Angielski w pracy i biznesie część 1

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Listen & Learn

Angielski w pracy i biznesie

“Business Words & Expressions”

CD 1

Spis treści




Part one

Looking for a job

Lesson 1

Job interview


track 1-4

Lesson 2

Experience & qualifications


track 5-9

Lesson 3

Employment conditions


track 10-14

Lesson 4



track 15-18

Part two

At Work

Lesson 5

Meeting colleagues and


track 19-23

learning the company structure

Lesson 6



track 24-26

Lesson 7

Making arrangements


track 27-29


Curriculum Vitae


A covering letter


Payment – words confused


Employment – words confused


Company structure


Business Cards


Saying numbers


Commercial correspondence


DIM Nauka i Multimedia

ul. Milskiego 1 80-809 Gdańsk


tel. (58) 324 91 51 fax. (58) 324 91 52

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Part one Looking for a job

Lesson 1 Job interview

Exercise one


Listen to the dialogue.


Please have a seat. I’ve got your CV here, a very impressive track record, I must say.


Thank you.


Now, let me ask you a question we ask all our candidates.

What’s important for you in

a new job?


I’m looking for a challenging, demanding position, and I expect possibilities for
further career development. That’s why I’m here. I’ve done research about various
organisations and I learnt that you are a company that gives promising prospects to
your employees, and the unquestionable advantage is the potential for rapid


Fine. We are looking for a highly motivated candidate. Tell me about yourself now.
What is your greatest strength?


I think I’m a reliable, hard-working person; resistant to stress if that’s necessary. In
fact, I like the adrenaline when I work under pressure. I think I’m capable of working
to tight deadlines.


Well, that’s very important.


Hmm. What else? I’m sure I’m efficient. I have the ability to use time to maximum
effect and I know how to get things done. That’s what I’m good at.


Interesting. What are your salary requirements?


Well, based on my track record and qualifications, what would be the salary range for
the position?


We offer a competitive salary plus a bonus scheme and a substantial benefits package.
The details will be discussed at a later time. Are there any questions you’d like me to


How long will the selection take place? When can I expect a reply?


After all the candidates are interviewed and shortlisted, the successful ones will be
invited to the interview again. I think it will be within two weeks.


Thank you very much.


Thank you for coming. You’ll be hearing from us soon.

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Exercise two


Listen and repeat the expressions.

udokumentowane osiągnięcia

a proven track record

stanowisko stawiające wysokie wymagania a challenging, demanding position
obiecujące perspektywy

promising prospects

niepodważalna zaleta

an unquestionable advantage

największa siła

the greatest strength

wysoce zmotywowany

highly motivated





odporny na stres

resistant to stress

pracować w stresie

to work under pressure

pracować w napiętych terminach

to work to tight deadlines



doprowadzać sprawy do końca

to get things done

wykorzystywać czas do maximum

to use time to maximum effect

wymagania płacowe

salary requirements

przedział płacowy na stanowisku

the salary range for the position

konkurencyjna pensja

a competitive salary

system premii

bonus scheme

znaczny pakiet socjalny

a substantial benefits package

Exercise three


Listen and repeat the sentences from the dialogue.


You have a very impressive track record.


What’s important for you in a new job?


I’m looking for a challenging, demanding position.


I expect possibilities for further career development.


I’ve done research about various organisations.


You are a company that gives promising prospects to your employees.


The unquestionable advantage is the potential for rapid promotion.


We are looking for a highly motivated candidate.


What is your greatest strength?


I’m a reliable, hard-working person.


I’m resistant to stress if that’s necessary.


I think I’m capable of working to tight deadlines.


I’m sure I’m efficient.


I have the ability to use time to maximum effect.


I know how to get things done.


What are your salary requirements?


Based on my track record and qualifications, what would be the salary range for the


We offer a competitive salary…


… plus a bonus scheme and a substantial benefits package.


How long will the selection take place? When can I expect a reply?


Thank you for coming. You’ll be hearing from us soon.

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Exercise four


Pursuing a career. Listen and repeat the expressions.

drabina kariery

a career ladder




a work placement

praca zmianowa


pracować na akord

to do piecework

nienormowany czas pracy


pracownik niezależny

a freelance

pracownik fizyczny

a blue-collar worker

pracownik umysłowy

a white-collar worker


a workaholic



pozwolenie na pracę

a work permit

nie mieć wystarczających kwalifikacji

to be underqualified

mieć zbyt duże kwalifikacje

to be overqualified

zatrudniać na okres próbny

to hire sb for a trial period

umowa na stałe

a permanent contract

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Curriculum Vitae

Piotr Nowak

70 Barrack Road, Northampton NN2 6BX

Mobile: +44 7955 411 898; E-Mail:



Bergson Marketing Group, Northampton, UK (Loyalty Marketing Company)

Solution Engineer

• Consulted technical solutions and provided impact analysis

• Designed and implemented websites

• Co-operated in enhancing software development process

• Enhanced legacy software


Model-Soft, Gdansk, Poland (Independent Software Vendor)

Technical Architect / Team Leader

• Managed software development process

• Managed quality and testing in software development

• Led software engineers’ team

• Designed technical architectures

• Implemented system’s core


JCD, Gdynia, Poland (Independent Software Vendor)

Project Manager / Solution Engineer

• Managed software development projects

• Led software engineers’ team

• Gathered functional requirements and produced FRS documents

• Designed technical architectures



Technical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Postgraduate in Software Engineering


Technical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland

M. Sc. Degree in Electronics

Other skills

Project management (6 years):

strong understanding of Agile Software Development, Rational Unified Process,

Capability Maturity Model, Critical Chain Project Management, Function Point Analysis, Unit Testing

Internet-related technologies and standards (10 years):

ASP.NET 2.0/1.1, XHTML, CSS 2.0, JavaScript, DHTML,


Software design and development (7 years):

Unified Modelling Language, Object Oriented Design/Programming,

Design Patterns, Enterprise Architect, Microsoft Visio

Relational Databases (7 years):

MS SQL Server 2000/2005, Transact-SQL, advanced transactions, advanced

optimisation, DTS packets, Sybase ASE/ASA, MySQL, MS Access

Microsoft.NET Platform (4 years): .

NET 2.0/1.1, C#, VB.NET, Windows Forms, Web Forms, Web Services, Visual

Studio.NET 2005/2003





mother tongue



Personal details

Date of Birth

6 March 1974






science-fiction literature and film, sailing, playing the guitar

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Lesson 2 Experience & qualifications

Exercise one


Listen to the dialogue.


Now I’d like you to tell me about your qualifications. I see here you’ve got an
advanced degree…


Yes, I have an MBA, and I hold an MA in Economics and Marketing, and a BA in
Management Studies.


Mm. Let’s turn to your experience now. You worked as the head of the Sales


Yes, I have a solid background with five years recent first-line management
experience. After three years of working in the position of sales representative I was
promoted and I worked as a senior manager for almost four years, and then I was
selected for a Sales Manager vacancy, a position responsible for the sales in one of
the regions in my company. I have gained hands-on experience in retail, developing
business contacts and negotiations.


OK. Are you good at languages? A sound knowledge of French and good fluency in
one other European language is essential.


That’s not a problem. I’m a fluent speaker of French and German. And I also have a
working knowledge of Spanish. I enclosed a detailed track record with my CV.


Yes. Your credentials are really excellent.

Exercise two


Listen and repeat the expressions.

wyższe kwalifikacje

an advanced degree

pracować jako szef działu

to work as the head of the department

solidne podstawy

a solid background

doświadczenie na stanowisku kierowniczym

first-line management experience

pracować na stanowisku

to work in the position of…

zostać awansowanym

to be promoted

zostać wybranym na wolny etat

to be selected for a vacancy

zdobyć praktyczne doświadczenie

to gain hands-on experience in…

być dobrym z języków obcych

to be good at languages

doskonała znajomość francuskiego

a sound knowledge of French

płynność w innym języku

good fluency in one other language

podstawowa znajomość hiszpańskiego

a working knowledge of Spanish


to enclose



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Exercise three


Listen and repeat the sentences from the dialogue.


I’d like you to tell me about your qualifications.


I see here you’ve got an advanced degree…


I hold an MA in Economics and Marketing.


I’ve got a BA in Management Studies.


You worked as the head of the Sales Department.


I have a solid background with five years recent first-line management experience.


After three years of working in the position of sales representative I was promoted.


I worked as a senior manager for almost four years.


I was selected for a Sales Manager vacancy.


I have gained hands-on experience in retail and developing business contacts.


Are you good at languages?


Good fluency in one other European language is essential.


I’m a fluent speaker of French and German.


I also have a working knowledge of Spanish.


I enclosed a detailed track record with my CV.


Your credentials are very impressive.

Exercise four


Listen and repeat the expressions.


Forms of employment:


to employ / to hire





praca na cały etat

a full-time job

praca na pół etatu

a part-time job

praca stała

a permanent job

praca tymczasowa

a temporary job

praca fizyczna

physical / manual work

praca sezonowa

seasonal work



pracować w domu

to work from home

zarabiać na życie jako...

to earn a living as...


Out of work:

stracić pracę

to lose a job

wyrzucić z pracy

to give sb the sack / to fire / to dismiss

zwolnić kogoś

make sb redundant


unemployed / out of work

być na zasiłku

to be on the dole / to get unemployment benefit


to go on strike

rzucić pracę

to give up work


to resign

przedłożyć rezygnację

to hand in your resignation

przejść na emeryturę

to retire


retirement / pension

zrobić przerwę od pracy

to have a break from work

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Exercise five


Answer the questions about people’s situations at work.


If someone is earning money from their own business what is their employment



They are self-employed.



What kind of job do students get on farms during holidays?



They get seasonal work.



What job has he finally got after a lot of part-time jobs?



He has got a full-time job.



Where do the people work if they don’t leave home to work?



They work from home.



If the company suffers from a difficult economic situation what do they do with



They make the employees redundant.



What money do the unemployed people get?



They get unemployment benefit.



If the workers are not satisfied with the employment conditions, what may they



They may go on strike.



If someone finds a better job what does he hand in to an employer?



He hands in his resignation.

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A covering letter

Anna Nowak
Jasna Street 34
00-132 Warsaw

15th January 2008

Mr M. Flynn
Ernst &Young Audit Ltd
25 Poplar Grove
Harrogate, England HG14PL

Dear Mr Flynn,


I should like to apply for the above post, advertised in today’s Sunday Times and I have pleasure in
enclosing my curriculum vitae for your attention.

As my resume indicates, I have seven years of professional experience in an administrative capacity. I
have worked as an assistant either to a department or a single individual in three different companies,
which gave me the opportunity for my career advancement. I have sharpened my organisational skills,
attention to detail and ability to work independently. I have gained hands-on experience in writing
reports and designing Power Point presentations. In my most recent role in the Personnel Department,
I have learned human resource policies, procedures and the protocol necessary to enforce them.
Combine all of this experience with my natural talents (analytical problem-solving, logistical planning
and pronounced capacity for efficient work) and you have a well-rounded candidate you will be proud
to have on your staff.

I am now seeking an opportunity for further career development and it is my sincere belief that the
Ernst &Young Audit Company is the organisation that really values the entrepreneurial spirit and
dedication I could offer. I look forward to discussing this opportunity further with you and discussing
any questions you may have for me at an interview.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Anna Nowak

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Lesson 3 Employment conditions

Exercise one


Listen to the dialogue.


Shall we move on to discuss the employment conditions?


Certainly, I’m very curious about that.


First of all, although we generally have a 40-hour working week, you must be
prepared for some weekend work from time to time, and time off will be given in lieu.


I see. So I won’t be paid overtime.


That’s right. The staff are entitled to 30 days of annual leave plus public holidays, of


Right. What about sickness leave?


During the first year of employment, you can get sickness leave for no longer than one
quarter of the working year at full pay, rising by stages to a full working year at full
pay after five years.


Yes, and the salary conditions?


We offer a competitive salary plus a bonus scheme and a substantial benefits package.


So will the standards of my work be reflected in my salary?


Yes, you get performance-related increments, which I believe is very encouraging.


Yes, indeed. And what’s the benefits package?


For middle managers we offer a company car, medical insurance plus some
additional, professional insurance, and a discount of 10% on company goods.


Sounds quite interesting.


Is there anything else you’d like me to discuss?


Yes. I’m interested in the pension scheme. Should I make my own pension


No, all staff must join the company pension scheme, and the present contribution on
the employees’ part is 6% whereas the company gives 17%.


OK. And one more thing. If I decide to terminate the contract, how soon can I leave?


In fact three months’ written notice is required on either side.


Right. Thank you.

Exercise two


Listen and repeat the expressions.

dostać dodatkowe dni wolne (za nadgodziny)

to get time off in lieu


in lieu of

mieć płacone nadgodziny

to be paid overtime

być uprawnionym

to be entitled to

coroczny urlop

annual leave


sickness leave


to reflect

premia zależna od wyników pracy

performance-related increments

ubezpieczenie zdrowotne

medical insurance

dodatkowe ubezpieczenie biznesowe

additional, professional insurance

włączyć się w plan emerytalny

to join the pension scheme

wkład ze strony pracownika

contribution on the employees’ part

rozwiązać umowę

to terminate the contract


written notice

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Exercise three


Listen and repeat the sentences from the dialogue.


We have a 40-hour working week.


Be prepared for some weekend work.


Time off will be given in lieu.


I won’t be paid overtime.


The staff are entitled to 30 days of annual leave plus public holidays.


What about sickness leave?


We offer a competitive salary plus a bonus scheme.


You get performance-related increments.


What’s the benefits package?


We offer a company car…


…medical insurance plus some additional, professional insurance,


…a discount of 10% on company goods.


Should I make my own pension arrangements?


All staff must join the company pension scheme.


The present contribution on the employees’ part is 6%.


If I decide to terminate the contract, how soon can I leave?


Three months’ written notice is required on either side.

Exercise four


Terms of employment. Listen and repeat the expressions.

perspektywa awansu

promotion prospects

urlop płatny / bezpłatny

paid leave / unpaid leave

urlop zdrowotny

sick leave

urlop macierzyński

maternity leave

fundusz emerytalny

a pension scheme

dodatkowe świadczenia


samochód firmowy

a company car

do negocjacji


być uprawnionym do

to be eligible for / to be entitled

wypadek podczas pracy

an industrial injury




to be promoted

być za nisko opłacanym

to be underpaid


to demote

Exercise five


Listen and repeat the sentences.


This job offers training as well as promotion prospects.


A company car is one of the perks in this job.


You are eligible for the company’s pension scheme.


In the case of an industrial injury, you are entitled to compensation.


The salary is not negotiable.


The contract may be terminated with one month’s notice.

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Payment - words often confused


(the money that you earn by working) – płaca

to be on low pay – mieć niskie zarobki
equal pay – równe płace
rates of pay – stawki płacowe
pay and conditions – warunki zatrudnienia
basic pay – płaca podstawowa
overtime pay – płaca za nadgodziny
pay rise – podwyżka
pay cut – obniżka pensji
pay negotiations – negocjacje płacowe

a salary

(money paid monthly into the bank, received from a company or organization

where you work) – pensja miesięczna
basic/base salary – pensja podstawowa
salary increase
– podwyżka płac
salary scale
– siatka płac
salary range
– przedział płacowy
to be on a good salary
– mieć dobrą pensję
high/low salary – wysoka/niska pensja
average salary – średnia pensja


(a payment made weekly in cash) – zarobki (tygodniówka)

to get/earn good wages – mieć dobre zarobki
high wages – wysokie zarobki
low wages – niskie zarobki
wage increase/rise – podwyżka
to demand an increase in wages – domagać się podwyżki
wage levels/rates – stawki


(the money that you earn or receive from investments) – dochód, dochody

to be on a … income – uzyskiwać dochody w wysokości…
high/low income – wysoki/niski przychód
annual income – roczny przychód
family/household income – przychód rodziny
a source of income – źródło przychodu


(money paid for professional services to a doctor, lawyer, private school, etc.) –

honorarium, opłata
doctor’s/lawyer’s fees – honorarium lekarza/prawnika
legal/medical fee – opłata medyczna/prawna
school fees – czesne
a flat fee – opłata stała

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Lesson 4 Responsibilities

Exercise one


Listen to the dialogue.


Let’s talk about the responsibilities now.


Of course.


As you know, you will work in the Human Resources Department and you’ll be
responsible for all personnel matters.


Right. What exactly will my responsibilities include?


First of all, you’ll be in charge of recruiting new staff so you are expected to prepare
and conduct the whole selection process.


Yes… Which means?


You will be supposed to prepare and put the advertisements in the press so you need to
be creative. Then, when the applications arrive, you’ll be responsible for sorting them
out and discarding the unsuitable ones. After interviewing the candidates, you’ll
shortlist them, and suggest three to four for the final selection.


Do I make the final selection, too?


No, that is made by the Vice President.


I see.


Moreover, your team will be working on organising training courses; we have an
overall staff training plan in the company. Er... What else?
Your duties will also
liaison with health and safety representatives, and you will be dealing with the
retirement arrangements. That’s all, I suppose. Do you have any questions?


Yes. Who will I report to?


You’ll be reporting to Mr Dobkin, the Vice President.


Right. No more questions, I think. Thank you very much.

to recruit staff
– zatrudniać pracowników
to conduct the selection process – przeprowadzić selekcję
to sort out – sortować
to discard – odrzucić
overall staff training plan – całościowy plan szkoleń
liaison with – współpraca z
to deal with the retirement arrangements
– zająć się planem emerytalnym

Exercise two


Listen and repeat the expressions.

to be responsible for
to be in charge of
to be in / to work in
to be expected to
the responsibilities include

the duties include
to work on
to deal with
to report to
to work for

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Exercise three


Listen and repeat the sentences from the dialogue.


You will work in the Human Resources Department.


You’ll be responsible for all personnel matters.


What exactly will my responsibilities include?


You’ll be in charge of recruiting new staff.


You are expected to prepare and conduct the whole selection process.


You will be supposed to prepare and put the advertisements in the press.


Your team will be working on organising training courses.


You will be dealing with the retirement arrangements.


Who will I report to?


You’ll be reporting to Mr Dobkin, the Vice President.

Exercise four


Everyday responsibilities. Listen and repeat the expressions.

wykonywać pracę

to do a job

zadanie, projekt

a project

przejąć obowiązki

to take over from sb

pracować samodzielnie

to work alone

pracować w grupie

to work in a group

praca zespołowa



to team up with sb


a colleague / a workmate

pracować nadgodziny

to work / do overtime

być na dyżurze

to be on duty

być po dyżurze

to be off duty

mieć dzień wolny

to have a day off

iść na urlop

to take leave / to have a holiday

nosić mundur, uniform

to wear a uniform

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Employment - words often confused

a job

(regular paid employment) – praca, posada, stanowisko

to look for a job – szukać pracy
to get a job – dostać pracę
to give sb a job – zatrudnić kogoś
to lose one’s job – stracić pracę
to be out of a job – być bez pracy
to give up one’s job – rzucić pracę

a post / a position

(more formal words for a particular job) – stanowisko

a/an administrative post – stanowisko w administracji
a management post – stanowisko kierownicze
to hold a post/a position zajmować stanowisko
to fill a post – zająć stanowisko
to take up a post – objąć stanowisko
to resign one’s post – zrezygnować ze stanowiska
a position of responsibility – odpowiedzialne stanowisko
to apply for a position – złożyć podanie o pracę

a vacancy

(an unfilled job) – wolny etat, wakat

a vacancy for an accountant – wolny etat księgowego
to fill a vacancy for a receptionist – zatrudnić recepcjonistkę
to advertise a vacancy – dać ogłoszenie o pracy
‘no vacancies’ – wolnych miejsc pracy nie ma

a profession

(a job such as that of a lawyer or a doctor, for which you need special training

and a good education) – zawód, profesja
by profession – z zawodu
the legal/medical/acting profession – prawnicy/lekarze/aktorzy


(generally all activities of the mind or body; a job or business) – praca

to be at work on sth – pracować nad czymś
to go/set to / get to work – zabrać się do pracy
to put/set sb to work – dać komuś zajęcie
to be in work/out of work – mieć pracę / być bez pracy
to be off work – być na urlopie
to look for work – szukać pracy
day/night work – praca dzienna/nocna
full-time/part-time wok – praca w pełnym / niepełnym wymiarze godzin

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Part two At Work

Lesson 5 Meeting colleagues and learning the company structure

Exercise one


Repeat the words describing different positions in a company.


President / Chairman of the Board / Chief Executive Officer


Deputy or Vice-President / Deputy or Vice-Chairman


the Board

dyrektor zarządzający

a managing director / head


a director


a deputy director

kierownik, specjalista

a senior manager


a manager


an executive manager


an assistant




a team


a worker

Exercise two


Listen and repeat the sentences.

1. Introducing:


I’d like to introduce…


This is … How do you do?


May I introduce…?


Let me introduce … to you.




Do you know…?


May I introduce myself?


I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.


I’m pleased to meet you.


Nice to meet you again.

2. Executive management & company organisation:


The Head of the company is the Chief Executive Officer.


He is also the President and a member of the Board of Directors.


Under him there are five executive managers.


They are responsible for finance and information technology, marketing and sales,
production, research and development, personnel and administration.


The company’s activities are divided into four business areas.


They are headed by different division managers.


They report directly to the Chief Executive Officer.

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Chief Executive Officer
– prezes
the Board of Directors
– zarząd
an executive manager
– dyrektor, doradca
a division manager
– dyrektor działu, pionu
finance and information technology
– finanse i technologia informatyczna
marketing and sales
– marketing i sprzedaż
– produkcja
research and development – badania i rozwój
personnel and administration
– personel i administracja

Exercise three


Listen and repeat the expressions describing functions of different departments.


wiadczyć usługi biurowe

to provide office services, such as typing and


prowadzić księgowość

to keep a record of all payments

zajmować się podatkami, inwestycjami

to deal with taxation, investment and

i zarządzaniem gotówką

cash management

być odpowiedzialnym za nabór

to be responsible for recruitment and

i selekcję kadr


organizować szkolenia

to organise training courses

sporządzać kontrakty

to draw up contracts

doradzać w sprawach prawnych

to advise on corporate regulations

zamawiać zapasy

to order the supplies

zwiększać ilość produktów

to improve the product range

współpracować z fabrykami

to cooperate with the factory units

organizować kontrolę jakości

to organise quality control

przeprowadzać badania rynkowe

to carry out market research

prowadzić kampanie reklamowe

to run advertising campaigns

być odpowiedzialnym za serwis

to be responsible for after-sales care

Exercise four


Now answer the questions about the company’s structure.


What does the Administration Department provide?



It provides office services, such as typing and photocopying.



What kind of record does the Accounts Department keep?



It keeps a record of all payments made and received.



What does the Finance Department deal with?



It deals with taxation, investment and cash management.



What is the Personnel Department responsible for?



It’s responsible for recruitment and selection.



What does the Legal Department advise on?

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It advises on corporate regulations.



What does the Purchasing Department order?



It orders all the supplies needed by the company.



What does the Research and Development Department improve?



It improves the company’s product range.



What does the Production Department organise?



It organises quality control.



What is the Sales and Marketing Department in charge of?



It carries out market research and plans how to sell products.



What does the Advertising Department run?



It runs advertising campaigns.

Exercise five


Asking for and giving permission. Listen and repeat the sentences.


Can I leave earlier?


Could I use the computer?


May I open the window?


Is it OK if...? / Is it all right if...?


OK. / Yes, sure.


Yes, of course.


No problem.


I’m afraid not.


I don’t think that’s a good idea.


I’d rather you didn’t.


Do you mind if…?


Not at all. / Go ahead.


Do you mind if I close the window?


I do, as a matter of fact.


Would you mind if I didn’t do it today?


Actually, I would.


Do you mind if...? / Would you mind if…?Czy masz / miałbyś coś przeciwko, jeśli…?
I do, as a matter of fact.
– Prawdę mówiąc mam.
Actually, I would. – Tak naprawdę, to miałbym.

Not at all. – Wcale. / Oczywiście, że nie.
Go ahead.
– Nie.

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Company structure


Business Cards

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Lesson 6 Telephoning

Exercise one


Listen and repeat the expressions.

1. Starting the call:


Hello. This is Steve Brown.


Can I speak to Mr Wood, please?




I’d like to speak to Ann Baker.


Who’s calling?


I’ll get him.


Nice to hear from you.


How are you?


How are things?

2. Connecting:


Can you put me through to


What’s the extension?


Hold on, please. / Hang on, please. /
Just a minute.


The line’s free now. I’ll connect you.


Putting you through.


The line’s busy. / The line’s


Will you hold?

3. Saying why you are phoning:


The reason I’m phoning is …


I’m phoning to ask …


I’m calling about the invoice.

4. Offering help:


He’s out at the moment.


He’s tied up at the moment.


Can I take a message?


Can I leave a message?


You’re very faint.


Could you read that back to me?


Can you bear with me for a second
while I find the information?

5. Finishing the call:


I’ll call back later.


I’ll get back to you first thing.


Right then…




Give me a ring if you have any


Let me know if there is anything

I can do.


Thank you for calling.

How are things?
– Co słychać?
an extension
– numer wewnętrzny
Hold on. / Hang on.
– Proszę czekać.

to put somebody through
– połączyć
to be tied up
– być zajętym
You’ re faint.
– Słabo cię słychać.
to bear with somebody for a second
okazać chwilę cierpliwości
to get back to somebody first thing – wrócić do kogoś z samego rana

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Exercise two


Now take part in a telephone conversation. Listen to the instructions.


MDM Technologies.

(Say that you’d like to speak to Mr Ernesto Garrone.)



Hello. Can I speak to Mr. Ernesto Garrone, please?


Who’s calling please?

(Introduce yourself.)



Michael Shaw.


Hold on. I’ll put you through… Well. He’s tied up at the moment.

(Ask when you could call back.)



When can I call back?


Try in two hours.

(Say that you are busy then and ask if you can leave a message.)



I’m busy then. Can I leave a message?



(Say that you are phoning about his presentation at the conference in Frankfurt.)



I’m phoning about his presentation at the conference in Frankfurt.



(Ask if he’ll need an overhead projector and a display stand.)



I’d like to know if he’ll need an overhead projector and a display stand.


OK. I’ll make sure he gets the message.


(Say that you are looking forward to hearing from him and thank the secretary for



Right then. I’m looking forward to hearing from him. Thank you for your help.


Thanks for calling, Mr Shaw.

Exercise three


Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences giving instructions how to use
a mobile.


to assemble To assemble your phone, first insert the SIM card.


to insert

Then insert and charge the battery.


to connect

Connect the charger to the phone.


to charge

Allow 2 hours for the battery to charge.


to activate

To activate the services in your phone, enter the PIN.


to hold

To turn the phone on and off, press and hold the “start”



to select

At first set-up, select the language for phone menus.


to enter

To make a call, enter the phone number and press “Call”.


to press

Press “End call” to end the call.

odebrać telefon

to answer

To answer a call, open the phone.

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Saying Numbers – Part I

Phone / fax / bank account / credit


flight numbers


676051 – six seven six, oh five one
778623 – double seven eight, six two three
LH 4593 – L H four five nine three

Thursday 18


–Thursday, the eighteenth



August – the thirty-first of August /

August the thirty-first
1997 – nineteen ninety-seven
2004 – two thousand and four



€121 – one hundred twenty-one euro
€29.94 – twenty-nine euro, ninety four
99p – ninety-nine p /pi:/
£75 – seventy-five pounds
£12.99 – twelve pounds ninety nine


15 km – fifteen kilometres




cm – eighteen and a half centimetres

30 m


– thirty square metres

60 x 90 cm – sixty by ninety centimetres

5:30 – five thirty / half past five
7:45 – seven forty-five / a quarter to eight
9:20 – nine twenty / twenty past nine
6:08 – eight minutes past six
In plane or train timetables, official announcements –
the twenty-four hour clock is used
14:00 – fourteen hundred hours
06:00 – oh six hundred
07:05 – seven oh five
16:20 – sixteen twenty

Height / Weight


He is five feet eight (inches tall).
I’m fifty-five kilo.



C – seven degrees Celsius above zero



C – minus twenty degrees Celsius


Saying Numbers – Part II

Cardinal numbers





– a half




– one thirds




– one quarters




– two thirds




– three quarters





– one and five ninths

Decimal fractions

175 – one hundred and seventy-five (US: one
hundred seventy-five)
201 – two hundred and one (US: two hundred
1,000 – a thousand
1,030 – a thousand and thirty
1,100 – one thousand, one hundred / eleven
3,872 – three thousand, eight hundred (and)
seventy two
1,000,000 – a million
1,000,000,000 – a thousand million (US: a

0.5 – nought point five, or point five (US: zero point five)
8.06 – eight point oh six (US: eight point zero six)
24.375 – twenty-four point three seven five

Calculations - small numbers, and in a
conversational style

Calculations - larger numbers, and in a more
formal style

2 + 2 = 4

7 – 4 = 3

3 x 4 = 12

9 / 3 = 3

two and two is/are four

four from seven leaves / is three, or
seven take away four leaves/is

three times four are twelve

nine divided by three equals three

112 + 66 = 178

619 – 80 = 539

14 x 60 = 840

900 / 30 = 30

a hundred and twelve plus sixty six
is/equals a hundred and seventy eight
six hundred and eighteen minus
eighty equals five hundred thirty nine
fourteen times sixty is/makes eight
hundred and forty or in a more formal
: 14 multiplied by 60 equals 840
nine hundred divided by thirty equals

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Lesson 7 Making arrangements

Exercise one


Listen and repeat the sentences.

1. Making appointments:


I’d like to make an appointment.


We need to arrange a time for the next meeting.


What day would suit you?


Are you free next Wednesday?


I’m tied up on Wednesday.


How about Tuesday?


I can make Tuesday.


Is 11 a.m. convenient?


Can we meet later?


How about 2 p.m.?


That’ll be fine.


Where shall we meet?


Let’s make some arrangements.

2. Rescheduling a meeting:


I’d like to reschedule the meeting.


I should be seeing Mr Brook on Tuesday at 2 p.m.


Unfortunately, something’s come up.


I’m afraid I can’t make it then.


I won’t be able to make it.


Would you like to fix another time?


When would it be convenient?


When would it suit you?


I can manage Thursday, any time.


OK. I’ll pencil it in and check if Mr Brook can make it then.


I’ll wait to hear from you.


Can you confirm the change?


I’m sorry to be a nuisance.


The meeting is off.


The meeting has been cancelled.

to make an appointment
– umówić się na spotkanie
to suit
– pasować
to be tied up
– być zajętym
to make
– dać radę (się spotkać)
– dogodny, odpowiedni
to make arrangements
– umówić się, ustalić
to reschedule
– przełożyć
Something’s come up.
– Coś mi wypadło.
to fix another time
– ustalić inny termin
to pencil something in
– zapisać coś
to confirm
a nuisance
– ktoś uciążliwy, sprawiający kłopot
to be off / to cancel
– być odwołanym, odwołać

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Exercise two


Now take part in a telephone conversation and arrange a meeting with the manager. Listen
to the instructions.


Anything I can do for you?

(Say that you’d like to make an appointment with the manager.)



I’d like to make an appointment with the manager.


What day would suit you?

(Suggest Wednesday.)



How about Wednesday?


OK. He’s tied up in the morning but you can meet him after lunch.

(Say you can’t make it then.)



I’m afraid. I can’t make it then.


Well, hold on a minute…

(Ask if you could fix another time.)



Can we fix another time?


Certainly. How about 6 p.m.?

(Say it suits you and thank the secretary.)



6 suits me. Thank you very much.


You are welcome. Shall I explain how to find the office?


(Say it won’t be necessary.)



It won’t be necessary. Thank you.


Fine. See you then.

Exercise three


Offering help. Listen and repeat the sentences.


Shall I send the letter for you?


Let me do that for you.


Would you like me to help you?


I’ll do it for you.


Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot.


That’s very kind of you.


No thanks, it’s all right.


That’s OK, thanks.


No thanks, I’ll manage.


That’s kind of you, but I can do it myself.

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Commercial Correspondence


CMA Debt Organisation

110-112 Cromwell Road, London SW7 4S Tel: 071 444 3131 Fax: 071 444 3245

Our ref: CL/32/08
23 December 2008

Addressee’s name and address
Mr Alan Bergson
Head of Client Management Central Europe
Deutsche Bank AG
Narodni Trida 13
Czech Republic

Dear Mr Bergson,

Subject title
Visit of Mr Gilbert Barnes, Executive Director, CMA Debt Organisation

Body of letter
Due to a change of programme, Mr Gilbert Barnes will not be arriving in Prague on 5
January. Would it be convenient to re-schedule your meeting with him for 7 January at 11.30
a.m.? Please contact me to confirm that this is possible or to suggest an alternative time.

Complimentary close
Yours sincerely,


Janet Stephens

Company position
Personal Assistant to the Executive Director

Enc. Executive Director’s itinerary

c.c. Martin Hardy, CMA Debt Organisation, Prague


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