pets sentence scramble

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Unscramble the following sentences by writing the correct ones on the spaces provided.

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My pets

1. pets like What do best you?


2. like I best rabbits.


3. like you Why rabbits do?


4. they are like rabbits quiet because I.


5. like and are friendly dogs because I playful they.


6. don't and I because they lazy boring are like cats.


7. because they so I love cats cute are.


background image



Unscramble the following sentences by writing the correct ones on the spaces provided.

Copyright, 2005 – www.english‐                                                                                          

   Name:  _________________                                Class: ______________

My pets




1. What pets do you like best? 

2. I like rabbits best. 

3. Why do you like rabbits? 

4. I like rabbits because they are quiet. 

5. I like dogs because they are friendly and playful. 

6. I don't like cats because they are lazy and boring. 

7. I love cats because they are so cute. 


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