20=Beyond the Marius Brothers 7 Clove Sutherland

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Beyond the Marius Brothers 7

Clove Sutherland

It’s always important to Clove to support the people he cares about. So when his lover, Elan, asks for a favor, he agrees… Which leads
to them backing up Caven on an interview.

Waiting with the people closest to him for the Alpha his friend Mareo talked him into meeting, Kinkade Wolfram is floored when he
smells his mate among them.

Jordy was trying to fit in with his new pack by working for Caven and ends up at Clove’s new house because of it. Unfortunately,
Kinkade hates everything that is a Kappa, and refuses to acknowledge Jordy as his mate.

Torn between them, Clove has to figure out how to make his family whole before his heart is broken. Can Kinkade get over his issues
with Kappas and see his past for what it really was? Or will three individuals fated to be mates with each other end up two separate
couples under the same roof?

Note: This book is written in first-person point of view.


Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Vampires/Werewolves


36,167 words

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Beyond the Marius Brothers 7

Joyee Flynn



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Joyee Flynn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-974-5

First E-book Publication: May 2013

Cover design by P and N Graphics
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher



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Beyond the Marius Brothers 7


Copyright © 2013

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Chapter 1


“I need a favor,” Elan asked me hesitantly. I smiled at him and then dropped to my knees and

opened the fly of his jeans. “Nooo, not that kind of favor.”

“You don’t want a blow job?” I blinked up at him in shock. Ever since Elan and I had started

seeing each other, I spent a lot of time on my knees. The man loved receiving oral in a way I’d never
experienced with any other lover. But he was always very, very appreciative so I didn’t mind. In.
The. Slightest.

“My dear, I always want your sweet lips wrapped around my cock,” he chuckled, cupping my

cheek, and shook his head. “But not right now. There’s something weighing on me and I need your

“Anything, Elan. You know you have only to ask and I’ll help any way I can.” He nodded and

held out his hand to me. I took it and he pulled me into a tight hug, shivering slightly.

“My brother has been found. He’s mated to Virgil Marius.”
“I’ve met both of Virgil’s mates. Which one?” I kept my tone gentle. I’d known Elan had been

searching for his long-lost brother for centuries but he never told me his name.

“Mareo. I saw him the night of the battle and just about fell over. He was busy helping Virgil

afterwards and it wasn’t the time to approach him. But things have calmed down.” I snickered at that
one. “Well, as calm as they get for this coven and our world, and I spoke with Virgil. He says Mareo
is open to seeing me. I don’t want to go alone. I know we’ve not really announced our relationship,
but I was hoping you’d at least go with me as my friend.”

“Of course. I’m not against telling people. I care for you a great deal, Elan. It’s just hard when

people don’t really date because our mates are out there waiting for us. Some people judge at forming
attachments when the gift of a mate could find us at any moment and then we could have a mess on our

“I know, it can be the same way with the fae,” he sighed. “I’m just tired of being alone and I

really like you.” I tried not to wince that he put the alone first in his reasoning. “I know you’re four
hundred and fifty and I’m not saying that’s not a long time to wait for a mate. But I’m going to be five
thousand, Clove. I think I’ve given up hope.”

“Well we can’t have that,” I said firmly. “Let’s go reconnect with your brother and then we’ll

come up with a plan to start finding your mates.” He pulled away and raised an eyebrow at that one.
“Hey, I’m an open-minded guy. We could start bringing people into our bed. There’s a shitload of
vamps at Isaac’s house few people have ever even met because they’re kind of reclusive and ‘off’ I
guess. But we like strange and quirky. You go pick some up and we’ll see if any fit.”

I blushed at that. I hadn’t meant to make it sound dirty. He caught it though and gave me a smirk.

“If they fit where?”

“You know what I mean. So we’re together but we’ll play. I can smell my mate. You can’t. I

won’t cut you off from finding your other halves.” I held his chin tightly, staring into those ocean-blue
eyes that swept me away. “And you will find your mates. I know it.”

“You’re the best,” he whispered. He kissed my cheek and hugged me again. He grabbed a few

things and we headed out the door. I smiled as he held my hand on the drive over to the Mariuses’,

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thinking I’d handled that well. I had wondered why we weren’t going to Virgil’s house, but Elan had
told me that there was something else going on that his brother was helping Alpha Caven with so that
was where we were headed.

Which was good because they were closer to Barnabas’s estate. And it sucked because I was

hoping for an excuse to go to the housing development to see my house. It was scheduled to be
completed today, and I really just wanted to bask in the glow of my first real home being all mine. I
had told Elan, but with all this going on with his brother, I wasn’t upset he forgot. There was still time
to go see my house after he got to talk with Mareo.

Elan was quiet as I drove, and again, I understood. His mind had to be racing. If my brothers

showed up out of the blue, I’d be pissing orange cows. Though, he wanted to see his and I really
hoped I never had to see mine again. They were just trouble. And mean. Couldn’t forget how mean
they always were to me.

I parked in the circular drive after we got past the gates and shut off the car. I gave Elan my best

encouraging smile and we got out. The door was opened before we could even knock and I smiled at
the butler.

“Hey, Henry. How’s the family? Is Padget coming home soon?”
“You never cease to amaze me, Master Clove,” Henry chuckled as he gestured to follow him.

“All the people I let into this house, have talked with over the years, and you are one of the few who
not only remembers my name but always asks about me personally.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” I looked at him with a raised brow. “You’ve been with the Mariuses

forever. You’re a good man and you’ve always been nice to me. I remember the first party I came to
here, brand-new warrior, scared out of my shell to be here, and you kept checking on me. You didn’t
have to do that, but it’s who you are.”

“Thank you.” He gave me a slight nod at that and a smile. “Yes, Padget is coming in the next

month or so now that his schooling and internship are over. He’s very excited that King Rylan and
Queen Magdalena are looking for vampires with liaison and political skills. I have his résumé to drop
off later today.”

“Who has liaison and political skills?” Elena Marius asked as we entered the kitchen. “Clove,

Elan, so good to see you.”

“You as well, Councilwoman,” we both said, Elan giving a slight bow by just tipping his

shoulders. I was a little more informal and hugged her.

“Glad you’re all healed up. Thanks for the rescue,” I whispered in her ear. “You totally saved

my bacon in that battle. I know everyone kept telling you to leave and I’m sorry you got hurt but I’m
really glad you didn’t go.”

“You’re very welcome.” She pulled out of my arms and patted my cheek. “You were busy

upping everyone’s power with your gift. Someone should have been doing a better job of watching
your back.”

“There were just too many. We kept getting separated,” Elan said, wincing. “When you saved

Clove, I had just jumped out of the way of one of those cages keeping the humans so that put extra
space between us.”

“I understand. You fought valiantly, Elan. Nothing ever goes according to plan.” She smiled at

both of us and then turned to Henry. “Who do you know that’s knowledgeable in the minefields of
politics? I would have said your youngest son but he’s still got another year left on his internship.”

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“No, Councilwoman,” Henry chuckled, shaking his head. “You’ve been busy this year so I’m not

surprised you think that. He comes home soon.”

“Oh! I want to see his résumé then. Padget was always a sharp boy. I’m coordinating the

Queen’s new staff. We’re going to get her a think tank of the best of every species to aid her with
everything, and she’s going to start passing off some tasks to her fae elite to start helping. My
understanding is some have enough magic to help her with what she’s been racing around doing for
everyone. It’s just not right.”

“That sounds like my Queen,” Elan sighed. “When we first got here, Asterio and I told Barnabas

to have anyone seek us out that might want help that required magic. She zapped us when she found
out, telling us we didn’t need to take on her headaches. It seemed my persistence on the topic
bothered her so that’s why I was given the role of Caven’s bodyguard for a while to give her some

“What can you do that would help the Queen?” Elena asked cautiously. “I know you’re older so

you’d be good at protective magic and a warrior so there’s any form of fighting magic but I’m missing
what else.”

“My brother is one of the best potions makers our kind has ever seen,” Mareo said from further

into the kitchen. “He can open portals as I have been with the talisman the Queen gave me, but unlike
when I do, he doesn’t have to tap into the Queen’s power.”

“That’s true. I can’t hold it for as long as Magdalena can but I can open portals and do lots of

other things,” he muttered, his eyes not leaving Mareo’s. “I’ve missed you, brother.”

“I’ll make sure to spread the word to start calling you with some of the smaller issues then,”

Elena said quietly. “Excuse me, I didn’t mean to intrude. You boys catch up.”

Elan smiled as she left with Henry, shaking his head. “What’s so funny?” I glanced between him

and the door she’d just gone through.

“I’m probably three times her age and she just called me a boy,” he chuckled.
“Elena is like that,” Mareo agreed. “She’s mother to seven warriors and many more adopted

ones. Our age is not a factor because we’re her boys.”

“So you’re happy then?” Elan moved closer and I kept at his side. Mareo smiled widely and

nodded. “Good, good. I’m glad. I’m sorry, Mareo. I was so wrong. I was the biggest asshole, and
when the Queen finally smacked some sense into me, I couldn’t find you. It seemed every time I was
in this world looking for you, you’d visit home.”

“You were looking for me?” Mareo whispered.
“For centuries,” Elan choked out. “I was being selfish. You had every right to want to search for

your other mate. It’s that everyone else in our family had either left or passed. I couldn’t take being
left again and all alone. I lashed out and wrapped myself in a cocoon of hurt and abandonment. It was
wrong. I should have just asked to come with you.”

“You would have been welcome, Elan,” Foma assured him. “It was never about wanting to take

Mareo away from you.”

“I know that now but back then that’s all I saw. You were the one who desperately wanted your

other mate, and as Mareo’s brother, I saw that as you thought he wasn’t enough for you. On top of
which you wanted to take him away from me. I’m sorry to you too.”

“I was never angry nor is there anything to apologize for,” Foma declared. “I just didn’t want

Mareo to resent me one day that I had caused this rift between the two of you.”

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Mareo gasped and looked at his mate. “I never blamed you. This was our fault, Elan’s and mine,

for not handling this better. I made the decision. You didn’t force me. You didn’t give me ultimatums.
You made sure I knew I was enough to make you happy and that you loved me.”

“I know, it’s just that I was young and didn’t know what it was like to have the bond of a

brother,” Foma said quietly. I shared a glance with Virgil and saw he was feeling what I was… This
was going to get us nowhere. They could go in circles for years trying to play the blame game. That
wouldn’t help and could potentially make a fight start.

“Well, I’m glad that you guys cleared the air then,” I said hesitantly.
“Yes, Mareo wanted to speak with you even if you weren’t receptive,” Virgil agreed. “But this

is way better. The past happened. Mistakes were made. On to getting caught up and healing your

Elan glanced between us and smirked. I saw the matching look on Mareo’s face, I mean almost

eerily the same. “Who do you think they’re fooling?”

“Right?” Mareo agreed. “Pups these days, I swear. Nice segue, guys.”
“We try,” Virgil drawled. “Let’s eat.”
“You’re hungry again?” Foma teased, getting what we’d been trying to do.
“I have two strong mates who tend to wear me out,” Virgil chuckled, his cheeks heating up

slightly. We all laughed at that, sitting down and digging in to the spread before us. I was starving too.
I’d been training a lot more lately it seemed. Well, not it seemed. I was. Now with the wolves and the
margays and vampires who weren’t warriors that could kick ass better than me, I was feeling bottom
of the barrel again… Not that I’d really ever stopped I guess.

No, I knew I hadn’t.
Gabriel and Caven came in, the tension between them obvious. I’d talked with Tyler a bit when

discussing my house, and he confided in me when I’d asked about Caven. Not in the gossip kind of
way, more he wasn’t a warrior who’d ever gone into battle like that and didn’t know how to help his
friend. Caven was really having a hard time with the loss of Fletcher. He felt it was his fault and it
seemed no one could convince him otherwise.

“Elan, good to see you,” Caven said with a sad smile.
“I’d say you look well but you don’t,” Elan sighed, standing and going to hug him. “You need to

let it go, Caven.”

“Don’t,” he growled.
“No, you’re my friend and I won’t let it go,” Elan shot right back, shocking me with his ferocity

and lack of tact. He was normally so in tune with people’s emotions and being gentle with them. “I
was there guarding you when you came into the knowledge of who you were and started learning how
to control your powers. I saw the kid become a man and a leader.”

“Good for you.” Caven went to walk away but Elan grabbed his arm and slammed him into the

wall, pinning him there. Caven struggled and his eyes went wide when he couldn’t get away.

“I’m almost five thousand years old, Caven. You’re a wolf and an Alpha, but I’m still a

warrior, and at that old, I’m very powerful.”

“Why are you doing this?” Caven whispered.
“Because I have been where you are,” he answered gently. “If you don’t let it go you will

destroy your leadership, ruin your mating, and you will lose your friends. Did you order Fletcher into
battle or did he volunteer?”

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“He volunteered.”
“He was there for the planning and when we went over all the risks?” Caven nodded. “I know

it’s hard, Caven, but this is not your fault. Not because you were his Alpha or because he died saving
you. He made the choice to be there and selflessly give his life for yours, because you were worth
that. Honor that sacrifice and him. Don’t destroy your life and yourself. That would be a waste of
what he gave.”

“You’re right,” Caven whispered, lowering his head. “I didn’t think of it that way. I was just so

wrapped up in guilt.”

“I know.”
“Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, as they say,” Elan chuckled. “Go kiss your mate and

take comfort in his support instead of pushing him away. All he wants is to help and make you happy.
Be grateful you have a mate to be there for you when you’re going through this. Not all of us were so
lucky.” Caven nodded, stood on his toes, and kissed Elan’s cheek. He smiled and ruffled Caven’s hair
as he let him go.

Gabriel held his arms open for his mate and Caven just about launched himself into them. I

sighed in relief when Gabriel mouthed thank you to Elan. The man only nodded and sat back down.

“Always the guy who can’t stay quiet when he knows he can help,” Mareo chuckled. “That’s

why the Queen gets annoyed with you. You won’t shut up even when she orders you to and says no to

“I know, I know,” Elan conceded. “She takes too much onto herself. We can’t lose her, and if

she gets any more stressed, she’s going to devastate her mating. She deserves love. I was there when
her daughter left and she lost her first mate. There’s a lot of pain inside our Queen. Working herself
into the ground won’t heal her.”

They dropped it after that, well for now, and started talking about smaller issues. I could see

worry and tension slipping away from Elan and Mareo. Good. I was glad for them. Then Caven said
it was just about time to meet the French wolves, and Elan and I just stared at them.

“Beta candidates. We need enforcers and people who know how to fight,” Caven explained.

“Mareo and Foma know some badass wolves in France who don’t have an Alpha and don’t want to
have a pack again, having had a rough time with their old one and not having the elders step in to help
or something. I’m going to go try and talk to them and see if we can get them to join us.”

“Um, maybe you guys could use some more backup if they’re not all about authority or playing

nice with a group,” I hedged.

“Sounds great,” Caven agreed. “Thanks. We didn’t want to make a big deal about the meeting

and you know the way this coven gossips.” That was the truth. Mareo pulled out a stone and stepped
away from the group.

“I got this,” Elan chuckled. “No need to tax the Queen’s power and tire her. Just show me where

we’re going.” Mareo nodded and smiled at his brother. Wow. They really were going to be okay. I
was glad for that. Elan had a lot of melancholy in his heart, and he was too good a person to deserve
to deal with it.

I reached out and stopped Caven when he went to go through the portal. “You never go through

first. You’ve seen how none of the warriors will let the Queen go first. They go and then stick their
arm back through the portal to signal it’s all clear.”

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“Or they don’t and she goes anyways,” he chuckled, but gestured for us to go ahead. Mareo,

Foma, and Elan went first. Then Gabriel and Caven with Virgil and I pulled up the rear.

After I was done dealing with the tightness the portal always put on my body, I shook my head.

“I swear that thing knocks out my senses for a few minutes. I can’t smell crap.”

“On our end too,” a soft voice said quietly. “I’ve never seen that before. You have powerful

allies, Alpha Caven.” I blinked in that direction a few times, letting my eyes adjust to the Paris night
now that the blinding light of the portal was gone since Elan closed it. I held back a flinch. I didn’t
know we were meeting with seven wolves.

“Thank you, and thank you for meeting with us,” Caven replied, putting on his Alpha cap.

“Wow. I didn’t know wolves could get so big. What are they feeding you guys here? Seriously?”
Well, Alpha cap as far as Caven went. He took not wanting to be an uptight leader to a new level. I
think most of us found it refreshing and those who didn’t… We didn’t really give a shit about their

“It doesn’t work for all of us,” the soft voice chuckled, gesturing to his smaller frame.
Caven nodded. “I have the same problem no matter how much I eat.” He shrugged and got back

to business. “Mareo, my brother-in-law, speaks very highly of your group. When I said I was looking
for good wolves to add to our pack, some with fighting experience, he immediately suggested you. He
was also concerned because of the problems in the area that you wouldn’t be safe.”

“You have always been a loyal friend, Mareo,” a deep voice said with a slight growl. I felt my

cock fill up in excitement. Damn. I wanted to hear more of that voice. “I’m not surprised you and
Foma would be concerned about the safety of friends you’ve made though we’ve not seen you in a
decade or so.”

“You leave an impression, Kinkade,” Mareo chuckled. “I was honest with Caven. I don’t know

what happened with your last pack or why you keep to the outskirts of werewolf laws and politics,
but he is a good leader and we have an elder in the coven. Both of the highest moral and ethics. Come
out of the cold, my friend, and be part of a real pack and home.”

“There are too many laws in a pack that we cannot live by,” the man said sadly, but I could see

the longing in his bright green eyes at the idea of a home.

“I don’t know what laws your old Alpha had but I have very few,” Caven assured him and then

groaned. “That’s not what I mean. I have laws. I mean, I don’t have many on top of human ones. I
never saw the need for them. My last Alpha had a shitload of them that benefited him. An Alpha is
supposed to enforce rules that help the pack and make it thrive.”

“And there is more than just wolves in your group?” the soft voice asked again. “There would

be people we could go to for help if we ended up trapped?”

“We are part of the vampire’s East Coast High Council coven,” Caven answered with a nod.

“There are over a thousand vampires now, about a hundred margay shifters, a few hundred fae, and
about twenty-five wolves. Oh, and one spotted leopard. He’s gotten the coven’s approval to declare
one piece of land a sanctuary for any runaway or excommunicated shifters.”

“Yeah, Rory’s got a lead on a few, I heard Brian and Banning say,” I told him. “They were

freaking out because one was a water animal and the vineyard doesn’t have any. I think King Rylan
said the shifter could use the stream anytime they wanted though. Or they have a pond too, right?”

“You work that closely with the other species that you ask them for help like that?” Kinkade

asked hesitantly. “That is not how most packs or relations between paranormals are.”

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“We know. We’re trying to change that.” Caven sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Look, I know this is a big decision and I’m a new Alpha. I could use a couple of Betas who’ve been
around the block and would help me. We’re trying to build a new way without losing our identity as
wolves. Just come stay with us. Be our guests for a week and check it out. See if you could fit with us.
That’s all I ask.”

“That we would be willing to do.”
I sneezed now that my nose was back to normal. Wow. Lots of pollen in Paris this time of year,

which I wasn’t used to. I loved the convenience of the portal and hated the effects of it. I glanced over
to the big wolf when I heard a loud snarl… Just in time to see him launch himself at me.

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Chapter 2

He took me down to the ground, moving his hand under my head to make sure I didn’t crack my

skull. “I can smell you now.”

“What is the meaning of this?” Caven bellowed. “We’ve not shown you any aggression.”
“This has nothing to do with that, Alpha,” Kinkade assured him. “You should be happy. You just

got yourself a Beta. I’m mating into your coven.” I felt my eyes go wide as his scent hit me.

“So am I!” gasped the soft voice. I saw a blur out of the corner of my eyes and heard Elan

exclaim. Okay then. I guess we both found one.

“Will you submit to me always, my mate?” Kinkade growled as he grabbed my chin and inserted

his six-eight frame in between my legs. My fangs popped out at the idea as I went rock hard under

“I’m a switch,” I mumbled, knowing I’d need both sides of the coin to be happy.
He searched my eyes for a moment and nodded. “For you I would be willing to do that at times.”
“You never bottom or take it for anyone,” someone chuckled.
“For my mate I would to make him happy,” Kinkade snapped. It warmed my heart to hear him

say that. “Will you submit to me now?”

“Yes.” I tilted my neck and he didn’t hesitate, striking fast and sinking his elongated teeth into

me. I bit my lip to keep in my screams of pleasure, not wanting to alert all of Paris to our meeting and
what we were doing. He rubbed his hard cock roughly against mine and I just about melted into the
ground. Oh god, someone who would know what to do to me… Like Elan did. I flinched and I knew
there was no way that Kinkade wouldn’t have noticed.

I fisted his thick, wavy hair as I came, riding the intense bliss I got just from his bite. What the

hell would sex between us be like? And I wanted to know what shade his hair really was. It was
dark, I knew that, and while it shined in the moonlight, I couldn’t tell exactly what color it was. When
I was spent he licked the bite and moved his lips a breath away from mine.

“Why did you flinch?” Damn. I knew this was going to come up.
I refused to lie to my mate, but when I was going to ask that we discuss this later I saw the deep

concern in his eyes and I couldn’t let him worry. “We’re doing this right in front of the man I’ve been
seeing. I’m blessed and grateful to have found you but I can’t help but be concerned for him. He’s a
good man.”

He nodded and swallowed loudly. “Do you love him?”
“Yes, but my heart is not his.” He raised an eyebrow at that. “We love each other but we’re not

in love. He means a lot to me.”

“Then there is room for me.” He gave me a wolfish smile, pun intended, and rolled gracefully to

his feet. He didn’t make me feel as short as Elan did, only being five inches taller than my six three.
Wow. I’d really have to stop comparing him to Elan or making everything about my fae lover…
Especially since Elan was humping the smaller wolf into the ground. “Get off my little brother!”

“What?” I gasped, glancing from my mate to the man I was involved with moments ago. “Your

brother is mating my lover?”

“You’re involved with Elan?” Virgil asked with big eyes and then whistled. “Wow. Good thing

we brought you with to meet the wolves.”

“Hey, they just closed the deal,” Caven snickered. “I’m thinking fruit basket with an arrangement

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of sex toys for the happily mated couples. Well, Elan gets another one of course.”

“So do I,” I admitted.
“What?” several people exclaimed.
“Vampires only get one mate,” Kinkade growled as he cornered me against a tree. We’d met in a

forest preserve Kinkade and Mareo had dealings in before because it gave us cover and wouldn’t be
crowded at night. It seemed it also gave us soft grass for my mate to ravage me on and trees to pin me
to. “Explain immediately.”

“I can’t,” I stuttered, his ferocity both worrying and exciting me. “It’s just the way it’s always

been in my family. All of my relatives have two mates.”

“How can that be, Clove?” Virgil asked gently.
“I don’t know,” I answered, glancing at my friend. “How do the O’Hagans have twins? We just

do. The Sutherlands have two mates always.” I searched my mate’s eyes. “I’m not lying to you, I
swear. I would have brought this up more gently, but when Caven mentioned Elan having another one
because he’s fae, it would be like lying to me not to have fessed up right then.”

“Yes, I agree,” he said after a moment, giving me a swift nod. “My mate is honorable. I am

pleased and shall make sure you are rewarded well tonight. Let us see our new home.” He rubbed his
hand against my hip suggestively as he glanced at Caven. “Alpha, I speak for my brother and I when I
say we accept, though I cannot speak for the others. Can we gather our things later?”

“Whatever makes the brother of my mate happy,” Elan said as he stood with the small wolf in

his arms. “I am the one who opened the portal. I will gladly bring you back whenever you like.” He
approached us slowly, ignoring the dual growls as he reached out and cupped my cheek. “Clove, my
dear, I will treasure our time together always. You have become so important to me and not in only
the ways of the bedroom, though I will think fondly on those times as well.”

“Me too,” I whispered, blinking back tears that wanted to form at the idea of no longer having

him in my life. “We don’t have to stop being friends, right? You get me, Elan. I don’t want to lose
that. It’s been so long since I’ve had a person I felt I could be myself with always.”

“No, we won’t stop being friends. We’re each a mate of brothers,” he chuckled, brushing my

cheek. “And you will always have a special place in my heart as the friend who led me to my mate,
helped me reconnect with my brother, and eased me into life on your world again. Almost five
thousand years I’ve lived and it seemed I just needed to find the friend named Clove to lead me to my
most precious of gifts.” He dropped his hand and stared down at his mate.

“I’m Kermy,” the little wolf said as he extended his hand to me. “I’m cool with you guys being

friends as long as it’s not naked friends and you don’t hug or really hang around the full moon. We get
way too possessive then and it might go bad.”

“I understand. Thanks, Kermy.” I shook his hand, giving him an honest smile.
“If you guys are coming, we’re with you. We’re not breaking up the band,” one of the other

French wolves joked.

“We’re going to have a band in the pack? That’s awesome!” Caven exclaimed excitedly.
“They weren’t being literal, my love,” Gabriel mumbled, trying to let his mate down easily. But

like Caven, he took it in stride.

“Oh, well, we should still look into that. It would make the parties way more wicked if we had

our own wolf band.” He shrugged and glanced at Elan. “I’m hungry again. Portal home? You’ll bring
them all back later to get their stuff? I’ll find them housing. I’m sure Ayden and Darcy have rooms if

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they want to stay with the majority of the pack or they can buy one of the development houses or Elena
offered them a few of the suites for the ones I pick as Betas so they’re close.”

Kinkade shot me a look and went to open his mouth but I shook my head. I could explain to my

mate later. Caven was a great Alpha but he was young and with that came excitement and rambling
eighty miles an hour.

“Let’s at least get them enough belongings for tonight,” Elan hedged as he glanced at his mate.

“Or I guess we could come back first thing in the morning?”

“The Queen does have some things she would like us to pick up from this area if you don’t mind

the company,” Mareo offered, glancing at Foma and Virgil. I smiled. I wasn’t going to be abandoning
Elan to loneliness now that he found one of his mates and reconnected with his brother.

“Kermy, you’ll take care of our things?” Kinkade asked, but it was more like an order. “I want

to get started right away with Alpha Caven, Milos, and Bladon.”

“Why the four of us?” Caven asked.
My mate gestured to two other massive wolves like him. “The three of us will be your Betas,

enforcers, and security, anything else you require you’d have to ask the others.” Caven went to open
his mouth and Kinkade chuckled. “We’ll test for it, I know. I’m just saying, it would be us, so let’s get
the formalities out of the way before the full moon is upon us in a week and we are all distracted.”

Caven studied my mate for a moment and then smiled. “I like you already. And I feel better

about this now that you’re mating into the family.” Everyone chuckled as Elan opened a portal.

“And I’m even willing to overlook that he’s a Kappa since he’s obviously not a firstborn one,”

Kinkade mumbled before we went through the light together. I blinked in shock at him. What did he
have against Kappas? And this was the wrong coven to be in if he didn’t like them. We had four with
Elder Dawson. No, five with the new one Caven rescued from Greece that I had yet to meet.

We walked back into the kitchen of the Mariuses’ house, most of the wolves accepting the offer

to stay there for now. Elan was one of the Queen’s right-hand people so he stayed at Barnabas’s, but
we took my car over and I wasn’t sure what to do about that.

“Tyler was looking for you,” Elena told me. “He says it’s ready. There’s some gifts and the

fridge has been stocked for you.” Then she looked between Elan and me and the men we were with.
“So you two aren’t together anymore and found your mates?”

“You knew we were together?” Elan asked, his eyes going wide.
“Since before Christmas,” she snickered. “I’m a woman and a mother. Nothing gets by me.

Congratulations on meeting your mates.”

“Thank you, Councilwoman.” I was practically bouncing. “It’s really all done? Can I go now?”
“Of course you can.” Her eyes were shining with laughter. “Do you need to collect your things

from the warrior compound?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to keep Tyler waiting. I should go there first.”
“Who is this Tyler and why are you so damn insistent on seeing him?” Kinkade seethed,

growling and snarling as he grabbed my upper arms and pinned me to the wall. “I thought Elan was
your lover but that’s over now. Do I have another man to compete against for your affections?”

“No,” I whispered, my eyes going wide. “Tyler’s the foreman of the construction crew building

houses on the development the coven started. The Councilwoman was saying our house is ready.”

Our house?” Kinkade whispered, his face turning about ten shades of red in shame. “I am

sorry. I should have asked without reacting. You make me feel so all over the place. It’s like trying to

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run on water. And you had a lover when we met and now I don’t know then you’re speaking of
another man—”

It killed me to see he was so upset and I didn’t want him to apologize for being jealous so I did

the only thing I could think of. I leaned forward and gave his lips a peck. “I like that I mean enough to
you that you get jealous. Don’t apologize for it. Just know I would never be disloyal. And yes. Our
house. I had it built with the idea I would share it with my mates one day. I’m thrilled I found you on
the day it’s completed.”

His nostrils flared and he said the three little words I had always hoped to hear my mate say. “I

want you.” Kinkade mashed his mouth down to mine, his hands everywhere all at once. Yeah, I
wanted to hear he loved me… One day. Maybe soon. But we’d just met so for now, all I needed to
hear was that I mattered and he was attracted to me.

“What’s with the live porn in the kitchen?” someone asked loudly. Given the smart-ass comment

and the sarcastic tone, I’d have guessed Damian Marius. “Seriously. It’s hot, but like is Clove even
willing there?”

“He’s kidding,” I gasped when Kinkade pulled away. “It’s his home.”
“I do not care if we were doing it in his damn bed,” Kinkade growled. “Just because we were

being rude does not mean I will have him disparaging you and what we feel by referring to it as
porn!” He bared his teeth at Damian, which made my friend only smirk… And his mate step in front
of him.

Cyrus started shouting at Kinkade in Spanish, mostly cuss words if I had to guess. Then of

course, Kinkade returned in French. All while Damian and I scooted out around them and stood off to
the side.

“I don’t speak French,” I mumbled.
“I only know parts of Spanish. But it’s totally hot to hear them get all fiery and go off in their

native tongue, right?” he chuckled.

“I wouldn’t have thought it, but yeah, I’m totally hard.”
“So I heard your house is done. You excited?”
“Yeah. You and Cyrus want to come over for dinner in a few nights?” I gave him a knowing

smirk. “The room you helped design is always open to you of course.”

“You might want to ask your mate about that,” he snickered, nodding to our mates, who were

still arguing in different languages. “Though if they make up, maybe I could ask him instead of Tyler.”
I heard the hesitation in his voice and realized what he was going to ask like a lightbulb going off

“I’m sure I can talk him into it. Just tell Victor you called in one of the favors I owe him.” My

mate’s head snapped in my direction.

“Who is this Victor and why do you owe him favors?”
“Oh, he’s the hot jealous type,” Damian cooed.
“So is your mate, amante,” Cyrus growled.
“I know. Clove invited us over for dinner and fun in a couple of nights. I want to go and I

promise you will too.”

Cyrus glanced between us. “What have you two been planning?”
“Lots,” I snickered. “We’ll see you for dinner.” I held out my fist to Damian and he pounded it.

“See you soon.”

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“You need help moving?”
“Maybe. Elan’s going to open a portal to get Kinkade’s stuff tomorrow, and we can bring over

my stuff then too or today. Whatever.” I shrugged before glancing at my mate. “You ready to go see
the house?”

“I would like an answer to my question.” He nodded to Damian who was wrapped in Cyrus’s

arms. “You are friends with them?”

“Damian’s one of my best friends and his older brother Victor and I are close too. He saved my

butt a couple of times and I’d say that gets him a favor here and there. Wouldn’t you?”

“I would.” He cleared his throat and nodded to the couple. “We will see you for dinner soon


“According to my mate I will look forward to it,” Cyrus replied. Good to know they weren’t

apologizing for jumping all over each other and just let it go instead. I shook my head. I swear,
sometimes testosterone overruled all other sense. We said our good-byes and I hurried out to my car,
my mate jogging to keep up with me.

“I like this look on you, Clove,” he purred as he got in the passenger’s seat. “What were you so

free to offer to your friend? And what is the favor he wanted to collect on behalf of his brother?”

“Oh, well, that’s, um, maybe a little more than I should tell my mate upon first meeting him,” I

said nervously, clearing my throat as I started up the vehicle and pulled down the driveway.

“There is nothing you should be worried about telling me.” Kinkade ran his hand over my thigh.

“I simply wish to get to know you better.”

“I told you that I’m a switch. Damian and I have been friends but never talked about those kind

of things, but with how dominant Cyrus is, I kind of figured out who’s in charge in the sex

“Okay,” he drawled as if wondering where I was going with this and why I’d be thinking about

my friend’s sex life.

“There was a guy who was mean to Damian, he ended up being a traitor, but he said shit to

Damian and I stood up for him,” I quickly rambled. “Anyways, when I was designing the house with
Tyler, I knew he liked to be dominated, but I didn’t know him well enough to ask about setting up a
play room, which I always wanted in my house, so I asked Damian. He helped me come up with the
design and everything I’d need, and in return I said he and Cyrus could use it and crash in the guest
room whenever they wanted.”

“Very kind and accommodating of you. What was the favor though?”
“Well, you know what werewolf blood does to us, right?” I waited until I saw my mate nod out

of the corner of my eye. I guess he liked the topic because he squeezed my groin. “Damian hinted he
was going to ask Tyler to donate some so he could try it as some special fun with his mate. But now
since I’m mated to you and they’d be at our house anyways, I said I’d ask if you were comfortable
donating down the road and Damian could tell Victor one of my favors to him was repaid.”

His hand moved away in a flash. “You would farm me out like food?”
“No!” I gasped, glancing at him and letting him see the truth in my eyes before focusing back on

the road. “No, Kinkade. It’s not like he would bite you. I’m a trained medic. I’d take a pint of blood
and it would be a special thing for one of my closest friends and his mate. Not like we have guests
over and I offer up your neck. No one drinks from you but me.” I growled at the vision of another man
with his fangs in my mate and mine popped out. “You’re mine.”

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“I am.” His hand moved back to my groin then. “I apologize. I did not understand. Yes, I would

be willing to do that on a rare occasion for your close friend as a show of goodwill that I’d like to be
a part of your life as well.”

“I wasn’t going to ask you yet,” I mumbled, feeling like an ass about it. “I just didn’t want to lie

or hide it from you when you overheard us. That family has been really good to me and I know
Damian’s had a rough time of things lately because of some shit with his mate’s family. They could
use some wild and crazy fun. I didn’t mean to put pressure on you or cause stress when we just met.”

“You didn’t and I find your kind heart very commendable,” he whispered as he leaned over and

kissed my neck. “You care for your friends and want to help. You have already shown yourself to be
loyal and a good person. I hope one day you will be as loyal and good to me.”

“Always,” I panted as his lips moved up to my ear. “Are you okay with living away from your

little brother in our own home? I’d have said he could take one of the guest rooms but Elan has to stay
near the Queen.”

“Thank you. That is kind but my little brother does not need to hear what I have planned for my

mate. Is the house furnished yet?”

“Not much,” I admitted. “The bedroom set was wrapped in the garage until they were done and I

have stuff for the kitchen. What I ordered for the living room is supposed to be here tomorrow I think.
The rest we’ll just have to pick out together.”

“Whatever you like I will,” he assured me. “I am just glad I found you and we have a home of

our own. I have wanted one for so long and to have it with my mate I am twice blessed.”

“You’ll be happy here, Kinkade. It’s a good coven and Caven’s a very moral and fair leader.

His wolves adore him already.”

“He is young though,” he sighed.
“Yes, but that’s not always a bad thing. He has a fresh perspective on how things should go and

not been taught all the old stifling rules. It also makes him very open to other people’s ideas instead
of acting like he knows it all like you and I have experienced with other leaders.”

“This is true.” He thought about that a few moments as I made a few turns to my house. I pulled

in the driveway and my mate let out a whistle. “This is not some little cozy home for you and your
mates. This is a big house, Clove.”

“We’re big men,” I chuckled. I turned off the car and got out. It was a big house, but it wasn’t a

mansion or anything. Or maybe it was, but it wasn’t like the Mariuses’ mansion where it had wings. It
did have seven bedrooms, eight full bathrooms, a family room, media room, a library, two studies, a
play room in the basement, workout room, sauna, whirlpool, and six different fireplaces. “Isn’t it

“How did you afford this on a warrior’s salary? You cannot make this much money being a

solider,” he hedged as we walked up to the front door.

“That’s not a conversation for right now when people are around,” I hissed under my breath.

“But I’m four hundred and fifty years old. I saved a lot, waiting for the day I could build my own
home exactly as I wanted it. I’ve never done anything illegal.” I walked briskly towards the door, not
caring if he was with me. He stopped me just as I grabbed the handle and kissed me briefly.

“I did not mean in any way you could have done anything immoral,” he assured me. “I was just

shocked to see this and you don’t look your age, my sexy mate. I did not mean to offend. I am honored
that you built this home with your mates in mind and you are sharing it with me.”

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“Thank you. Just don’t pee on my parade here, okay? I’ve waited for this for so long,” I

mumbled. I was vibrating inside and I didn’t want anything to mess this up.

“No peeing, I swear,” he chuckled. I gave him a wink and we went inside. The second I had the

door open I heard a loud growl as a blur raced towards me.

“Mine!” a small man snarled as he wrapped himself around me. I didn’t even have time to gasp

as he sank his teeth into my neck. Okay then. It seemed I was going to find my other mate before I even
stepped into my home. What were the odds of that? And who was this guy?

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Chapter 3


“Mine, mine, mine!” I kept chanting in my head as I drank down the hot vampire’s sweet blood.

When I had taken enough to claim him, I licked the bite and lifted my head. Oh yeah, sexy as could be.
Short strawberry-blond hair, gray eyes that looked like they held the stars in them, and plump lips I
just wanted to nibble on until I passed out. “Hello, sexy mate.”

“Hi,” he gasped, his eyes wide with shock. “Who are you?” I sniffed the air and glanced past

him in shock. “Um, yeah, this is my other mate, Kinkade—I didn’t get your last name yet.”

“Wolfram,” the man growled, staring at me with hate. “He can be your other mate but he’s not

mine. I won’t mate a Kappa whore.” I gasped and I heard several others in the room.

“I’m not a whore,” I whispered, hurt down to my soul, even when the vampire wrapped his arms

around me protectively and stepped away from the mate he knew. “The Alpha of this pack is a Kappa.
You can’t be a part of it and hate them.”

“You’re right. He’s not a firstborn one though. Are you?” The wolf gave me a smirk as if

already knowing the answer.

I nodded. “But I’m not a whore.”
“Kinkade, please,” Clove begged. “New house. Parade. Other mate. You promised not to pee

on.” Huh?

“You are right. I did. I am sorry. I will behave. We can discuss this later. Forgive me. I have a

history with Kappas that is not great, and they are the reason we left our pack, ending up homeless for
decades.” Well shit.

“My Alpha was a dick and abused me amongst other things,” I blurted out, not sure what else to

say. “That doesn’t mean I hate all big, dominant wolves. Alpha Caven saved me, promising me things
would be different in this pack and that Kappas weren’t forced to do what other packs make them

He eyed me over and while the look wasn’t hate anymore, it sure wasn’t benign. “We shall see

then. And either way, this has to wait. Clove is excited to see his new home and as his mates we want
what is best for him.”

“Of course,” I agreed, suddenly feeling like I was being tested instead of excited I’d found my

mate. I glanced at the vampire. “How come you get two mates?”

“Just my bloodline.” He shrugged. “Who are you?”
“Right, sorry. Jordy Aldo. I’m the one Alpha Caven pulled out of Greece.”
“I’m so glad he did. I’m Clove Sutherland.” He smiled brightly at me. “Have you seen the

house? Were you on the construction crew?”

“Um, no, I’m kind of useless when it comes to manual labor. I’ve started working for Alpha

Caven and King Rylan, though mostly for King Rylan since Alpha Caven’s still learning and the
wolves are a smaller group here. As their liaison, I was here dropping off the welcome basket from
the wolves, margays, and one from the fae. They want to make sure that everyone who has bought a
house in the development has presents and congratulations along with the Queen. Though she doesn’t
have the staff in place yet, so we’re in charge of it. I’m handling the project for now.”

Why couldn’t I shut up?

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“I love presents,” Clove chuckled as he lowered me to my feet. “Would King Rylan be cool if

you lived here? Kinkade and I will be over there a lot since I’m going to be teaching at the shifters’
training facility soon and so will Kinkade probably after he passes his tests to be a Beta.” I glanced at
the large wolf and realized he wouldn’t want me here. But I wasn’t going to lie to Clove.

“Yes, of course. I don’t have a car though so if you didn’t mind my catching rides with you for

now, I’d love to live here. This house is amazing from what I’ve seen.”

“Clove! Hey, man! Told you I’d get it done on time,” Tyler, one of the other wolves, said as he

came into the kitchen where we ended up as well.

“I never doubted you, Tyler,” Clove chuckled and hugged the man. I felt a growl in my throat

and realized I wasn’t the only one. Kinkade and I shared a look and I realized they’d not fully claimed
each other either. Interesting.

“Um, what’s with the growling twins?” Tyler asked. “I know Jordy but not the big guy.”
“He’s one of the Beta candidates Caven went to go meet with and they’re both my mates,” Clove

answered, blushing brightly. It was sexy on a man that big. Except I didn’t know if he was
embarrassed, which would suck. Then I tapped into my Kappa powers and saw, no, he was just
thrilled that we wanted him enough to be jealous. I could live with that.

“You get two mates?” Tyler hedged.
“O’Hagans get twins, my family gets two mates.” Clove shrugged and then nervously cleared his

throat as he glanced at the counter. “Holy shit. I don’t know this many people!”

“Yeah, you’ve been getting deliveries all morning,” Tyler chuckled. “You want to do a walk-

through before you check those all out and these two ravage you like they look like they want to do?”

“That would be awesome. They should get to see their new home,” my mate agreed excitedly.

He nodded, glancing at us with a bright grin. I couldn’t help but return it. It was infectious. Tyler led
the way and I followed after Clove, very aware of Kinkade. Then again, the man was built like a
damn tank. Canada had to be aware of him.

“Okay, so we got done earlier in the day but not nearly enough to start on someone else’s house

or another project,” Tyler said as he flipped through some notes on his clipboard. “So you owe us
lunch for the extras, such as they put together your bedroom set, brought in the furniture in your
garage, oh, and your sofas arrived so I had them put down the rugs you told me were for the family

“Just the family room ones or the media room ones too?” Clove asked as they walked up the

stairs. Wow. This place was totally swank for what they kept calling a house. Didn’t it cross over
into mansion after like seven bathrooms or something?

“Yup, media room ones too. Got the massive flat screen set up as well. We’re so watching the

football games at your house next year.”

“I’m good with that. You bring the food you had at your last party and we can even use the play


“Play room?” I asked.
“Not use it together,” Kinkade growled.
“No, nothing like that,” Tyler chuckled, glancing over his shoulder at both of us. “I’m happily

mated. Be thankful you got a good one like Clove though. There are a lot of uptight vampires in this
coven. Good vamps but uptight compared to the ways shifters do things like nudity and sex. I’ve had a
few parties with the wolves and so have Ayden and Darcy. Darcy’s a vampire and he’s learning to

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get into it, but he tends to duck his head a lot. Clove’s very open. He’s very free spirited like that.”

“Good to know,” Kinkade purred.
“But he’s shy and won’t make the first move so he won’t invite you down to his play room,”

Tyler added. Clove blushed so hard I saw it on the back of his neck.

Tyler,” he hissed.
“Just trying to help a brother out.” The wolf shrugged before focusing on Kinkade. “I don’t know

what your deal is with Kappas, but Ayden, who I mentioned earlier, is one and has healed a lot of his
coven with his gifts, myself included. Not every Alpha is an asshole. Not every wolf is a horndog and
not every shifter is just their animal. Kappas get a raw deal sometimes too because of what they are
and what they’re forced into.

“Don’t ruin your chance to have a real pack and home, much less your mate’s standing in his

coven, because you couldn’t get over your shit and held your preconceived notions against people.
It’s not fair. I was afraid of demons and vampires, I mean mind-numbingly, having been held by
demons afraid, but I still gave my vampire mate a chance. Best decision I ever made.”

“I understand. I just need more than a moment to do that,” Kinkade grumbled. Tyler nodded and

went back to the tour. He might have fallen for it. I sure as hell wasn’t. Something happened to my
other mate that made him hate Kappas down to his very DNA. Well didn’t that just suck?

* * * *


After Tyler and the crew left, accepting my thanks and the bonuses I had for them, things got

more awkward. For one, my mates were very curious about the envelopes I was giving the building
crew, especially when most of them wouldn’t take them. Wolves believed that everyone in a pack
pitched in and this was their way to help. But that didn’t mean they shouldn’t be compensated. They
got paid, but it wasn’t at industry standards and I had money.

I had thought cash would insult them so I got them gift cards to Amazon, thinking who couldn’t

get anything they needed there. Granted, each was a thousand-dollar gift card, but they’d worked hard,
done a spectacular job, and truly cared about the quality of their work. While that might have been
standard for them, I knew in the real world it wasn’t always like that.

When I entered the kitchen again, both my mates were giving me curious, hesitant looks as if

wanting to know but not feeling they had the right to ask.

“Look, I don’t talk about my family a lot,” I sighed as I picked up the first basket. I was partially

heartbroken at the turn of events. I found my mates and my home was finished. I should be feeling
nothing but sunshine and rainbows.

“What does that have to do with whatever you slipped to the construction crew?” Jordy asked

quietly right before his stomach growled.

“Or how popular you are,” Kinkade added, gesturing to my deliveries that took up all my

counter space and the large kitchen table… And the chairs each had packages on them.

I ran my hands over my head in frustration. I wasn’t the best at articulating what was going on

with me when I felt pressured. Call it PTSD from a crappy childhood, but when I felt like I was in
trouble, I tended to shut down.

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“Hey, we don’t have to talk about this right now,” Jordy whispered as he came over to me and

hugged me tightly. “I’m not very good at being a Kappa. My powers are all wonky and not like
they’re supposed to be because—well, I’m not really sure why. Because of abuse I think.” I opened
my mouth to ask about that but he rambled on. “Anyways, I can tell that you feel cornered and that’s
not what’s going on here. So let’s just breathe a moment, okay?”

“Yeah, I’d like that,” I sighed and hugged him back. I glanced up at Kinkade and gestured for

him to join us. He glanced away as if he’d not seen it and that weighed heavy on me as well.
Whatever was up with him and Kappas needed to be handled. And Jordy would need help with his
gifts. Weren’t we just a mating of issue-laced people? “Are you done for the day? Do you have to
return the car you were using to deliver the baskets?”

“I called Bevin to let him know you were my mate. He said he’d see me in the morning and just

bring the SUV back then, no worries.” Jordy smiled up at me. “So I’m all yours. I just don’t have any
clothes or anything to change into or for tomorrow. But I didn’t think that was worth the round-trip
back to the palace.”

“No,” I chuckled. Then I thought about it and glanced at Kinkade. “Though none of us have

clothes then. All my stuff’s at the warrior compound. Kinkade’s is in Paris. And yours is at the

“Well how about this,” Jordy hedged. “We can see who all the kind people are that sent you

housewarming gifts. Maybe snack a bit because I’m starving. And then you can show me where the
washer and dryer are and I’ll wash the sheets I saw sitting on the new bed and make it up. Do you
have towels and stuff?”

“Umm, no. I’m not very good at decorating.” I frowned, not having thought of any of that. “Tell

me one of you are.”

“No,” Kinkade snickered.
Jordy nodded but I saw a deep sadness in his eyes. I cupped his cheek and he sighed. “Tell me.”
“No. Kinkade will add it to the list of reasons not to like me,” he mumbled. “I’m not a whore. It

wasn’t my fault.”

“I won’t add it and I will try to work past my shit as Tyler said,” Kinkade mumbled. “I just need

time. I can’t jump into this. Maybe I just need to get to know other Kappas and see what their real role
is supposed to be.”

Jordy nodded but didn’t look at the man. “I was basically my old Alpha’s house husband, bitch,

and forced mate. The only thing I did like was making a home. I hated him, but at least when he
wasn’t passing me around to his friends or punishing me, he let me decorate and take care of the
house the way I wanted. I tend to be a nester and a caretaker. I’m not sure if it’s a Kappa thing or just
me. I’ve never met any other Kappas before Caven. But I’m so not like him.”

“You’re a firstborn Kappa. It’s totally different,” Kinkade hedged. I glanced at him and saw he

wasn’t unaffected by what Jordy had just admitted to us. That was a start.

“You said that earlier. I don’t know what that means exactly. I’ve heard there’s a difference but

it’s not like anyone’s really sat down and talked to me about it.”

“Okay, well, Ayden is Caven’s older brother,” I explained quickly, seeing this might go south

fast. If we left it to Kinkade to fill Jordy in on what a Kappa was, I didn’t think it would be the right
answer and would hurt Jordy. “He would be the best person to ask and he went through something
similar to what you did I think.”

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“Good, thank you,” Jordy sighed. “I haven’t had a chance to talk to Caven or Rylan about it. I’ve

still been feeling out this pack and coven.” I nodded and he gave me that bright smile again, hope
shining in his deep purple eyes. “So while I neat up a bit, maybe list who sent what for thank-you
cards, and wash the sheets, you and Kinkade can take a ride to grab some of your stuff. Get a chance
to talk freely where I can’t hear you.”

“We’re not going to leave so we can gossip about you!” I gasped, hating that he thought that.
“Clove, you met him first and he doesn’t want me here.” I opened my mouth and he held up his

hand. “Look, I’m not saying you’re going to kick me to the curb because of it. I know you won’t. But
he’s your mate too and something has hurt him badly for him to hate Kappas. It’s only fair you hear
him out to understand what’s going on and he can’t do that, be honest, if I can hear him.”

“Stay out of my head, Kappa,” Kinkade snarled.
“I can’t shut it off!” Jordy shouted, turning to face him, throwing his hands in the air. “I was

never taught control, okay? It’s not like vampire gifts. I can’t focus and use it. Quite the opposite. I
wish I could turn it off. I get images normally when mated pairs are around me and since you’re my
mates I’m getting more but just pieces. It hurts.” He seemed to crumble into himself at that admission.
“It hurts, okay? All I feel is that you hate me and that you’ve been wronged. That’s all I’ve gotten.”

I shot Kinkade a nasty look as I pulled Jordy into my arms. Issues or not, he was being cruel.
“I–I don’t ha–hate you,” Kinkade stuttered, his eyes wide. “I swear it. I hate that fate mated me

to a Kappa. This should be a day for rejoicing and all I feel is a pit in my stomach. It seems like a
cruel joke to mate me to a Kappa after all I’ve suffered. I just don’t know why fate would do it!”

Even I knew the answer to that one but Kinkade wasn’t ready to hear it or be open to the answer

so I didn’t tell him. But it was crystal clear to me… To heal him.

“So let’s go with Jordy’s idea, okay? We chill a bit, leave all the heavy for later, and I’ll fill

you in on a few things,” I said gently as I cleared some counter space for my little mate. I set a few
baskets on the floor and sat him on the counter. Then I just stared at him a moment until he raised an
eyebrow at me. “You are stunning.”

“Oh, well, thank you,” he giggled as his cheeks heated up. “I think that earns you a kiss.” I

leaned in and took one when he pursed his lips. “Not too tiny for you? I mean, I’m like really short.”

“I find I like it,” I admitted. He was though. He was like five two and a hundred and nothing

maybe. I handed him a pen and paper before getting him, Kinkade, and me each a soda. Both my mates
thanked me and I felt some of the tension ease out of the room a bit. “Okay, so the short version is I
come from money. My father is a Councilman but not of this Council. I asked to be transferred when I
transitioned and was a warrior. I wanted out of Scotland.”

“Why?” Kinkade asked with wide eyes.
“I was a disappointment being a warrior instead of a politician,” I answered bitterly. “There’s a

castle, and noble blood, and I was a grunt solider that disgraced the name. When my father told me
this, I got a transfer. Only a few people here know the truth.” Then I groaned. “Crap. I have to call my
mother. By law I have to tell them I’ve mated.” Both my mates frowned at my attitude. “I’m thrilled I
found you guys. I just don’t want to have to talk to her.”

“Be grateful you still have family alive,” Jordy mumbled.
“I’m sorry yours is gone, but no, my family aren’t nice people,” I replied with a sigh.

“Eventually they’ll want to meet you and they aren’t people I’d want to subject you to. I mean, they’re
kind of horrid.” They both looked at me as if waiting for me to elaborate on that and I winced,

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knowing the clearest example but not wanting to hurt them. “I’ll be even more of a disappointment in
their eyes for having two wolf mates because to them you’re lower beings.”

“Do you feel that way?” Kinkade growled.
“No!” I felt my eyes bug out of my head. “No! How could you even consider that! I’m friends

with Tyler. Caven’s my buddy. Have I treated either of you any differently or with any prejudice?”
Very much implying that he had against Jordy.

“No, you’re right and I’m sorry.” He took several deep breaths and then came over to hug me. “I

know you’re a good person. I just had to ask. I find even if someone does not think they are, growing
up around that much hate tends to have a person filled with latent bigotry.”

“Not me,” I assured him. “I transitioned early at fourteen. I was out of there right after, Kinkade.

I haven’t been back. I don’t want to go back or be a part of that family.”

“But yet you said you have money from your family?” Jordy hedged, making it more a question

instead of a judgment. I pulled away from Kinkade and saw the same question in his eyes.

“Pity presents,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “A way for my great parents to save face that their

noble blood was given a grunt warrior. They send me lavish gifts for holidays and my birthday so
they can brag to their friends how kind they are to help out their poor, poor son who was forced into
this life.”

“Ahh they’re martyrs like that,” Kinkade chuckled. “I’ve met the type.”
“Basically. I tried sending them back at first but back then I couldn’t send back a horse with a

sack of gold overseas.” I shrugged. “And I had a horse already. I donated half the gold, saved the rest,
and gave the horse to a warrior whose family didn’t have the money to buy him a horse. That’s been
how I’ve handled it ever since.”

“Still adds up to a nice bank account after over four hundred years,” Kinkade said with a

whistle. “On top of your salary.”

“And the inheritance I’ll get now that I’m mated.” I saw the questions in their eyes at that but I

was done talking about my family for now. I picked the basket up off the floor. “This is from Elena
and Desmond Marius. Kinkade, you met them.” I peeked inside and laughed. “She remembered.”

“What?” Jordy asked as both my mates glanced at it.
“I have a really big sweet tooth,” I admitted. “She caught me at the Christmas party practically

inhaling this plate of cookies because Elan and I had just started seeing each other and I didn’t want
to be hanging on him or needy, you know, play it cool. So instead I kept stuffing my face. Elena saw
and kept teasing me. The basket’s full of those cookies.”

“Who’s Elan?” Jordy whispered, glancing between us. I winced. Damnit. I tried to go around

one minefield only to jump right into another one. Smart, Clove, real smart. I quickly explained and I
was grateful when Kinkade even helped me by saying his younger brother ended up being one of
Elan’s mates. “Wow. Aren’t we just a ball of issues.”

“We’ll be just fine,” I said firmly, not quite feeling so certain about it.
“Well, in the interest of full disclosure, you both should know I was Mareo and Foma’s lover

and that’s how I found out about Alpha Caven and they got me out of my old pack.” Jordy braced for
impact and I shot a look at Kinkade, clearly showing he should keep his mouth shut. He nodded that
he understood but I saw his eyes fill with vindication that what he’d said about Jordy earlier was
true. Right, because we weren’t in a ménage mating and we had any room to judge.

“They seem nice,” I said with a shrug. “You’re over them?”

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“Yeah, totally,” Jordy answered shyly as he doodled on the notepad. “When my Alpha made me

liaison to the vampires, thinking if I got eaten by them it wouldn’t be a big loss, I got my first taste of
freedom. Foma was really nice to me and I had my first crush. I didn’t know he and Mareo were
mated and a package deal until Foma was flirting with me, and by then I just wanted to choose who I
slept with for once so I agreed to be with both of them.”

I shot Kinkade another look. Clearly Jordy wasn’t a slut. He nodded, looking properly


“We were only together half a dozen times. They’re my friends though and they helped save me.

I like Virgil though. They love him and he loves them. It’s a good fit so I’m really happy for him.”

“Yeah, Virgil’s a good guy. I’ve known him for a while.” Jordy seemed to relax and I set down

the basket. There was an awkward silence again and I wasn’t sure what to do.

“Can we know what was in the envelopes now?” Kinkade inquired after a moment, wincing at

how blunt he was. I smiled at him, letting him know there were no hard feelings. I told him what I
knew about the pack and how things had previously been done where everyone pitched in and no one
took money. They did now but they wouldn’t take much and I didn’t think that was fair.

“So I just gave them a nice gift as an extra thanks,” I said, wrapping up with a shrug. “You’ve

seen enough of the house to know the amount of work and dedication they put into it. They didn’t just
do the job. They cared. That should be rewarded.”

“You have a big heart. I like that,” Jordy purred, giving me a shy smile.
“I said the same thing,” Kinkade agreed. “Our mate is very kind.” I felt my cheeks heat under

their praise but I was still grateful they saw me and liked me. Maybe Kinkade’s healing was more
than being mated to a Kappa. Maybe I was the bridge needed to get him there. Either way, it gave me
hope that they both liked me that they could be together one day.

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Chapter 4

The drive over to the warrior compound was quiet. I was okay with it because I could tell

Kinkade was lost in thought. I hoped it was good thoughts and he was settling some things but I wasn’t
sure. Either way, I understood needing time. I called my mother, wanting to do a happy dance when I
got her voice mail, and was able to just leave a message that I’d found both my mates.

Before we left I’d sent Darcy a quick message about my mates and the situation, asking him to

talk to Ayden to get more info. I wanted to fill him in but it would have taken me an hour to type it all
out and I was not going to have my mates overhear that phone call. Ayden was sharp and would be
fair to Kinkade about what was going on with him.

I’d just parked in front of the main entrance when I got a message back saying that he and Ayden

would be over first thing in the morning to welcome the new wolves and talk with them. That was one
thing off my plate. But as we walked inside, another thought hit me. If Kinkade didn’t trust Kappas,
would he really listen to Ayden or believe what his gifts could tell us?

Nope, probably not. Shit. I pulled back out my phone and texted Elan, begging him to come over

for breakfast, that I needed his help, and to bring Kermy because I thought he had issues with Kappas
as well and I could help. Elan was old enough that he could read minds like the Queen. Granted, not
as well as she could and not for as long, but he could.

“I find myself at a loss,” Kinkade admitted as we got to my room. “There is something I need but

I can’t ask for it without hurting you and that is the last thing I want to do.”

I swallowed and nodded, before letting us into the room. “Okay, but if it’s something you need,

then ask me anyways because I don’t want you hurting, Kinkade.” We stepped inside and I glanced
around nervously at most of the packed boxes, wondering what we should take for now.

“I cannot share your bed with the Kappa,” he whispered sadly. “I just cannot, Clove. Please

understand that. Not yet at least. I need more time and maybe to speak with these other Kappas or
something. I’m not asking for you to go from him to me for good. I just ask for some room for now.”

“Do you not want to stay in our home?” I felt my heart twisting in my chest.
“No, I want to be where you are,” he growled as he slammed the door closed and pushed me up

against it. “You are mine, Clove. I will sleep on the couch. I will not demand that the Kappa sleep
there because this is my issue and he needs your comfort. I am not blind to that. I just cannot share the
bed he is in.”

“But you will one day, right?” I asked, trying to ignore my hard cock. It fucking turned me on

when he got all forceful like this.

“I want to. I believe so. I cannot guarantee it but I want to heal. I want to let it go but it’s a

wound from when I was young that I cannot just let go.” He stared at me and I saw need shining in
bright green eyes, begging me to understand. “Please, Clove. Do not cast me aside. I did not mean to
pee on your parade or your excitement. My heart hurts at this turn of events. I am all jumbled.”

“I know,” I whispered as I cupped his cheek. Time to step up and be the mate he needed,

especially given how honest he was being and putting himself out there like this. “I know, Kinkade.
Already you’re trying so hard to not judge Jordy. I see that. I swear I do. He’s been hurt just as you
have. You’re not blinded by your hate and I understand needing space. I just needed to know you
don’t need space from me.”

“No, never, my mate.” He moved closer so his body was pressing me into the wood. “I want

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nothing but closeness with you.”

“How close?” I moaned, feeling his hard cock push against my stomach.
“As close as only mates can be, my sexy vampire,” he growled in my ear as he worked on

getting my belt off. “Inside of you, claiming you as mine. Will you allow that even with all my

I didn’t even have to think about that. “Of course. We all have issues, Kinkade. You don’t just

toss back the gift of a mate fate gives you because they don’t come without a past or problems.”

“Such a big heart my mate has,” he cooed as he ran his teeth over my neck. “I worry my control

is too far gone for me to be gentle with you, Clove. You might need to prepare yourself so I don’t hurt
you. I am not a small man.”

“I can feel that.” I shivered. He leaned back, giving me that big smile again with his wolf teeth. I

licked my lips as his massive hand cupped my groin. “Good thing I like it rough then, huh?” He
moaned and his eyes rolled up into his head. “I’m a switch, Kinkade. I pretty much like a little of
everything. I like to dominate and be dominated. I like gentle and I like rough. I like to suck cock and
be sucked off.”

“Stop, you must stop or I won’t make it inside of you before I come,” he growled as he picked

me up under my arms. My mate threw me onto the bed as if I weighed nothing, shaking with desire.
“Get naked or those clothes will not survive our coupling.” I nodded as I swallowed loudly. I quickly
tugged them off, my eyes never leaving his body as he pulled off his own.

“Holy shit,” I whispered in awe as he parted his jeans and I saw what he was packing. To say

he had a massive cock was an understatement. That piece of meat was over twelve inches. I shivered,
knowing it would burn so good inside my ass.

“My mate like thick, long, fat cock spearing his ass?” he taunted as he gave it a few strokes. I

whimpered and nodded, kicking off my shoes and then my pants. “Oh, such a pretty ass, Clove. I love
a firm, muscular ass to plunder. Where is the lube?”

I had to think about that a moment. Where had I put it with all the packing? I remembered just as

I got naked and scrambled off the bed to get it. I pulled it out of one of the boxes and went to return to
my original position, but Kinkade stopped me in front of him where I was on my knees. I glanced up
at him curiously and saw so much lust in his eyes directed at me my cock started leaking.

“Is it true that vampire mates bite during oral sex and it is a high like no other?” he asked, his

gravelly, growly voice going even deeper.

I licked my lips and nodded. “I have heard that. I’ve not done it. It’s something most tend to save

for their mates, but yes, I know mated couples who swear it’s the best oral sex on the planet.”

“I am too wound up for our first round to be our claiming sex,” he hedged. “I do not wish to

dishonor how much I want this with being a three-pump chump as I hear Americans call it.”

“I should help you with that then,” I purred as I ran my hands up his thighs. “I hear werewolf

blood not only makes us horny bastards but it’s an endorphin rush so I won’t be nervous or tighten up
on you for when you shove this pole into me. A sip might be a good idea as I suck you down.”

“The mouth on you,” Kinkade growled. “Put it to good use.”
“Yes, my mate,” I hissed as I licked the tip of his cock. Then I swallowed as much of him as I

could down as I massaged his sac. Kinkade snarled and I shivered at the sound. He grabbed my head,
but not too roughly, and fucked my face, careful not to shove his cock down my throat. I used my other
hand to wrap around the base of his cock to keep from going too deep.

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“Yes, Clove. Yes! This is what I’ve dreamed of. Always this pleasure with my mate. So good.

Already there.” When his sac drew up and I felt him start to shake, I sank my fangs into his cock.
Kinkade bellowed my name as he shot down my throat, his seed and his blood mixing into a delicious
cocktail I would be addicted to.

The second I retracted my fangs and pulled off his cock he leaned over and picked me up and

dragged me on the bed, grabbing the lube I’d dropped as well. He inserted his larger frame between
my legs and slicked up his still-hard cock, gasping for air.

“Need a minute there?” I teased.
“No, need you,” he snarled. “Never been so fucking turned on in all my life.”
“Really?” I felt my eyes go wide at that. I got the feeling Kinkade was far from a pup and

probably had experienced a lot. He froze for a moment before growling loudly and moving his
unslicked hand to pin my wrists over my head as he pushed two fingers into my hole. I screamed in
pleasure and spread my legs wider. Then he moved so we were nose to nose.

“I do not exaggerate, tell fibs, say what I think you want to hear, or will ever inflate your ego,

Clove. Do you fucking understand?”

“Yes, my mate,” I moaned as he shoved his fingers into me furiously over and over again. “You

enjoyed the blow job I gave you.”

Enjoyed it does not even begin to describe what I felt.” He gave me that wolfish smile again. “I

would beg often to feel that again. Do I strike you as a man that begs, Clove?”

“No, no you don’t. You’re a man that demands what he wants. Maybe takes it if he knows he’s


“Smart man. For that blissful pleasure I would beg.” He tilted his head and stared at me

carefully, his thick, chocolate hair with light brown highlights falling into his eyes. “Would you deny
your mate if I begged and offered you pleasure in return?”

“No, never, Kinkade. I wouldn’t even make you please me in return. I would offer it to you

freely just to make you happy,” I blurted out, being completely honest with him as I offered a piece of
my heart to him. I saw hope and joy fill his eyes.

“Which is why I will fall deeply in love with my strong, honorable, and tender mate,” he

whispered. “How stretched do you like to be?”

“That’s enough. Please take me,” I begged. “Please? I want to feel you inside of me, Kinkade. I

need us to be one. I’m scared this won’t work with the three of us. I want to know we can work.”

“I will do everything I can to get rid of my demons, my mate. For you I will do my best,” he

swore to me. I nodded as he pulled out his fingers and moved my leg over his hip. He lined up his
cock and pushed inside my barely prepared hole. I screamed out in pain, loving it, and Kinkade
mashed his mouth down to mine, swallowing the noises I made. He grunted as he forced his cock into
me, needing to be one with me as much as I did.

I whimpered and arched into his body and he knew what I wanted, releasing my hands.

Normally I would have loved for him to keep me pinned down like that but not our first time together
where we were claiming each other. I wanted to feel and touch every inch of my new mate. I fisted
his hair with one hand as my other hand traveled down his back. He moved my other leg over his hip
as well and I wrapped them around him.

Kinkade thrust hard and forced his cock all the way inside of me, getting another deep scream

from me. He shook at my need and I knew we were perfect in our desires, matching up exactly with

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what we wanted. My ass barely got a few moments to adjust to the invasion before he started fucking
me like a madman, and with the sip of his blood I’d had, I was all for it, lifting my hips to meet his.

We fucked like animals, our bodies saying everything we didn’t even know how to voice. When

it was time he bared his neck to me and I bit him again, making sure to sink my fangs deeply into him
so the bite was a mating one and the mark would take. But I didn’t drink much, already hopped up on
werewolf blood and thinking I’d be horny all night.

Kinkade and I blew at the same time, my mate snarling as he bit me again, pumping his seed

deep inside of me. It felt like eternity that we were one, our bliss building off each other, caused by
the other. When it was over I knew I would never, ever get enough of this man.

“I need more,” he gasped as he collapsed against me.
“So do I,” I admitted after the third time trying to find my voice. He smiled against my neck.
“So it was not just me who felt it?”
“No, Kinkade.” I rubbed my hands over his back to soothe his nerves. I wasn’t the only one

afraid that this mating was starting on unsure footing. “I know where my place is now and I’m not
talking about your fabulous cock in my ass. My place is in your arms. We will figure this out.”

“Thank you, my mate.” He kissed my neck tenderly. “I will work out a way to accept your other

mate. Be patient with me. I will try to explain my pain so you understand. I just need more time and to
speak with Kermy. It is not only my past and it does not feel right to discuss it with the Kappa before
discussing it with my brother. I realized on the drive over that’s what has been bothering me.”

“I invited him and Elan over for breakfast. I thought it might help,” I hedged, not wanting to

show all my cards yet. Postorgasmic bliss wasn’t the time to discuss this since the vast majority of the
blood in my body wasn’t in my brain… It was in the other head.

“Such a thoughtful mate. You deserve more pleasure.”
“You just like my ass,” I chuckled.
“I do. Best ass I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing,” he praised. He moved faster than I

could track and a moment later I was chest down on the bed and Kinkade was thrusting back into me.
“I need to mark you.”

“My body is yours,” I moaned as I pushed my ass up as an offering. I wasn’t sure what he meant

by marking me but what I said I meant. I was his and Jordy’s in every way. There was a loud crack in
the room and I felt the sting on my ass where he’d slapped me. While I was a switch and liked to take
as much as be taken, spanking wasn’t something I’d played with when I’d bottomed.

“Yes or no?”
“I’m not sure. Try it about twenty or fifty more times and I’ll let you know,” I answered, biting

back a moan. Apparently I liked it when I was with him.

“Perfect. Fate gave me the perfect mate,” he whispered reverently as he rubbed away the sting.

Then he took me at my word and smacked my ass over and over again as he rode me hard. He came
deep inside of me after making sure I found my release twice more.

Then just for good measure, he fucked me one additional time bent over the bed, foot up on it

while I was folded over. Just in case I might forget what his cock felt like inside of me when we
loaded up my stuff and I saw all the attractive warriors around. It seemed my mate was the jealous
type and he wanted to remind me what he could do to me.

I was very okay with that. Hell, I fucking loved it.
When I came, lights flashed behind my eyes and before I even came back down from my peak I

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was out. I would have collapsed onto the bed except his strong hands kept me up. Damn. My mate
was a sex god. I hoped this showed Kinkade that he sated me and I would never look to another for

Because the only person I wanted other than him was Jordy. And one day it would be the three

of us together. At least I hoped it would be.

* * * *


I smiled when I realized my gorgeous mate had passed out from the pleasure I brought him.

Good. Then he would never forget our first time together. I gently pulled out of him and eased him
onto the bed, careful not to lay him in any of the wet spots. I cupped his cheek, happy he was smiling
but worried at the same time. I hadn’t meant to fuck him into passing out. That hadn’t been the plan.

But when I realized how hard my issues were on Clove, something primal started burning inside

of me. This compulsion to show him I could be what he not only needed but more than he’d ever
wanted. I had to prove there were benefits to mating me too. I grabbed a washcloth I found and
headed to the door, opening it quietly so I didn’t wake him.

“Oh, hey, I need Clove,” a very attractive vampire said with his hand raised to knock. “Is he


“He is a little tuckered out,” I answered with a smirk. “You can find someone else for your

needs.” I had tried to keep the growl out of my voice but it didn’t fully happen. Oh well. The warrior
raised an eyebrow at me, I’m sure giving me what he considered a dangerous look. I wasn’t scared.

“Tuckered out how? What did you do to Clove?” he asked darkly as he moved closer and tried

to push into the room. I shoved the man hard so he went flying out into the hall and closed the door
behind me.

“Completely, totally, and utterly sexually satisfied my mate,” I snarled. “I do not know why you

need him, but Clove is now spoken for so I suggest you look elsewhere from now on or I will rip off
your balls and eat them with my breakfast. He does not need any attractive vampires sniffing around
his room at night.”

“Mate,” the guy hedged and then smiled. “Dude, I get it.” He held out his hand. “You got the

wrong idea, friend. I’m Vega. Clove and I are buddies and warriors together. That’s all. Not naked
buddies. Not lovers. Not sniffing after him. I just got off shift at King Rylan’s palace and I had a
question for him about the training schedule. I’m not showing up at his house for a booty call. We
work all kinds of hours with this gig so it’s more catch someone when we can around here.”

I eyed over the man for a moment and nodded before taking his hand. “Kinkade Wolfram. Nice

to meet you, Vega. Clove has had a trying day so unless this is dire I would appreciate you letting him
have some rest. Is there something I could give him for him to get back to you on?”

“Yeah, that would be great actually, thanks.” He leaned in after taking his hand back and then

cleared his throat, moving away. “Sorry. Still getting used to the whole nudity thing you guys are so at
ease with. And well, you smell like sex.”

“Yes, several rounds of it.” I gave my best grin, letting him know just in case that I kept my mate


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“Good for Clove then,” he chuckled. “My buddy deserves to be happy.” He pointed several

things out on a schedule, writing in a few notes, asking Clove if he could switch some times for some
classes that the margays needed. It seemed they interfered with the times that some of the fae were
supposed to be learning how to make the ultraviolet ammunition the margays and vampires were
making, and after the battle recently their supply was almost used up.

I wasn’t sure what that all meant but it didn’t sound good. I nodded that I would tell him the

moment he was up, and I would let Alpha Caven know in case he thought some of the wolves should
learn how to make it as well. There was no reason the wolves couldn’t spend a few hours a week
making rounds as well. If everyone pitched in, it wouldn’t be such a bad job or left to just a few.
Vega said he thought it was a great idea and agreed.

Then the man offered to help me load up the SUV of Jordy’s we were using to start moving

Clove. Once I had tended to my mate and covered up his nakedness, I took him up on his kindness.
The third trip out I carried Clove and got him settled in the passenger’s seat, chuckling when he didn’t
even wake. We kept carrying boxes out, making small talk until we were half done. Once we were out
of earshot of the van, Vega sighed.

“Look, it’s none of my business but you seem like a nice guy and Clove’s my buddy. I just don’t

want you to think I’m that guy who pokes his nose where it doesn’t belong.”

“If you have advice or knowledge that you think will help me navigate the minefield that is

mating or this coven I would appreciate it,” I hedged, trying to set his mind at ease. It was the truth
after all. I found I liked Vega and he was a straight shooter… Which I valued unlike most people.

“Okay good, because it’s one of those I’d feel like a jerk for not warning you but I could be a

jerk if I did,” he grumbled. “I don’t know the whole story but Clove’s family are a bunch of
dickheads. I’m not sure what he’s told you but they’re elitists and bigots. It’s an privilege in our
world to have a warrior in the family. Hell, we’re honored to be warriors. But they treat us and him
like a second-rate citizen. They’re embarrassed by him.”

“He mentioned he was from a wealthy family that wasn’t happy he turned out to be a warrior.

That was about all though since we just met today.”

“That’s putting how they feel mildly,” he drawled. “I come from a family of humbler stock. My

mom cries when I come home to visit, proud her son is a warrior. We don’t have money like the
Mariuses and they’re still proud of their warrior sons. So I don’t want you to think that it’s the rich
vampire families either. Clove’s family is the oddity. Or maybe it’s some of the European families, I
don’t know.”

“I understand what you are telling me.” We were almost to Clove’s room now and I wanted to

hurry this conversation along. As much as I wanted the information I wouldn’t risk Clove overhearing
us when we were heading back to the vehicle and thinking we were gossiping or something.

“Good, okay. I was here when Clove came for training. He was wounded, Kinkade. It wasn’t

just that his family was disappointed he was a warrior. His brothers are mean sons of a bitch.
Literally. I met them once when they were here for a delegation. His parents wouldn’t even
acknowledge him publically, and then his brothers just razzed him when they were gone, in front of
all of Clove’s buddies.

“Then I find out later that Clove’s parents set up a bunch of potential wives for him because they

decided as long as he was over here, they’d try to match him up with a couple of females from
suitable families. Make something out of having such a disappointing son, they said. Screw that he

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was only a hundred then and young for a vampire, not giving him the chance to find his mates on his
own or anything. They wanted him to be of use for once and form an alliance.

“Just ignore the hundreds of lives he’d probably saved at that point. That didn’t matter. All that

mattered was now he might serve a political purpose befitting a Sutherland.”

“What happened?” I asked, internally wincing because I had a feeling I knew.
“Clove refused. As much as he didn’t want to upset his parents he said he couldn’t betray his

mates who were out there waiting for him by taking wives. And he wouldn’t take wives knowing his
heart wasn’t in it and disrespect them. He’s honorable like that.”

“I know. I find that very admirable and a commendable quality,” I said with a smile. I could see

my mate doing just as Vega told me.

“His mother freaked, bitch slapping him in public. I’m pretty sure they don’t even know he’s

gay. And now he’s mated to a wolf? They’re going to shit rainbow-colored Bentleys, man. They’re
assholes that believe other species, especially humans, are lower life-forms like bugs. Clove totally
isn’t like that, just so you know. He thinks people are people and what they do defines them as a
person. Nothing else matters.”

“A moral code to live by,” I sighed. “One I wished I could even aspire to.” Vega shot me a look

and I shook my head. “Continue and I will explain in a moment.” I felt myself flinch at that. Why had I
just agreed to that? I never told what had happened to me, and besides the wolves I’d left the pack
with, no one knew why I hated Kappas. Then I realized, it was just Vega. The man was just easy to
speak with. “And you should know, Clove is mated to two wolves.”

“Shit. That means he has to tell his parents. He has to let them know he’s mated by our laws and

claim his inheritance.” I raised an eyebrow at that, having heard Clove say that earlier. We stowed
the next boxes and waited until we were back inside before Vega explained to me what the vampires
laws were on inheritances since the parents could live forever and didn’t always die, that when they
found their mates they got their inheritance. I nodded, understanding the logic.

“And you think his parents might come after us? Try to break us up or kill us to break the bond?”
“I don’t know,” Vega admitted. “They don’t strike me as the type of people who would get their

hands dirty, and I really don’t see them fucking with another coven’s people. But I’m just warning you
to expect trouble.”

“I am glad you told me. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” We grabbed another load from Clove’s room and he eyed me over. “So

what’s your deal? What was the comment earlier?”

I thought about how to phrase my answer and instead decided to ask a question before

explaining. “What do you know about the Kappas of this coven or pack?”

“Ayden’s awesome,” he answered, blinking at me in shock. “He’s had a monumentally rough

hand dealt to him. I don’t know the full story, but whatever trauma it was, his wolf freaked out and
took over because of it.”

What?” I gasped, almost dropping the boxes I had in my arms at that news.
“Yeah, I heard that was a big deal for you guys.”
I nodded, swallowing loudly. “For how long?”
“A year. Does that matter? He didn’t shift back until he met his mate and he helped him to

change back into a man.”

“Yes. Yes that matters,” I whispered in horror, a shiver going through me down to my very soul.

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Chapter 5

“I don’t mean to be a jerk, but since we’re talking about it,” Vega hedged and then cleared his


“You do not know what it means.”
“No. I know most of us don’t besides something traumatic happened to the little guy. Which

sucks because Ayden’s awesome. I mean he’s helped a lot of us.”

“I will explain but I do want to know more about that.”
“Of course. I don’t know all about a Kappa’s powers, but Ayden’s like a marriage and trauma

counselor. He can see what a mated couple needs even if they don’t realize it. Like if they’re having a
problem and not dealing with it well. I’ve seen him help dozens of mates work out issues by showing
each side of how they feel to both of them.”

“I’ve not known a firstborn Kappa to use their powers that way,” I hedged, blinking at him in

shock. “It’s always sexual.”

“He helps them with that too,” Vega chuckled.
“His mate must love that,” I drawled, rolling my eyes.
“Darcy? It’s part of the job.” The man shrugged as we stuffed more boxes in the van, acting if it

was no big deal.

“See, this is why I cannot be mated to a Kappa. I could not be accepting to it just being part of

the job that my mate fucks other couples and pups to show them—”

“Whoa! Kinkade, man, that’s not what I was saying,” Vega said firmly, shaking his hands out in

front of him. “Dude, you’ve got it all wrong.”

“Explain it to me then,” I growled, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Look, I don’t have a mate, so I can’t fully,” he sighed, rubbing his hand over the back of his

neck. Then he snapped his fingers. “Okay, I saw Ferris and King Rylan having an argument. Ayden
was there. He walked over to them and they kind of spaced out for a moment. I’ve seen people get
like that when Ayden shows people memories or thoughts. He was showing them something. Then
Ferris gasped and growled at Rylan, saying, ‘Why didn’t you just tell me?’

“Long story short from what I got out of it, Rylan was feeling neglected because Ferris wasn’t

cornering him anymore like a newly mated couple, biting him, and fucking him silly. And Ferris
wasn’t doing it because he felt guilty for taking so much of Rylan’s time because he was so important
with a whole people to take care of. Ferris didn’t want to be demanding, but whatever Ayden showed
Ferris changed his mind, and it was what Rylan needed.

“Next thing we all knew, Ferris is apologizing and swearing he wants to ravage Rylan always,

biting him right in the throne room. Rylan wanted to be Rylan the man, not just the King of the
margays. Hell, Ferris couldn’t even control himself and they did it right there as we kind of start
leaving. So yes, it was sexual, but Ayden didn’t jump in. He would never cheat on Darcy. He adores
his mate and is loyal.”

By the time he was done explaining we were back in Clove’s room and I plopped on the bed

and sighed. “That is not at all what I’ve seen with Kappas. I’ve known two and they were not loyal or
honorable. One took pleasure in seducing mates by using their powers to see their deepest desires and
offering the person everything they ever wanted.” I looked at Vega with shame before staring back at
my hands.

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“And the other?”
“The other broke in the pups of the pack after their first shift and taught them the ways of sex.

We didn’t have a choice,” I whispered. “They would also jump in bed with any mates if they heard
their carnal activities had gotten stale at their discretion. He was a whore. He took advantage of pups
and forced people to cheat on their mates. Kappas are not good people, Vega.”

“Look, I know you’ve had horrible experiences with them, Kinkade,” he said gently as he sat

down next to me, patting me on the back. “I mean, damn, dude. That’s just awful and I get it now why
you don’t want to be mated to one and would distrust Ayden. But we both know that not everyone is
one thing.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, not sure I understood his point.
“I’m not just a vampire. I’m not just a warrior. I’m not just a man. I’m a lot of things, Kinkade. If

I was the world’s biggest jerk you couldn’t blame that on me being a man or a warrior or a vampire.
Or a male vampire warrior. There’s more to it than that.”

“I see what you are saying. Yes.” I bobbed my head, taking it in. “You are saying it is what

people do with what they are that makes them different. It’s not even that our Kappa was abused
because your Ayden was abused and you say he is a good man.”

“He is. You were abused and you’re a good man.”
“Thank you but I do not feel it. I am hurting Clove by denying our other mate.”
“Hey, give it time. You just met him, right?” I nodded. “And yet you’re here talking to someone

you barely know already trying to figure it out.” I felt a little lighter at that. He was right.

“Thank you.” He shrugged as we got to our feet and picked up a few more boxes each. I was

glad we were almost done and that the furniture was staying. It was a furnished dorm room, or maybe
mini hotel room was a better description.

“You’re welcome. Tit for tat though. Tell me what it means to be stuck in animal form.”
“Right. You ever see a character on television who just stares off into space, and when someone

asks what is wrong with them another person replies they are trapped in their own mind?”

“Yeah,” Vega drawled, shooting me a confused glance. Then his eyebrows shot up to his

forehead. “You’re saying it’s like that?”

“In a way, yes. The trauma is so great that the person zones out and for survival reasons the

animal in us takes over. Your Ayden friend suffered something so severe that his mind shut down, and
if his wolf did not take over he might have become a vegetable for all intents and purposes. Sure, he
was sentient in his wolf form, but we process things better as our animal because matters are simpler
then. Details are just black and white, since we are creatures of instinct.”

“Wow,” he whispered. “Poor Ayden. He’s such a good guy. I mean, to go through something that

bad, then not only let in his mate, but strangers to join this coven, and then turn around and want to
help them. He’s just amazing.”

He wanted to help the coven?” I asked, blinking at him in shock.
“Yeah. Darcy told me he was adamant that a coven was like a pack, and it was the role of a

Kappa to be the healer but not of the body. It’s in the wolf books or something that a Kappa is the
healer of the soul or something. They heal the mind, heart, bond between mates, and soul, I think he
said. And then there’s Caven, who has more control over his power because he can see everything,
not just trauma and stuff between mates. Elder Dawson said they make good leaders and Caven

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“I have seen that already. He has a unique approach to things.”
“He does,” Vega chuckled. “But in a good way. He refuses to do things just because that’s the

way it was done before. If it doesn’t work or isn’t moral or it doesn’t make sense to him, it’s out. The
wolves love it and him.” Then he did a double take as we stepped outside. “How did Clove meet

“I know Virgil’s mates and the Alpha was kind enough to extend us an invitation to his pack,” I

answered, leaving out the more intimate details. I didn’t know just how much Caven wanted to say
yet. “Clove was with them and I smelled him. My little brother is mates with Elan so our small group
of seven is integrating with the pack and I along with two others are going to test to be the Alpha’s

“Good. Caven needs enforcers and backup,” Vega said in a relieved voice. “No one’s going to

mess with him because he’s part of the coven but that’s not going to win him points with other packs.
He needs to be able to stand on his own and have a strong pack.”

“I agree. Normally now is the time people would challenge him for leadership when he is new

and young, coven or not. Your coven cannot stop him unless the coven controls the pack,” I replied

“Does Caven know that?” Vega looked worried.
“The elder would. You said Elder Dawson?” He nodded. “Yes, he would know. I assume there

is a way they have handled it. Either naming the pack one of sanctuary temporarily because of the
overturning of Alphas due to traumatic circumstances or moving. There are rules for that though. I
will have to ask the Alpha tomorrow. He might not want me to know until I have tested in as Beta.
The pack might not know.” I gave him a meaningful look.

“I’m not a gossip. I would want to know what to look out for and maybe tell a few others who

do patrols what to pay attention to.”

“Let me speak with Alpha Caven tomorrow. He might not know. Depending on his background,

Elder Dawson might not either. I do. If the pack is challenged formally and legally the vampires could
not get involved though.”

“Because we’re a coven.”
“Could another pack in the coven?”
I smiled at Vega, officially liking the man. “Yes, yes they could. The margays’ pack under the

same coven would be considered a subsidiary of our pack if you would. And vice versa. It would not
stop a wolf pack from challenging us, but they would be allowed to fight on our behalf.”

“After you talk to Caven let me know what we should keep an eye out for. I’m not trying to

sound like Chicken Little and run around that the sky is falling, but it’s always better to be prepared.”

“We agree on that,” I chuckled as I opened the back door and found places for the boxes in my

arms. I heard a loud whistle and turned towards that direction.

“Vega, who’s the hottie, man? He looks like he’d be a fun ride all night,” a vampire called out

from about forty yards away. He was with three others, and it looked as if they were just finishing up
a late run from the way they were panting and sweat dripping off of them.

“Yeah, you sharing or he yours?” another one asked, eyeing me over like dinner. “Damn, he’d

look good under me.”

“Nope, not mine,” Vega chuckled.

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“Nice. He’s hot,” the first one practically purred. “You feel like some fun, sexy wolf? I promise

to have you screaming my name all night as I take you to new heights.”

“I am spoken for,” I answered as I pulled the collar of my shirt to the side, letting them see the

bite marks on my neck. I wasn’t sure if they could see the mating mark from the distance in the lack of
light. “And I am very happy with him.”

“You sure? We could show you lots of fun he can’t.” The second one wiggled his eyebrows at

me. “We promise not to break you when we fold you in half.”

“No, you could not,” I shot back. “All four of you could not please me the way my one man


“Ohhh, that’s a challenge,” one taunted. I had a feeling they were just being stupid guys, their

egos bruised and nothing more. They couldn’t be jerks if they were friends with Vega. Or I doubted it.
I shook my head and pushed in the box, making sure it was secure… And met Clove’s gaze.

“Right answer,” he growled. In a flash he was out of the van and wrapped around me, bending

me backwards slightly so he could reach my neck. “He said he was spoken for. Did you not see the
mating mark?”

“No, sorry, Clove,” the first guy whispered. “I only saw bite marks. Seriously, we were just

joking with him. You know we’d never take anyone by force. We were just coming over to meet the
new guy and see if we could help Vega.” The others nodded and I felt much better.

“Fine,” Clove hissed dangerously as he ran his fangs over his mark on me. “Kinkade is mine.”
“I am, my darling mate,” I moaned, reaching back and holding his head to my neck. “I did not

know you were so possessive.” Everyone around me started laughing and I glanced between them, my
gaze landing on Vega.

“Newly mated vampires, especially ones with a lot of testosterone like warriors, are some of

the most possessive people on the planet. Clove’s got massive amounts of self-control that he’s not
already bitten you and reclaimed you in front of all of us since he woke to four guys propositioning
his mate.”

“Whatever you need, I give willingly, my mate,” I whispered quietly. “I understand the need.

Wolves are animals of instinct. There will be a time I need the same. Do not deny yourself for fear of
my reaction. Claim what is yours for all to see.” While I was a dominant man and so was my wolf,
both the man and wolf in me were thrilled that our mate wanted all to see that we were his and that he
cared enough to declare it to the world.

“You need something more than that,” Clove growled cryptically. I almost fell over when he

moved again and I wasn’t leaning over funny against him. I stood up and blinked down at him,
kneeling before me. “I know what my mate needs.”

“But Vega said everything inside of you must be dying to bite and fuck me in front of them after

they tried to take what is yours,” I said, my heart fluttering as my brain tried to catch up with what
was going on. “Why are you on your knees?” He smiled at me as he ran his hands up my thighs and
cupped my groin.

“Because I know my mate and the wolf that’s a part of him. They assumed you were a bottom

and you’re too dominant for that not to have bristled you. Yes, I want to claim you in front of them so
they see who you belong to. But you’re my mate and your needs come first. It’s not about what I want
always or need. It’s what you do. And this is what you need.”

“You would submit to me right here in front of them and suck me off, rocking my world again?” I

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whispered, shocked down to my core that he would do such a thing for me.

“They won’t ever doubt I’m enough for you after they see what I can do for you,” he purred as he

unzipped my fly. “I give my mate what he wants whenever he needs it.”

“As do I,” I agreed. “Suck off your mate and then fuck me in front of them, Clove. We are

equals. One is not subservient to the other. We give each other all we need.”

The smile I got from him and the joy shining in his eyes warmed my heart and I knew I’d said the

right thing… For once. Clove swallowed as much as he could of my fat cock down right in front of
his friends as they watched with open mouths.

“I have the perfect mate and I would never desire another,” I moaned as I gently guided his head.

“My wolf has bonded with him. I thank fate for the gift of him. And I cannot get enough of him. There
is no man or harem of men who could please me as he does.”

Clove’s eyes went wide at my words and he sucked on me harder.
“That’s it, my mate. Take care of your man as no other ever has. Yes! God, your mouth is

heaven.” I smiled inside and decided to lay it on thick. “Please, Clove. Do not tease me anymore.
You promised me earlier when I was good that you would bite my cock again. Was I not a good mate
who was loyal? I loaded up the van and made nice with your friend. Please, my darling? I will give
you three blow jobs tomorrow for just one bite it’s so good.”

He sank his fangs in my cock and I screamed in pleasure, no longer needing to act in the

slightest. I rode out the bliss, my head feeling like it might pop off my neck as all my nerve endings
fired at once. Next thing I knew my pants were pulled down, I was bent over, and Clove was pushing
into my ass. Wow. How had I missed that one?

Clove took me hard and fast, knowing what to do with what god gave him. I loved every minute

of it, and while my wolf wasn’t a fan of submitting, for our mate we would. And to show us off as
his… Yeah, we were all for it.

When we peaked together, he bit me but didn’t take much blood, probably already wound up on

it. The moment we were done, we dropped together to our knees.

“Fuck, I want a mate,” one guy said sadly. “Not just for the sex either. All these new people and

everyone’s getting one but me. Totally not fair.”

“You were always cooped up at Barnabas’s, Spike,” Clove panted as he licked my neck once.

“Maybe now that your rotation’s done and you’re back training here you’ll start interacting with the
new people of the coven and meet someone.”

“Yeah, maybe,” the guy whispered. “Congrats, Clove. I’m really happy for you, man.” Then he

looked to me. “We really were just playing. Not about you being hot. You are, but about rocking your
world and shit. I mean, I could do that too, well, if you weren’t mated and all—”

“He’s trying to say he’s not the smoothest when it comes to flirting,” Vega drawled. “And most

guys think puffing up their chest and showing off their feathers actually impresses guys.”

“Yeah, well, shy and dorky hasn’t worked for me so far so I’ve been trying something new,”

Spike argued, the others nodding as well.

“Do not be untrue to yourself just to win false attention,” I said as I stood. Clove and I groaned

as his cock slipped out of me. I smiled at my mate as I offered him a hand up. He smiled and accepted
it and we righted our clothes before I turned back to the vampires. “I would have been much more
drawn to shy and dorky than arrogant and rude any day if I was not mated. Confident is one thing, but
if you cannot pull it off then simply be yourself. The right person will see you and know you are

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worth taking notice of.”

“Right, right.” He nodded and then glanced at me again, shyly this time. “You got a brother?”
“I do,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “He’s mated to Elan.”
“Damn.” We shared a laugh and they helped us with the last few boxes before we left, Clove

letting me drive this time so I could think over a few things. My blood hit him fully about five minutes
after we left and to say my mate was horny was an understatement. It seemed to have a delayed
reaction on him, and I didn’t know if Clove was an evolved man, having overcome his instincts in a
way few could, or it was because he kept taking little sips.

As his mate I wanted to say the first since that would be another thing to be proud of that Clove

was my mate. The non-evolved type of male I was felt twinges of jealousy that Clove was always in
such control and I decided it must be the small amounts he had. Sure. That was it.

“Okay, I’m going to be a dirty, dirty cad here, but I need relief,” he whimpered finally and

unzipped his fly… As if I hadn’t noticed him shifting in his seat and trying to get his cock to go down
before that? I was driving. Not fucking blind to everything else.

“My poor mate,” I cooed and smacked his hand away. He moaned in joy as I took care of him.

Twice. When we pulled up to the house he wasn’t as randy with need but it was obvious he was still

“You know I’m going to go in there and claim Jordy for hours, right?” he whispered as he stared

out the window, sadness in his eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you, Kinkade, but I can’t hurt him either. I
can’t walk in there, having claimed you, and deny him without seeming like I’m choosing sides. And I
can’t choose. I get why you need time but Jordy doesn’t deserve that judgment. He’s done nothing
wrong and deserves our support and love.”

“I know,” I agreed with a sigh. “I spoke with your friend Vega. He is a very nice, very wise

man. I want you to go claim and love on our little mate. I would never stop you, be angry with you for
it, or hold it against you, Clove. I simply cannot participate yet.”

“Will you ever?” He turned to look at me, no judgment in his eyes, simply hope.
I nodded. “I believe I will and soon. I want to, Clove. Please trust that. I want all of us to be

happy. I do not wish to hurt either of you. There are things I am trying to work out.”

“As long as you’re trying, needing more time is understandable.” He gave me that bright smile

that I swore could light up the sky, not just his face. Then he leaned in and gave me a loud smack on
the lips. “At least you’ll get to see the switch side of me now.”

“I saw that earlier. I enjoyed it,” I chuckled as we got out of the van.
“That wasn’t my dominant side, Kinkade.” I glanced at him and Clove simply shrugged. “Not by

a long shot. That was the vampire in me seeing others want to take his mate. That was instinct. That
wasn’t the switch in me.”

“Color me intrigued,” I mumbled as I followed him up to the house with my arms full of boxes.

My eyes seemed to narrow in on my mate’s firm, round globes as he walked. I’d never seen such a
delectable, muscular, pert, and perfect ass in all my forty-five years. I wondered if Clove would let
me bite it? He seemed to like the biting. I might be able to talk him into it. I lost my train of thought
after I followed him inside and heard the crash of boxes and bumped into my mate.

Clove was frozen in shock at something. I wanted to groan. What now? Couldn’t we get more

than ten minutes of calm to handle some of the piles of shit we already had? Please?

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Chapter 6


I knew Kinkade was checking out my ass as we walked up to the house. I tried to put a little

sway in my hips without being obvious. I wanted to make it look extra tasty to him so he’d want to
sink his fingers, tongue, cock… Everything into it. Maybe even his teeth. I did like when he bit me.
Wonder what it would feel like to have him bite me there?

Huh. Definitely something to think about later. As I opened the door, I smiled to myself. It felt so

normal to come home like this, with one sweetie, looking forward to seeing the other sweetie.
Granted, I barely knew them and had just met them, but they were my mates and that was kind of the
definition of a sweetie after all.

I swallowed loudly and shook with need at the sight before me, all the effects of the wolf blood

I’d temporarily pushed away swarming me again. Jordy was leaning over the counter with his back to
the door, wearing nothing but tiny boy shorts he must have had under his jeans, his headphones on as
he looked up something on his laptop, left foot arched as it stood on his right one… As his firm little
ass swayed back and forth with whatever song he was listening to.

I watched it like a pendulum, nothing else even registering with me. I dropped the boxes I’d

been carrying, my body feeling almost weak with need as my hands itched to touch him. Distantly I
felt something push against my back but I didn’t care. Hell, I didn’t care if we were being raided by
the human FBI right then. I just wanted the firm little body forty feet in front of me… That was now
my prey.

And Jordy was about to find out what that meant.
I growled as my fangs came out, my hands changing into claws, as my cock tried to escape my

jeans, knowing where it wanted to go. In a flash I was on Jordy, wrapping my arms around him, lifting
him up so his ass was to my groin as I ran my fangs against his neck. He cried out in shock and ripped
the earbuds out.

“Jesus, Clove, you scared the shit out of me,” he gasped, shivering in my arms as I ran one hand

of claws over his inner thigh.

Mine,” I snarled. “You had to know walking in and seeing you shake your tight little ass at me

would get me all wound up, Jordy.”

“Well, um, I wasn’t paying attention to the time,” he admitted as he squirmed against me. “I

spilled on my jeans because one of the jars in the basket broke and they’re drying. I figured you guys
were taking so long because you wanted alone time and I was trying to distract myself.” I felt how
sad he was at the idea. And I couldn’t have that.

“We got a little distracted when we arrived at his old room and saw a bed,” Kinkade said

before I could offer an explanation. I turned to face him, Jordy of course coming with since he was
plastered to me. Our mate shrugged and gestured to me. “Do you blame me? I practically jumped him
the moment he bent over to pick up a box. I would not worry. The moment he walked through the door
he only had eyes for you.”

“Oh, well, thank you,” Jordy panted as my hands moved around his body as I ground my cock

into his ass. “It’s nice to know you weren’t both just avoiding me.”

“Never think that,” I growled. “I need you so badly I can’t even get myself under control.” I held

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up my clawed hand in front of his face. “Yes, I had some of Kinkade’s blood so that doesn’t help, but
what I walked in on set me on fire and all I can think of is claiming you and my need for you.”

“I’m yours, Clove. I give myself to you freely,” he whispered as he looked at me over his

shoulder. That calmed me down enough to have my hands go back to normal. My mate needed this as
badly as I did. “I’m yours. Always if you want me.” I saw the fear of rejection and hesitation in his

“I do.” I gave him a wide, feral grin, showing off my fangs. I yanked down the back of his shorts

and then fumbled with my pants.

“I’ll give you some privacy,” Kinkade said quietly.
“No,” I snarled as I focused back on him, setting Jordy on his feet for twenty seconds just to get

my shirt off and push down my pants. Then I had him back in my arms, seeing the confused looks both
my mates were giving me.

I pointed to the sofa closest to us in the family room. It was actually one massive great room.

The front of the house had the foyer with family room, vaulted ceilings, and staircase to upstairs, then
led into the kitchen. But there weren’t any doors so technically it was all one room, just divided off.
Hard to explain but really cool and gorgeous. Functional too.

“Sit your ass down,” I said darkly, my tone brooking no room for argument. “You need time and

aren’t ready to join in, make Jordy your mate as well, or be a part of this. I get that. You need to wrap
your head around it. But you will not miss this. You accused him of being a whore because that’s
what you think all firstborn Kappas are. Whores are fake, Kinkade. You are going to sit there and
witness your mates claiming each other, and see how real this is.”

“If that is what you wish,” he replied quietly, and part of me wanted to laugh. I could see the

shock in his eyes that I was being so demanding and had ordered something of him. “I will go lock up
the van and be right back.” I nodded. That was allowed. The moment he was gone, I looked down to

“He has some serious shit to deal with and real reasons to have issues. Just be patient, baby.”
“You really think this will help?” Jordy asked hesitantly.
“Can’t hurt and if nothing else he gets to see how sexy you are and remind his old hurt that

you’re his and he can have you if he gets over his shit.” I shrugged. What did I know? I wasn’t a
shrink. “You okay with this?”

“I’d be okay if we were doing this live on national television if it got that fat cock I feel against

my hole inside of me,” he whimpered as he looked up at me, sticking out his pouty lip and all. I gave
him an evil smile and pushed inside of him. Jordy cried out as he hooked his arm around my neck as
his legs wrapped around mine. It was probably the oddest, kinkiest position I’d ever had sex in. I
wondered for a second if a Kama Sutra book had taken it down yet.

Or we could just name it for ourselves. I kind of liked that idea.
I moved one hand between his legs for leverage and the other was secured around his chest as I

pulled him to me as I thrust hard into him the moment his body adjusted for me, knowing I was his
mate. I loved that about Kinkade and Jordy.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god!” Jordy screamed as I pounded into him. His head lolled to the right,

his left arm wrapped around my neck so my face was against his. I took pleasure in his firm little
body as I watched his thick vein pulse against his flesh.

“If you take more blood you are going to be insatiable all night long,” Kinkade warned as he

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walked back into the house.

“Are you complaining?” I hissed before licking my fangs, staring at him.
“Or do you just not want him to claim me?” Jordy whispered as I felt his cock deflate against my


“No, not at all,” Kinkade answered immediately, pain filling his eyes as he moved closer. “I

want you to have your needs met by your mate when I cannot bring myself to do it yet.” His gaze
raked over our bodies moving together as one, and he licked his lips slowly. “I offer myself for
whatever Clove needs if the blood he takes from you is too much for you to keep up with later.”

“I can keep my mate sated,” Jordy snarled.
“I did not mean it that way,” Kinkade growled in frustration. He grabbed his hair and shouted

some cuss words in French. “I simply meant I would help. I support this. I do not wish to hinder this
in any way. I am here, watching, not running, not missing this important moment of my mates. I am

“We appreciate that,” I said and kissed Jordy’s neck. He nodded as he relaxed against me. “Isn’t

he gorgeous, Kinkade? So flexible and adventurous.” I buried my face in his hair and growled. “And
this hair. Dear god, I just want to feel it all over my body.”

“I will remember that,” Jordy gasped. “Clove, I need. I’m there.”
“No you’re not,” I grunted, fucking him faster. “You can still make complete thoughts.” I took a

few steps forward so we were at the edge of the couch Kinkade just sat down on. “Grab the arm.”
Jordy nodded as he did as I wanted and I moved my hands to his hips, pounding into his ass, not even
letting his feet touch the floor.

“I would please you if you wanted,” I heard Jordy offer Kinkade in between gasps. “I know that

probably makes me more of a whore in your eyes but it hurts my heart that you’re sitting this out. Let
me please you. Take whatever anger you feel for Kappas out on me. I would do that for you.”

“No. No, I could never do that to you,” Kinkade whispered, shaking his head. “That is why I

cannot join you yet. I do not know how I would react yet and I never want my feelings to transfer to
you or touch you in anger. You deserve better than that.”

I smiled at Kinkade when he met my eyes. Right answer.
“Would I at least be pleasing to you if I wasn’t a Kappa?”
Kinkade eyed over our mate like a caress. “If you were not a Kappa, Clove and I would have

fought who plundered your sweet body first. Or we could have just taken you together.”

“Another time then.” Jordy shivered as his asshole quivered and I knew he loved the idea. He

tilted his neck to the point it almost looked painful, obviously offering me everything I wanted. I
couldn’t even think beyond biting him this time, needing to claim him more than I needed air. I sank
my fangs into his neck. My small, very vocal mate let me know just how much he enjoyed it. Then his
ass clamped down on my cock and I found my release deep in his ass.

My first of many.
Hell, I didn’t even lick the bite closed before I had him spread out on two of the kitchen stools

with his legs wide in the air as I speared my cock in his tight hole. Jordy smiled up at me seductively
but shyly as he tweaked his nipples.

“That’s it, baby. Torture your body for your mate. I love it.”
“But will you love me one day?” he whispered in my mind. I almost lost my balance at that. I

had forgotten about the bond between wolf mates that allowed us to do that.

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“Yes. Without a doubt, Jordy. I will love you with all my heart and soon.”
“You can’t really know that, Clove.”
I snarled and leaned down until we were nose to nose, pushing my cock further into him. “I can

know that. You are wonderful. I look at you and I see my future and my happiness. I wouldn’t say it
unless I was sure. This isn’t about fantastic sex, though the chemistry between us shows me that
we’re made for each other. It’s how well we fit. I missed you while we were gone. That’s the
beginnings of love.”

“I missed you too.” I groaned as his cheeks heated up and mashed my mouth down to his. I

plundered his mouth as I did his body, my mate throwing his arms around my neck. Jordy was so
flexible that I never let go of his legs and he still lifted his hips to meet my thrusts. Talk about hot!

After that round, I knew his hole would need a break. I walked on shaky legs to grab some paper

towels and cleaned up my cock before tending to my mate. Then I sank to the floor and pulled him
onto my lap, simply holding him and making out.

“My mate is still hard and needs my attention.” I didn’t know what he meant until he shimmied

down my body and swallowed me down. Holy shit! I leaned back on my elbows and enjoyed the
show, my eyes never leaving his deep purple ones.

After that he rode me, flipping his thick, mid-back-length hair in a mesmerizing way that I found

seductive. Then he was completely tuckered out and Kinkade offered to take one for the team… By
taking me. Jordy came back around in the middle of it, me over him on all fours as Kinkade thrust into
my body. My sexy little mate just smiled up at me before licking my nipples and stroking my cock.

When we were finally all played out, I was exhausted and sad because Jordy and I headed to

bed while Kinkade found a blanket for the couch.

“I’m sorry I’m the reason your mate won’t be in your bed tonight, Clove,” Jordy whispered after

we snuggled down under the covers, sniffling slightly.

“Sweetie, it’s not you,” I assured him, pulling him closer. “Kinkade’s demons keep him from

being here. Never you.” It was the truth and I hoped Jordy saw that before my one mate did more
damage to my other mate than Jordy’s past had already done.

* * * *

The next morning I woke to the smell of coffee and baked goods. Baked goods? Where the hell

was I? And coffee? I didn’t have a coffeepot in my room at the warrior compound. I sat up and
glanced around. Oh, right, my new house! I felt the sheets next to me. Not cold but not warm anymore
so Jordy must have gotten up a bit ago.

I jumped out of bed and found one of the boxes marked clothes and pulled out some clean jeans.

Then I realized we hadn’t unloaded the van. But it seemed someone did. What the hell had gone on
while I’d been asleep? I yanked them on, found my toiletries in the attached bathroom, and quickly
brushed my teeth as I took care of the basics. I could shower and everything after I got some answers.

My heart warmed a few minutes later as I jogged down the stairs as my mate’s musical laugh

traveled up to meet my ears. Could he and Kinkade be getting along? That would be the best present
to wake up to ever!

I skidded to a halt when I turned the corner… Or it could be a kitchen full of people.
“Um, hi,” I hedged. I glanced around for a clock and saw the one on the stove. “Wow. I can’t

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remember ever sleeping in until after eight. Like ever.”

“Happens when you stay up until after four in the morning showing your mates your—um,

house,” Jordy giggled, giving me a wink. I narrowed my eyes as I stalked over to him. He squeaked
loudly and darted away but I snagged him, knowing full well he could have gotten away if he’d really
wanted to.

“I woke alone, sweetie,” I grumbled as I buried my face in his neck. “I’m not a fan of that. I

didn’t even get a good-morning kiss.”

“I was making my mate breakfast,” he purred as he rubbed his body against mine. “Abby brought

me a bunch of my clothes and a van full of baskets so we could trade and I could make the deliveries I
need to today.”

“I can do it, Jordy,” Abby offered. “You’ve just mated.”
“I know, but I can’t let Alpha Caven and King Rylan down. It won’t even take me all day and the

rest I can do from here. I have to write out thank-you cards for Clove anyways and get addresses too
while we order stuff for the house.”

I turned him in my arms and blinked at him a moment before smiling. “For all my housewarming

gifts. Genius. You are such a wonderful mate.”

“Oh, well, I’m glad you think that,” he said shyly. “I didn’t want you to think I was


“Never,” I whispered as I leaned over. I gave him a chaste but tender kiss. “We’re a team now.

There is no line with me that you could step over or place in my life you’re not welcome.” I stood up
and glanced at the spread. “You made all of this?”

“Um, no. It seems I wasn’t your only mate who had the idea of making you breakfast,” Jordy

giggled as he pointed to Kinkade.

I glanced at all the food on the counter then back to the large wolf. He nodded and cleared his

throat nervously before shrugging.

“My brother cooks when he’s got a lot on his mind or is happy,” Kermy explained, glancing

between us. “I’m not sure which it is in this instance but at least he’s a great cook.”

“Thank you, my sexy mate,” I growled as I walked over to Kinkade and planted one on him as

well. “I’m a disaster in the kitchen. I’m a mechanical guy.”

“I know nothing about engines or machines,” Kinkade admitted with a shrug. “So it seems the

three of us all have our niches.”

“Thank you for bringing in all the boxes.”
“I could not sleep.”
“Just accept the thanks,” I said quietly, already having noticed he tended to duck appreciation.
He nodded and sighed. “You are welcome, my mate. I thought it was the least I could do given

how much you have already provided for us and our mating.”

“And you feel guilty,” Ayden whispered quietly. Kinkade turned and growled at our guest.
“Stay out of my head, Kappa,” he snarled. “You are not welcome to my thoughts! You are just

like the others. Commenting on things that are not your concern. Do it again and I will show you what
should be done with treachery like that!”

In a flash Darcy went to pull Ayden out of range of my mate but Ayden was faster, leaping off

the stool and moving right in front of Kinkade. “If you truly think I am like that other Kappa and I want
to not only hurt you but show up here when Clove invited me to be malicious, then go ahead and strike

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“What?” everyone in the room gasped.
“Ayden, don’t tempt the man who hates Kappas,” Darcy said quietly as he tried to coo his mate

away from mine.

“He won’t hurt me. He’s been hurt, my love. He lashes out to protect himself. Kinkade is a kind

soul who would never strike first. It was a warning shot across my bow. He’s more scared I can’t
help him than anything and it will ruin his mating with Clove and destroy Jordy. Because as much as
he hates Kappas for what’s been done to him, he cares for Jordy already and wants him happy.”

The next words out of my mate’s mouth shocked us all.
“Can you help me?” he choked out, focused solely on Ayden.
“Yes,” Ayden assured him, taking his hand. “You went through what you did as a boy. Let me

show it to you as a man and to your mates so they understand. That way you will see the difference
between those Kappas and your mate. Not every Kappa is the same, Kinkade.”

“I know that in my head,” he whispered sadly. “I cannot get my heart to understand it as well.”
“I know.” He glanced at Jordy. “All you have to do is touch me. We’ll talk more about teaching

you how to use your gifts. You have problems with control because you were abused. If you let go of
the pain and start to feel safe it will get better. When I finally felt at home and protected after mating
Darcy, it all got much, much easier.”

“That sounds nice,” Jordy sighed. I touched one of Ayden’s shoulders as Jordy did the other. We

were thrown into a memory and I gasped. This didn’t even come close to how people had described
Ayden’s powers to me. It wasn’t like seeing a movie. I was standing in the room like a ghost or

A younger version of Kinkade was sitting on a bed in a plain room in nothing but a towel,

shaking in fear as tears trailed down his cheeks. I wanted to reach out and touch him, comfort him.
The door opened and he lifted his head. I bit my lip to keep in my shock. He couldn’t have been
more than thirteen or fourteen.

“I don’t want to do this,” he whispered in a shaky voice.
“It’s pack law,” the man sighed, his voice bored. “Take off the towel, Kinkade. We’re just

going to go over the basics this time. You need to learn how to please your partners and mate one
day. It’s my job as pack Kappa to teach you the ways of sex. I’m already prepared. You can’t hurt
me. There’s no reason to be scared.”

“I don’t want my first time to be with you,” Kinkade blurted out and then his cheeks flamed

as if embarrassed he just admitted something so mushy.

“You wouldn’t believe how often I hear that,” the Kappa chuckled bitterly. “I don’t want a

boy taking me either, okay? The faster we get this done we can both get back to our lives. We’ll
have a lesson every other day for the next several weeks and after that we never have to share a
bed again. When you’re big and strong you can challenge the Alpha and change things. Until then,
I’m not telling him
no, are you?”

“No, I will obey my Alpha,” the younger version of my mate choked out. He stood and

dropped his towel, shaking uncontrollably.

“Hey, look at it this way. When you’re ready to take the partner of your dreams to your bed,

you’ll already know what you’re doing and have gotten all the awkwardness out of the way,” the
Kappa offered with a weak smile before getting on the bed. Kinkade nodded and joined him, tears

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trailing his cheeks as his heart broke and a piece of his soul blackened. He would never be
carefree again and lost his boyhood in that moment.

Ayden pulled us out of the memory and I shook just from it. Jordy looked crushed for our mate

but Kinkade’s reaction was the most shocking… He started laughing.

“That is not how I remembered it at all,” he choked out in between hysterical laughs, his hands

over his face. “How could I have been so wrong? The Kappa was not the villain or my enemy. He did
not even want it.”

“When we go through something traumatic our brain is reeling from what it’s trying to process,”

Ayden explained gently. “We don’t have enough information, Kinkade. In no logical world would
what happened to you ever make sense. You were young, alone, and scared. Your brain filled in gaps
as a boy. That’s what you remembered. As wolves we’re raised with one truth. Our Alpha is never
wrong, never leads us astray, and always does what is best for us.”

“So I blamed the Kappa because the pain I felt couldn’t have been my Alpha’s fault since he

was just looking out for me,” Kinkade whispered as his face paled. “Our Alpha forced that Kappa
just as he forced us. It wasn’t the Kappa’s fault.”

“No. The other one you knew was a complete douchebag though,” Ayden said with a wince. “I

saw enough to know he be nuts. I mean, padded room nuts. But you can’t blame being a Kappa on that.
Some people are just fucked up. Maybe he was abused, maybe he never learned how to control his
powers and he went nuts. Personally, I think he was just born evil from what I saw. Intentionally
trying to break up matings for sport is just evil.”

“I agree,” Kinkade whispered with a shiver. He glanced from Ayden to Darcy. “So this is what

you do for the pack and coven? You show people their memories as adults and help them work
through them? What about the sexual aspect and that you are a child of Eros?”

“That seems to be more myth,” Ayden chuckled, shaking his head. “There are Kappas all over

the world with no relation. But yes, this is mainly what I do. Darcy helps me because it’s taxing and
hard for me to draw the lines. At some point in time I have to say no, it has to wait until tomorrow.
Plus he keeps me grounded. Spending so much time in other people’s memories, sifting through them,
makes it hard for me to always know what’s reality sometimes.

“To answer your other question, it’s not what you’re thinking.” Ayden held up his hand when

Kinkade opened his mouth again. He gave me a quick glance. “With all your permission?”

“Sure. Whatever you need, Ayden. I trust you,” I immediately agreed as my mates nodded.
“I also work as a mating counselor. I help mates see both sides of an argument,” Ayden


Then he threw us into the memory of Kinkade and I talking last night about Jordy in the van right

after we pulled in the driveway where I asked if he could ever accept Jordy. I felt Kinkade’s deep
grief that he couldn’t let go of the past. He truly believed that maybe he shouldn’t be Beta because he
wasn’t a strong person. If he was he’d be able to move on and accept our mate.

Next it was Jordy who had gotten up in the middle of the night and went to check on Kinkade to

make sure he wasn’t uncomfortable on the couch. Our little mate stared at him, crying for a while. He
kept glancing between Kinkade, the door, and up the stairs to where I was sleeping, wondering if he
should just leave or if that would make things worse. I knew without a doubt Jordy would have if he
knew that would have fixed things and we could be happy without him.

It broke my heart that he thought so little of himself that he could have even considered that. But

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it made me love him just a bit more that he was so selfless. He leaned over and gave Kinkade a soft
kiss, praying it wasn’t the only time he got to kiss his mate before racing back upstairs into bed with

“So that’s the other part of what I do,” Ayden said gently. “And hopefully once Jordy works

through some of his past and feels safe, loved, he will learn it as well. And lastly, I can show a
person’s deepest desire to their mate or mates.”

It took me only a second to realize it was mine.
“There’s our sexy mate,” Kinkade growled as he fucked Jordy, who was restrained with his

hands above his hands, chained up in the play room.

“We weren’t complete without our love,” Jordy moaned as he gave me a wink. “You want to

join him in my ass or my mouth, Clove?”

“Your ass,” Kinkade answered for me. “I want to feel my love’s cock next to mine while

inside my other love. That way I am as close as I can get to the two men who hold my heart and
complete my soul as we express our love.”

“You talk so pretty, Frenchie,” Jordy teased him. “I love you too. Now and always. We both

love you.”

“Of course, but I didn’t hear that you loved me, sweetie,” I growled as I moved in front of

Jordy. “That’s not right.”

“I’m pretty sure I called you our love when you walked in the room,” he argued as his eyes

shined with mirth. “But I must have been mistaken. Let me make amends. I love you, Clove
Sutherland, man of my dreams, lover of my body, keeper of my heart, and part of my soul.”

“You talk pretty too, sweetie,” I whispered against his lips. “I love you both so much it’s not

blood that runs through my veins anymore, but my mates that keeps my heart pumping.” Then we
made love, kinky fun love, but still love the rest of the night.

“That’s your deepest fantasy?” Kinkade whispered as we came out of what Ayden showed us. I

swallowed loudly and nodded.

“It was beautiful,” Jordy gushed as tears trailed down his cheeks. “Just like you, Clove.” I had

just enough time to catch him as he launched himself into my arms. “Who knew a romantic could be
kinky too? I love it. Yes. We should do that all the time. We’ll get there.”

“You can’t know that,” I mumbled, worried since now they saw what I wanted most in my soul

that I’d never get it. Even if it was totally cheesy and mushy.

“Yes we can,” Kinkade argued and joined the group hug. Jordy and I flinched but then accepted

it. “We will get there and be just fine. We will be a family.”

“I’d like that,” Jordy said shyly as he turned and looked at Kinkade. “I swear I’ll only be a

Kappa like Ayden and no other kind you’ve ever seen. I’m not a whore.”

“I know that as I know my own name,” he whispered and then brushed his lips against Jordy’s.

My heart soared. Maybe we would really get there.

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Chapter 7


“You need to show them why your powers aren’t where they should be by twenty-two, Jordy,”

Ayden said gently. Our mate swallowed loudly as he pulled away and nodded.

“Just don’t leave because of how screwed up I am,” he whispered as his eyes filled with tears,

ducking his head. Dear god, what had he been through?

“Never,” Clove assured him and I agreed. We held on to Ayden again and were thrown into

another memory.

“You’re a Kappa,” a strange man growled as his eyes went wide in shock.
“I am?” Jordy gasped, glancing down at the body of water at his feet. He saw his now-purple

eyes and smiled. He’d been so excited that he’d had his first shift and gotten to experience what
he’d only heard about being a wolf that this was just the icing on the cake. Now Jordy got to be
special. Not just another one of the pack and not looked down on for being small. He was going to
someone when he got older. “Cool.”

“Yes,” the wolf chuckled. “Get cleaned up and meet at my house. I will send for your parents.

There are preparations that need to be made.”

“Yes, Alpha!”
Our mate raced away, thrilled his Alpha was happy with him and ready to burst. He couldn’t

wait to tell his parents. They would be so proud of him! He quickly got ready, the memory speeding
through his preparation, showering, putting on his good clothes, and making his way over to the
Alpha’s house. Then three Betas led him into the Alpha’s main ceremony room and dread filled

“Why are my parents tied up, Alpha?” he whispered as he stared at them, both of his parents

crying as blood dripped from their mouths.

“They disagreed with me as how to handle your new Kappa status. Will you disobey your

Alpha as well, Jordy?”

“I–I don’t know. What do you want mme to do?”
“Be mine,” he growled and advanced on Jordy. I felt our mate’s fear like a living thing

inside of him, his wolf screaming to get out. “The gods have blessed me for being a strong and
good Alpha by giving me a Kappa. You are surely to be my mate. I will not claim you until you are
of age of course.”

Jordy relaxed slightly and nodded. That gave him years to get out of this mess and help his

parents, who obviously told the Alpha no way that they’d let their son be his.

“But that doesn’t mean I can’t start experiencing all my Kappa has to offer now,” the large

Alpha growled with a creepy leer. “And as much as I want from now on.”

“No,” Jordy whispered in horror, shaking from head to toe.
“You deny me or disobey your Alpha and your parents will pay the price, Jordy. I will kill

them for your betrayal to this pack. This is the job of a Kappa. Would you really deny what the
gods want? What your Alpha has ordered you to do and let your parents suffer for it?”

Jordy looked at his parents, tears filling his eyes. “No, Alpha. I submit.”
“Good boy.”

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We watched in horror as the Alpha violated our sweet, sweet mate… In front of his parents

and all there to watch. Over and over again. Then it was a montage of all the times after that, and
all the others he let use Jordy. It seemed the more time they were together the fact that Jordy
wouldn’t love him drove him angry and he treated our mate worse, as a whore.

Then came the night Jordy’s parents finally figured out a way to manage his escape even

under the oppressive and watchful eye of the Alpha. Except everything went to shit and Jordy
witnessed their murder, the Alpha bathing in their blood before violating our mate and letting all
his friends do the same, the bodies of Jordy’s parents right there.

“That sick fuck,” Clove whispered in horror as we came back to the present.
“He dies,” I snarled, reaching for Jordy and hugging him tightly. “I am so sorry I ever accused

you of being a whore. You are nothing of the sort. You have suffered as no one should. We will
avenge your parents and make the fucker bleed.”

“Really?” Jordy gasped, glancing between us in shock. “That’s your reaction to what you saw?

You don’t think me weak for not fighting?”

“No, Jordy,” Clove said gently as he cupped our mate’s cheek. “God, no. You were in a

horrible position. I can’t even imagine what you suffered. You were just a kid. He dies if we have to
go in and make him have an ‘accident’ without letting anyone know.”

“We didn’t hear anything,” Darcy mumbled.
“I did,” Elan said firmly. “I don’t know what’s going on but you have my sword and abilities to

open a portal for whatever you need, Clove. You know that. If someone has hurt your mate you only
need to tell me where we’re going and we’ll take them out before they can ever hurt another.”

“Can I suggest you simply speak with my brother,” Ayden hedged, glancing between us. “I

promise Caven doesn’t know this. He would have already taken steps if he had. I know he’s been
waiting for Jordy to feel more comfortable with the pack before broaching the topic of what happened
with his old one. For all of my brother’s strengths, discussing difficult topics isn’t one of them.” His
eyes went wide at the admission and he stuttered a moment.

“Ayden just means that Caven felt like a lot of people pushed him too hard when he needed

space to figure things out on his own when he wanted it and hates to do the same to others,” Darcy
explained for his mate.

“Yes, exactly.”
“And Caven’s been dealing with something taxing as well,” Clove said with a wince. He

glanced at me. “He probably doesn’t want you to know until after you’ve tested in as Beta but I know
you’re honorable. You wouldn’t tell anyone or hold it against Caven.”

“No, and I would need to know to protect the Alpha,” I agreed. We all sat down to breakfast

then, Kermy and I exchanging a look. What had we walked into?

“There was an interim Alpha of this pack, Fletcher, that Caven challenged after the old one was

put to death by your council for his crimes,” Clove explained in between bites. “Caven made sure it
wasn’t a challenge to the death and won. Fletcher wasn’t right for the job and kind of a dick when he
was in control.”

“Power tends to corrupt,” I agreed, sharing a look with Kermy again. “It hasn’t seemed to affect

Caven though.”

“No, though the pressure has gotten to him in other ways,” Ayden said sadly.
“We battled a huge, organized nest of demons recently,” Clove explained. “It’s complicated, and

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would take hours to fill you in.”

“They’re taking humans,” Kermy blurted out and I wanted to groan. We tried to stay out of that

shit. We stayed alive by keeping off everyone’s radar but I had planned on speaking to Caven in
private. “We know of a location in Brussels. They use them like cows.”

“Shit,” Clove and Darcy hissed. It was my mate that kept talking. “We need to tell our High

Council that. We don’t know of a location there.”

“I will speak to Alpha Caven first and let him handle it with your Council,” I said firmly,

shooting Kermy a look that clearly said let me take care of this. I did not want my little brother
named as the one who divulged this information. Clove nodded when I glanced at him that he

“Anyways, in the fight, Fletcher died saving Caven’s life,” Clove explained sadly. “Caven

didn’t handle it well. Elan just got him to snap out of it right before we came to meet you guys

“He did? Good. Thank you, Elan,” Ayden said with a relieved sigh. “I was worried. Caven

blamed himself. He’s never led people into battle or been in charge when someone was killed much
less while saving him. I was scared for him.”

“Understandably.” I nodded. It wasn’t ever easy being in charge. “I would never hold that

against the Alpha. It is a part of being a leader but not the easy part. I will speak to him when I meet
with him.” I glanced at the clock and sighed. “Which is soon.”

“I’ll go with you. I need to speak with him and Vega as well about those scheduling changes you

mentioned now that I’m of sound mind.”

“If it’s okay with Elan, I’d like to help Jordy deliver the baskets,” Kermy said quietly. I stood

and took my dishes to the sink, kissing my little brother’s cheek.

“Thank you,” I breathed in his ear so no one else would hear. After what my mate had to relive

today and the shit I’d put him through, the last thing I wanted to do was now leave him alone. My
brother gave me a wink, letting me know he had my back. As we always did.

“I’d love to help as well and then we can get everyone’s belongings from Paris if Jordy

wouldn’t mind helping us,” Elan offered. I shot Kermy a look. Kermy knew how to stay out of sight
and where to avoid but Jordy didn’t know the dangers of Paris.

“What aren’t you telling us, Kinkade?” Clove asked quietly.
“There are demons who roam Paris that look specifically for shifters to snag to use as food,” I

admitted quietly. “We have taken some out when we come across them and Kermy knows how to
avoid them as do the others we left our pack with, but I worry Jordy does not or if he can handle
himself in a fight.”

“Mareo, Foma, and Virgil will be with us picking things up with the Queen,” Elan said calmly.

“If there is a problem, I promise you I will open a portal home even if it’s downtown Paris and bring
us all back. I have very strong magic that can cloak us from human minds. No one would be the wiser.
Plus, we are going during the day.”

“Yes, all right then,” I agreed and then shot Jordy a look. “Not that you need my permission of


“No, but I’m glad you care,” he said shyly.
“I do.” I smiled and gave him another kiss before doing the same with Clove. “Kermy, if you

would pick up some items for me as well before you leave Paris. I would like to have extras for my

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mates.” I gave him a knowing look and he smiled, nodding as I pulled out my wallet.

“We can go back anytime you want, my brother-in-law,” Elan hedged as he glanced between us.
“Thank you. I appreciate that. But as long as you are already going to be there then might as well

stock up. I have a feeling we will need lots of it.”

“What are you up to?” Clove chuckled as he raised an eyebrow.
“Call it a housewarming present of my own.” I shrugged and gave my mates a wink. “As well as

a mating and apology gift for being difficult.” I handed Kermy the rest of the euros I had. I wouldn’t
need those in America anymore after all. Might as well use them up getting presents for my mates.

“I don’t see anything you need to apologize for,” Jordy said firmly as he gathered dirty plates

and started tossing them in the trash. I fell for him just a bit in that moment. What a sweetheart. And
we needed to get real plates and utensils for our new home. Plastic would only work for so long. I
saw Kermy glancing at what we’d been eating off as well and had a feeling that would end up being
something he picked up while shopping.

My brother was very thoughtful like that. I was just glad because I hated shopping.

* * * *


It had been a grueling day. All I had wanted to do was spend it with my mates, and it felt like

everyone was dragging their feet so I’d never get back to them. First, I’d talked with Vega and we
rearranged class schedules for the next week. Then I’d caught part of Kinkade’s testing with two of
his friends, Milos and Bladon. He was good. I mean amazing. Stronger than Caven, probably even
King Rylan, and I could tell even Elder Dawson was impressed.

Then there was another meeting with Errol, the warrior coordinator. It seemed with everyone

being pulled in so many different directions, people had been skipping their duties, taking a shift a
week helping at the vineyard… Myself included. I helped during my lunch, apologizing to Brian and
Banning, swearing I’d make up the time and ask if maybe my mates wanted to help me over the
weekend. They were great about it but it was obvious they needed the help.

Next it was a training session for the margays on defensive maneuvering. They were fast, but if

they got cornered, most of them couldn’t fight. It was hard to get some of them to focus because they
were cocky and a lot of the classes ended up with them simply darting around the instructors. Luckily
King Rylan was there today and helped with that.

He tripped one of them and put him in the position so I could grab the guy, Ringo. I got in the

guy’s face and kept it simple as I narrowed my eyes at him. “You’d be dead if I was a demon. Speed
won’t save you now. All your strength and you can’t break my hold. Shut up and pay attention.”

“Right, sorry,” he mumbled as he dropped his head. I saw it in his eyes before he looked away

though. Fear. He was scared.

“I’m trying to teach you so you’re never a victim again, Ringo, not point out that you don’t know

how to defend yourself. Everyone has to learn, okay?”

“Right, right. It just seems like people are fighters or not. I don’t think I am.”
“No, I don’t agree with that. Yes, some people come with the instincts to fight, but when the old

palace was attacked what was your first thought?”

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He bit his lower lip as I set him on his feet. “Where do I find a weapon?”
“Then you’ll be just fine,” I assured him with a smile. “Take this training seriously and you’ll be

a fine warrior one day.” He shot me a grateful look and training went much better after that. It was
just long and I was wiped.

So the last thing I needed when I dragged my ass back to the warrior compound to get my car

before swinging back to the shifters’ training facility to see if Kinkade was done was my brothers…
All of them.

“Shit,” I hissed.
“Little baby Clover,” my oldest brother, Angus, taunted in a singsong voice as I approached him.

“How’s our commoner?”

“You always say that like I’m going to be offended, jackass,” I growled. “Has it worked yet?

There is nothing wrong with being a commoner! I’m a fucking warrior, you asshat. I’m proud to serve
and protect my people. What is wrong with you that you look down your goddamn nose at it?”

“Oh, baby’s got teeth today,” Neil chuckled. “What we had to go through to find you in this pit of

America and we don’t even get a proper greeting? Have all the manners Mother and Father taught you
left that small brain?”

“Fuck off,” I answered, smiling sweetly. “There. That’s as polite as you deserve. Besides, they

didn’t teach us manners. They taught us how to expect others to kiss our feet. Which you now expect
from your own brother because you think me beneath you. Suck it, Neil.” Then I had a thought. “What
are you even doing here? I’ve not seen any of you in a century.”

“Ahh, but that was before you were mated,” Kyle drawled, looking bored as always. Yeah, this

errand had to be well beneath my most pompous brother. “We came to see if the bonny lasses were
up to our family’s standards.”

“Oh shit,” I hissed again, with more feeling this time. My poor mates.
“Surprise, surprise. They’re not,” Angus drawled. “Well, you’ll just have to give them up then

and marry who Mother and Father say. You didn’t claim them until they approved, right?”

“Of course I claimed my mates!” I roared, not caring for once what they thought, said, or did to

me. “I could give a shit what you, Mother, or Father think of my mates. You can take your standards
and shove them up your asses! They are wonderful and that’s all that matters to me. They have more
honor and heart than all of you combined. I swore because you’re going to throw a massive shit fit
and I’m too tired to deal with it. I just want to get home and spend time with them.”

“Why would we throw a shit fit? Are they servants or something?” Angus asked, anger flaring in

his eyes that I spoke to him as I did. God, I couldn’t believe I was related to these jerks. What made
them so goddamn special that it enraged him that I talked to him like this when here they were
discussing my tossing my mates aside like trash because they might be servants?

Talk about feeling self-important when they weren’t. I mean, most people thought they were

more important or had more value than they did nowadays, but my family took it to a whole new

“No, they’re probably humans, knowing our disgrace of a baby brother,” Neil snickered.
“They’re men,” I answered, going on before they could say anything, ignoring their shocked

looks. “And say what you want about me but if you say one fucking word disparaging my mates I will
show you all I learned as a commoner with my warrior training and fold you into your suitcases
before shipping you back to Scotland.”

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“You’re a fag?” Kyle hissed in disgust. My brothers actually took a step back as if they could

catch the plague from me by knowing I was gay. Yes, because liking men was a communicable
disease. Fucktards.

“Oh, this one’s in the closet big-time,” Jordy drawled. I turned and saw both my mates standing

about ten feet away.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked hesitantly, glancing back at my brothers. Shit. I never

wanted my mates to have to meet my asshole family.

“I’m going to assume it’s not that you’re embarrassed with us after your impressive speech.”

Jordy chuckled, shaking his head as they walked over. “Don’t worry about us, Clove. We won’t hold
having assholes as family against you. You’re way too cute to let something silly like that stop us
from wanting you.”

“You’re mated to wolves?” Angus exclaimed, looking ready to explode. “Fag wolves?”
“I warned you, Angus,” I hissed dangerously as my fangs popped out. “Not another word.”
“To answer your question, our darling mate,” Kinkade said easily, ignoring my brothers like

they were annoying flies in the room. “Jordy was done with his job and dropped off the van, stopping
by the training facility to see if I was finished with my tests. When I was, we decided to sniff out our
mate and head home. We showed up just in time to see three idiots taunting you. Is your name really

“Yes,” I groaned. “Please don’t tell anyone.” I’d spent centuries keeping that under wraps. I

hope my brothers hadn’t told anyone else. Who names their child Clover? Oh right, my mother, who
was determined her child be a girl and then still gave it to her son when he was born, out of spite for
not being the sex she wanted. Yeah, that didn’t just set me up to be teased mercilessly my entire

“I think it’s hot.” Jordy shrugged and then gave me a heated leer. “But we promise your secret is

safe with us.”

“Mother and Father won’t stand for this,” Neil promised. “They will end this mating before they

let it disgrace the Sutherland name. They will not let you mate lower beings!” In a flash I had my hand
wrapped around my brother’s throat and lifted him off the ground.

“You tell Mother and Father that if they even think about touching my mates I will fucking end

you all and be within my rights to do so. My mating is legal and recognized by both our Councils.
Don’t you dare threaten them!”

“Clove!” Councilman Marius called out as a few others came racing out of the front of the

warrior compound. Great. “Put him down this instant! He’s a visiting dignitary, not a threat, son. I
don’t know what’s going on, but he’s protected by our Council.”

Neil shot me a smirk and I gave him an evil smile, watching as the blood drained from his face. I

didn’t even look at Desmond as he skidded to a halt a few feet from us.

“Sorry, Councilman, I can’t do that. He’s my brother and that trumps his dignitary status. He

threatened to break my mating because he sees my mates as being lower beings.”

“What?” Desmond growled. Yeah, I thought he’d see it my way.
“Clove, it would still start a fight your High Council won’t want,” Jordy said calmly as he

moved to my side. “You made your point, my wonderful mate.” I nodded as I lowered my brother to
his feet. “Besides, you know they can’t touch us.”

“Please,” Angus drawled. “We might not be common warriors like Clover here, but we can take

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some pathetic wolves.” Faster than I could even follow, Jordy darted from my side and in the blink of
an eye my brothers were standing there naked from the waist down. My mate had made his point by
de-pantsing them.

“No, you could not,” Kinkade chuckled as my brothers scrambled with their clothes. “And

Jordy’s not the mean one of our mating. I am.” He let his eyes shift to his wolf ones as his teeth
elongated to scary lengths, and he held out his hands as if inspecting his nails as they changed into
claws. “I am faster and I would not have pulled down your pants to make my point. I would have
taken your dicks. Do not disparage my mates again or I will challenge you and you will lose.”

“Father will—” Angus started but was cut off.
“Enough,” Desmond ordered. “You came here unannounced, saying you had business. We

allowed it because you are the sons of a Councilman. You are not Councilmen and even if you were I
wouldn’t allow you to talk down to members of our coven. You left out the detail that one of our
finest warriors was your brother and this was personal. Why are you here?”

“To meet our brother’s mates so that our father can approve them or not, Councilman,” Angus bit


“Kid, it doesn’t work like that and you damn well know it,” Desmond growled. “Fate and fate

alone approves our mates. They are a gift. The decision is left to no one else.” Then he glanced at me.
“Clove, have you claimed your mates and accepted them?”

“I have, Councilman.”
“Then get back on your fucking plane and tell your father it’s done,” Desmond ordered my

brothers. “Tell him that Clove is to receive whatever inheritance he was supposed to, whether they
are wolves and men or not, or he will feel the full weight of our Council pressing upon him. We
support our people and your Council needs our help, especially now that you don’t have a head of

Oh, I guess the jig was up on Dubois then! I hadn’t heard that yet. It must have just happened. I’d

file that knowledge away for later.

“I will pass along your message, Councilman Marius,” Angus said, shooting me a death look

before turning on his heel and storming off.

“It’s sick,” Neil hissed and spat at my feet.
“No, sick is your hate and elitist attitude when you’ve done nothing in your life worth having

such an ego for,” I shot right back. I wrapped an arm around each of my mates. “Sick is letting
Father’s twisted views cloud your mind instead of being happy for your brother who’s found his
mates and has everything he’s ever wanted. I pity all of you. I am a warrior and damn proud of it but
you look down your noses at that. I’ve mated fine men who are wolves and you think that’s something
to be ashamed of. You couldn’t be more wrong.”

My brothers all left, shaking their heads as if I was the misguided one. Idiots.
“Let’s get you home,” Jordy whispered gently. I nodded but had something to say first.
“Thank you, Desmond,” I said as I extended my hand to the man. “Thank you for supporting your

people, making sure your warriors know they’re valued, and raising your sons to not be like other
asshole children of some Council members.”

He shrugged as he took my hand. “I always followed my heart as you have, Clove. It’s not

always what we’re taught but who we are inside. If it was just how we were raised then you’d have
turned out like your brothers.”

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I shivered at the idea. “Thank god I didn’t.”
“I second that,” Kinkade grumbled. “Assholes.” Yeah, I agreed.
I was slightly numb as we got into my car and I drove us home. Yes, I’d known my family would

be dicks about my mating but experiencing it live was like a different barrel of monkeys. Was it so
wrong to want the love and support of my family, whether they would have lived their life as I had or
not? My mind kept going round and round with it and my disappointment at how things turned out.

It didn’t have to be this way with my brothers. There were lots of siblings that got along when

they didn’t with their parents, breaking away from old-time, narrow-minded views. Isaac, Noah, and
Dillon Dragos were a perfect example. I just wished it had ended up that way for Angus, Neil, Kyle,
and I.

I snapped out of my musing as Jordy signaled me in the rearview mirror. I got the idea he had

been doing it for a while from the frustrated faces he was making. He kept nodding to Kinkade and it
took me a moment.

“Oh! God! How did it go?” I asked, glancing at my mate. “I’m so sorry. Here I’m lost in all my

shit and you could be sitting on big news. I wasn’t sure if the testing goes more than one day or not.”

“Normally yes, but Elder Dawson cleared me as a council member that I was Beta qualified,”

Kinkade chuckled. “Alpha Caven asked me to be his second. Milos and Bladon have some more tests
to finish tomorrow, but the Alpha said he’s confident that they will work out as more Betas.”

“That’s awesome! Congrats. I think you’re the perfect man to keep Caven and the pack safe and

help him.”

“Especially because he wants to set up a Kappa sanctuary and training home,” Kinkade hedged.

“Elder Dawson sprung it on him today while they were watching my testing and Alpha Caven agreed.
It seemed Queen Magdalena broached the topic with the elder some time ago, stating Caven was
incredibly patient and explained things well. They let it drop though since Caven took over as Alpha
thinking that was enough on his plate already.

“But between Ayden, with Jordy’s help once he teaches our mate, and Caven and Elder Dawson

educating the second-borns, they could make sure no other Kappas are used and abused as the ones
we know were. Assuming all the players are on board of course. Elder Dawson was going to speak
with Ayden and Darcy about setting up one wing of their home as a dorm for young Kappas who just
had their first shift. They’d be protected here.”

“And you’d be okay with that?” Jordy hedged, asking the question I couldn’t voice. “I know you

said your memory wasn’t as you thought it was and that Kappa wasn’t the villain, but can you really
let all those years of anger go and accept Kappas so readily? Not just deal with five in a pack but find
more to keep safe?”

“Yes, yes I can,” Kinkade agreed immediately. “If it meant that they had a chance to be cared for

and treated as they should, learn how to use their powers for good like Ayden does, then yes. I know
simply seeing how my past really played out again will not heal all my old wounds. It will take time
and some soul searching, but I am ready to let go of the anger. I want to help make sure none of the
Kappas are abused or turn into evil things like that other one I knew.”

“Well right on! I say this calls for a celebration,” I chuckled as I pulled into our driveway. “And

I skipped lunch so I’m starving.”

“Good thing dinner should be ready,” Jordy chuckled. “I threw something into your slow cooker

that someone got you. It was a theme present with trimmings and meat, a whole meal. I liked that gift.

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So we’ll eat, and then get to work on what the house needs, continue on the laundry, have you sign the
thank-you cards so I can get those handled, and I can unpack my stuff and Kinkade’s—”

“And have sex,” I growled.
“Yes, of course,” he agreed in a breathy voice as we got out of the car.
“And claim you,” Kinkade said quietly.
“Yes!” Jordy gasped as he practically launched himself into our mate’s arms. “Yes! Yes, yes,


Call me crazy but I think he liked the plan. Then again… I did too.

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Chapter 8


Two weeks later I was practically bouncing with nerves as we waited around for the signal so

Elan could open the portal. I had told Caven what my old Alpha had done to me, my parents, and in
turn he’d spoken with Elder Dawson. While Caven had just wanted to go in and rip the fucker’s
intestines out—a plan I was all for—Elder Dawson wanted to go the legal way and handle it right. So
we had to wait until someone from my old pack verified at least some part of the story.

Then Elder Dawson himself went to investigate, reading my old Alpha’s mind of the memories

under the guise of following up on some claims I was mistreated he didn’t really believe. He then
discussed his findings with our council and they sentenced the Alpha and several of the Betas to death
for their crimes, other Betas only serving time locked up in the hopes that they could be rehabilitated
once the Alpha’s influence was gone.

Now it was time to go in and kick ass. And I was even allowed to carry out some of the

sentencing myself. I wanted my pound of flesh. I truly did.

“We appreciate the support of our friends and allies in this,” Elder Dawson said clearly,

nodding to several of the fae and vampires, along with King Rylan who had demanded to come as
well. “But this must be left up to the wolves. Our laws are very clear that they must be taken down by
wolves and punished by wolves or it is not legal. Everyone else may act in a backup capacity and
control anyone else who might try to get involved.”

“Then are we to understand that defensive fighting only is allowed?” King Rylan asked. “We

cannot attack or inflict damage unless they strike at us?”

“That is correct. We will do our best to subdue those that have been found guilty and corner

them off to the side. The rest you are allowed to keep away from us by any means necessary.”

“We can do that,” Elan agreed with a bright smile.
“That does not mean I’m not wrapping all your hides in protective bubbles to make sure you

come out unscathed,” Queen Magdalena said firmly.

“I would expect nothing less, my love,” Elder Dawson chuckled. I wasn’t sure what changed

between the elder and his mate, but when I’d met them they didn’t act like that. Whatever it was, I
was glad for it because they seemed happy. I liked both of them so it thrilled me to no end. “We’re
here to serve justice. Remember that.” He nodded to Elan who opened the portal.

Elder Dawson went in first with Alpha Caven. Kinkade and the other Betas, Milos and Bladon,

went next, and I went in with Tyler, who I guess used to be a Beta and, while he didn’t want the
responsibility of the role, came out of retirement because he liked me and wanted to help me get
justice. Rock on.

“What is the meaning of this?” my old Alpha bellowed. We’d set up the time so we’d be

walking right into the weekly pack dinner and all would be present. “What dark magic is this?”

“Alpha, you have been found guilty of the crimes against your pack and people,” Elder Dawson

said loudly and clearly. “By order of our council, you are to be remanded into custody along with
your Betas immediately.” He glanced around. “I am Elder Dawson, who several of you met when I
came to investigate allegations brought against your Alpha. This is a legal sentencing by the ruling
body of our people. Do not get involved or face charges of your own.”

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“Kill them all,” the Alpha snarled.
“I love it when they’re stupid,” Caven growled. He shifted first and leapt for the Alpha. The rest

of us followed suit, going after any who either tried to protect my old Alpha or went after Caven
when he was already fighting. That was a big no-no in wolf culture. A wolf never clawed someone in
the back… Whether defending the Alpha or not.

“We submit,” a few said immediately, kneeling down with their hands held up in surrender.
“These ones we can secure,” King Rylan announced. I held back mostly, way out of my fighting

league. I got in a few swipes here and there when I had openings but that was about it. There was a
lot of wolves being tossed around and chaos.

On the bright side, it was really easy to tell who was on what team. All of Caven’s pack had the

auburn fur, whereas my pack had deep black fur. The only ones that stood out were the ones who’d
joined up with Kinkade, who had chocolate fur and light brown streaks. A wolf’s coloring was based
on the pack they were born into and their hair was the same in human form.

I heard a snarl that I felt down to my soul. My old Alpha broke away from Caven. Though he

was badly injured, he was fast enough to dart away in the chaos… And came straight for me. I hate to
admit it but after years of the man torturing me, to be staring him down as he raced towards me,
meaning to rip out my throat, I froze. A split second before he would have reached me, a massive,
gorgeous wolf crashed into him.

He sent my old Alpha flying and I heard several bones crack as the man landed against a stone

pillar. He shifted back and seconds later so did the wolf who saved me. I watched as my mate threw
back his head and howled in victory. It was over. The Alpha was down and everyone else followed.
Our side joined in my mate’s howl as the others rolled over and submitted. I shifted back, shaking all

“Thank you,” I whispered as I wobbled over to my mate. “I froze.”
“I would have if I came face-to-face with the Kappa who hurt me,” he said gently as he cupped

my cheek. “Would you have stepped in and kicked his ass for me?”

“You know I would.”
“Then that is why fate gives us the perfect counterpart, my sweet Jordy.” He leaned down and

gave me a quick kiss. “Go take your justice.” I nodded and walked over to my old Alpha after I took
the sword Clove held out to me. I met my mate’s eyes and he gave me a sad smile and nodded.

“You stupid whore,” the Alpha spat at me, blood trickling out of his mouth. “All you’ve done is

left our people without a leader.”

“That’s better than the leader you are,” I growled. “You killed my parents for trying to save their

child! Our laws stated we could have left, found another pack. No man is above the law. You’re not
fit to be an Alpha. You’ve abused me, this pack, our people, and your position. You’re a disgrace and
your black soul will rot in hell!” I lifted the sword and my arms shook. Not from the weight at first
but from the enormity of the situation. He was down and I was about to take his life.

Not in battle where I was defending myself. I was going to take his head when he was beat.

Could I really do that? I knew it had to be done. I understood that. He was a danger to our people and
there was no way he could be rehabilitated. There was always that chance of his escape and then he
could hurt and kill others. But could I do this?

“Such a fucking pussy.” The Alpha spat a gob of blood at my feet. “You can’t even kill me.

You’re worthless, Jordy. The only good thing about you was your ass and I’ve long since used it up.

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Why do you think I was so willing to share you? You got old. I let you be liaison with the vampires
because you would be no loss if they sucked you dry. We had to risk someone by council mandate to
start playing nice with the other species. Might as well let them have you as their chew toy.”

“Enough,” Kinkade snarled and decked him in the face, spraying blood everywhere. Then he

turned to me. “It has to be a wolf and as your mate I ask to carry out justice for you.”

“I’m weak,” I whispered as I handed him the sword.
“No you’re not,” Clove growled as Kinkade said the same.
“You have a kind heart and you have not seen as much as your older mates have.” Kinkade

cupped my cheek as Clove stepped forward and hugged me back to his chest. “You are the light we
need in our mating, Jordy. Never doubt that. We love that you see goodness in everything. I adore you
for not being able to do this. It means you are not as jaded as Clove and I are and I am glad for that.
Let me do this and see your justice done.”

“Thank you.” I nodded after glancing at Elder Dawson.
“Kinkade is allowed to do it in your place,” he agreed.
Kinkade nodded and stepped over to the Alpha, growling as he leaned in until they were nose to

nose. “This is for my mate and everyone else you hurt, you spineless piece of shit.” He lifted the
Alpha up onto his feet, let his hand shift into a clawed one, and plunged it into the man’s stomach. My
eyes went wide as he ripped out my old Alpha’s spine, killing him instantly, and tossed it on the

“You monster,” one woman whimpered, tears trailing down her cheeks as she looked at my mate

in horror. “That’s not justice.”

“I thought it was poetic justice myself,” Queen Magdalena chuckled. “And you, my dear woman,

have been traumatized to the point that you loved the Alpha for any kindness he showed you. He was
the monster. Not Kinkade.”

Kinkade dropped the Alpha’s lifeless body and turned towards me. “Do you think me a

monster?” he asked hesitantly.

“No. No, that’s not even remotely the word I would use,” I whispered as I pulled away and

walked over to Kinkade, wrapping my arms around him. “You’re my hero and my mate. Thank you
for doing what I could not.”

“I would do anything for you, Clove, and the people I care for,” he said against my hair. “Let’s

get you home, my dear Jordy.”

“I’d like that. I thought I’d feel vindicated, at peace that he’s dead after all he’d done.”
“What do you feel?” Clove asked as he lifted me into his arms.
“Heartbroken,” I admitted. “My parents are still gone and while I’m glad that he can’t hurt

anyone else his death doesn’t wipe away the past.”

“It never does,” he sighed.
“We’ve got this,” Caven said gently. “Go home.” I nodded and let Clove carry me to the portal,

Kinkade with us. “There is a reason that the other packs are joining with covens and other species of
paranormals. It’s not safe for us to be alone anymore. Your Alpha was a fool to keep you separate,
and it was the vampires’ presence in the area that kept you safe. For now you will reside with them
until new leadership can be chosen, and they will deem what happens next for your pack.”

I tuned most of it out and we missed the rest as we went through the portal. As much as I just

wanted to crawl into bed with my mates and just let them hold me… We don’t always or ever get

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what we want. There was a welcoming party waiting for us when we crossed into the warrior

“It’s over?” Councilman Marius asked.
“Yes, Alpha Caven is handling things with Elder Dawson,” Clove assured him.
“Good. This came for you and I know the timing is bad but I didn’t want to sit on it,” he said

with a sigh. “I’m sorry, Clove. You’re a good man and a fine warrior. You don’t deserve this kind of
treatment from your family.”

He handed me over to Kinkade and nodded to us. “This is my family now, Councilman. Those

other people are just strangers I share blood with.” He took the envelope and opened it up. I watched
as my mate quickly read the letter, nodding as his eyes filled with tears. “Thank you for letting me
know. If you’ll excuse us, I’d like to get my mates home and tended to.”

“If you need anything you let me know, son.”
“Thank you, Desmond,” he replied sadly. Clove led the way out and we didn’t ask. Kinkade

wiped off his bloodied arm somewhere along the way, probably on his tattered clothes, mine in
shreds as well. Good thing we thought to bring some extra shorts because the vampires and more
people in the coven weren’t comfortable with us just strutting around naked all of the time.

He drove us home, and instead of me sitting in the backseat, after Clove had sat in the front, he’d

held out his arms for me. I gladly sat in his lap, wrapping myself around him, not caring about the
safety issue.

“I can’t repeat what it says,” Clove whispered about ten minutes into the drive. I nodded and

took it from him, seeing the cashier’s check inside but not looking at it yet as I pulled out the letter. I
read it out loud so Kinkade would know what was going on because it had to be killing him as well.

Councilman Marius,
Here is the inheritance you demanded for my disgraceful son, Clover. I think it’s horrible

that you used our most trying time as a people and our Council’s vulnerable status to push your
own agenda on a matter such as a family squabble. It will not be something I forget. But since we
do need your Council’s support and weapons, I cannot jeopardize the safety of my family and
people over something trivial like money, whether he deserves it or not.

However, it is my family and I am well within my rights to say that Clover is no longer a part

of it. He is not allowed to step foot on Sutherland lands and will be executed on sight if he does so.
Make sure that he is informed of this because the last thing I want is for this money to end up in
the hands of those wolves that have damned my son’s soul. He is to be blackened from our family
history, his birth erased, and all ties severed. He no longer exists in our eyes except as an enemy
to this family.

You made a bad move on this, Marius, and I am not an enemy you want.
Andrew Sutherland

“There’s another note here from Desmond,” I mumbled as I flipped the page. “Clove, just so you

know, I’ve attached the reply I sent to your father.

Kiss my ass. Clove is four times the man you will ever be and he’s much better off without

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your toxic influence. My mate said a letter wasn’t a strong enough response and we should pay
you a formal visit so she could hand you your nuts before freezing you dead as your heart is so
obviously. While I think it fitting, we have much more important issues to deal with than maggots
like you and your entitled-feeling family. I served my people for centuries, my mate and I giving
seven wonderful sons to do the same. To us the
only thing you’ve given our people is Clove. The
rest you should be ashamed of. So you can take your ego, inflated self-worth, and title and bask in
the flames in hell with them when you meet the devil because your soul is as black as any demon’s
we fight. How you are not one already astounds me. I would be proud to have Clove as one of my
sons, my mate agrees, so if he decides to give up the Sutherland name, the name Marius is always
welcome to him.

And don’t threaten me, fucker. We’ve met, remember? You’re about as scary as the ant I

don’t notice stepping on as I train with my sons daily. My granddaughter could kick your whiney,
pathetic little ass so let’s not kid each other who should be afraid of whom here.

All my love and hopes you get exactly what you deserve,
Desmond Marius

“I really and truly respect that man,” Kinkade chuckled. “His mate as well.”
“I know, right?” I agreed, glancing at Clove, who was smirking.
“I don’t want the money,” he whispered.
“Fuck that,” we growled together. Kinkade and I shared a look and we were on the same page

for sure.

“No, it doesn’t feel right to take family money when I’m not one of them,” Clove argued.
“Look, no matter what, you shouldn’t make a decision this big when you’re upset,” I said gently

as I kissed his cheek. “We’ll just deposit it and leave it alone, okay? It will be our rainy-day fund
because if we’ve learned anything it’s that the future isn’t certain. We could need it one day or
someone we know might and then we’ll be kicking ourselves that we don’t have it. We’re going to
live forever now that we mated you and that’s a long time to regret making a mistake like this.”

“Fine, you deposit it then,” he sighed. “I trust you guys. You be in charge of it.”
“Okay, I’ll handle it.” I brushed his mouth with mine and Clove leaned his head down to my

shoulder. I took the cashier’s check out and froze, staring at it in shock. Then I slowly blinked before
wiping my eyes to make sure there wasn’t something wrong with them. “Did you look at how much it
was? Am I hallucinating?”

“No, you’re seeing it right,” he grumbled.
“How much is it?” Kinkade asked curiously, glancing at us before focusing on the road again.
“Holy shit! I get to be in charge of this?” I squealed. “Daddy’s getting some bling! I’m so getting

a diamond butt plug. No, wait, that would hurt. Okay, a lot of gold coins that we can swim in like they
did on DuckTales.

“That would most likely hurt too, sweetie,” Clove chuckled. I gave him a wink. I knew that, but

he was smiling.

“Okay, fine, but we’re getting like a shitload of thousand-dollar bills and you’re fucking me on


“That’s actually hot,” he moaned, getting hard under me.
“And I want a rock on this finger so everyone knows I married me a sexy whale,” I said with all

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the Queenish drama I could as I held up my hand, wiggling my ring finger. “We’re talking big-ass
diamonds. And maybe a toe ring. Oh, a belly button ring.” I leaned back against the window and
rubbed my flat stomach. “Do you think I’d look good with a belly button ring? I heard there’s a guy in
the coven that does tats.

“I was thinking a ring with your guys’ names on either side. Thoughts? Or should it go on my

ass? Or maybe gems on a necklace that attaches to nipple piercings? Would that be sexier?”

“Thank you,” Clove whispered in my ear in a choked voice. “I love any and all of those ideas,

and yes, I’ll get my love any rock he wants if he’d wear it to show he’s taken and my commitment to

“Your love?” I gasped, my heart soaring.
“Yes, I was going to tell you both tonight but it just came out. I love you, Jordy, and I love you,


“I love you too, Clove. I love you both,” I admitted before turning on his lap and mashing my

mouth to his. I heard the engine rev and we pulled apart.

“I love you both too,” Kinkade growled. “And now we really need to get home because I have a

surprise planned, and it’s killing me I can’t get in on the loving over there.”

“We’ll gladly wait for you,” I giggled, giving Clove a wink. “We’ll just keep plotting out my


Kinkade cleared his throat as we entered the housing development. “Personally I like the idea of

a navel piercing and a tattoo of our names on your lower back that we can lick or see while we take
your perfect body.”

“We’ll start working on the designs after we give Clove his surprise,” I purred.
“Wait, the surprise is for me?” Clove asked. “I thought it was for Jordy since it was going to be

a trying day for him?”

“We had one planned for you for tomorrow but it was Kinkade’s idea. I think we’re just

bumping it up,” I hedged, smiling when Kinkade nodded. He whipped into the driveway and we
scrambled out of the car. Once we were inside we quickly showered and sat Clove down in the
bedroom. “Give us three minutes and then meet us in the play room.”

“You’re killing me,” he whimpered.
“Yes, that is absolutely the goal,” Kinkade drawled. We ran downstairs and got into position,

my wrists bound over head as Kinkade stood behind me. “Do you remember the lines?”

“Not exactly,” I moaned as he bottomed out inside of me. “He’ll get the meaning if we get close

enough, Kinkade.” I glanced at the man over my shoulder. “I do love you. Thank you for loving me
back and letting me in.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t right away.” He leaned over and gave me an awkward kiss but I felt all the

love behind it. I went to tell him to stop being so hard on himself but he sniffed the air. “He’s

“Okay so I couldn’t wait three minutes,” Clove said as he walked into the room.
“There’s our sexy mate,” Kinkade growled as he started pounding into my ass.
“We weren’t complete without our love,” I moaned as I winked at Clove. “You want to join in

my ass or my mouth, lovely Clove?”

“Take his ass. I want to feel your fantastic cock next to mine, sharing our love together. That

way the three of us are complete as we express our love and as close as we can get.”

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“I love you guys,” Clove whispered as he moved closer, reaching out and cupping each of our


“We are messing up the lines,” Kinkade sighed as he stopped. “We could not remember them


“It’s perfect. You’re both perfect.” He leaned down and kissed me gently before doing the same

to our mate. “I want to change the fantasy though.”

“Why? Did I do something wrong?” I asked as I blinked up at him.
“No. Not at all,” he assured me. “After today I just need to feel you both in the best ways


“We’re all yours. However you want us.” I didn’t know what he was getting at but I meant what

I said. He could have me spread out on toast if it would make Clove happy. He smiled as he quickly
undid my hands. Next thing I knew Clove was in the shackles and Kinkade was stretching him out.

“Get up on my cock and use your strong body to bring us both pleasure, my love,” he whimpered

as Kinkade finger fucked his ass. Now I got it.

“Kinky, kinky, Clover,” I purred. I crawled up him, wrapping one arm around his neck as I

grabbed his cock with the other and put it against my hole. Then I lowered myself down enough to
take in the head, waiting until my body adjusted and made enough wetness for him after it realized it
was my mate. I slid down his fat, long cock until he bottomed out inside of me. Next I wrapped my
legs around him, keeping my feet out of Kinkade’s way.

“Why do you like calling me that so much?” Clove asked as he nipped my arm with his fangs,

licking the blood so I could see. I loved watching him drink from me. The best was when he did it
from my nipples but I didn’t think we could get that angle right then without me falling.

“Because it fits you and you don’t even realize it,” I answered honestly. “You’re bright and full

of life and finding you was the luckiest thing that ever happened to me. You’re my four-leaf Clover
that made our three-way mating. You make us all fit as you’re doing right now.”

“See, and here I thought you guys did that,” he chuckled.
“I think we all do it in our own way,” Kinkade said with a grunt. Clove’s body moved as

Kinkade thrust inside of our mate. Guess I’d missed the rest of the prep. Then again, I’d been a little

“Good point,” I agreed. “I like that answer. He’s still our lucky Clover.”
“I agree.” Kinkade gave me a wolfish grin over Clove’s shoulder. “Fuck him as only wolves


“Oh yeah. He needs it big-time and to let go.”
“Then we take care of our little Jordy and please him in every way possible,” Clove growled

against my lips.

“Fang blow job?” I panted, my dick twitching against his stomach. God, Kinkade and I were

addicted to those and what it did to our mate after he drank our blood. He was insatiable!

“Oh yeah,” he moaned, his cock moving inside of me. Glad I wasn’t the only one who loved

them. I pulled myself up and used my thighs to fuck myself on Clove’s glorious cock faster than any
human or vampire could move… All while Kinkade fucked his ass harder and faster than either
species could as well.

“Shit, I love this idea,” I hissed.
“So good. Oh god. Fuck me so good with your fat cock, Kinkade. Squeeze that tight ass on me,

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baby. Oh fuck. Love you both. My mates are so good to me,” Clove blathered on. Yeah, we’d found
out that if we took him together and drove him crazy with passion that the most erotic, dirty litany of
ramblings would come out of his mouth. It was hot. “Best ass in the world. Best cock ever in my ass.
Fucks me so perfectly. Oh, baby, work that ass on your mate’s cock. Need to come.”

“Do it,” I purred. “I want to feel your seed fill me, Clove. I need it. Please?” I added a

whimper, knowing he loved begging. It worked. He threw back his head and roared out our names as
he came hard enough that I felt each spurt deep inside of me. Then in the middle of it, he bit me
without warning, sending me into my own tailspin climax. I screamed as I covered him in cum, tilting
my neck to give him room.

My whole body went numb with pleasure and it was hard to hold on to him. I felt my hands start

slipping but Kinkade must have seen because he grabbed my wrists before he exclaimed and joined
us. He kept thrusting into Clove, which pushed our mate’s cock further into me after I stopped moving.
When he pulled his fangs out of me I kept shaking with aftershocks.

“Holy. Fucking. Shit,” I gasped as I kept twitching, my cock still shooting little spurts of cum

somehow. “I think that killed me.”

“Me too,” they groaned together.
“Gonna fall,” I mumbled as my legs gave out and I couldn’t hold on to Kinkade’s hands

anymore. In a flash arms caught me and I stared up in shock, realizing one arm was from each of my
mates. “How did you do that?”

“We’ll always catch you, sweetie,” Clove chuckled. “Just as you’d catch us before we’d fall.”
“Besides, the cuffs have a clasp on one of them,” Kinkade added. “So he can always get one

hand free and I just had to reach around him.” Then I reached up and freed Clove’s other wrist before
we all flopped down to the mat in the play room.

“I think we should nap here before the next round,” I purred as I snuggled up between them.
“Which should be in about thirty seconds because I’m hard,” Clove warned me.
“When are you not hard?” I teased.
“Are you complaining?” he drawled.
“Hell no!” Kinkade and I exclaimed together. The three of us glanced at each other and broke

out laughing. This was what we needed. Some fun, some laughs, some hot sex, and love, lots of love
with the men fate gave us.

And maybe some food. They made me work up an appetite after all!








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Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few horses, and find a couple of

cowboys or pool boys of her own. A lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books;
vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, military…It’s all good! She loves to get lost in fantasy that only
books can bring. Her wide interest in reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories,
romance, or mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a vampire from Anne
Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.

For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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