Chapter 00 frontmatter

This textbook and CD have been produced independently of IBO as a resource to support the teaching of the
Chemistry course of the International Baccalaureate. The examples and questions do not necessarily reflect
the views of the official senior examining team appointed by the International Baccalaureate Organisation.
The statements from the IB syllabus are reproduced with the permission of the IBO.
In writing this book the authors hope to share material that they have found useful over the years with other
Chemistry teachers in the context of the revised International Baccalaureate Chemistry syllabus. Those
familiar with this course will find a close correlation between the order in which the book deals with topics
and the order in which they appear in the syllabus. The text is accompanied by a series of exercises, most
of which have accompanying answers on the CD, making this a useful resource for self-study to reinforce
normal classroom teaching.
The arrangement of material according to the IBO syllabus guide is clearly indicated in the Table of Contents,
the topic lists on the chapter title pages and also with side tabs for Core, AHL, Options and Extended.
HL material for Topics 12-20 has been included in Chapters 2-10 respectively. The category to which the
contents of a particular page belongs can be ascertained by looking at the side tabs in the outer margin of the
book and/or the syllabus statement (in the coloured boxes) which have been copied directly from the guide
for Chemistry (©IBO 2007) and are used with permission.
Coming from different continents the authors have tried to bring some uniformity to the writing style and
nomenclature - for example the name of the element  sulphur should now appear as  sulfur . Nevertheless
there will almost certainly be some inconsistencies and we hope that these will be taken as a positive reflection
of the international nature of publication.
We hope that you, the reader, will find some of the same satisfaction in using this book that we have
experienced in its production.
The authors
Editor s note
This project has involved teachers, authors, proof readers, artists and many other people on several continents.
It has been done within an extremely tight timeframe and involved thousands of emails across the world
and many different software applications. We are pleased, and trust that you will also be pleased with the
final product which went to Press with no known errors. However we know from experience that some
typographic and other errors have escaped our proofing process and will emerge as students and teachers
start using the books and CDs. We are very keen to idetnify and correct these errors.
If you wish, you can help us and yourself in the following ways
" Send us an email at with details of any errors that you notice
" Please visit for errata sheets which will be produced promptly and be freely available
as necessary
" Check our website and other publicity regarding our  Student Guides to Internal Assessment and
 Volumes of Investigations for the Core, HL and Options in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. These
materials are currently in preparation and are due for publication later this year.
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Sadru Damji
Dr Sadru Damji has been IB Deputy Chief Examiner, Principal Moderator for Internal Assessment in Chemistry,
Science Curriculum Development Committee, and Chemistry Subject Committee member responsible for writing
the earlier IB Subject Guide. Sadru has been a Team Leader for setting, marking and moderating IB examinations
for many years and continues to enjoy the opportunity to do so. He was part of the team that produced Phase
1 and Phase 2 of the Teacher Support Material on the Online Curriculum Centre (OCC) as well as being the
OCC subject faculty member for several years advising and guiding teachers. As an experienced, dedicated and
passionate teacher for both the SL and HL programs, Sadru has presented workshops and trained IB teachers
around the world for over 25 years, has learnt a great deal from colleagues, and brings a wealth of experience from
these interactions in writing this book.
John Green
Dr John Green has been involved with the IB since joining Kristin School, New Zealand, in 1987, after extensive
teaching experience in the UK at Repton and Manchester Grammar School. There, as IB coordinator, he was
responsible for the introduction of the IB into the school, the first in New Zealand to offer the programme. John is
involved in IB Chemistry as an assistant examiner at HL and previously at SL, as a setter of examination questions
and, under the previous programme, he was overall moderator for the SL practical programme. In this role he
was involved in a small way with the major syllabus revision in the mid 1990s. At various times John has been
present at both Chemistry and Final Grade Award meetings and has run many IB Chemistry workshops in the
Asia-Pacific region. John also teaches Theory of Knowledge and has been an assessor for the course. In 1996 John
moved to Hong Kong where he is currently Director of Studies at the Li Po Chun United World College.
The Publisher wishes to gratefully acknowledge the advice and assistance of the following people in the development
and production of these materials to support the teaching of IB Chemistry.
Sadru Damji and John Green
Proof readers
Chris Talbot and Neville Lawrence
Artwork and graphics
IBID Press and authors
Chris Houlahan and Colin Flashman
Project management and editing
Science Teaching And Resources (S.T.A.R.)
In particular the authors would like to express their deep gratitude to Chris Talbot, currently teaching IB Chemistry
at the Anglo-Chinese School in Singapore for all of his assistance with the publication of this and previous editions
of this book. He has worked tirelessly to suggest ways in which the material produced by the authors could be
improved and extended and, without his  eagle eye many more inconsistencies and typographical errors would
have slipped through. Chris has also kindly contributed some exercises, answers and glossary terms.
This book is dedicated to the many supportive family members and colleagues of those people involved in its production
during the last 12 months or so.
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