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what it hates, and what it thrives on. Each plant in

your garden has unique needs, and you have to listen

and learn to understand what they are. When you

find that out, you can determine what kind of special

treatment each plant gets and then give it just the

right amount of water, the right amount of plant

food, and the right amount of care and attention that

will allow you to reap a bountiful harvest. Isn’t that

right, Gardener?”

“Couldn’t have said it better

myself,” he said. “And you’re

right. Plants, like customers,

each have unique characteris-

tics, and they require various

kinds of care and nurturing. But

when you can provide that spe-

cial kind of treatment, your

sales garden is bound to thrive.”

Ted nodded. “I remember

one story my dad told me when I’d just graduated

from college and gotten my first sales job. It taught

me a lot about the importance of listening to my cus-

tomers and asking the right questions. My dad was an




Always do your

homework. Always check

out assumptions. Always

be asking questions.

Always be defining your

customers’ needs.


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