
Reworked the inner workings of the http fetcher to be more robust The changed source is now remembered correctly. To reset to the original one, just select show source and press reset Added priorities to the URL database. Now you can force some files to be cached and others to not be cached Improved the mailto functionality a lot Added support for http resume. ftp resume still to come... Added support for frameset onload Fixed a bug that caused downloaded files to become corrupt if disk got full during download. Added PostScript Level 1 print output Added clip board support for the text edit field The cache now cache now caches redirections too Added a cool feature to the cache. Now it caches image sizes so pages can be layouted before the images are actually loaded Major rewrite of the table layout code. It should now deal with any strange table that might be out there Added more low level packet support to speed up the disk access. Benchmarks to follow.. Enabled assembly optimized dithering functions Added the new cache browser supplied by Thomas Igracki Added new font scheme Subframes now appears in the history too Added preliminary support for SSLv3. The SSL libraries will be available later on Added support for Netscape's AutoProxy configuration Enabled the JavaScript engine. Far from all attributes are implemented so please report any sites where JavaScript behaves strange asap Reworked the tableparser to be 2 call recursive instead of being multiple call recursive This should improve performance a lot for recursive tables Added clicktab support which allows you to have several webpages active in the same window. This avoids cluttering of the screen with many windows Reworked the prefs system to work in a tree like fashion instead Reworked the cachesystem to be more robust. It does now divide the files into different subdirs to improve performance with many files in the cache Split the various imagedecoders into several image codecs to reduce memory consumption if not eg PNG images are loaded Added long awaited JavaScript support. The engine implements the full ECMA script standard and is one of the fastest engines on any platform Improved rendering speed a couple of magnitudes Fixed a small bug in the gifdecoder which could cause problems if animated gifs were interrupted at the wrong moment


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