pst roundtext

Author: Mark Monciardini
From the Website:
© Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2000.
Mark Monciardini All Rights Reserved.
Text around a
If you need to do circled text in Photoshop 5,
here's a way. This is a Intermediate level
Make a new 200x200 image. Make sure
Rulers is on and Snap to Guides is checked
under the View Menu.
Stroke a Elliptical marquee about 2 pixels
in the middle of the image. This is how: Select
the Elliptical Marquee, then with a black
foreground, go to Edit>Stroke and enter 2, dot
center and click OK.
Click on the Rulers and drag out 2 Guides,
one Vertical and one Horizontal. Line them up
in the middle of the circle, they should snap
into the correct place.
Use the Type Tool and make the first letter
of the word. Place the Letter on the very top of
the circle like I have.
Go to Edit>Free Transform. Now set a
new point of origin by clicking and dragging it
to the middle of the circle like I have shown. It
should snap in the very middle of the circle.
Now just rotate the letter and it should ride
along the circles edge. Don t worry to much
about the placement of the text, we will get to
that in the next step.
Continue Step 4 on thru a few times until you
have the full word.
After I was done, my text was not centered
on the circle. To fix this, I linked all my Text
Layers together, then went to Edit>Free
Transform once more, dragged the point of
origin to the middle of the circle, then rotated
the text so it was centered on the top.
Since we can Edit Type in Photoshop 5, we
can resize it with out losing quality by linking
the Type Layers and going to


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