

To update from an older version do not make a new installation! Click
here for upgrade instructions.

Before you begin to install iRedirector make sure that you have the Login
information for an existing MySQL-database. If you do not have it or do not
know it ask your hosting company!
Basically the only thing you have to edit is the config.php! Enter your
MySQL information there and upload everything in ASCII mode to your server.
(If you chmod the config.php worldwritable you can even enter your MySQL
information online!).
If you need to use the CGI-Mode-Version, you have to chmod the file .htpasswd
666 on your server! You also have to edit the .htaccess file to point
to your admin-directory (details about it can be found in the .htaccess
file itself).
After that run install.php and follow the instructions!
A few words to the initial setup: the only thing which might be a little
bit confusing is the date and time setup. So please have a look at date.php.
Everything else should be self-explanatory. You can of course edit this
setup later using the admin-script.
For security reason it is important that you delete the "install"
and "upgrade" PHP-files after installation is complete!
To make the redirection itself work you have to put a "index.php"
to the web-root directory of each domain you want to use. You have to
make sure that it is accessed first when someone tries to access your
domain. (So for example if there is a index.php you might need to rename
it to index2.php and put your index.php there). If someone then accesses he is redirected to the file you define when you add
the domain using the admin-script.
You also need to know the full Linux/Unix path of your installation directory.
(Contact your server admin if you do not know it).

Put the following into "index.php":
include(directory . "redir.php");

If you want to use path forwarding you also have to put an ".htaccess"
file into the webroot of each domain:
ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

If you need any assistance with this script you can
contact us
or post on our forum.
Please allow up to 24 hours to respond on weekdays.
Please note that we cannot provide any support for edited versions of
our software. So leave the PHP-scripts as is or you are on your own.


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