Speed up Detailed view in Explorer (2)

Speed up Detailed view in Explorer If you like to view your files in Windows Explorer using the "Details" view here is a tweak to speed up the listing of file attributes: Viewing files in Windows Explorer using the "Details" mode shows various attributes associated with each file shown. Some of these must be retrieved from the individual files when you click on the directory for viewing. For a directory with numerous and relatively large files (such as a folder in which one stores media, eg: *.mp3's, *.avi's etc.) Windows Explorer lags as it reads through each one. Here's how to disable viewing of unwanted attributes and speed up file browsing: 1. Open Windows Explorer 2. Navigate to the folder which you wish to optimize. 3. In "Details" mode right click the bar at the top which displays the names of the attribute columns. 4. Uncheck any that are unwanted/unneeded. Explorer will apply your preferences immediately, and longs lists of unnecessary attributes will not be displayed. Likewise, one may choose to display any information which is regarded as needed, getting more out of Explorer.


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