone.
“Desmond called, there’s a problem.” I quickly outlined what Desmond had told me.
“I need a gun,” he replied. I glanced at him in shock, accidentally swerving the SUV onto the shoulder
before getting it back on the road.
“You are not shooting anyone!” I exclaimed.
“No, not to shoot them,” he chuckled, rolling his eyes. “To prove a point about what kind of assets we
can be.”
“Okay, I’ll grab one from the gun hold when we get there,” I agreed quietly, meeting Onah’s gaze in
the rearview mirror. He simply shrugged. Hell if I knew what was going on either.
It was a nerve-wracking forty-minute drive but when we finally pulled up to the Council’s compound,
I was almost jittery. We quickly hopped out and I showed them where the gun hold was. Rylan picked
out what he wanted and I signed it out.
When we got to the Council’s official courtroom, Onah took over, having grown up with a monarchy
and knowing what to do.
He knocked sharply three times and opened the door. “King Rylan Zeev of the margays.” Rylan gave
him a grateful nod and strolled right in, the gun tucked into the back of his dress pants.
“Thank you for coming, King Rylan,” Elena said loudly as she stood.
“You invited him?” Councilman Abbot growled. “How are we supposed to have a private meeting
and discuss this openly with him here?”
“You can still discuss it openly, Councilman,” Rylan answered smoothly. “I am simply here to be a
firsthand source to any and all questions you might have. If you wish me to step outside after I’m done
to make your final points and decision, I would understand that completely. I simply agreed with
Councilwoman Marius that since I hadn’t the chance to tell her all that my people can bring to your
coven, it would be difficult to paint an accurate picture.”
“I didn’t know there was more,” the Councilman hedged as his expression changed to something more
“Do you always show your full hand when dealing with people you aren’t sure are your friends?”
Rylan asked with a chuckle. “The vampires haven’t thrived by giving away all their secrets. The only
thing I ask is until we come to a decision that everything I say be kept in the strictest of confidences.”
They all glanced at each other and nodded. “You have our agreement to that, your highness,”
Desmond said with a slight smile. “What didn’t we know to tell the High Council?”
Rylan smiled and grabbed a pen from a nearby table and walked toward the far wall, pausing when
he saw Queen Magdalena. “My apologies, your highness. I didn’t know you would be here or I would
have greeted you formally.”
“Since we are now part of this coven, I was given a High Council seat,” she explained, giving Rylan
a wink. “We’re past formalities, my dear Rylan.”

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“I’m glad you feel that way. I can’t stand such protocols once becoming friends with someone.”
“You’re not like your father,” Councilman James hedged as he glanced between them.
“No,” Rylan chuckled, shaking his head. “My father, god grant him peace, was pompous and elitist.
He was a good man who cared greatly for his people and loved his family but a few hundred years of
being treated like the bottom of the food chain by other supernaturals drove him to start seeing things
differently. We argued on many things, including the fact we were so secluded and stayed out of the
fight against enemies.”
“You believed that demons were a threat to you as well?” Elena asked, already having known the
“I believe that what is a threat against anyone in our world is a threat against all, Councilwoman.”
She nodded her approval and he walked over to the wall, marking it with the pen. I couldn’t even see
the dot he’d put on there given I was about fifty feet away.
Rylan ran across the room, moving faster than I’d ever seen a shifter go.
“We heard you were faster than the wolves,” Councilman James said with wide eyes. “I couldn’t
even see you. One minute you were there and then you were across the room.”
“We’re small but we are the fastest breed of shifter there is,” he explained before turning to Onah and
me. “How many demons did I kill yesterday?”
“Dozens,” I answered, shocked at the point he was keeping up. “I lost count but I would say as many
as I did. You were accurate in every shot and your gun handling excellent.”
“Thank you, my mate.” He gave me a smile and in a flash, pulled out the gun, aiming it faster than I
could see, and fired until the clip was empty. We all watched as bullet after bullet struck the exact
same spot on the wall. “None of you could see that dot I put on there, could you?”
“No, and I’m not all that far away,” Desmond said, his eyes wide. “You could see it?”
“Margays have hypervision, so just like vampires have a gift they can use as they want, we have
some. I saw it like it was right in front of me when I focused and used my vision like that.”
“Impressive but I’m not sure that would be a benefit, Rylan,” Queen Magdalena said slowly. “I’m
assuming there’s more to your point.”
“Always, your highness.” He gave her a wink and smiled as he moved back into the center of their
seats so they could all see him. “My mate said my weapons handling was impressive.” He glanced
over to me then. “How much training do you think I’ve had with guns? We went to the gun hold and I
picked this one up, knew how to check it, and turn on the safety, right?”
I thought about that for a moment, realizing there was a point he wanted me to make so I went with
complete honesty. “I’ve seen warriors after they complete training handle a weapon like that. You’ve
been taught well.”
“I haven’t been taught at all, my dear mate,” Rylan chuckled, giving me a wink. “Yesterday was the
first time I picked up a gun.”
“That’s not possible,” I gasped, my eyes going wide.
“It is when you can look at something mechanical and simply ‘get it.’ It’s just how our brains work
along with our sight. I can look at a computer, open it up, and it’s exactly what I saw in my mind when
I see it.” He faced the High Council again. “I was told about your ultraviolet bullets and security. You
show that to one of my people and we can improve on it with barely a thought.
“We’re very artistic and with that comes a certain degree of thinking outside the box. We play with
something, like a puzzle, until it’s more effective. We just didn’t know about the ability to harness
sunlight.” He took a deep breath before saying his next point. “I met with Bas and his grandmother
last night because Onah had told Ferris and I that the demons are starting to kidnap shifters.”

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“Yes, we know about that and his honor was supposed to discuss something with us today but the
issue of whether to let your people in our coven last night or not came first,” Councilman Abbot said
curiously. “What do you know about that?”
“I know why they aren’t going after the wolves,” Rylan drawled. “Certain shifters’ blood, and I won’t
tell you which ones and betray their confidence without speaking to them first, allows demons to walk
in the sun. The effect wears off as their blood leaves their system and they won’t be able to walk
down the Vegas strip in the middle of the day, but they won’t burst into flames from the sun.
“It’s a good point to bring up since you really won’t want my people falling into their hands and
losing that advantage over them. That’s what I was discussing with Barnabas last night, at great
personal risk. My father didn’t want anyone to know because if it was common knowledge with the
vampires and if there was a traitor or someone turned demon, then we’d be the first ones they’d come
after. You want us on your side.”
“That sounded like a vague threat,” Councilman James accused. “Are you saying if we don’t let you
in the coven you’ll make a deal with the demons?”
“They just murdered my parents and people who I grew up with, my best friend and godson
included,” Rylan said with a growl. “I’m not going anywhere near the demons unless it’s to kill them.
If that’s how you took my comment, it was not my intention but don’t you accuse me of being willing
to align with those monsters.”
“I’m sorry, you’re right. I just thought the implication of a threat was in your tone.”
“No, I don’t threaten to get my way.” Rylan took a deep breath and calmed back down. “Are there any
other questions?”

Chapter 8


“We were considering letting your people into our coven and providing security if you agree to a

certain amount of blood donation. A safe amount of course and we’d need to discuss it with Dr.
Johnson as to what that means, but nothing that leaves your people weak or hurting,” Councilman
James said easily. “It would be a contract of your providing the blood to be in our coven and if it
stopped, the contract would end and you would no longer be allowed here.”

“First off, I could buy land around here and build no matter what you decide,” I said darkly, rage

boiling inside of me even though I’d been aware of what they’d wanted. “The Queen has already
offered help in any form so if we had problems, her warriors would come to our aid. Is that not what
we discussed, your highness?”

“Yes, yes we did, King Rylan,” she answered, smiling widely. I wanted to pump my fist in the air.

“But here I am, going through the proper channels, making sure to not step on any toes, and offering
something from my people to help the community. And you’re going to treat us like food?”
“That’s not what I said—”
“No, sir, but you know very well that’s what you’re asking. We provide the amount of blood you
specify or we’re out. That’s not a community. That’s not how a pack or coven works if we are to
survive the threat on all of us. We would gain safety being in your coven and just as we benefit I
wanted to make sure you as a people did too. I thought up a way to make your warriors stronger as
your own doctor has tried.
“You were told that our blood doesn’t have the libido side effect and now you want to require it of us
like cattle providing meat. I will not degrade my people like that and nor should I be asked to. We

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have other covens offering us a place with them for all that we bring to the table. You have a coven of
artists that just joined your ranks, did you not?”
“Yes we did,” Elena agreed, her expression approving of how I was handling this.
“Ask me one of the many ways my people make their fortunes?”
“I’ll play,” the Queen chuckled. “How are your people so wealthy, King Rylan?”
“We own most of the art galleries around the world, taking different names for them but all under
several corporations. My people are artistic and we sell what we create. I personally have a
multimillion-dollar deal with Ikea to provide them with my photographs that they turn into prints.
They sell by the thousands because of the eye I have and the way I can see things. We have sculptors
that can make a perfect replica of anyone here in a day.
“Do you have any idea how much an art collector pays for such a thing? My mother’s Italian
landscapes went for five figures a painting and if she got the whim over a weekend, she could create
dozens of them. That’s who my people are. And they are loyal. Pompous at times, and not without
pride, but the moment I asked them if they’d be willing to donate blood to help the fight we were now
entering with the demons they had only one question.”
I looked to Ferris then, hoping he would stand up for me when I needed him. It was silly to even have
wondered. My mate would do the right thing and was loyal to a fault the way I’d witnessed some
people treating him.
“Their only concern was whether we’d look at them as only food or not. I assured them that vampires
were better than that, more appreciative and noble than that. But apparently I was wrong and with all
due respect, the High Council is forgetting one major point.”
“What’s that, Ferris?” Councilman Abbot asked hesitantly, not sure where this conversation was
“The King is my mate. He’s already part of this coven under our laws.”
“That’s not the debate, Ferris. We recognize him as your mate and he’s welcome. This is about all his
people who want sanctuary.”
I smiled widely at him, that smile promising that he was going to be rewarded later. “Might I see this
law? I wonder something.”
“Of course you can,” Elena answered quickly before someone else could deny me. I needed to know
one thing before I tried a different approach. I didn’t want to burn this bridge that had been created
with some of the coven already. She stood and walked over to a row of bookshelves, reading the
sides for a moment, and pulled one out. As she walked to me, she flipped through it and glanced over
some pages before smiling. “Here is the section in our laws about mates automatically becoming part
of any coven the vampire resides in.”
“Thank you, Elena. Oh, and I heard Remus say he accidently broke one of your favorite vases. Bevin
is a wonderful glassblower and the designs he comes up with would complement any room. I’m sure
he’d love to show you his collection at the palace when we go to pack it up.”
“I do like well-crafted vases and glasswork,” she agreed, giving me a wink. “Thank you, your
highness. That’s very kind of you.”
“Says the woman who welcomes sixty people in her home at the drop of a hat. You’re amazing,
Elena.” I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before accepting the book from her. I looked it over for a
moment, desperate to find what I needed. My eyes practically bugged out of my head with what I
found instead. I couldn’t help my reaction, joy filling me in epic proportions. I threw back my head
and laughed until I had to set the book down and grabbed my sides.
“What is so funny?” Councilman James growled. I tried to calm down but every time I took a breath,

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I’d just start laughing again.
Elena shrugged and went back to the book. “I don’t know. It says, anyone mated to a vampire and
consummated the mating will be allowed into the vampire’s home coven. Along with the mate, any
family said mate might have, not limited to blood-related children, but also anyone that is deemed
dependent on said mate.

“I’m King,” I gasped as I wiped tears out of my eyes. I took another deep breath before explaining.
“All my people are dependent on me as your people depend on your High Council. This whole
meeting is a moot point. My people are already in your coven, our mating has been consummated.”
“Why is that still so funny?” Elena asked me as the rest of the High Council whispered.
“Because I was looking to see if your laws covered my baby brother. Worse case I would give you or
the Queen guardianship over him if I had to leave with my people to check out our other options. And
then I read that,” I answered.
“You’d give up your own brother?” Bas asked, hushing everyone else with a wave of his hand.
“Because Queen Magdalena and Elena Marius gave my brother a look I knew well, having seen it on
my own mother’s face many times. They would protect Paolo with their very lives if it came down to
that. I would as well, but if we find another home, there will be growing pains and I wouldn’t have
the immediate support I’ve found here. Yes, I’d temporarily give him up to make sure he was safe. I
love him and that means doing whatever is necessary to make sure he lives.”
“Anyone want to deny a King with that kind of devotion and his people into our coven?” Bas asked,
smiling like the cat who ate the canary. Everyone shook their heads and some seemed relieved that the
issue was over. “Good. King Rylan, I hereby decree that you and any of your people who wish to
reside in this coven as full members of the community can. Welcome, Ry.”
“Thanks, Bas. And my offer to supply your warriors with blood still stands.”
“Why would you do that when our own laws let you into this coven?” Councilman James asked,
looking at me with a whole new respect.
“Because I meant what I said about community. For all my people’s faults, we believe in pack. There
is nothing we won’t give to help someone in our pack and our blood can help the people we are to
live and fight side by side with. And I will grant Brian and Banning O’Hagan the additional land they
need to keep providing food to this coven now that your numbers have more than doubled.”
And just like that, it was over.
We stuck around for a little bit, mostly thanking Elena, Desmond, Queen Magdalena, and Bas for their
help. After that, the next madness began. As Ferris drove to the farm I wanted to buy, I was emailing
the heads of the packs of my people, letting them know what had happened. I also got several e-mails
from Desmond’s friends that my people were welcome to join their covens.
I’d have to look into each of those covens, but for now, I gave the packs closest to those covens
permission to approach them. Of course, I added that I wanted to be kept in the loop on what was
going on and to let me know of any issues immediately.
When we got to the farm, I smiled at the nice older couple who were kind enough to not balk at the
fact that we just dropped in and didn’t even call.
“Again, I apologize for coming unannounced. When your neighbors told me you might be selling your
land, they didn’t mention an asking price.”
“The man we talked to at the realtor’s office told us we should ask for a million two,” he answered.
“But we haven’t signed with them yet so we’d be willing to go slightly lower to not have to pay the
commission fee.”

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I nodded, appreciating their honesty and knowing that was still low for the worth of this land given it
was very fertile from the crops we’d seen. “May I ask why you’re selling? I can see you’ve put a lot
of love into the land and your home.”
“Our son died overseas last year,” the woman whispered. “We were always going to give it to him
but now there’s no one. His wife doesn’t want it, and we can’t keep it going until our grandson might
want it.”
“I’m very sorry for your loss,” I said gently. “I lost my parents recently. That’s why I’m moving. The
warring going on has left my home unsafe for my people.”
“Are you like the nice boys with the fangs?” she asked as if it was no big deal. I almost fell off my
chair as my head snapped to Ferris. He shook his, signaling they weren’t in the loop. “Oh please. I’ve
lived on this land all my life. Most of the town knows about the vampires but they’re not the ones of
legend and they’re some of the nicest people we’ve ever met. We won’t ever tell anyone.”
“I’m not a vampire. I’m a margay shifter, but yes, that’s why. The same enemy the vampires fight
slaughtered my parents yesterday. I need to move my people and keep them safe.”
“I’m sorry for you. No one should ever have to go through losing someone they loved like that. I like
the idea of our land helping people who need refuge, but I need to know if you will still use it for
farming. It’s such good, nutrient-rich land, that it seems a waste to only build on it,” the man asked
“Part of it I’m going to give to the vineyard next door. There will be extensive gardens as my mother
had and lots of the land will be kept intact because we’re a people of nature and need to run.
Basically I’m going to try and recreate the palace my parents had in Italy as much as I can here
without drawing too much suspicion.”
“Good, that sets our minds at ease. Is the price acceptable or should we talk turkey?”
“No, it’s not enough. I’ll give you three million and you can set up your grandson for life after you
travel and enjoy the world after working so hard all your lives.” They both stared at me with wide
eyes for several minutes and I felt the need to squirm. “Or, if you want to. It was just a suggestion.”
“This isn’t a prank?” she whispered and I realized the shock was for the money.
“No, ma’am. I’ll call your attorney and have the money wired in an escrow account in five minutes if
you want.”
“Oh we won’t be ready to move right away.”
“Take all the time you need. This part of the property I was going to give to your neighbors anyways.
I was hoping for a tour for the rest of your land to see the best building site. You don’t have to leave
now as long as we can start building and getting crews out here.”
They shared a glance and smiled at me. “We have a deal.”
We shook on it and then the man gave us a quick tour. I found the perfect site, by a large stream, and
smiled. My mother would have loved this place.
When that was done, I called my lawyer and gave him the contact name and number of their lawyer
and said I wanted it done immediately so the couple knew this was a real deal. After that it was a
flurry of setting up appointments with builders and warning them it would be a very fast, immediate,
and large project even though winter was coming.
Then we stopped over at Brian and Banning’s and told them what I was doing. I apologized for
having eavesdropped but since I didn’t know them then, it wasn’t like I’d been doing it to buy the land
out from under them. They were very gracious about it and happy to have the extra land they needed.
Next it was a meeting with the survivors from the attack on the palace telling them everything that was
going on. I named Bevin my advisor, much to his shock. His first order of business was to coordinate

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the packing of the palace with our people and the Queen’s help.
After that, I went to go check on my brother, thanking Cynthia once again for her help. I’d have to get
a full-time nanny because there was no way I’d be able to take care of him like he needed and be
King and be a good mate. It just wasn’t happening. I asked Elena Marius if she wouldn’t mind asking
around if anyone with experience was looking for the work. She agreed and by then it was so far past
lunch, I realized my stomach and head hurt.
I hadn’t even gotten breakfast. We ate and checked in with everyone, making sure there were no
issues. But then I was exhausted. Like bone-weary, mind-numbingly exhausted and I ended up falling
asleep at the table in the middle of a conversation with my mates and checking e-mail. Smooth move,
I know.
* * * *

Over the next week Rylan got more done than most people I knew could in months. At first he was

set on doing it all himself, but after Onah and I pinned him down and fucked him all night long when
he told us no we didn’t need to help yet again… He changed his tune. And he did it with a big smile
on his face.

Onah, who had been trained as our idea of a medic on this plane, took over the blood donations.

Riley had said the margays would not feel any effects with their heightened healing abilities if they
donated once a week or every other week.

I was Rylan’s new liaison with the covens closest to the other margay packs. Granted, not all

wanted to help and get involved, but I was proud of most of my people. They were willing to jump
right in and welcome the margays into their households. It was a lot of hard work and schmoozing I
wasn’t used to but at the end of the day I was still doing my duty as a warrior.

Which was keeping people safe.

We’d also been invited to have dinner with Emmett and Travis at the warrior compound where they
were staying until their house was finished being built. It was nice to relax with two men I thought of
as my friends and let my mates get to know them. Both of them had gone and let Ayden help them and
they were stronger for it. Sure, Travis was still a jealous newly mated vampire, but they both were
handling things better.
I was just glad Emmett was learning that real friends don’t just turn to each other only when they need
help. He’d started texting me every so often, updating me on the house or telling me something crazy
that happened.
“I don’t have to worry about the fact you’re always texting another man, do I?” Rylan asked quietly a
week and a day after his parents were killed. We were visiting the site of the new palace, already
having approved blueprints as the sale of the land was done. They were making amazing progress and
Rylan was sparing no expense to build the place right.
“No, baby,” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him. “I love Emmett. He’s a good friend who
helped me when I needed it and we’ve had some ups and downs but we’re working through it. But
there are only two men who I’m in love with and have given my heart to.”
“I love you guys too,” he sighed and I smiled at Onah over his shoulder. The grin on the huge man’s
face lit up the whole day.
“Really? I’m not the only one?” Rylan giggled as we shook our heads. Onah gave out a loud whoop
and raced over to us, lifting us both up as if we weighed nothing. He spun us around and I started to
feel nauseous. “I love you both so much.”
“And now that the Queen reversed the effects of your blood on vampires, I can drink from both the

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sexy men I love,” I teased as he set us down. There had been so much going on but that had been a
priority to him. When he’d asked me to drink from him, he’d been crushed when I’d said no. He
hadn’t been around when everyone found out what fae blood did to vampires.
He understood when I’d explained it to him, but he’d wanted to go wake the Queen up and get it fixed
right in that moment. Never mind it had been two in the morning and she probably would have zapped
our asses for disturbing her. Luckily, Rylan and I had talked him out of it and set up an appointment
with her the next day when we woke up.
“Glad you’re so excited, Onah,” Rylan teased as he snuggled in both our arms. “What do you think of
our new home so far?”
“I think it was genius to dismantle parts of the palace and bring it over here to be put in the new one,”
he answered quietly. I nodded my agreement. Last week when we’d gone to bury the margays’ dead
and hold a service for them, and then Rylan pledging his oath as the new King, everyone had been so
sad to leave the old palace behind.
The next thing I knew, Rylan was calling in Italian workers to pull up the marble floors, safely
remove columns, and a bunch of other building materials that had made the palace. He said that he’d
never be able to sell the land anyways because too many people would question what the palace had
been for. Plus, it was his family’s land and he didn’t want it gone before Paolo could grow up to
appreciate it.
He’d talk about when the war with the demons was over that we’d build some luxurious summer
home there that any supernatural being who’d helped in the fight could go enjoy.
I didn’t have the heart to tell him the war with the demons had been going on since before I was born
and would probably always be fought. But I was pretty sure he knew that and it was his way of
dealing with leaving his homeland. Who knew? Maybe the fight would end one day and we’d be
Either way, as long as I had Rylan and Onah, I’d keep up the good fight.
“After the foundation is in and the frame of the house is put up, Tyler agreed to help me put in several
secret escape passages. If we’d had some of those, the attack from the demons wouldn’t have gone the
way it did. We need to be prepared for every contingency. He said we can do that while the builders
are working on the roof of the palace and then when we’re done they should be too and we can start
moving in.”
“How long are they estimating before it’s done?” I asked, eyeing over how far they’d already come.
The stone foundation and extensive basement were finished. Now they were working on the outer
walls of the main floor.
“Two to three weeks,” he answered with a bright smile. “Finding a vampire building crew that could
fit us in was lucky as fuck. They move so damn fast and no one has to feel awkward because humans
are around.”
“But you got humans in Italy excavating materials at the old palace. Won’t that raise questions?” I
didn’t have a problem with humans. But I’d learned that people, whether they be human, vampire, or
any other kind, liked to talk.
“Nope, Caleb set that one up. There were several fae builders who went over to Greece that were
looking for work. The Queen let them in the palace and then magically sealed it back up. We’ve got a
crew getting the materials out, and another helping my people pack up all the history in that palace.
All the while, several of the warriors agreed to stay there and be security for the project.”
Just then a man came running over to us with a big smile. “Your highness, if you can find us some
lights so we can keep working tonight, my crew has agreed to keep going. We figure if the weather

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holds out on the nicer days before we end up with snow, might as well work the extra hours.”
“I will get them here. Are you sure your men aren’t pushing too hard? I don’t want anyone hurt,”
Rylan replied gently.
“No way,” the man chuckled. “The blood you gave us this morning will keep us going into the night.
I’ve never felt so energized. We had to adjust our normal working habits because my guys kept
accidentally throwing stone with their newfound strength, but we figured out how to compensate.”
“Good. We’ve got another shipment of it coming in tomorrow.” Rylan had gotten all his packs to
donate blood for the workers and ship it out to get the palace done as quickly as possible. Next week
they’d start giving it to the covens they were staying in to help them. But until then, they had all been
more than happy to get stuck with a needle to see the new palace built. To them it meant their people
were safe and going to make it so they all jumped in to help.
The man nodded and headed back to the site.
“We have some lights in the warrior compound’s garage,” I said, wanting to keep that smile on my
mate’s face. “I’ll get some guys to help me bring them over.”
“You guys are the best,” Rylan purred, rubbing up against us. “What would I do without you?”
“You’ll never have to find out, baby,” Onah said and I couldn’t agree more.

Chapter 9

One Month Later Onah

“And this is Paolo in his fairy costume,” I said like a proud papa as I passed around one of the

dozens of shots Rylan had taken of his baby brother from his first Halloween. “Rylan said it was
important for his brother to appreciate all the different people in his family.”

“I’ve never seen a boy dressed in a Tinker Bell costume before,” Elena Marius chuckled. We

were all in one of the larger drawing rooms in the new palace. It wasn’t fully decorated yet and
everyone hadn’t unpacked, but it was built and habitable. “He is the cutest baby. Cutest one ever next
to my sons and granddaughter of course.”

“Of course,” I agreed with a snicker as I rubbed my fingers over Paolo’s cheek as he cooed from

my lap. I knew he was Rylan’s brother, but to me, he was my son. And he would want for nothing
ever and always know he was loved. We’d found a permanent nanny for him, Katrina, who also used
to work in a human grammar school and could teach Paolo when he was ready.

He was the smartest baby ever though. He was already playing games and doing things that were

for kids three years old and he wasn’t even a year old yet. His birthday was in January and I knew we
were going to throw him a party like the coven had never seen.
“He needs a pony,” I mumbled, having remembered seeing it on the television that a man said every
child wanted a pony.

“No, no ponies for him,” Rylan chuckled, shaking his head. “Maybe once he’s old enough to ride

it you can get him one and we can teach him.”

“Fine, but if he asks for one when he starts talking, he’s getting one,” I replied with a pout.

Everyone laughed at that and Paolo clapped his hands and giggled as if he had any clue what was
going on. Did I mention how cute he was?

“Your highness, have I mentioned lately how much I love that portal of yours?” Ferris said before

stuffing himself with another piece of freshly caught, grilled with garlic, calamari. “And the chef we
have just knows how to prepare everything. I swear I’m going to get fat.”

“We keep you on a strict workout regimen,” Rylan purred, eyeing over our mate. “Eat away, my

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“I have to agree with you, Ferris,” she said as she popped a piece in her mouth as well. “The portal
was always for necessity if someone needed to cross onto this plane. It’s brought me such joy to use it
for something fun like this. And when Elena told me about those Alaskan King crabs she loved, we
had such fun going to get some.”
“Yes and luckily Damian got me that GPS contraption that shows positions in real time so you didn’t
open the portal right into the middle of their village or over the ocean,” Elena added.
“Did we ever feast when we got them back. I thought Desmond was going to pass out in shock as we
brought bushel after bushel through the portal.”
“It was partially shock and partially hunger,” Desmond joked.
Rylan smiled as more guests were shown into the drawing room. My mate had insisted that we have a
massive Thanksgiving Day dinner. He said his mother always threw one for All Saints’ Day and it
was something spectacular, but since he now lived in America, he wanted his people to embrace our
culture. And since so many of his people already lived here, he wanted to let them know that their
traditions were now sacred to him.
He was talking to some of the wolves when there was a loud crash. Everyone raced over to the noise
only to find little Mikey crying because he’d broken one of the art pieces on display. Rylan had made
the drawing room into a showroom basically so everyone could enjoy the beauty that his people
created. He said it would be a great way for the margays to get commissioned projects and simply
share the art.
“I just wanted to touch the pretty blue inside,” Mikey wailed. “And now Mommy’s gonna be mad!”
“It was just an accident,” Susan said with a sigh. She picked her son up. “I’ll pay or work off
whatever the price was. I’m so sorry about that, your highness.”
“Not at all, accidents happen,” Bevin replied instead. He waited until Mikey was watching him and
bumped another one of his pieces with his elbow, his mouth going wide in pretend shock when it
broke on the floor. “See? We all bump into things and break them.”
“You don’t hate me for breaking your stuff?” Mikey asked as he wiped his eyes.
“No way, pint size!” Bevin exclaimed as he leaned in and blew a raspberry on Mikey’s cheek. “I’ll
tell you what. If you ask us if there’s anything you want to look at before just touching what’s fragile,
I’ll make you a hanging blue crystal set for your window.”
“But my room is the Batcave. Can the Batcave have that?” he asked in awe, his eyes begging for
Bevin to say yes.
“There are lots of caves in Italy that are full of crystals and pretty things. I know Batman wouldn’t
have a problem with that.”
Problem solved. Mikey wanted Bevin to hold him after that and spent most of the time before dinner
on the man’s hip. The glass was cleaned up and no harm done. The more I got to know Bevin, the
more I liked the man. He was smart, funny, and loyal to Rylan and that made me relieved that my mate
had such an advisor.
We sat down to dinner at the great table that had been dismantled and shipped from the palace in Italy
and rebuilt here. Rylan stood and tapped his glass with a fork, smiling out at all our guests.
“I’d like to thank you for joining us at our first Thanksgiving in our new home. You all have become
so much more than people who were there for us when we needed you. I honestly can say that we are
all friends here and I see everyone at this table as my extended family. We couldn’t have survived
and found a new home without you. This feast is for you.”
There were several cheers that went up and everyone was all smiles as we dug into the delicious

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meal. A good time was had by all and when the night was over, they all left with full stomachs. Ferris
and I helped clean up, the palace not having a full staff yet. Plus, we weren’t raised with having
servants, so for us it was normal to help out after a meal.
“Where’s Rylan?” Ferris asked me when we were done. We shared a concerned glance and quickly
started looking for him.
“You would have loved it, Mother,” Rylan was saying when we found him in his study.
The first thing he’d had done when we’d moved in was hang a family portrait that his mother had
painted from one of his pictures after Paolo was born. My heart wept for him because this wasn’t the
first time we’d walked in on him talking to the painting. Maybe it would have been strange to some,
but with his family’s tomb back in Italy, it wasn’t like he could visit their graves to be near them and
talk to them.
“Everyone was happy and enjoyed the feast,” he continued, none the wiser that we were standing
there. “It was a party worthy of your seal of approval. And Paolo was all smiles, enchanting everyone
as you did. Father, the rest of the packs have moved to safe locations. I will protect our people so a
tragedy like what happened to you never occurs again. The covens are happy to have such talented
people with them.
“And they’re thrilled over the strength they get from our blood. I’ve been very careful with that
though, checking in regularly and making sure no one treats our people as food. It really doesn’t seem
to be a problem though. The vampires are wonderful. I just got word that another of our people found
their mate in the coven they moved into. Isn’t that wonderful? There’s joy and love blossoming out of
the terror and fear that made us have to move.
“It gives me hope that our people will thrive and call their new covens home one day. I know I’ll
never forget you both, and neither will your people. I’ll make sure Paolo hears about you all the time
and will know the kind of people you were. I hope you’re smiling down from heaven at the way my
mates have taken on the role of his fathers though. They love him so much. You should see the way
they dote on Paolo.
“I’m sorry you never got to meet my mates. You would have liked them. They are good men and have
done so much for the people you love and for me. I wouldn’t have survived losing you without them.
Every day they give me strength and show me how special I am to them. I know all you ever wanted
was for me to be happy. It’s not been easy and the road ahead is long and a lot of work has to be
accomplished. But with them, I’m happy every minute of it.”
“So are we,” Ferris said quietly. “And I’m sorry we never got to meet them either. They raised a fine
man and the way you talk about them I think we would have loved to have them as in-laws.”
“Thank you for saying that,” Rylan whispered, turning to face us as he wiped tears off his cheeks. “I
meant every word. I love you both so much and need you more than I need air. You smile and you take
my breath away. You laugh and my heart feels as light as the clouds in the sky. You touch me and my
skin turns ablaze and I want nothing but to be in your arms as you love on me.”
I smiled and closed the distance between us, wrapping an arm around Rylan. “You mean like this?” I
breathed against his ear before kissing that hot spot for him under his neck. “Does this get you hot,
“Yes, so hot,” he mewled as he held on to me tightly. “Take me to our bed, my strong, sexy mate.”
“You never have to ask me that twice,” I growled as I swung him up into my arms. Ferris gave us both
a heated look and followed me out of the study and up the stairs. The rooms Rylan had had designed
for us were gorgeous but yet, very much us. The moment I had walked into them, even before any of
the furniture had been brought in, I knew it was home.

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Ferris and I ripped off his clothes as we entered our rooms, not even making it to the bed yet. Rylan
yowled and squirmed in my arms. I moaned in delight when I saw he was hard, leaking, and wanting
“I want one of you on each end and then switch afterwards,” he begged as we got onto the bed and
surrounded him. “I need to feel you both inside of me tonight.”
“Done and done,” Ferris agreed, moving to the head of the bed as I flipped Rylan over. I moaned as I
saw the plug already in our mate. “Someone was planning to seduce us tonight.”
“We have a lot of places left in the palace to christen,” he purred as he helped Ferris undo his pants.
“And leave the clothes on. I love when I’m naked, at your mercy, and you both are still dressed. It
makes me feel so erotically sexy and desired.”
“I’m okay with that,” I said, clearing my throat loudly. I loved the picture our mate always painted for
us with what he wanted. Besides, I didn’t know if I could wait to undress before I was inside of him.
I watched as Rylan lapped at Ferris’s cock, teasing our mate to the point his chest was heaving. I
slapped Rylan’s pert ass hard and he made happy mewling noises. “Suck that cock all the way down
your throat. We’re giving you what you want so no teasing.”
“Yes, my love.” He did as I ordered immediately and I yanked the plug out of his tight ass, smiling
when I saw there was more than enough slick left over for me to enter him. I grabbed his hips firmly
and thrust my cock into him hard. Rylan loved to feel the need and undying passion when we took
him. And he always wanted more.
“I love the way my gorgeous mate looks when he sucks my cock,” Ferris praised as I felt Rylan’s hole
twitch at the compliment.
“Brace your hands on the bed, baby. This is going to be a hard ride,” I warned. He moaned and
moved his hands from Ferris’s thighs to the bedding as I wanted. The moment he did, I started
pounding into his perfect body. “Such a good mate. So strong, so smart, and so loving. You were
wonderful tonight, Ry. We were both proud of you and the way you made all our guests so welcome
in our home.”
“And you’ve made it a wonderful home,” Ferris agreed. “It might not be unpacked fully yet, but it’s
home. We have everything we need here and then some and all because you smelled your mate
driving that little car. I’m so glad you did.”
Rylan nodded his head, letting us know he felt the same way. It didn’t take me long until I was ready
to blow. I reached down and stroked Rylan’s cock in time with my thrusts. He went wild, burying his
face against Ferris’s body. Our baby blew first and then Ferris. Once my mates were taken care of, I
let my own orgasm find me. I cried out their names as I pumped my seed deep into his sweet ass.
“I love you both,” I panted when I was spent. Rylan let Ferris’s dick go with a loud pop.
“As we love you,” Ry purred. He moved quick as a flash, pulling off my cock, knocking Ferris back
to the bed, and sitting on his dick. Then he leaned back until his mouth was directly in front of my
groin. “I’m feeling kinky and I want to ride his fat cock tonight.”
“It’s such a hardship that we have being mated to you,” I drawled as I grabbed my dick and moved it
into his mouth. Rylan moaned as he started swirling his hips.
“Do that thing I love, baby,” Ferris pleaded as he propped himself up on his elbows to watch the
show. Rylan gave me a wink and started moving his hips faster than we could even keep up with. “Oh
fuck, Ry. Jesus, you know how to please a man. Ride that cock all night, baby!”
“It’s like getting three blow jobs at once,” I groaned as I massaged my balls. “Scream for us, Ry, and
I’ll let you tie me down tomorrow and fuck me with your toys.” My mate lost his rhythm as his eyes
went wide. He and Ferris had had so much fun when I was on display, at their mercy, and begging for

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attention. Fate knew how much I’d enjoyed it. They’d brought me off at least seven times that night
until I’d passed out in pleasure.
Ferris moaned at the idea and Rylan went back to moving faster than we could see. I blew in no time,
shooting deep down his throat as he swallowed everything I had to give him. Ferris roared out his
release and shot deep into our kitty. I pulled out of Rylan’s mouth, yanked him off our spent mate, and
fucked him once more just for good measure.
“I never get tired of how strong you both are and the places you take my body,” he cooed once we
were both spent. I chuckled as I moved him next to Ferris and curled up around Rylan’s back.
“I told you. We’ll just have to suffer through it. It’s such a sacrifice to take care of our mate,” I teased.
“Be nice or we won’t give you a dozen orgasms this time,” he threatened as he slapped my hip. We
shared a laugh before drifting off into a peaceful sleep in each other’s arms.
Always in each other’s arms where we belonged.

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Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few horses, and find a couple of

cowboys or pool boys of her own. A lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books;
vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, military . . . It’s all good! She loves to get lost in fantasy that only
books can bring. Her wide interest in reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories,
romance, or mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a vampire from Anne
Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.
For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit www.bookstrand.com/joyee-flynn

Siren Publishing, Inc. www.SirenPublishing.com


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