136 be grammar articles2

businessenglishsite.com | exercise collection
Business English Grammar Exercise | Topic: Choose the right article 2
Choose the best response for each question:
1. Q: Where are you going? A: I'm off to __________________________ meeting. (We both know
about this particular meeting)
a) a b) the c) NO ARTICLE
2. Q: Where are you going? A: I'm off to __________________________ meeting. (The person
asking the question doesn't know about this meeting)
a) the b) NO ARTICLE c) a
3. Q: Where are you going? A: I'm off to __________________________ work.
a) the b) NO ARTICLE c) a
4. Q: Where are you going? A: I'm off to __________________________ airport.
a) the b) a c) NO ARTICLE
5. This is at _________________ very heart of what we do.
a) the b) a c) NO ARTICLE
6. We're looking for _________________ new supplier.
a) the b) NO ARTICLE c) a
7. We're trying to build __________________________ new business relationships.
a) NO ARTICLE b) the c) a
8. Our __________________________ new business relationships are working out well.
a) NO ARTICLE b) the c) a
9. Why did __________________________ last CEO step down?
a) a b) the c) NO ARTICLE
10. So far, this has been _________________________ very good year for us.
a) the b) NO ARTICLE c) a
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Business English Grammar Exercise | Topic: Choose the right article 2
1) b 2) c 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) c 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) c


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