139 be grammar articles5

businessenglishsite.com | exercise collection
Business English Grammar Exercise | Topic: Choose the right article 5
Choose the best response for each question:
1. Do you know how to program in __________________________ Java? ( = a programming
a) NO ARTICLE b) the c) a
2. We're looking to hire someone who speaks __________________________ Russian.
a) NO ARTICLE b) the c) a
3. I don't think he's __________________________ good fit ( = well-matched) for our company.
a) the b) NO ARTICLE c) a
4. Direct selling accounts for about __________________________ 50% of our annual sales.
a) the b) NO ARTICLE c) a
5. The senate passed an important energy bill on Tuesday. __________________________ bill will
ensure that companies don't overcharge their customers.
a) A b) NO ARTICLE c) The
6. The senator from California spoke out against __________________________ racism. (in general)
a) NO ARTICLE b) the c) a
7. The senator from California spoke out against __________________________ last week's protests
in Los Angeles.
a) NO ARTICLE b) the c) a
8. The senator from California spoke out against __________________________ protests in Los
Angeles that killed 10 people.
a) a b) NO ARTICLE c) the
9. He has __________________________ MBA (Master of Business Administration) from Harvard.
a) the b) an c) NO ARTICLE
10. He signed up for _________________________ MBA program that I told you about last week.
a) an b) the c) NO ARTICLE
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Business English Grammar Exercise | Topic: Choose the right article 5
1) a 2) a 3) c 4) b 5) c 6) a 7) a 8) c 9) b 10) b


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